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Benjamin Franklin Biography

1. When and where was Benjamin Franklin born?

Source: January 17, 1706

2. Name two of Benjamin Franklins inventions.

Source: bifocals, lightning rod, Glass Armonica, library chair, swim

fins, the long reach device, Franklin Stove, catheter, and Daylight
Savings Time. Swim Fins: An avid swimmer, Franklin developed early
swim fins.
3. Name two of Benjamin franklins quotes
Source. Early to bed, and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

In the world nothing can be said to be certain, expect death and taxes.

4. Name one of Benjamin Franklins publications.

Source: A publisher is any person who decides that a book is likely to be

profitable, finances its printing, distributes it, and takes the risk of a loss
if it does not sell, or the profit if it does
5. How much formal education did Benjamin Franklin have?

had formal education January 17, 1706 to April 17, 1790

: he

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