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Swarnakarshan Bhairav Sadhana is done along with ma baglamukhi sadhana. Swarnaka

rshan bhairav is also called Anga Vidya of Ma Baglamukhi.
there is herb or a tree called kala simali ( krishna nirgundi) i don't know abou
t botanical name u take 3 anna coin made copper or any other purifeied copper co
in and put this in the stem of this tree for a week or so u will have perfect 18
c gold no doubt about it.
question is where do we find it.purification of copper coin : heat it up and put
it in pure madhu or honey atleast 50 time u will get god purified copper same w
ith milk of safed arkgot some more methods..... .....
We have many things around us through which we can make Gold / Silver By reading t
he important points of this and the PARAD SAMSKAAR you have to understand the Swarn
a Tantram & Swarn Siddhi very thoroughly and also have to analyse the same
Here, I am giving those processes which are already accomplished in all respects
and you all have to do only to take care about the purification of these matter
s so that the processes gets succeed and Your s life also becomes happy and peaceful
For getting success in RAS SHASTRA
Raseshwari Sadhna & its convocation (DIKSHA) is
necessary By doing the Sadhna through SWARNAKARSHAN BHAIRAV SADHNA ,the devotee defi
nitely gets success in the processes
Take 1 Tola (1 Tola = 10 gms) of Ras Kapoor (Camphor) and put in the between of
the Papnas Nimbu (Lemon) and wet the same into the cloth .Allow it to dry. After thi
s give a light blow through kg.(Dry Cow Dung also known as Kande) As soon as it ge
ts cool extract the ash of the Ras Kapoor from the cloth Now if a devotee puts 1 Rat
ti (also known as Carat) of this Ras Kapoor into melted Copper, his difficult work
can also be accomplished
Take 1 Tola (10 gms.) each of Varki Hartaal, Haldiya Vish & Parad and mortar the
m with the Aloe Vera Juice for 12 hours and make Bars of these After this, place t
hese bars in a casket (Sam put) of Earth Lamp and tie these with Seep Choona (Oy
ster Lime) under a cloth and give a light blow through 3 Kande(Dry Cow Dung) and a
s soon as it gets cool, take the same out When 1 gm.of this is treated with the 10
gms.of Melted Copper, it becomes GOLD
Take 3 Tolas of each Haldiya Vish & Smbhar Salt and mortar these with the 1 Kg.of
Palash Tendrils (the tree Butea frondosa)) and make a soft dough of it and keep
it wet in a cloth and allow it to give a light blow of 1.5 kgs.Kande As soon as it
gets cool extract out the ash of the same When 1 gm.of this ash is treated on the
30 gms.of Tin, the Tin changes into Silver .
We will discuss about the 8
18 Values (Samskaars) of the Parad in our next Artic
le Till then
JAI GURUDEV & take care Thanks & Rgds A.K.Nikhil

Dear all

The process of making silver or gold is never my personel aim but i always inten
t for using parad for physical and spiritual growth . Its an indeed an marvellou
s achievement when i converted mercury into silver with the help of our elder gu
rubhai. It was basically his holiness and kindness due to which i am succedded i
n making silver . The whole process was carried by me under his divine presence
and i sucessfully converted mercury into pure silver of 40gms. I am not writing
this mail for any personel ego or sucess but for telling everybody that the know
ledge given by our (Sadgurudev Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand ji )is beyond e
very limits. The person who feels that converting mercury into silver or gold is
rare impossible , this mail
is for all those people that under proper guidance anybody can prepare silver or
gold. However my aim was never of making silver but to use divine forms of merc
ury for spiritual enlightment.

I am giving the process below in the same manner which i have done for convertin
g mercury into silver :

Firstly chant the following mantra for 1 lacs time for complete sucess in parad

(om namo namo hari hariharai rasayan siddhim kuru kuru swaha)

Take 100gm of mercury and tirturate it with equal qty. of HCL for 6 hrs, beware
of the poisonous gases coming out of it so cover your eyes and nose properly bef
ore mixing it. Then tirturate it with aloeveera juice for 6 hrs and wash it with
warm water. After that take the silver gutika/pure silver and tirturte mercury
& silver gutika in juice of the leaves of white kantkari . Tirturate for about 6
hrs unless you will get the pure mercury from it. The mercury thus obtained is
pure form and gains the property for converting into silver. After that tirturat
e it with turmeric powder for 30 minutes and wash it out.

