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-The Cullen’s-

As the days go on, and the weeks pass, all I can think about is Edward
Cullen. As my love for him grows, I can’t think about my life without him. As
I knew we were slowly fading away, the black hole grows inside of me
again, and the nightmares come more often. I keep finding ways that we
can be together, although he keeps pushing them away, I know he loves
me, but I don’t know how. He is the only thing in my life worth living for
which I am losing. As I cry every night thinking about us with happy tears.
Knowing one day, just one day everything will be perfect, just me and him
forever. That is of course if Edward changes his mind about me being a
vampire. Charlie is such a help, considering I wasn’t a big help. I still got
phone calls from my mom once a day, which I enjoyed hearing about what
is going on in Phoenix. I even considered moving in with my mom, I love
my mom, but my life without Edward would be living hell. I have never
came to think that Victoria still trying to find and kill me. Today the phone
rang, of course it being my mom for the daily news in Phoenix, when I
heard the most shocking words: “I am pregnant!” With shock I replied
“WHAT” with a gasp, “Yes, it’s a boy any suggestions for the name?” With
weekness in my voice I said “I don’t know” with my surprise she said “I was
thinking Edward, or Jacob, I don’t know. I think I am going crazy with
everything and the baby.” “Wow, I can’t say I can relate, but my life has
been crazy the last few weeks, I really got to go I will call you soon I
promise.” “Ok, I love y0u.” “love you too” Though Charlie usually doesn’t
hover, he asked who called but immediately said “Renee” and I replied

All characters are use from the saga of Twilight by: Stephanie Myers .Subscribe, rate, and
comment on my first segment of a story

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