January Newsletter GR 1 - Upload

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Anthony Catholic French Immersion School

La Classe de Mme Byers 1er

anne - janvier 2016
Classroom news:

Happy New Year and welcome back to another exciting month in Grade One.
It was a pleasure to see so many of you at the Christmas Blitz. The Grade
Ones did a great job singing Christmas Makes me Sing and Gentil Pere
St. Anthony will be hosting a parent engagement night on Monday, January
11th for grade 1 and 2 parents who are interested in helping to support a growth
mindset in math for their child. The session will be from 6:00-7:30 pm in the
We will be continuing with the French Dictee and Homework each week.
Thank you for your continued support with this.
As the winter continues, so does our shortage of Kleenex boxes. If you can
kindly donate 1-2 boxes for the classroom that would be greatly appreciated.
Please remember to send an emergency set of clothes, socks and extra mitts
which can be kept in your childs backpack. Thank you for your assistance in
keeping a dry classroom!

Monday. Jan 4, 2016

Library day is
every Wednesday.
Please make sure
your child returns
his/ her book every

Mass at St.

Wednesday, January
13th at 1:30 pm.

Wha t we ar e working on.

Math: We are starting the geometry unit on 2D and 3D shapes.

Friday, January 15.

French: We will continue working on La Phonetique, our reading program and

vocabulary related to winter activities and clothing.
Religion: We will be learning about the Epiphany and also throughout the month
of January we will be discussing the virtue of Wisdom. We will also be reviewing
French prayers.
Gym/Health: We will continue going to Nicols arena and also will have another
Zumba class in the library. We will be also talking about bus and fire safety for
Health Education.
English: We will be doing winter poems and songs and also continuing with our
reading program.

PD Day on

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