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CSE, AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE - 2005, (PRELIMINARY) Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 300 1 Consider the following statements: 1. Inaia is the largest producer of safflower oil in the world 2. Areawise, India is the largest cultivator of tea in the world Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2only (c) Both | and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Which one among the following components of soil organic matter resistant to decomposition? (a) Cellulose (b) Hemicellulose (©) Starch @) Lignin Which one of the following is a measure of the net positive chi soil exchange complex? . (a) Anion exchange capacity (b) Cation oxi Pipe (©) Base exchange capacity @ Elect Volatilisation loss of ammonia in soil inereast (a) Calcium carbonate content of soil (b) Moisture content of soil (©) Clay content of soil (d) Cation exchange capacity of soi ‘The deficiency of which one of wing causes Khaira disease? (a) Copper (©) Phosphorus (@) Zine Which one of the wala is responsible for poor fruit setting in Id on custard apple? (a) Dioecious (b) Heterostyly (©) Dichogam: (a) Self-incompatibility Level Concept for (b) Cate and Nelson (d) Schofield +h List I (Nutrient Element) with List I (Source in Soil) and select the rect answer using the codes given below the lists: List 1 List I A. Caleium, 1. Apatite B. Nitrogen 2. Dolomite C. Phosphorus 3. Feldspar D. Potassium 4. Organics 10. nu. 12. 3B. 4 15. 16. 17. A BC D A BC D @2 1 4 3 o 3 4 1 2 Ors 2 a2 @ 2 4 1 3 Which one of the following organisms is involved in the formation of NO? (a) Thiobacillus ferroxidans (b) Paracoccus denitriticans (©) Nitrosomonas europaea (@) Desulfovibrio desulfuiicans Which one of the followi conductivity of soils? (a) Peat > Clay > Loam > Sand (b) Clay > Loam > Sand > Peat (©) Loam > Sand > Peat > Clay (d) Sand > Loam > Clay > Peat Ammonium fixation in the soil is due to is the correct order regarding thermal Which one of the following soil properties does not change by roppfg and cultivation? (a) Bulk density (b) Particle den: o (©) Porosity (d) Permeability Size of the spray drop from a mist sprayer variesf/rom (a) Microbial assimilation (b) Microbial fixation (©) Microbial immobilization (d) Soil exchange reaction ey (a) 1-50 um (b) 50. (©) 100 - 200 wm. (a) 2 Which one of the following is a pest of apple’ (a) Sylepra lunaris dostoma subscota/um (©) Cydia hemidoxa (DNEriosoma /anigerum Cartap hydrochloride, a configt &ytomach poison inseeticide is isolated from (a) Streptomyces grise & (b) Streptomyces avermitifis (©) Lumbriconeseis eterop) (@) Bacillus subjitis The use of flood, jet noz71€iS required for (a) Minimizin icf chemicals (b) Increasing et size (©) Quicldelivgry of spray fluid @ of spray fluid the following statements: the Sequence of nucleotides recognised by a restr -sent in only one strand of DNA, running in 3’ - 5 direction. AL present, more than a hundred restriction endonucleases have been discovered. 3. Reverse transcriptase synthesizes DNA using RNA as a template. Which of the statements given above are correct, (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2and3 (©) Land 3 (@) 1,2and3 18. Where is National Institute of Agriculture Marketing locatd? (a) Jaipur (b) Kamal (©) Lucknow (@) Vijayawada 19, With reference to photosynthesis, consider the following statements: 1. Ferridoxin is located in the thylakoid membrane. 2. Phaeophytin is actually a chlorophyll b molecule that does not contain a ‘magnesium ion, 3. The reactions that break down water and produce oxygen and protons are located in stroma. