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Presentation by: Bathsheba Jones

Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities

(e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society
or enterprise.

Influence is he capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or

behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.


The bases within Bermuda are American influenced because

Americans are responsible for their creation. Examples of these bases
are Morgan's Point, Kindley Field, Coopers Island,
The defence infrastructure economy within Bermuda was influenced by
the Americans.
The creation of Unions within Bermuda was slightly influenced by
Bermudas airport and former air fields are American influenced
because they were created also created by the Americans.

The Oligarchy of Bermuda caused the American bases to lower the wages in which
they were issuing to Bermudians in the year of 1944.
The lowering of these wages led to the creation of The Bermuda Workers
Association during that same year;1944. The purpose of this association was to
combat the pay disparity at the bases in Bermuda.

Dr. E. F. Gordon issued a petition in 1946 which asked the British Government to set
up Royal Commission to investigate conditions in Bermuda.
The Bermuda Workers Association then created The Bermuda Industrial Union as a
union wing in 1946 as a result of the Trade Union and Disputes Act which prevented
unions from including themselves within political activities. The Bermuda Industrial
Union to this day still fights for the rights of Bermudian workers and has one of the
highest memberships in the island.

The reason why this occurred was because in WW2 The United States of America

saw the opportunity of Britains immensely desperate situation regarding their war
with Germany.

The agreement which formalized the American annexation of British Overseas

Territories was named the Destroyers for Bases Act; September 2,1940.

The United States sent a proposal to the United Kingdom through the British

Ambassador, the Marquess of Lothian, for an American lease of airfields on

Trinidad, Bermuda, and Newfoundland.[3]

In the Bases for Destroyers Agreement between the United States and the United

Kingdom on September 2, 1940, fifty mothballed Caldwell, Wickes, and Clemsonclass US Navy destroyers were transferred to the Royal Navy from the United States
Navy in exchange for land rights on British possessions including Bermuda.

Under the 1941 Lend-Lease deal, the United States - then still a neutral power in the

war - loaned 50 destroyers to Britain in exchange for 99-year leases on military

bases in Bermuda

Before the Morgans Point was made into a U.S base

it was just and island owned by a Ruth Dill sister of

Bermudian attorney Baynard Dill.

The creation of this once unpolluted prime piece of

land required the merging of Morgans Island and

The Tucker Islands. This happened through the
process of dredging

Morgans Point looking south via air

In 1960 the National Aeronautics And Space Agency

(NASA) was given permission to build a tracking

station on the Bermuda air base To gather tracking
and scientific data from all NASA spacecraft,
satellites and planetary probes.

Morgans Point looking east via air

The creation of The Kindley Field airstrip added an additional 750 acres to

Bermudas size.

The U.S once used the Coopers Island as an area to position

one of their bases NASA

Coopers Island became the site of 15 storage ammunition

storage bunkers, two large underground storage tanks

(USTs), a small firearms range (SFAR) and an asphalt batch

The creation of these pieces of equipment later resulted in

mass pollution of this site.

In 1960 the National Aeronautics And Space Agency

(NASA) was given permission to build a tracking station on

the Bermuda air base To gather tracking and scientific data
from all NASA spacecraft, satellites and planetary probes

Bermudas defense infrastructure industry was a main part of the economy during

the time period of

Influence majorettes /drumline/ basketball/ roller skating!events-in-history



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