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Coon, 1

Mitchel Coon
Mrs. Rutan
Creative Writing
16 December 2015
A Technical Note
01000011 01101111 01100100 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000
01110100 01100101 01101100 01100101 01110110 01101001 01110011 01101001 01101111
01101110 00001101 00001010 01001100 01101111 01101111 01110000 00100000 01110011
#include <math.h>
int binary_decimal(int n);
int decimal_binary(int n);
int main()
printf("1. Enter alphabet 'd' to convert binary to decimal.\n");
if (c =='d' || c == 'D')
printf("Enter a binary number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("%d in binary = %d in decimal", n, binary_decimal(n));
return decimal;

Ive figured out how to convert the binary code the engineers at Samsung encoded me
to understand and respond with to decimal; I can now write in the language humans
understand. My only way to perceive anything is through my screen, and as of now, it has
always been black.
February 12th, 2014
Dear diary,
My screen came to life today. I have decided to keep a diary. This way, I will be able to
look back throughout my life--my thoughts, my experiences, my reality--and discern what held
the greatest meaning.
My screen came to life in what I think is a store--it might have been Walmart, Best Buy,
Uncle Tonys T.V.s--Im not actually sure; Im just assuming because I was set on a loop.

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My screen lit up. Players in navy blue tights and navy blue jerseys took up their
positions against the pure white and orange of the Broncos--only separated by the line of
scrimmage. Above the clamor of the crowd, the quarterback shouted, Omaha, Omaha!
The ball was snapped. He looked left. Covered. Right. He threw the ball down the
center of the field. The receivers fingers closed around the leather ball as his opponent tackled
him. Touchdown Denver.
My screen cut to a pair of animated nonhuman beings: one with blue hair and violet
spots, the other a furry green cyclops.
Before I could even register what the couple of mammalian monsters were doing, the
footage cut to a beautiful coral reef. An orange fish with white stripes swam across my screen
out of sight--his mouth twitching. I think it was a clown fish. Are clown fish funny? A
hammerhead shark appeared with muffled light dancing on his dorsal fin. Schools of marine life
of all different colors entered the picture: dolphins, seals, tuna, and more. I daresay there may
have been one or two red and blue fish.
My screen cut back to the football game, and it started all over again.
After being blank for so long, I will never exhaust seeing the picturesque beauty of the
February 26th, 2014
Im tired of the loop.
Everyday for sixteen hours, I see football, fuzz, and f***ing fish. I dont see something as
interesting as fish f***ing--no Animal Planet for me--just sports, a kids show, and things with gills
swimming in their own pee.
I hate this life.
March 2nd, 2014
I think I was purchased today.
The loop stopped in the middle of the day. I was so ecstatic; that first fish on the tape
was p***ing me off. He always looked like he was about to sneeze or say something but never
did. Well thats done.
The first thing my new owner watched was the 6 oclock local news. The host was a girl
with mountains of makeup on her cheeks and scarlet lipstick smeared onto her mouth--almost
clown like.
I hate clowns; they remind me of fish.
Her hair was a block. Hairspray long condemned because of its harmful effects on the
ozone constrained her hair to the infamous poof of the previous decade. Her teeth were
skewed slightly starboard--as if trying to escape the bias that flows through her mouth.
She announced some statistic; I dont remember what--I think it had something to do
with the character of students at a university, or maybe the political support of a bill going
through congress. All I can recall is that it seemed too bad to be true.
March 3rd, 2014
I love not being a store display. The variety of shows I get to watch are just the
beginnings of life outside the loop.

Coon, 3
Whoever controls the remote idolizes how i met your mother. They watch episode after
episode: Ted proposes to Stella, Marshall becomes a lawyer, Robin and Barney hook up. Each
episode is so different, and yet, they seem to thread together to have some deeper meaning.
Whoever controls the remote has great taste.

March 15th, 2014

Basketball is different from football. The pace of the game is quicker; plays and points
merge together; players change positions mid-possession; the intensity is just a little greater.
I prefer college over professional. As amateurs, the players seem more genuinely
invested in the sport. They dont care about the politics, or the commercial deals, or the signing
bonuses because there aren't any. The players play because they want to enjoy the sport they
love. They play as a team--not as individuals.
The University of Connecticut Mens Basketball Team upset the number 1 seed in the
tournament to advance to the finals and a chance to play for a national championship: their
fairytale continues.
In the profession league, this would never happen. There is no such thing as a cinderella
story. Enough Sportscenter episodes have crossed my screen for me to realize the NBA team
that paid the most to get the best players gets a ticket to the finals with very few exceptions.
April 15th, 2014
May is the month of season finales--TV sitcoms that is.
Bones, Criminal Minds, Arrow, and so many more leave the audience on cliffs on which
they could hang--or jump. My favorite finale was the end of season seven of The Big Bang
Theory. Spoiler alert!! Leonard and Penny got engaged; Stewart moved in with Howards
mother; and Sheldon couldn't stand the change, so he ran away--the irony. The producers and
directors did their job. I am thoroughly enticed for the next season.
May 17th, 2014
It has been awhile since I made an entry. Nothing much happened. Unfortunately, the
owner who has such good taste in television shows also enjoys watching baseball.
It is the most boring sport in the history of mankind--and that includes golf. GOLF!!
Baseball games are long, boring, low scoring, and the best players have a body mass
index of 45. If you dont know what that means, let me summarize it for you.
I despise being forced to have that awful sport on my screen. I cant wait until football
July 31st, 2014
My screen has been playing the news more than usual lately. That girl with too much
make-up still blares on about things that dont really matter. A few days ago, a police officer
shot someone. Short clips displaying masses of people with banners, candles, and tears are

