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Hannah Connell

Merit Scholarship
Personal Statement
Over the past four years my mother has suffered from four brain surgeries because of a
disease called, Chiari Malformation. Chiari Malformations are structural defects in the
cerebellum. Normally the cerebellum and parts of the brainstem sit in an indented space at the
lower rear of the skull, above a funnel-like opening to the spinal canal. When part of the
cerebellum is below this opening, it is called a Chiari malformation. Chiari Malformations may
develop when the bony space is smaller than normal, causing the cerebellum and brainstem to be
pushed downward into the opening and into the upper spinal canal. When this happens there is
pressure on the cerebellum and brainstem and it may affect functions controlled by these areas
and block the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
The stress and pressure is not just on my mom but on our family as well in a much
different, more controllable way. Multiple hospital visits each month, my mother screaming from
jolts of pain, no sleep, fear of her being paralyzed during surgery, and much much more. These
are challenges I face on monthly basis. I had to learn to cope with the disease just like my
mother did. I was just entering the crazy world of high school when my mom was diagnosed
with Chiari. Me, being a scared 14 year-old entering those doors of the high school was not ready
to be away from my mom at that time. From then till now I still struggle with the thoughts and
memories of the surgeries and pain my mom goes through. I became a stronger student and I
have a better outlook on life because I know there are people out there, people I love, that have it
worse than me. She inspired me to be a nurse and help others in pain and need.

To pursue these high goals I have taken the actions in school and out. Throughout my
high school career I have worked my hardest and received exceptional grades and honors. High
honors is an award I have received ever since 7th grade. Up until now my GPA has been a solid
3.9, but because of my struggles and mistakes I failed to keep up. I made the mistake of dropping
from the high school atmosphere and taking all my classes online. That was the biggest mistake I
have ever made. Now I know I need to be in a classroom setting with teachers who will inspire
me and keep me motivated. My mistakes have lead me to understand how hard life is and that if I
really want something I am going to have to put 110% into my work.
I have always been interested in the medical field because of my involvement with 4-H. I
have learned the skills to treat my animals and keep them healthy. Whether it is a selenium shot
or a wound to disinfect and heal, I can do it. Leadership is a big part of my life and I have
learned anything and everything about being a leader. I am currently a leader in my 4-H club and
I conduct all the meetings, teach the kids about the animals, and show them how to show the
animals at fair. I have made many accomplishments that show how dedicated I am towards my
animals. But the real reason I am so dedicated is because I want to learn. I want to be one step
ahead in helping people or animals. I want to work as hard as I possibly can to get to the places I
need to be to help those who need it.
I am going to college to learn whatever I need to know to help people in need. Whether it
is just a simple coping method or a specific procedure for a disease, I will know I will be one
step closer to my goal of being a nurse. You think being around my mom and hospitals so much
that I would run away from anything close to the memories I have of it. Instead, I run full force
into the craziness of the medical world. Ever since my mom was diagnosed I knew I wanted to at
least help. If there was some type of way I could help anything or anyone in pain, I would do it.
Being challenged is what I want if that means I will be able to help someone in the near future.

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