Thus now filter the mercury in cotton cloth and you will find the silver stickin
g to the cloth. Collect it & weight it. This is the same silver which you have a
dd in mercury while tirturating it with white kantkari ras. The weight of the si
lver shows that how much qty. you can convert it into silver in one time. Suppos
e if wt. of silver = 2 gm , then in one go you can convert 20 times i.e. 40 gm o
f mercury into silver.

So take an pot and pour salt on the base , upon it add 40gm mercury and remainin
g part of the pot filled with salt and closed it using sodium silicate solution.
The closing should be proper so that mercury cant evaporate from that. Heat it
in 3 different temperature ranges , 45 minutes = low flame

45 minutes = medium flame

45 minutes = high flame

After heating it take the pot out of fire and break it and you would found that
mercury gets converted into pure silver.
When i checked that silver from a jweller he confirms that it is pure silver.

The photograph of the silver which i make is attached with mail anybody can see
and check from me that the silver thus make is of purest form. I am very thankfu
l to my elder gurubhai by whom i am able to make silver . My aim is not using th
is knowledge for earning but to attain higher degree of spiritual endeavour in m
y self.

I have written all this process not for having fame etc but to tell everybody th
at the knowledge given by our guru is as real as we are only we have to follow r
ight path and right guidance. I have seen some mails discarding this knowledge a
nd its my humble appeal for all those persons that with no practical knowledge ,
they must keep their mouth shut because they are just like an rotten apple who
are making this group stagnant. The piece of silver is still with me & any body
can verify it.

lastly i would like to say instead of discarding or conflicting we should devote

our time under the feet of our gurdev so that the real knowledge comes to us an
d make us divine in nature.


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Sir,Jai Gurudev,isnt mercury as costly if not more than silver?Pranay.@, s

umit sharma <sumit290880@ ...> wrote:>> Dear all> > The process of making silver
or gold is never my personel aim but i always intent for using parad for physic
al and spiritual growth . Its an indeed an marvellous achievement when i convert
ed mercury into silver with the help of our elder gurubhai. It was basically his
holiness and kindness due to which i am succedded in making silver . The whole
process was carried by me under his divine presence and i sucessfully converted
mercury into pure silver of 40gms. I am not writing this mail for any personel e
or sucess but for telling everybody that the knowledge given by our (Sadgurudev
Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand ji )is beyond every limits. The person who fee
ls that converting mercury into silver or gold is rare impossible , this mail is
for all those people that under proper guidance anybody can prepare silver or g
old. However my aim was never of making silver but to use divine forms of mercur
y for spiritual enlightment.> > I am giving the process below in the same manner
which i have done for converting mercury into silver :> > Firstly chant the fol
lowing mantra for 1 lacs time for complete sucess in parad vigyan> > (om namo na
mo hari hariharai rasayan siddhim kuru kuru swaha)> > Take 100gm of mercury and
tirturate it with equal qty. of HCL for 6 hrs, beware of the poisonous gases com
ing out of it so cover your eyes and nose properly before mixing it. Then
tirturate it with aloeveera juice for 6 hrs and wash it with warm water. After t
hat take the silver gutika/pure silver and tirturte mercury & silver gutika in j
uice of the leaves of white kantkari . Tirturate for about 6 hrs unless you will
get the pure mercury from it. The mercury thus obtained is pure form and gains
the property for converting into silver. After that tirturate it with turmeric p
owder for 30 minutes and wash it out. > > Thus now filter the mercury in cotton
cloth and you will find the silver sticking to the cloth. Collect it & weight it
. This is the same silver which you have add in mercury while tirturating it wit
h white kantkari ras. The weight of the silver shows that how much qty. you can
convert it into silver in one time. Suppose if wt. of silver = 2 gm , then in on
e go you can convert 20 times i.e. 40 gm of mercury into silver.> > So take an p
ot and pour salt on the base ,
upon it add 40gm mercury and remaining part of the pot filled with salt and clos
ed it using sodium silicate solution. The closing should be proper so that mercu
ry cant evaporate from that. Heat it in 3 different temperature ranges , 45 minu
tes = low flame> > 45 minutes = medium flame> > 45 minutes = high flame> > After
heating it take the pot out of fire and break it and you would found that mercu
ry gets converted into pure silver. > When i checked that silver from a jweller
he confirms that it is pure silver.> > The
photograph of the silver which i make is attached with mail anybody can see and
check from me that the silver thus make is of purest form. I am very thankful to
my elder gurubhai by whom i am able to make silver . My aim is not using this k
nowledge for earning but to attain higher degree of spiritual endeavour in my se
lf. > > I have written all this process not for having fame etc but to tell ever
ybody that the knowledge given by our guru is as real as we are only we have to
follow right path and right guidance. I have seen some mails discarding this kno
wledge and its my humble appeal for all those persons that with no practical kno
wledge , they must keep their mouth shut because they are just like an rotten ap
ple who are making this group stagnant. The piece of silver is still with me & a
ny body can verify it.> > lastly i would like to say instead of discarding or co
nflicting we should devote our time
under the feet of our gurdev so that the real knowledge comes to us and make us
INEER)> > > > Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India Tra