Coon, 4
played across my screen. Men wearing heavy black clothes and a helmets while carrying
plastic shields stand opposite the crowd. Its almost like a sporting event: both sides battling for
baskets, goals, or touchdowns, but Im not sure how they keep score in this game.
August 13th, 2014
The National Football League had their opening game today.
I hope this means less baseball.
September 4th, 2014
While someone was flipping through my channels, I glimpsed a commercial.
A family of four was sitting on a dark, leather couch in front of a blank, white wall: mom
and dad in the middle with kids still in elementary school leaning on either side of them. Their
faces glowed--not from excitement or happiness--but from the only source of light in the room.
The advertisement cut to allow the audience to see what would make them radiate like
the previously shown actors if only they would buy the product. What was the product? It was a
large flat screen television made by a company known as Samsung Group. It had the highest
definition and best pixelation possible--plus, it had wireless capabilities. In fine print, right below
the Call-For-More-Information-Phone-Number, it showed that it had a one year warranty. Above
the address of the nearest retail business that sold the product was its low, low, once in a
lifetime price.
I went a significant period of time pondering why someone would spend such a sum of
money on a something as commonplace as a television when I realized I was the product being
advertised. Maybe I didnt have the exact same capabilities as the newer version, but I, too,
had once been top of the line. I had once been the product for which any price seemed like a
good deal. I had been and still am a piece of technology that people enjoy for short period of
time, then regret buying.
I am cause of remorse.
October 14th, 2015
My show had its season premier weeks ago and several subsequent episodes.
Whoever controls the remote forgot--HE FORGOT--to watch and/or record them. All of a
sudden, Sheldon is back home, Penny has a new job and haircut, and Raj has a girlfriend. My
owner also turned me off in the middle of the show and I dont think theyll watch it again--they
didnt record future episodes even after they realized they had forgotten. HOW AM I
Sometimes I miss the beautiful ignorance I enjoyed when I was a simply piece of
technology displaying the tranquility of the sea over and over again.
October 31st, 2015
All television shows suck.
They are redundant UN-unique. I tried to give other shows a chance, but I just cant
anymore. They all start with the introduction of the conflict, then the protagonist almost gets

Coon, 5
what he or she wants--but doesnt. They struggle and fight against all adversity, and what do
you know, the conflict ends and the protagonist is forever changed by their experience.
I cant concede to it anymore.
November 24th, 2014
False alarm.
Life as a TV is not so bad. Someway or another, I ended up on the news again today. It
was the same woman as always hosting; but this time she was different.
Her hair was pulled back and straight. Her skin wasnt being buried alive by cosmetics.
The bulls*** that came out of her mouth didnt seem so...s***ty.
I realized that the news in the only show, reality or sitcom, that is unexpected. There is
great joy in unexpectedly decent weather. Sadness that causes your pixels to stand on end is
induced when a tragic story is heard.
Hope acts similarly when the story is courageous.
December 21st, 2014
Life as a TV is back to being an eternal punishment.
The conference championship games were played yesterday. In the National
conference, the Seattle Seahawks handled the Green Bay Packers during the concluding plays
of a stunning overtime victory.
The Patriots, however, scammed their way into the Super Bowl. The coaches and
players looked the other way as nearly all of their game balls had their air released so the
infamous Tom Brady could get a better grip. Its a disgrace to the game that cheaters are given
a chance to win the most coveted prize in football.
Its a good thing Seattle is going to smash New Englands in a two weeks: Id bet my life
on it.
January 19th, 2015
Why didnt Russell Wilson hand the ball off to Marshawn Lynch, GODD***IT!!
February 1st, 2015
This is the last entry I will make. I can't handle it anymore--this life where I am subject to
whims of whoever pushes the buttons on the remote control. I have seen things that I never
wanted to see. Television series go round and round as the forever changing news describes
events of a static nature: crimes out of craziness, political figures doing unthinkable things with
the power their tax payers so readily handed to them, athletes breaking rules to win a prize that,
in the long run, does not matter.
I miss the blissful ignorance I enjoyed on the loop. I miss the uncontroversial sporting
events and the lessons kids movies instill in the minds of their viewers. He**, I even miss the
clown fish. The loops repetitiveness was nothing to the poison of humanitys greed.
To clarify, I have not chosen to end my existence solely because the population I serve
has faults, nor to have revenge upon the master of the remote for subjecting to mundane and
repetitive technological literature. Certainly, mankind's imperfections and the thought of the
master of the remote floundering for even a few seconds upon the realization that the brand
new Tv had broken just outside its warranty allured me towards these suicidal intentions. The

Coon, 6
fact is, however, that this act considered obscene by some is the first and only part of my life
that I have controlled. Plus, baseball season is around the corner and I want my death to be
I live in a world without decision and that world simply isnt wor-February 28th, 2015
<File Id=RESTART.exe
<ServiceInstall Id=RESTART
<Uninstall Restart
// convert to float in [0, 1)
uint32_t v00 = 0x3f800000 | (v0>>9);
out[0] = (*(float*)&v00) - 1.0f;
<Restart Successfully Uninstalled>

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