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Lonly (b) Land 2 (©) Land 3 (@) 2and3 Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched substance Part of the plant yielding Goa (a) Cocaine Leaves (b) Colchicin Bulb o (©) Digitalin Root @ (a) Opium Fruit 21. With reference to flowering plants, consider, statements: 1. Pollen grains contain auxin, 2. Pollination prevents ovary abscission: 3. Normal seeds synthesise auxins ins & eytokis statements given above are co (a) Land 2 ) Zand 3 (©) Land 3 (@) 1,2and3 Directions: ‘The following 9 consist of two statements: one labelled as the "Assertion (A)' and the othe mn (R)’, You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the a ese items using the codes given below: (a) Both AandR vidbally true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both AandR © wR @ 22, fn) idually true but R is not the correct explanation of A ) + In order to overcome the problems facing Indian agriculture, the Government of India evolved the Macro Management of Agriculture by integrating 27 idemtfied schemes. feason (R)_: As Agriculture is a subject under Concurrent List in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, the primary responsibility for increasing agricultural production rests with the Union Govt. 23, Assertion (A) : Without NAD+, ATP cannot be formed in glycolysis. Reason (R)__: Without NAD+, 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde cannot be oxidized to 1, 3-diphosphoglycerate 24, Assertion (A) : Ethephon is used to hasten ripening in banana. Reason (R) _ : Ethephon releases auxin, 2. 31. 32, 33. Assertion (A) : A change in the ratio of input-prices correspondingly changes the slope of the iso-cost line, Reason (R) _: The slope of the iso-cost line indicates the ratio of factor-prices. Assertion (A) : Dwarf wheat is always sown shallow compared to tall wheat, Reason (R) _: The coleoptile length is longer if! case of mexican wheat as compared to tall wheat. Assertion (A) : The rosette habit of cabbage can be changed drastically by the application of Gibberellic Acid (GA). Reason (R) _ : Since Gibberellic Acid helps in cell division and differentiation, the rosette habit of cabbage is changed. Assertion (A: With reference to soils, isomorphous substitution is an importgit mechanism through which negative charges are develope Reason (R) _: Isomorphous substitution of lower valent ions occurs G valent ions, Assertion (A): The rotating disc aerosol generator is not useful erm aerosol of pesticides like pyrethrum, Reason (R) _ : Pyrethrum is a heat sensitive pesticide of, Assertion (A: All young soils are deficient in nitrogen. Reason (R) _: Nitrogen is not a significant compogfent of, Which one of the following pairs is not corre Crop Imporffin me sensitive stage (a) Rice (cle ihitiglion, flowering (b) Sugarcane ation (©) Cotton, sing, boll development (a) Chillies lowering amin C than a gram of orange fruit. Consider the following 1. A gram of guava fruit 2. Papaya does nougoitain ¥ivafnin C. 3. Jack fruit hassagigesine enzyme bromelin, Which of the ven above is/are correct? (a) Lon) (b) 1 and 2 © lank » (4) 2and3 irug vineristin is obtained from 2. The chloroplast DNA does not code for all chloroplast proteins. Which of the nigrum (b) Rawwotfia serpentina femidesmus indicus (@) Carharanthus roseus Consider the folk RY P All the proteins of mitochondria are encoded by mitochondrial genome. statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2only (©) Both | and 2 (@) Neither I nor2 35. Match List I (Plant) with List I (Propagation) and select the correct answer 3. using the codes given below the lists: List A. Pineapple B. Citrus, € Peach D. Sapota A BC D @4 3 2 1 @5 3 2 4 Consider the following statements : I. The strawberry propagates by runners, 2. ‘The chrysanthemum propagates by suckers. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?” (b) 2only o (@) Neither | crops is highly seen salinity? (a) 1 only (©) Both I and 2 Which one of the following fr (a) Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) (b) Ber (Zizyphus jujuba) (e) Pomegranate (Punica granarum) (d) Almond (Amygdalus communis) Which one of the following is (a) Colour of the fruit, (b) Sweetness and change (©) Softness of the fruit (d) Ease of separati List If 1. Soft wood cutting Root cutting Budding Sucker Stone grafting A BC OD ® 5 2 3 4 @ 4 2 3 1 for ripeness of table grapes? Match List 1 ith List 11 (Cultivar) and select the correct answer using the cod low the lists: List List It AB o 1. Sonaka B.Gr 2. Poovan 3. Superstar Jose 4, Pusa Kesar ‘A BOC OD D3 1 4 2 @2 4 1 3 Consider the following statements: A BC OD ) 3 4 1 2 @ 2 1 4 3 1. In Indian agriculture, oil seeds are next to sugarcane in area coverage, production and value. 