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Implementation of high speed 8-bit Vedic multiplier using barrel shifter

Vedic Mathematics is the ancient methodology of Indian mathematics which has a unique
technique of calculations based on 16 Sutras (Formulae). A high speed complex multiplier design
using Vedic Mathematics is presented in this paper. The idea for designing the multiplier and
adder unit is adopted from ancient Indian mathematics "Vedas". On account of those formulas,
the partial products and sums are generated in one step which reduces the carry propagation from
LSB to MSB. The implementation of the Vedic mathematics and their application to the complex
multiplier ensure substantial reduction of propagation delay. The functionality of these circuits
was checked and performance parameters like propagation delay and power consumption were
calculated using Xilinx. The propagation delay of the resulting (16X16) complex multiplier is
compared with array multiplier.
This paper describes the implementation of an 8-bit Vedic multiplier enhanced in

terms of

propagation delay when compared with conventional multiplier like array multiplier, Braun
multiplier, modified booth multiplier and Wallace tree multiplier. In our design we have utilized
8-bit barrel shifter which requires only one clock cycle for n number of shifts. The design is
implemented and verified using ISE Simulator.The propagation delay comparison was extracted


from the synthesis report and static timing report as well. The design could achieve propagation
delay of 6.781ns using barrel shifter in base selection module and multiplier.

Vedic Multiplier Architecture


Tools used:
Modelsim for simulation
Xilinx12.1i for synthesis
Language used


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