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James Brunk

1st hour ALA

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens has many similarities and differences. The similarities
and differences are about the special effects of the book, and play. As well as deleted scenes and dialogue.
The play and book A Christmas Carol, have many similarities and differences.
One similarity of special effects is that both the play and book have the ghosts pause or stop the
movement of the people. The ghosts of the play would have a red light shown upon the character(s) and
they would stop. In the book, the ghosts would do the same thing, only without the red light. Another
similarity of special effects was the fog. In the play, the fog came in when the last ghost visited Scrooge,
the same thing happened in the book. Both occurred after Scrooge saw the grave had his name on it. One
difference though, was the flash when Marleys ghost disappeared. In the book, Marley disappeared with
no light or flash. But, in the play Marley disappeared with a flash and a bang that could hurt the eyes. The
last special effects difference was that the play had an indicator that things were paused in the 2nd and 3rd
acts. In the book, they did not have any indicator at all.
One deleted scene is before the play took place. It wasnt needed or too important, but it gave
some info on the background of Scrooge. What happened is there was a narration of before Bob became
an employee at Scrooges accountant job. Another example of a deleted scene when Scrooge and the first
ghost are out on the street in front of the boarding school, with all of the people greeting each other on
stage carts.
One similarity with dialogue is when Scrooge yells at his nephew: Nephew! returned the uncle
sternly, keep Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine (3). This quote stayed in both the
book and the play. Another example is I will live in the Past, Present, and Future. This quote was said in
both the play and book. One difference is the quote your reclamation then. Take heed.Another different
quote that wasnt said in the play is Why bless your heart alive, my dear, how late you are.
In conclusion, the Christmas Carol play and book both have things in common. As well as
differences. The book and play are very similar though and both the book and play are very good.

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