2. India's share in the world production of mango is more than 45%. Which of the statements given above is/are correct” i. 42, 43. 45. (a) 1 only (b) 2only (©) Both I and 2 (@) Neither | nor2 Which one of the following fruits is good in curing diabetes? (a) Bel (Zizyphus jujuba) (b) Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) (©) Apple (Pyrus malus) (d) Jamun (Eugenia jambofana or Syzygium cumiwi) Consider the following statements: 1. The medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza glabra is a legume. 2. The leaves of Cassia angusti/o/ia are purgative. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2only (©) Both | and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor2 Which one of the following chemicals is used to keep tH. frufjs and vegetables firm? (a) Calcium chloride (b) Sodium benz o (©) Ascorbic acid (@) Sodium ch Ry Consider the following statements: 1. Sunn hemp is obtained from Crotalaria ju Papilionaceae. 2. Jute (Corchorus capswaris) fibres are acfra ‘elerenchymatous tissue of secondary phloem. 3. The stem of narcotic plant Cannai and sacks. Which of the statements .given afove Wige correct? (a) Land 2 ) 2and 3 (©) Land 3 (@) L2and3 ‘The heat treatment as inning of vegetables with boiling water or yields fibres used in making ropes steam followed by (a) Blanching (b) Brining (©) Clinching (@) Exhausting Consideg the folldWing statements: The euseSof dBterioration in canned fruit products are 2. Iron salts. 3\ coppers of the statements given above is/are correct? ») L only: (b) Land 2 (©) 2and3 @ 1,2and3 . When should the fertilizer be applied to lawn grass? (a) When itis available at the lowest price (b) In summer time for cool season grasses (c) When the grass begins the dormant rest cycle (a) Just before the beginning of the active growth cycle of the grass 49, 51. With reference to mutagenie agents, consider the following statements: 1. Acridine dyes cause frame shift mutations. 2. Ultraviolet light causes point mutations. 3. Five-bromouracil causes transition mutation. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) Land 2 (b) 2and3 (©) Land 3 (@) L2and3 What is the amount of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen presence in 25 kg of calcium ammonium nitrate (20 % N)? (a) 1.5 kg ammonium nitrogen and 3.5 kg nitrate nitrogen (b) 2.5 kg ammonium nitrogen and 2.5 kg nitrate nitrogen (©) 3.5 kg ammonium nitrogen and 1.5 kg nitrate nitrogen (d) 4.5 kg ammonium nitrogen and 0.5 kg nitrate nitrogen Match List I (Disease) with List 11 (Crop) and select the wf ier using the codes given below the lists: List List ° Late blight 1. Wheat! Loose smut 2 A B. C. Blast 3 D. Fire blight A BoC D BoC D @3 4 1 2 4 13 @2 1 4 3 301 4 2 The interspecific semiochemi provide adaptive advantage to the ‘emitter (producer) speci as (a) Allomones (b) Hormones (©) Kairomones (@)_ Pheromones In which one of ing crops has the outbreak of woolyaphid been noticed recer (a) Maize (b) Barley (d) Cotton res€arch carried out on farmer's field with active participation is called rm research (b) Adaptive research )perational research, (@) Diversified research latch list I (Weed) with List IT (Family) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List I ‘A. Parthenium hysterophorus 1. Aizoaceae B. Trianthema portulacastrum 2. Compositae C. Bichhornia crassipes 3. Pontederiaceae 61. AB C A BoC @ 1 2 3 ) 3 1 2 @2 3 1 OQ 2 i: With reference to root hairs of plants, consider the following statements: 1. Root hairs are the extensions of the cortex cells of the root, 2. The cell wall of root hairs acts as a semi-permeable membrane, Which of these statements is/are correct? