Tartarus Meditation

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Tartarus Meditation

Sit comfortably, breathing in and out slowly and at ease. Close your eyes and
feel your center. The purpose of the visit is to learn something, perhaps of
the future. Often this was done through mantike, inspired prophesy through
possession by the deity. Enthusiasmos, the deity within us.
"Three faced one, patroness of the 9 wild Muses, Torch bearer, Star-crown
wearer. Mother of Ghosts who prophesize in the form of bee, serpent, mouse
or bat. She of the 3-heads: mare, dog, serpent; Brazen sandaled one, whose
Magic mists are raised by Willow spells, guide and protect us this night as we
meditate and traverse into your world.
Turn West: There lies the opening to Tartarus, the Underworld, in a grove of
black poplars, sacred to Her whom we honor. Wander through the sacred
grove, you will find an opening leading into the earth. Follow the tunnel until
you reach a river. There Charon will be awaiting you, do not forget to give a
coin to the ferryman as he guides you over the river Styx. Be sure to not
touch those waters!
We've reached the other shore. Beware Cerberus, the three headed dog; his
job is to prevent hapless ghosts from fleeing and the living from entering. But
tonight we are under the protection of Hekate Chthonia, Hekate Ourania, and
he, Her servant, let us pass. Do not tarry in the cheerless Asphodel Meadows
where weary shades wander, purposelessly, twittering like bats.
Look ahead: There lies Erebus, the palace of Hades and Persephone, she who
was tutored by Hekate; now She is in the world above for it is summer.
Perhaps we will catch a glimpse of the three Erinyes, the Furies, who live in
Erebus. There is no mistaking them, who punish those who break those of
deservedly guilty conscience. They are aged, with snakes for hair, dogs head
coal-black bodys bats' wings, and bloodshot eyes. In their hands they carry
brass-studded scourges.
To the Left is Lethe, shaded by Hekate's white cypress- do not drink of its
waters, for it is the spring of Forgetfulness, for common souls of the dead
awaiting rebirth, and yet we live.
Instead, approach Mnemosyne, the Pool of Memory, shaded by white poplars
of Persephone. This pool is for initiates. Kneel down and sip its cool waters
and see a vision there.

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