MNE 419-Day 1 Exercises

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MNE 419 : MineSight Training

Day 1 Exercises
**Create a new folder in your MineSight project called Day 1 Exercises
Last Name and store all your geometry objects created for the following
exercises in this folder. At the end of the course you will need to hand this
folder in complete with all your various objects**
They should end up with 5-6 geometry items:
Colored lines, Full Dump Truck, Cones, Intersect_pieces, and
Creating and Attributing geometry objects
1) Geometry object called colored lines which contains: 1 object with 2 Dark
blue polylines, 1 pink polyline, 1 green unfilled polygon and 1 2D polygon
with a blue solid fill on level 1350.
2) Geometry object called Full Dump Truck, Insert a Full Dump truck. Using
the Explode and Attribute functions color it to look like the below image

Rotating and Moving objects

3) Create a geometry object called Cones. Insert 1 Cone from your surface
menu and then insert a second cone. Using the Rotate function, rotate the
second cone by a 90 degree angle.
4) In your Cones geometry object, using the element move and point snap
functions, move the tip of rotated cone to the tip of the non-rotated cone.

Intersecting solids
5) Create a geometry object called Intersect_pieces. Using the Insert Shape
function insert a sphere and a cone (make sure they are overlapping).
a. Create an edit grid which cuts through the two solids and attach that
edit grid to your viewer (Set Edit Grid to Viewer). Go into 2D, you
should see the two separate objects.

Use the Intersect Solids Tool, found in the Surface menu, to intersect the two solids
and join it into 1 solid (use the Return Union of Solids function). Save this new solid
as a new geometry object called Intersect_whole. Go back into 2D and your new
solid should now be 1 whole piece.

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