To achieve siddhita in ras karam ( parad tantra science) , the type of Aaoshi
dhi (herbs) used known as siddhoshidhi ,divyoshidhi and mahaoshiddhi . punanrn
ava ,sahdevi, tarmprabha , mahabala, kakjangha , dhatura , ravi, sarpunkha ,mats
yakshi,khadinjari, indrayan,shinhika are the important herbs that provide/gives
his abhisht /goal/ aim. only criteria is need that sadhak will be well informe
d about their inherit qualities.
Its very important that while attempting metal transmutation that keep in mi
nd that the herbs used in that are belongs to the donar or accepter varga /sec
tion. Here we need to understand the proper meaning of that words. Accepter h
erbs are those who accept only a very small part of any metal s metallic element.
And donor are those who provide metal s metallic portion to other metal or in m
ercury. And some of the herbs has the quality of accepter and donor both on th
e time based means on some part of the day /month /year they behaves as the do
nor and other time like accepter. for example one such a herbs is sarpunkha and
we are using it for silver making purpose. if we do khral with her juice with
silver or kharal with silver kamdheny with that and after 4/5 hours we set asid
e silver for one side and the remaining juice is again kharal with mercury and u
se for mardan Sanskar, and after tighten it, as per sharab samput and heat up a
s appropriate than the mercury present in that samput get into contact with
herbs ansh and behave like kshetra and accept silver seed present in that juic
e .and in the out come ,he left its water ansh and became solid silver. And th
e same process is done with dhatura plants juice for making gold here only the d
ifference is that juice of dhatura is, khral with (mardan) with swarna kamdhenu
only than process happened.
And one more important fact I will describe here that theses quality of herbs i
ncreases and decreases as per the season. when swami pragyanand ji describing
this process he did the same process in different, different season with the
same plant s juice and the seed accepted by the mercury various differently and
in result only 100 times mercury get transmutation , than sadly I asked him than
I have to wait till the appointee season comes.
He answered no. in every 24 hours theses all the season comes one by one that m
eans in time of summer season definitely summer will be prominent but winter and
rainy season also come one by one. Than we can use the herbs for to get desired
result as per according to their season and our need. Its very important facts
that one ras shashtri must/ should know that when any herbs is have their full
effect only than with the use of proper mantra herbs juice should be taken out.
These herbs has their own section like rakt varga (red color based secation), s
waet varg (white color), yellow and blue section like that. Theses herbs works
with the mercury give their respective color means ranjan kriya happened, and t
he same color or rang mercury or parad provide to other mental or body if krama
n kriya is done on that .
If through a specific way and specific ratio theses herbs are mix together than
un imaginable effect can be seen. I still remember that while I first read the
SWARNATANTRA and after reading that I went to Sadgurudev ji and told him that
if there are any paddhati through that I can also aawahan to ras siddh mentione
d in that books , but incurrent it s very difficult me to make such a gutika as
mentioned in the books. Are their not any process by which I can aawahan to the
Sadgurudev ji replied why not, but the question is about aawahan of ras siddh a
nd sadhika than we have to use parad as a medium and that parad should be of si
x times Gandhak/salpher jarit (all the necessary sanskar needed for that alr
eady be done bythe sadhak who want to have this mirror) and through application
of various herbs to this parad and finally a solution is prepared and through a
specific way a mirror Is prepared and on this mirror any ras siddha can be a
awahan and person get the answer of any queries to them.
How this mirror scan be prepared and what is the process by which herbs are us
ed in that ?.