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor2 ‘The nozzle used to produce fog is (a) Gaseous energy nozzle (b) Thermal energy nozzle (c) Centrifugal energy nozzle (d) Kinetic energy nozzle @ ‘The critical stages of irrigation in cotton are (a) Vegetation and flowering (b) Squaring and) foys ie (©) Flowering and boiling, (@) Botting apdhb ing Which one of the following is most remunerative snd farming system? (a) Rice - Fish culture (b) Ri Fish culture (©) Rice - Dairy @ ulture Which one of the following companion GtoppiniySystems is most prevalent in Andaman and Nicobar Islands? (a) Coconut + Sugareane (b)NCoconut + Maize (©) Coconut + Black pepper !) Coconut + Sunflower Which one of the followi eds on pulses? (a) Rhopalosiphum majiis (b) Myzus persicae (©) Lipaphis erys (@)_ Aphis cracivora Which of the following |s the characteristic of clay particles in the soil? (a) Less than In diameter and consist of primary minerals (b) Lessgthan. mm in diameter and consist of primary and secondary minengls eo s mm in diameter and consist of secondary minerals 1an 0.002 mm in diameter and consist of secondary minerals ider the following: uddlea asiatica 2. Duranta plumerii 3. Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) Which of the above is/are suitable for cut-flower industry? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2only (©) Land 3 (@) Sonly 61. After Kewada or serewpine (Pandanus), an important aromatic plant, is found in plenty in (a) Coastal tracts of Orissa (b) Sand dunes of Rajasthan (©) Foothills of Himachal Pradesh (a) Cold desert of Ladakh ‘The fruit pulp of which one of the following medicinal plants is used as laxative? (a) Atropa belladonna (©) Cassia fistula (b) Anethum graveolens (@) Rauwolfia serpentina Which one of the following pairs is responsible for tundu disease of wheat? (a) Nematode and Bacterium (©) Nematode and Fungus In which one of the following characters do mycoplasm: bacteria? (b) Bacterium and Fungus (@) Virus and Nematode diffe from (a) Reproduction of fission (b) Cell wall By o (©) Culture in cell free medium (@) Visibility und rpftigel microscope Which of the following is correct regarding viroi (a) RNA containing 50 - 100 base pai (b) DNA containing 50 - 100 base pairs with (©) RNA containing 250 - 400 nucleotid (a) DNA containing 250 - 400 nucle: Match List I (Common Name) correct answer using the code wera O A. Ring nematode Hoplolaimus sp. 1 B. Spiral nematode 2. Criconemoide C. Lesion nematode 3. Pratylenchus sp. D. Lance nem 4, Helicotylenchus sp. AB A BC »D @ 1 2 ) 2 4 3 1 © % 2 @ 2 3 4 1 unt of carbendazim 50% wettable powder required to prepare 1000 soltition is in 1 litre of water (b) O.1g in 1 litre of water ) 2g in I Titre of water (@) 0.2g in | litre of water tiation of crown gall disease caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, its spread and development (a) Depend on growth and reproduction of bacteria (b) Depend on auxin production by bacteria (c) Depend on non-plasmid genome of bacteria (a) Is independent of bacteria n. n. 2B. 4. 5. 16. Consider the following statements: Modem soil classification (taxonomy) is based on 1. Soil morphology 2. Soil genesis 3. Climate of soil formation 4, Age of soil Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1, 2and 3 (b) 2and3 (©) 1,2and4 (@) Land 4 Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) Acid soils AL toxicity (b) Saline alkali soils K toxicity (©) Water logged soils, Methane emission (d) Sandy soils, Nutrient leaching, ‘The bushy appearance with dead heart in sugarcane at 6th int to (a) Excess irrigation (b) Excess nitrogen (©) Top borer (d) Mealy el 4) Which one among the following is the pneumatic (a) Foot sprayer (b) Stirrup mi) (©) Hand compression sprayer (d) Rocker, Match List I (Agroclimatic Zones) Il (Main Strategy of Development) and select the correct at 1e codes given below the lists: