Lesson Plan - Northeast Region

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Chelsea Chritz

Elements of the Lesson

MDE grade level or CCSS or Essential Elements

Objectives/Targets and I can statements

What am I going to teach?
What will the students be able to do at the end
of the lesson?
What formative assessments are used to inform

Lesson Management: Focus and Organization

What positive strategies, techniques and tools
will you use?
What ideas for on task, active and focused
student behavior?

Introduction: Creating Excitement and Focus

for the Lesson Target
What will you do to generate interest?
How will you access prior knowledge?
What will you practice/review?

Evidence that Documents the Elements

4 G1.0.2 Use cardinal and intermediate directions to describe the
relative location of significant places in the United States.
4 G2.0.1 Describe ways in which the United States can be divided
into different regions (e.g., political regions, economic regions,
landform regions, vegetation regions).
Students will learn about the Northeast region of the United States.
They will be able to list one state in this region, one attraction that
can be visited, and one animal that is found in that region.

Students are encouraged to read aloud to the class. This lesson is

intended to be more of a discussion than a lecture. Students will be
asked frequently if they have ever had an experience with what will
be read about. If they have, they are encouraged to share.

The teacher will ask if the students have had an experience with
any of the topics that will be brought up in class (Northeast states,
attractions, animals). If they have, they are encouraged to share.
Students will review the states, attractions and animals by
repetition. Before moving on, the content will be repeated and the
teacher will talk aloud their thoughts about these items.

Chelsea Chritz
Introduction: Creating Excitement and Focus
for the Lesson Target
Task analysis:
What information does the learner need? If
needed how will it be provided?
How is the lesson scaffolded?
Step by step procedures
Depth of Knowledge: identify levels included

Strategic Thinking
Extended Thinking

Students will need an idea of the physical geography of the Unites States before diving deeper
into dividing the states into 5 regions.
Students have previously worked with cardinal directions. Using the Smartboard, the teacher
will divide the compass rose so that NE, SE, NW, SW are included. The teacher will explain
that by adding these directions, we will be more accurate.
Using the North, East, South, West signs around the room, the teacher will show that the
directions can be combined when pointing to the area between two directions. For example,
halfway between North and West, we will have the direction of Northwest. This will continue
until all directions have been spoken about. This will then turn into a game where students will
point to the corner of the room that resembles the direction the teacher has given. The teacher
may also use real landmarks that may be in the direction of NE, SE, NW, SW if they see fit.
The teacher will then show a map of the United States. The teacher will explain that the
Northeast region is in the northeastern area of the United States.
The teacher and students will read through the states that are a part of this region to become

Accommodations: differentiating to meet student familiar with their names.

These states will be listed in alphabetical order as a class.
Intervention/ Remediation
Students will volunteer to read about attractions in the Northeast region. These attractions
include New York City, Washington D.C., and the Hershey Factory. The class will then read
Engaged learning (VAKT)

about the animals in this region which include the Eastern Gray Squirrel, Northern Lobster, and

Methods, Materials and Integrated Technology

Instructional techniques
Engagement strategies
Materials and Integrated Technology list

Videos clips will be provided so students can gain deeper understanding on the content.
When opportunities arise, students are welcome to share any experiences they have had with
Before moving on to different sections, the class will be asked to review the three items that we
have learned about.
DOK: Once information has been read, students will be asked to identify a state, attraction, and
animal that belongs to this region.

Chelsea Chritz
Modeling: I Do
SHOW/TELL (Visual/Verbal Input)
HOW/WHAT (Questioning and redirecting)

Checking for Understanding

Samples of questions to be asked
Ways in which students will respond and be
Formative assessment strategies to be

Guided Practice: We Do
What do the teacher and student do together?
How will a gradual release of responsibility

Collaborative (Your Do Together) and/or

Independent Practice (You Do)

The teacher will show where on the United States map this region is
located. Once information has been read, the teacher will share any
experiences they have had to guide the discussions related to the
items learned about.
The teacher will also provide video clips on each item.
After information has been learned, the teacher will ask the
students to recall certain information. For example, What are some
things that can be found in Washington D.C.?
Before moving on to the next section, the teacher will ask the
students for one
The teacher and students will read the sections in the booklet
together and discuss any experiences.

Students will recall either one state, attraction, or animal.

What practices will be demonstrated/modeled?

How will the I can statement(s) be reviewed?
How will students be involved?
What connections to future learning will occur?

Before leaving class, students are asked to provide either one state,
attraction or animal that belongs to this region.

Chelsea Chritz
What evidence supports that the objective(s)
were met?
What do my students know, understand and are
able to do?
What formative assessments will be used to


Students will be able to provide one state, attraction or animal that

belongs to this region.

Overall, this lesson was somewhat rough and disorganized.

This was my first observed Geography lesson and I was very
nervous. I knew the way I was explaining things was not the
best which made it confusing for my students. However, I was
happy with the explanation I had with the compass rose. I am
glad I was able to relate the added directions to their
classroom. It was even brought up by the paraprofessional to
play another game regarding the new directions we learned
about which was very fun.
I knew my pace was not at a good rate for my students so I
made an adjustment and slowed myself down. Once I did this,
more students were able to catch on and participate in our
I was not confident in myself whatsoever for this lesson which
made me unsure on what to do for most of it which is why I
felt it was disorganized. I was also not controlling the
conversations very well during this lesson because I wasnt
sure when to cut students off. Overall, I was very unsure about
myself and what direction I wanted to take my teaching in as
it was the start of my real teaching career.

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