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FLAT — 4 Ong ami” ORIGAMI P CHKRISTMAS RRECORATIONS Contents What Is Origerni? 4 Christmas Tree 6 Christmas Angel a 8 Christmas Stars 10 Candle Flame WZ Christmas Stocking 14 Candy Cane Wreath 16 Christmas Gitt Bow 18 Holiday Wreath i 20 Crigami Key Z2 Glossary 23 Index 24 Web Sites 24 rey ne. ae. A ae What I[s Origami? Children in Japan learn ihe art of gaper folding when they are very young. In Japanese, “ori” means folding and "kami" means pager. Japanese people have enjoyed origami for hundreds of years, Today people all over the world practice origami. Origomi uses a special language of symbols. Cnce you learn the symbols of origami, you can read an origami book fram any country in the warld. All of the origami in this beak is folded from squareshaped paper, Most origami paper only has color on one side, but you de nat need to buy special “origami” paper. You can make origami using candy wrappers, color‘ul notepapers, or old magazines. Make sure that the paper is square and is the right size for your project. When you start a project, make sure the paper faces the way the instructions suggest. Some wonderful origami projects use mare than one sheet of paper, These projects are like puzzles. There are several of these designs in this book. By combining several simple folded shapes, you can create many kinds of decorations The key on page 22 will help you make your origami projects. It alse will helo explain some of the terms such as mountain fold and valley fold that are used throughout the book. Christmas Tree Did you know thet the tradition of the Christmas tree is only about 500 years old? The Ongami Holiday Tree is even newer. The first public display of an origami-decorated tree in the United States was at the American Museum of Natural History, in New York City, almost 30 years ago. The cteation of this tree was the idea of Alice Gray, a scientist ct the museum who loved origami. With the help of another important paper folder named Michael Shall, the idea of the origami holiday tree as an annual exhibit at the museum became a reality. It became the most famous origami tree of the Christmas season. It continues to inspire people all over the world to create their own origami-cecorated trees. Each yeer, people from all over the world send origami! to the volunteers ct OrigamiUSA for display on the museum's holiday tree. Michael Shall and Alice Gray are two of the founders of OrigamiUSA, an organization develed io expancing the appreciation of origami. Use @ square piece of paper 10 inches (25.4 cm] wide or less. F using gift weap or origomi paper, start with the white side up. Fold in half, comer to comer, and unfald. 2 Corehlly fold tw ecges to the. eras to make o kite shape, WV Fold the top corner down and flip the paper over. 4 © You car glue this tree on a Christmas card or | gand irene tabletop ky epening the boek f flaps. You also can use your Tree in the next £ project to make o Chrismas Angel, Christmas Angel Angels played an imporiant part in the Christmas Wy story. An angel delivered the news fo the shepherds about the birth of Jesus Christ. It is because of this that an angel sits at the very top of many Christmas trees. If you use 10-inch (25.4-crn) paper, folding an origami Angel for the top of your tree will be easy. I's fun to use shiny, foil gift wrap to make Angels. You can fold small Angels to make beautiful ornaments for the tree. This origami Angel folds in half, so you alse can use Mit as a Christmas card. Why don’ yeu mail origami Angels to all of your friends this year? Use two square pieces af paper 10 inches (25.4 cm) wide or less. IF you are using gift step er origemni paper, stort with the white | Fold down a litle of the top camer, ond then side up, Make the Angel's wings by folding | fold down the rest of the shope av square of poper in hall, corner to-.comer, | te form & triengle. ld Fold up 1o make the Angel's head Fold up the botom corner just a little. Fol the paper in half and then unfold, 3 6 Make the Angel's body: from the second piece i pespimtvnd ng her lar rien frond Sip feo Project number ane. Insert the beltom