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STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF WISCONSIN Plaintife, case No. 05-cP-381 STAT § 974.06 STEVEN AVERY Defendant-Appel lant, STAT § 809.075. PERMITTED COURT ACTIONS PENDING APPEAL. star § 803.31. RELEASE ON BOND PENDING SEEKING POST CONVICTION RELIEF. THE EIGHTH AMENDMENT FORBIDS TPS CITIZENS ILLEGAL WARRANTLESS. SEARCH AND SESZORE, STAT § 809.31 (1)(2)3 (a(b)(c) (1) tho seeks Release on BOND Pending a determination of a Motion or Appeal shall File in the trial Court @ motion seeking Release. (2) THE TRIAL COURT SHALL PROMPTLY HOLD A HEARING ON THE MOTION OF THE DEPENDANT. (3) Release may be granted if the court finds that: (a)(b)(c) (a) Avery will not Violate, delay nor intimidate any Witnesses nor interfere with the Administration of Justice. Since the WARRANT now before the Honorable ANGELA SUTKTEWICZ, in Averys Case No, 0S-CF-381 and STAT § 974.06. Must be DISMISSED DUE TO THE FACT THAT: A Warrant Property's on just this Warrant From investigator MARK WIEGER?, A FALSIFIED APPIDAVIT was given to Judge FOX, Which then lead to a warrant being issued and signed with fultiple PROPERTYIES Contrary to STATE STATUTE, Once Warrant is Decided on: Avery will invoke. Invoke Fruit of the Poisonous ‘Tree Doctrine, In Regards tor Evidence Which is Spavned by or directly derived from an Illegal Search or Illegal Interrogation. I: Generally Inadnissible Against the Defendant: nnot have Multiple Further Tf this Court Does not Want to comply with Both the STATE OF WISCONSIN CONSTITUTION and STATE OF WISCONSIN STATUTES WHY NOT JUST GEP RID OF THE COURTS. ISNT the Language of WISCONSINS CONSTITUTION AND THE U.S. CONST THE SAME? Mark Wiegert the investigator gave ERRONEOUS, MISLEADING and INACCURATE Information that was not verified by Kenneth R.Kratz, the D.A. This lead to Judge FOX SIGNING A WARRANT contrary to state law. the investigator thought that Steven Avery OWNED all these propertys Which clearly is Wrong. Another Property owner Barbara Janda PAYS HER OWN Proverty TAX'S, All Property owners Pay there oun Tax. See State V. Steven Avery Case # 05-CF-381 (state state 974.06) Mark Wiegert Lied about Vin Number (FOR THE WARRANT) Exhibit 32 now before the Hon. Judge ANGELA SUTKIENICZ, on #05-CP-381 (5 974.08) Further: Averys Auto Salvage IS VOT LOCATED at 12932 avery Road. ALSO AVERYS AUTO SALVAGE IS NOT ON 1 ACRE OF LAND. Further: Barbara Janda, Residents is 129308 Avery Road which is Also A LOT. AS IS 12932 A LoT and where STEVEN AVERY RESIDENCE IS LOCATED. 1 Warrant, 1 Proverty Per State Statute (Lak) THIS Violated Averys Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights. ‘The AFFIDAVIT IS BASED ON FALSE AND MISLEADING "INFORMATION THIS IS ALSO CALLED (A FALSE DECLARATIONS UNDER OATH). Cruel and Unusual Punishment as defined by the Constitutions. Both the State of Wisconsins constitution and the United States Constitution Clearly and Coneisely state what is cruel and Unusual Punishment, Since this Warrant is Signed By Judge FOX Undes False information, ana aise Declarations Under OATH OF OPPICE Pruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine will invoke the Right that any and all Evidence gathered by Forensics and investigators or Police Must be SUPPRESSED, AND DISMISSED. IP THE 6 LAWYER'S, ERIK LOY, CRAIG JOHNSON, DEAN STRANG, JEROME BOING, SUZANNE HAGOPIAN, MARTHA ASKINS, WOULD HAVE BROUGHT THE ILLEGAL SEARCH WARRANT UP I WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO GOTO TRIAL, THEN T WOULD BE HOWE! ALL MY LAWYER'S WERE INEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL AND BIAS AND VIOLATED MY CONSTITURIONAL GUARANTEED RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN. “warrants shall issue, bat upon probable cause, Supperted by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the Place to be search, and the persons or things to be Seized” ‘THE STATE HAS ALREADY SURRENDERED ITS REBUTTAL ON THE ‘APFIDAVET AND WARRANT TO AVERYS FAVOUR. BOND And I should be on my own RECOGNICANCE OR YOU CAN MAKE A 50,000 OW MY OWW RECOGNICANCE,. T am no Danger to the PUBLIC SAPETY , AND I WILL SHOW UP IN COURT ALL THE TIME THAT YOU TELL ME, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT OKAY. I NEED THIS HONORABLE COURT TO PROTECT MY CONSTITUTICNAL RIGHTS. RELIEF SoUsHT A PROMPY HEARING ON § 809.31. T certify and state under penalty of perjury that on this @ay, Is served a copy of the within Motion For Relief pursuant, to Wis. state. § 974.06 on the plaintiff at the address Listed below by way of pre-paid first class mail. Signed, oatea [/-/B-ROIS STEVEN AVERY #122987 Waupun Correctional Institution P.0-B0X 351 ‘Maupun, Wis. 53963 cc. Judge Angela W. Sutkiewie D.A. Thomas Fallon 2

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