Sadgurudev ji describe to me three way , that I practically did all , one of tha
t I am here describing you my guru brother.
Parad with having stage of asht Sanskar , can be used for shivling \making bu
t on that parad agni kriya/using fire is not allowed means through fire we can
not make bandhan /solidifying that .vaam marg we can do that but using gandhak
is not permissible . for shivling making asht sankar parad is needed, but for t
his prayog we require at least six times Gandhak jarit parad , prepare at least
100 to 200 gram of such a sankarit and jarit parad by self only (no other per
son help can be taken), since if other person touch this type parad the mercury
accept his mental and physical vibration. That creates obstruction. In fulfillin
g our procedure / kriya.
In addition to that following things are required for that making brilliance ,m
ost divine mirror.
Inner core juice of pepal tree
Juice of akarkara
Juice of vajra (sehund)
Kala sankhiiya
Juice of surpunkha
Juice of bargad tree
Juice of kali tulsi
Juice ofblkack dhatura
Milk of swarna kshiri
10. Ash of shanksha
11. Dhyany Abhrak
12. Juice of indrayan.
13. Ark of rakt purnnava
14. Ark of apamarg
15. Ark of agstay tree
16. And the holy water comingout of ma kamakhya maha yoni peeth.
All the above mentioned juice total quantity should be just equal to as the w
eight of mercury is to be taken.mix all the substance in any series and in a khr
al and while doing khral chant mentally the mantra om bloom om after that ta
ke bath and than facing west chant 10,000 times following mantra ,be careful do
not modify the process mentioned here to suit you , other wise the success wil
l be doubtful .
Om chale chulechande kumarikyorang yatha bhutam bhavyam yatha bhavti satyam dars
hay darshay bhagvati ma vilambay vilambay mamansha puray puray swaha.
Than take any glass mirror either rectangular or circulare size and appropriate
frame also take so thatit properly get fixed inthat. Take red colored makh mal
mal cloth.
Before starting the process wash properly and have full complete Sadgurudev poo
jan and do 11 paath of Siddh kunjika strota, Maha Mritunjaya mantra 11 round ros
ary (mala ), and then chant Aghor mantra .than after all the ras siddha poojan u
se that mixture of parad and herbs fill in the middle hollow portion of mirror
and frame , and apply makhmalmal cloth on the mirror so that no other person se
e that . than take any wooden stand of such an height and put a ghee Deepak on
that , and fix the mirror on the wall such that middle portion of the mirror a
nd flame of Deepak be in a staright line, means when you sit on the floor on
your aasan than your eye , flame and middle portion of that mirror be in a line
. Then for pranschetana a do chant 51 paath of siddh kunjika strota , and 11 ro
und rosary of guru mantra . for aasan (sitting mat) it should be of while color
kambal and white colored clothe should be used by you. And do this process in
between 12 Am in night to 5 am in the Am morning only but for to use that 5 roun
d of rosary of guru mantra is must. Tan see the reflection of the Deepak flame i
n the mirror concentrate on that and with full politeness have aawahan of any
ras siddha. Ask him any of the question already written with you in this field
related, the related ras acharya and achray will definitely give the answer whic
h will be clearly audible to you.

After that very politely ask them to leave. Again do the shanti paath and 1 ro
und of rosary of guru mantra. And red colored makhmalmal cloth again put on that
mirror. Theses are the authentication of herbs siddhita, when you yourself try
that you can understand fully yourself. Like the same way various herbs has met
allic ansh in liquid or in druti form. And can calculate the specific proper t
ime when swarna ( gold) becomes chaitnya, and in which moment silver that gyan
is also must.
In continue .
[Gandhak (sulpher). Shahad (honey) ,parad (sankarised mercury) mix together and
khral for 48 hours, here note that parad and Gandhak should be of sakarait and
beej yukt. Other wise the process could not be successful. Fill that mixture i
n any aatishi shishi (glass flask) and kept in earthen hole already created fo
r 35 days , and that earthen hole should be situated in such a way that day l
ight of sun should be onthat. after that duration complete take out that flask ,
this paste one masha can convert 1 tola of silver in gold.]
After making a SANKALP recite the famous NAVARAN MANTRA of DURGA SAPTSATI 1,000
times daily near BILVA TREE for a month. On the last day do HOMA of LOTUS 3,000(
1/10 times of total JAPA).Do all this secretly.

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