corer hh ianggllc-wdiage bebind he tangle Fold the Angel in half. This Ange! can stand all by itself, or you can ade @ loop of ribbon and make an Angel omament. Ne eM TE A OT a ee ae Christmas Stars The Star of Bethlshem guided the three wise men to the manger where baby Jesus was born. /\ large star cften is placed at the top of the Christmas tree to represent the Star of Bethlehem. This Star is made from more than ane piece of saper, allowing yau to design whatever kind of Star you would like. This project calls for four points, but you alse can make o Star with five or six points, Try making a large Star for the top of your Christmas iree. I Corelully fold points A cand B to the paper point, Use four squore pieces of paper 6 inches (15.2 em) wide or less. If you are using gift | wrap or origami paper, start with the white | side up. Fold in hall, comer ta comer, and | unfole, z Carefully fold hwo edges to the crsases to make o kite shape, Poste or tape the B comer of one piece te the: A comer of anather. Confinue around until oll four points cre glued together ond make 0 Stor. Fold the top comer to the back and flip the poper over, a We SN Ih the Christian religion, Christ offen is called B “ihe light of the world.” The candle flame is a symbol of Chrisimas beecuse it stands for hope and understanding, The first Chrisinas trees were decorated with real candles, but today we do not use them because it is too dangerous. Electric lights are much safer because they are less likely to W couse a fire. However, you still can add the symbol of the candle flame by making this simple origami Flame. Fold your Candie Flames from foil ¢ gitt wrap and they will shine brightly on your tree. Use o squere piece of paper 8 inches (15:2 em) wide or less: If you are using gift wrap or origami paper, start with the white side up. Fold in half, corner to comer, end unfold. i Neaily tok! the hwo short edges info the ceriter, Coretully told two edges to the erecse | Feld up the befor comer, Make a to mcke @ kite shape. | mountain fold up the middle and attach a | cop of ribbon te make « hanging | omament. 3 ) Flip tho paper ever. 18 Sh Ae ne 7 a Pn ts Wai Christmas Stocking The tradition of hanging up stockings fer Santa Claus to fill with treats comes fram the Dutch legend af Saint Nicholas, On Christmas Eve, Dutch children would leave their wooden shoes near the hearth for Saint Nicholas to fill. Accerding to the legend, children who'd been. good woke up to find treats in the shoes, Children who'd been bad woke up to find a lump of coal. Today we use stockings, not wooden shoes. If you make an origami stocking from a large piece of gift wrap, you can fill it with treats and give it as a gift. You also can leave it empty on Christmas Eve for Santa to fill! Use a square piece of paper 10 inches 425.4 cm) wide or less, I you are using gift ‘wrap or origami paper, start with the colored side up. Fold up the bottom edgo. vas De Thome. U Feorndhe: Bf dy EAL We poper-ovot tres i wt Turn the paper over, ond rotale it from the bottom to the top. 3 - 1 KI] 1 Fold it in half eme unfold | Fold up the bottom point so if touches the | white poper. 4 a Fas Fold in the two bottom comers tamakec | Feld clown the top half of the paint to make point. | the foot Candy Cane Wreath Jesus Christ often Is pictured as a shepherd and is sometimes called “the sheohere of man.” The candy cane, which is the same shape as a shepherd's staff, stands for Jesus’ staff. Also, if you turn 6 candy cane upside down, it looks like the letter J, the first letter in the name Jesus. To make this candy-cane-colored Wreath, fry to use real origami paper or gift wrap that is a solid red on one side and white on the other. You need eight jsces of square paper for this project. p a pa pro) Usa a square piece of paper 6 inches Fold the bottom left comer to the top corner. (15.2 cm) wide or less, If you are using gift wrap or origomi paper, stort with the colored side up. Feld in half, comerto comer, to make a Iriangle, Fold the right side top edge down. Caretully | Now you hewe « finished puzzle piece fold so that the edges match : © Make seven more puzzle pieces by fepedting steps 1 through 4 seven times. 