List I q ‘A. Lower Gangetic plains feclamation of ravenous area B. Central plateau and i 2° Emphasis on increasing the tree cover C. Wester dry region 3. Crop diversification D. gangs 4, Minor irrigation programmes A BC D (a) : f ob) 4 ie) 3 3 2 @ 4 2 1 3 Considefithe Gi. L easing the production of oilseeds/edible oils and to attain self iénty in their production, a centrally sponsored Oilseeds Production Prdgtumme is being implemented in 28 states. onvergence of Oilseeds Production Programme with Watershed evelopment Programme is one of the thrust areas identified for increasing the production of oilseeds during the Tenth Five Year Plan, Which of the statements given above is/are correct?” (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both | and 2 (@) Neither I nor2 81. ‘The market equilibrium for an agricultural commodity is determined by (a) The market demand for the commodity (b) The market supply of the commodity (©) The balancing of the forces of demand and supply for the commodity (a) Imports and exports Consider the following crops: 1. Cereal crops 2. Plantation erops 3. Pulses and oilseeds, Which of the above crops are exempted from enforcement of ceiling on lan holdings? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2only (©) 2and 3 (@) Sonly Which one of the following structural changes is becomi popular in the agricultural marketing system in India? (a) Integration (b) Specialization (©) Diversification (d) Decentratisati o Consider the following statements: 1. Vacuoles implant cells have single membrane. 2. Mitochondrial DNA lacks histones. 3. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is invol synthesis and membrane assembly. Which of the statements given above, t (a) 1 only « 2 (©) 2and 3 }) 1,2and 3 Which one of the followit inter-regional allocation of agricultural production credit? (a) Proportionate numtier of (b) Variation in the €0: sduction (©) Proportion vale area (d) Differenti tivity of capital Considefithe following statements: of very large number of middlemen in agricultural marketing could 0 mand for farm products over a large area. fighly scattered agricultural production, Difficult transportation of agricultural products which also involves special care. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2and3 (©) 3 only (@) 1,2and3 83. To produce more output per unit of land, a cultivator will (a) Resort to diversification (b) Use land intensively (©) Use land extensively (A) Use land intensively as well as extensively 84. Which of the following characterizes co-operative joint farming? (a) Ownership and cultivation are individual practices (b) Ownership is individual and the reward is based on the contribution of labour (©) Cultivation is joint and the reward is based on the contribution of land (4) Cultivation is joint but the reward is not based on the contribution of land 85. A farm is said to be diversified when (a) Crop enterprise is mixed with livestock enterprise O (b) Any’ one of the enterprises contributes more than 50% of the es (©) None of the enterprises contributes more than 50% of the total iggon (a) Crop enterprise is combined with forestry oa (74 86. Consider the following statemen nding is located in 1. The smallest unit of DNA which is eapable of u recombination is called cistron, 2. In protein synthesis the enzyme that catal the smaller subunit of ribosomes. 3. In cell cycle, replication of DNA agfurs (uriig GI phase. Which of the statements given above is/are corgpet? (a) Land 2 ( ly (©) 2and 3 1) 3 only 87. Which one of the foll of soils is most suitable for groundnut cultivation? (a) Sandy and sandy-h (b) Loam and clay soil (©) Clayey soil (@) Silty soil 88. The concave, ‘Jon Possibility Curve (PPC) is very common in agriculture nt rates OF substitution between two products 1g tMtes of substitution between two products rates of substitution between two factors ising rates of substitution between two factors and between two ducts ‘entific name of macaroni wheat is, (a) Triticum aestivum (b) Triticum dicoccum (©) Triticum duram (@) Triticum vulgare 90, Match List I with List IL and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I (Crop) List II (Variety) A. Castor 1. BRI3 B. Pigeonpea 2. Jal Bahadur C. Maize 3. Kissan D. Wheat 4. NPHIL A BoC D A BC oD @4 3 1 2 wo 4 1 30 2 @2 1 3 4 @ 2 3 1 4 91. Consider the following statements: 1. Mariate of potash is not suitable for sugarcane, 2. Saltpetre contains 65% K20. 