Gaelscoil An Eiscir Riada: Athbhliain Faoi Shéan Is Faoi Mhaise Daoibh Uile

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Gaelscoil an Eiscir Riada

11 l dEanair 2016
Tag Rugba
Athbhliain faoi shan Beidh tag rugba ag tosadh
I gcir rang a 2, 3 agus 4
gach Mirt I rith am scoile. Iarrtar ar na dalta sna
sin a ide reatha a chaitheamh ar an Mhirt as
is faoi mhaise daoibh uile ranganna
seo amach.
Tag rugby will be starting this Tuesday until February
Filte ar ais ar scoil roimh gach inne. T sil
for the pupils in rang a 2, 3 agus a 4 during school
againn go raibh saoire deas agaibh agus go bhfuil
hours. We ask that pupils in those classes wear their
gach duine ridh don obair ar fad a bheas ar siul
school tracksuit on Tuesdays.
againn sa bhlian nua.
Welcome back to school. We hope that you all had a
good holiday and that you are ready for the all the
work which will take place in this year. Please dont
forget to check the Nuachtlitir each week for all the
Athchursil ar bhatair/Battery Recycling
school activities.
T bosca beag ag dul abhaile le gach piste leis an
Nuachtlitir seo. Is fidir aon bataire at caite a chuir sa
Rollchin 2016/Enrollment 2016
bhosca. Tugnn na dalta an bhosca isteach ar scoil ansin.
T na foirmeacha rollchain curtha chuig dalta a
Bailonn muide na batair ar fad agus seolann muid ar
bheas ag tosadh na scoile m Men Fmhair 2016 aghaidh chuig ionad athchrsla iad. Faigheann an
agus at a n-ainmneacha ar an liosta rollchin.
cathranacht Laura Lynn 1 ar gach bosca a bhailonn na
Iarrtar ar thuist na foirmeacha a lonadh agus a
dalta sa scoil. Is bealach ionacht seo chun airgead a
sheoladh ar ais chuig na scoile roimh an Aoine an
chuir ar fail do chathranacht. Le bhur dtoil lon na
22 l dEanair le cip de theastas breithe agus de
bosca le seanbhataite agus tabhar ar scoil iad.
theastas baiste an phiste.
Go raibh maith agaibh as ucht bhur gcomhoibri.
Parents of pupils who are due to start school in
September 2016 and whose names have been placed We have enclosed a small box with this Nuachtlitir. We
on the enrollment list have been sent enrollment
are asking parents to put any old, used batteries inot the
forms. We ask that parents return the completed
box and return the box to the school. We will put all
forms to the school before the closing date Friday, the used batteries together and return the box to pupils
the 22nd of January along with a copy of your childs to return to school when you have more used batteries.
birth and baptismal certificate.
We will contact a battery recycling company to have the
batteries recycled. The Laura Lynn Charity will receive
1 for each box returned by the pupils. This is a good
way of recycling batteries and of making some money
for charity. We thank you for your cooperation.

Beidh an snmh ag tosadh ar an Aoine, an 15 l dEanair I gcir rang a 5 agus rang a 6. Cuirfear nta abhaile chuig leis
na dalta sna ranganna sin go luath. Beidh rang a 1 agus rang a 4 ag danamh an snmh nos dana sa bhliain.
Swimming will commence for pupils in rang a 5 and rang a 6 on Friday, the 15th of January. A letter will be sent home
with the pupils in those classes with all the details soon. Swimming for Rang a 1 and Rang a 4 will be held later in the
school year.

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Teocht M na Nollag

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newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text her

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Obair Rang a 5
T Rang a 5 ag taifeadadh an teocht laethiil I
mbliana mar phirt den feabhschin scoile- ag sid
Mata sa gnth saol. T an teocht laethiil I gcir m
na Nollag taifeadaithe thall ag Jessica Battacharya.
Rinne s barrachairt chuna an teolas a thospint go
hifeachtil. Maith t Jessica, t an obair go
hiontach! Seo a scrobh Jessica faoin teocht:

Teocht M na Nollag

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here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new

text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue

newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text her

Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette

Barrachairt Jesscia Battacharya
ar Teocht M na Nollag.
Jessica Battacharyas Bar Chart on the Temperatures in

Bh an techt is airde ar an 5 l ag 18o C. Bh an

teocht is sle ar an 28 l ag 2o. Ba ea 315o suim
iomln tochta. Ba ea 10oC an mean teocht. Bh 14
l s cionn an mean tocht. Bh 9 l faoi bhun an mean
Coliste Gaeilge Chill Chartha
tocht. Bh 7 l ar an men teocht.
T Coliste Gaeilge i gCill Chartha i gCo. Dhn na nGall
ar sil do dhalta bunscoile agus menscoile. Bonn an
Rang a 5 have been recording the daily tempratures
chrsa ar sil ar feadh 2 seachtain do phist bunscoile n
as part of our school improvement plan to make
11/7/16- 19/7/16 agus 3 seachtaine do phist menscoile.
Maths more relevant in everyday life to the pupils in
Breis eolas ar fail san oifig Phauline n ag 086
school. Jessica Battacharya has recorded the daily
temperatures for December in the Bar Chart on the
Gaelcholiste Chill Chartha in Donegal run Irish Courses
right. Well done Jessica, your work is clear and easy for Primary and Secondary School pupils. The primary
to understand. Jessica also wrote an account of the
school course will run for two weeks, 11/7/16-19/7/16.
information, her account is written above under the
More information is available from Pauline in our office
title Teocht M na Nollag. Well done to all the pupils or from 086 1556035.
in Rang a 5 who record the daily temperatures. We
will write another report in February.

Santa Clauss Visit to the
on the
school on
the 21st of

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