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Field Trip to the

UN and Red
Next Tuesday, 19Cross
Year 6 will be going on

an excursion to visit both the Red Cross Museum

and the United Nations buildings in Geneva in
connection with our current unit of inquiry exploring
organizations that take action.
We will be leaving school at 11:30 so we will have
regular classes in the morning until that time. Wewill
be back at school forapproximately 15:30 so the
drop-off and pick-up arrangementswill not be affected
in any way.
We will visit the United Nations in the morning, eat a
picnic lunch in an allocated space in the United
Nations building, and then go across the road to visit
the Red Cross Museum in the afternoon.
Students who normally eat in the school canteen will
be provided with a packed lunch by the canteen in
the morning before we leave. Students who normally
bring a packed lunch should do so as usual. All
studentsshould bring a small backpack containing a
small snack and a bottle of water. (Larger bags are
not permitted in the United Nations buildings.)
Students can also bring a small amount of money, if
they would like to purchase a postcard or pin etc. in
the gift shops. This should be in a small, named

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