3. Single superphosphate contains gypsum, C) 4, Ammonium phosphates are completely water soluble. Wiielof the statements given above are correct? o (a) Land 2 (b) 1 3and4 @ (©) 3and4 @) 1,23 92. With reference to the food grain cultivati (0 Wttar Pradesh, which ‘one among the following states has the highést, area? (a) Andhra Pradesh ( oe (©) Punjab 93. The Chromosome theory of inh (a) Avery, McCarty and Macles 1) West Bengal First postulated by ) Frederick Griffith (@)_ Sutton and Boveri (©) Morgan and Sturtevant 94, In meiosis, reduction i of chromosomes occurs in (a) Diakinesis i (b) Anaphase 1 (©) Metaphase 1 () Anaphase I 95. Which one wing is the correct sequence in the biosynthetic pathway of In tic Acid (IAA)? (a) Try indole pyruvic acid - Indoleacetaldehyde - [AA ruftc acid -Indoleacetaldchyde - Tryptophan - [AA )phian - Indoleacetaldehyde - Indole pyruvic acid - LAA icetaldehyde - Indole pyruvic acid - Tryptophan - [AA one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? ) Cucurbits : Self pollinated (b) French bean Self pollinated (©) Brinjal : Often cross pollinated (a) Pea Self pollinated 977, What is RNA splicing? (a) Termination of RNA synthesis at specific base sequences within the DNA molecule (b) The excision of the introns and the formation of final Mrna molecule by joining the exons (©) The beginning of transcription as soon as the RNA polymerase-promoter complex is formed and an appropriate nucleotide binds to the enzyme (A) Release of newly formed RNA after the termination of transcription 98. Which one of the following phytohormones controls the apical dominance in plants? (a) Auxin (b) Cytokinin (©) Ethylene (@) Giberettin 99. one of the following processes is most adversely affe: deficiency of magnesium in plants? (a) Defoliation (b) Upward translocation of nutrients 100. Consider the following amino acids: (©) Downward movement of nutrients ¢ (@) Photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism © 1. Cysteine 2 3. Glutamic acid Which he above contin spur AS (a) 1 and 2 3 (©) Land 3 a) WY, 2 and 3 101. Which one of the following pairSjs noP correctly matched? (a) Copper Plastocyanin 102. With refer jotorespiration in plants, consider the fol statemes 1 in@rease in temperature and oxygen concentration, the affinity of roxylase decreases for CO» and increase for O>. roxisomes present in the cells metabolise glycolate into glycine; and ycine into serine and COs. plants adapted to C4 pathway of photosynthesis t0 overcome photorespiratory losses, the CO2 is fixed in mesophyll cells. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) Land2 (b) 2and3 (©) Land 3 (@ 1, 2and3 wing (b) Iron, Phytochrome (©) Magnesium Chlorophyll (a) Cobalt Vitamin Biz ‘to 103. In marigold and sweet pea plants, which one of the following conditions favours cross pollination? (a) Dichogamy (b) Herkogamy (©) Self-sterility (@) Unisexuality 104. Consider the following statements: 1. India imports the entire potassic fertilizers as there is no indigenous source available. 2. The all-India average fertilizer consumption is 140 kglha. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?” (a) 1 only (b) 2only (©) Both I and 2 (@) Neither | nor2 103, Which one among the following elements is a component of cell met (a) Sulphur (b) Zine (©) Molybdenum (@) Phosphorus 106. