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Reconstruction, Industrial Revolution, and Reforms Test


Key Vocab:
Freedmens Bureau
Rutherford B. Hayes
Homestead Act
George Alexander Gray
Tenant farming
Wilmington Race Riot

Black Codes
Fifteenth Amendment
Civil Rights Act of 1871
Industrial Revolution
Sherman Antitrust Act
Leonidas L. Polk

Chapter 16
1. What was Abraham Lincolns plan for Reconstruction?
2. What was Andrew Johnsons plan for Reconstruction and how was it different
from Abraham Lincolns?
3. What are Black Codes and what was their purpose? Why is it important that
these not happen to Northerners and why are they so important to
4. What was the purpose of the Freedmans Bureau and list some examples of
services they provided?
5. Why did Congress not agree with Andrew Johnson over Reconstruction?
6. How did Congress change the plan of Reconstruction and what laws did they
pass to force change in the South?
7. What did Congress do in order to gain control of Reconstruction from Andrew
8. Who are the new groups now participating in Southern governments and
what roll do they play?
9. What positive changes are taking place in the new southern state
10.What group arises during this period to put forth resistance to all the changes
taking place in the south? What was this group trying to accomplish?
11.What are some changes that were made in NC due to our new Constitution?
12.What was the impact of Reconstruction on NC?
13.What social improvements were made due to reconstruction?
Chapter 17
14.Why were Railroads so important during the industrial revolution and what
was the process for making the transcontinental railroad?
15.Who is Andrew Carnegie and what is he famous for?
16.Who is John D. Rockefeller and what is he famous for?
17.Who is Henry Ford and what is he famous for?
18.How were these corporations able to become so big and so successful? What
groups were being hurt by their major success?
19.What are some major inventions that were created during this time?

20.What is a Robber Baron and why were they hated in America?

21.How does life change for farmers during the Industrial Revolution? (For the
good and for the worse.)
22.How does life change in American cities?
23.How does immigration affect life in the cities and how are immigrants being
24.What is Populism?
25.What is Progressivism?
26.What reforms are being called for in the cities, in state government, and in
national government?
Chapter 18
27.What are the industries that form in NC during the Industrial Revolution?
What big names are associated with these industries?
28.What of these industries are NC s 3 largest?
29.How have former slaves been affected by the changes of the time?
30.Why is tenant farming and sharecropping so big, and yet such a problem?
31.How are economic factors keeping farmers in NC from succeeding in the
years after the Civil War?
32.What other problems are farmers facing in the time after the Civil War, and
what changes have been made to make progress in crop production?
33.Why is transportation an issue for farmers?
34.How was NC affected by Populism, Progressivism, and Fusion politics?
35.What are the circumstances surrounding the Wilmington Race Riot, and why
is it remembered?
36.How were religion and womens right changed during this time?
37.How was education changed in NC during this time?

Essay Questions: Have an answer to both questions

How might have Reconstruction been different had Abraham Lincoln not been assassinated? Describe
what it looked like and explain how Lincolns plan would have been different. Which do you feel would
have worked best based on what you know happened after Reconstruction ended in the South?

Why do we call the late 1800s the Gilded Age? Describe the 4 industries that grew our nation and then
describe the problems that came about for farmers, workers, and consumers. Provide reforms that came
about to address the issues that were put forward by political groups like the Progressives and Populist.

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