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What Is IPSec

Internet protocol security (IPSec) protects networks by securing IP packets

through Encryption and through the enforcement of trusted communication,

you can use IPSec to secure communication between two hosts or to

secure traffic across the internet in virtual private network ( VPN ) scenarios.

IPSec is essentially a way to provide security for data

Sent between two computers on an IP network

IPSec is based on standards developed by the internet

Engineering task force (IETF).

IPSec protects data between two IP addresses by

providing the following services

Data Authentication

Data origin authentication. you can configure IPSec to ensure the each packet you
receive from a trusted party in fact originates from that party and is not spoofed

Data Integrity

You can use IPSec to ensure that data is not altered in transit

Anti-Replay Protection

You can configure IPSec to verify that each packet received is unique and not duplicated



You can use IPSec to encrypt network data so that the data is unreadable if captured in

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