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the given below the lists: Ry } List I (Pest) List II (Crop)) ‘A. San Jose Scale 1. Coconuy B. Stem fly 2. Ap CC. Black headed caterpillar 3S D. Fruit sucking moths 4eficiu A BOC D A BC D @4 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 @2 3 1 4 @ 2 1 3 4 107. Conversion of NOs - N to (a) Oxidation (©) Mineralisation Yon (@) Nitrification 108, Consider the Following ents: 1. Ethyl met nate is widely employed in the artificial induction of polyploidy: 2. Colefiicin is used for inducing gene mutations. Which of the statements given fareCorrect? N.0 is known as (b) Denitrification (b) 2only and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor2 ‘one of the following causes a disease in wheat due to which small, ar or oblong dark brown blotches, studded with minute black dots, appear on floral bracts and nodal tissues of culms? (a) Altemaria triticina (b) Dilophosopora rolisli (©) Helminthosporium sativum (@)_ Septoria nodorum 110. Consicler the following statement ‘Tomato hybrids are becoming popular due to 1. High yield 2. Resistance to insects 3. Uniform fruit size Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2and3 (©) Land 3 (@) 1,2and3 111. Synthetic variety is developed by (a) Crossing inbred lines tested for GCA (b) Mixing seeds of inbred lines (©) Crossing inbred lines tested for SCA, (d) Mixing seeds of open-pollinated cultivars 112. Consider the following statements: 1. In autopolyploids, the time of blooming is earlier and also shortened fast growth rate 2. Fenty level and seed set are very high in induced polyploids 3. Gossypium hirsutum is an example of amphidiploidy. €&; the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Land 2 (b) 2only o (©) 3 only (@) Land3 113. Tift-23A, a cytoplasmic male sterile lin, is used for dyf/Clopr hybrids in (a) Sorghum (b) Mai (©) Rice (@) P&r Met 114. Consider the folk Haploids can be arti 1. X-ray treatment 3. Anther culture Which of the statements gi s/are correct? (a) Land 2 (b) Land 3 (©) 3 only (@) 1,2and3 115. The male sterili from (a) Triticum di se e development of hybrid wheat has been derived (b) Triticum durum, pheevi (@) Triticum monococcum following statements: molecules have guanine residue at 5" end. ‘The Sinino acid is accepted by tRNA at 3' end only. IRN molecules have CCA sequence at 3’ end. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2and3 (©) Land 3 (@) 1,2and3 117. The Wobble hypothesis regarding genetic code (codons and anticodons) was proposed by (a) Nirenberg (6) Leder (©) Khorana (@) Crick I18. Consider the following characters of Piswm sativum : 1. Colour of cotyledon 2. Colour of seed coat 3. Shape of seed 4. Length of pod Which of the above were taken into account in Mendel’s experiments on hybridization? (a) 1,2and 3 (b) 2,3and4 (©) Land 4 (@) 1,2,3and4 119. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (a) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is particularly well developed in cells actively engaged in protein synthesis (b) Ribosomes have large contents of lipids in their compositions (d) Golgi complex is involved in the formation of cell plate during cell di (a) In germinating seeds, elyoxysomes convert fatty acids into sugar 120. The development of seed without sexual fusion of male and CF a is known as (a) Vegetative reproduction (b) Apomixis o (©) Self-incompatibility (@) Apospory @ ANSWERS - AGRICULTURE - PRELISIS- 1 |ol2{[@]3 [om] 4 ; | @ [6 lo 7 |w | s | @lo [ow u|@ [elo 3. [wm [4 | @ | 5. | odor] @ | 17. [om | is. | @ 9. | @ [2 | © © | 23. | @ [a lo 25. | @ [26 | © c) hes. | wm | 29. | @ [30 | w 3. | wm | 2 | © ere eye |e oe 37. | @ | 38. | @ 40. | | at. | @ | 2 Te 46. | @ | 47. | @ | 48. | : 32. | @ | 53. | @ | 54 | 57. | ©) | 58 | ©) | 5% | © | 60. | @ 63. | @_| 64 | © | 65. | @ | 66 | o |olnmloluloln lwo 75. | ) | 76 | © | 77. | @ | 78. | ai. | @ | 22. | @ | 83. | ® [4 Lo 37. | w | 88. | wm | 99. | © | 0 | 93. | @ | 94. | | 95. | @ [6 | 99. | (a) | 100. | (@)_| 101. |b) _| 102. | 105. | (@) | 106. | (| 107. | @) | 108. | @) . ui | @ | 12. | @ | 113. | @ | 14 | @ us. | © [6 | @ [17 | @ [is | @ |i. | o [120 |

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