6 SA Fit all eight pieces snugly together fo make a wreath. Use smal! Wreaths to decorate gift cards and packages, and place a {lange one in a window sr on your * front door. ira Christmas Gift Bow Even with colorful wrapping paper, a package without a bow looks plain. This Bow is neat because it stands out like a shining star. These origami Bows have a lot of folds, but they are quick and easy to make. You can make big Bows for big packages and small Bows for smalll packages. You can use any kind of paper to make these Bows, and there cre always plenty of leftover gift wrap scraps alter all the presents are wrapped. Cut these screps inte squares and make Bows to match the gifts that you wrapped! t Use or square piece of paper & inches (20.3 cm) wide or less, If you are using gift wrap or origami paper, start with the white side up. Fold in hall each wey, corner to corner, t6 make crossing creases, Unbold, Fel nl fe ccna os ide, Pose tconeet gaat 3 Fold the four new corners to fhe middle. Tum the paper over. Turn the paper over. 5 ‘ald the middle carners aut to open the Bow, You should hewve eight points in the middlle of the Bow. Fol the exir certs tthe idle again, Holiday Wreath This fancy origami Wrealh is a great Christmas decoration to put on your front door or window. You also can make smaller ones to put on a table, Using glue will help hold the biggest Wreaths tagether. You can make this Wreath using one or two colors. like Ihe Candy Cane Wreath, this is also like a puzzle with many pieces. You will need 10 pieces of paper to complete this project. Use a square picce of paper 6 inches (15.2 cm} wide or less. IF you are using gilt wrap er origemi paper, start sith the colored side up. Fold it in half, bottom edge to fop. Caretully fold down the right-side short 4 edge of paper te line up with the bottom edge. Unfold. = Fold up the:right comer. This is thé “pocket.” Newily line up the C crease with the {| Fold up the bottom corer. Now you have a ottom edge © finished “leaf” for your Wreath, 4 £ | Make nine more piocas Iika this, and fit | each pointed end in a pocket. 3 Fold the short, left edge down and line it The pieces should fit together to up with the long. toleed edo. | look like the picture above, 4 ae TN TR RR | a | & MOVE or PUSH 7 Pp Jo make a mountain fold, hold the poper 30 the bottom (white) side is facing up. Fold the top comer back (away from you) to meet the bottom comer. 2 VALLEY FOLD ae . Mae. To make « valley fold, hold the paper so the white side is facing up. Fold the bottom comer up to meet the top comer. ' 7 POLD and UNFOLD 2 TURNOVER SO} Coro & DIRECTION ARROW Glossary Christian (KRIS-chun} Someone who follows the teachings ot jesus Christ and the Bible hearth |HARTH) The floor of o fireplace or tne space in front of it. legend (LEHJjend) A stony passed down thal many peogle elieve. manger (VASN4ur) An open box in a. stable used in hold ‘esd for onimals: staff (STAFL A stick, rod, on poe symbols (SlMbulz). Things ‘hoi stand for or sepreseni something else tradition |jruhDIH-shun) A way of doing semething that is eased down. volunteers (yahluanTEFRZ) People wha offer to helo to Go someihing without pay Americen Museum of Netural History, 6 B Bow, 18 Cc Canclle Flame, 12 Caney Cane, 14 Chisimas Angel, 8 vane, powerkidslinkscoin/ bye macrdids! Index Christmas Stocking, l4 Christmas Treels), 6, 8, 10, 12 G Gry, Alice, 6, 7 J Jepan, 4 Josus Chris. 8, 12, 16 o OrigamiUSA, 7 S Saint Nichoas, 14 Santo Claus, 14 Shall, Michael, 6, 7 Star af Bethlsham, 10 symbols, 4 Ww VWreath, 20 Veb Sites Que te the changing nelure of Intemet links, Powerk’ds Press has developed an online list of Web sites related to the subject of th’s beok This site is upeated regularly. Please use this link to access the list: TITLES IN THIS SERIES” ORIGAMI ANIMALS Stop by Step fin Dcboy ORIGAMI CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Step by Step la dstongy ORIGAMI FISH Slep by Step Ma kong Basic MI SHAPES Step by Step Wa be ORIGAMI TOYS Step by Step Via Kearney ORIGAMI VEHICLES Slop by Step 0-8239- 5824-4 | IM 25 lI

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