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A 65-year-old Caucasian male is admitted to the hospital with one year history of a tumor

located on the posterior thorax.

The local physical examination revealed an erythematous plaque, well-defined
with the diameter of about 1.3 / 3.5 mm, covered with hematic crusts, scales,
arboerescente vessels, slightly raised edges.
Clinical diagnosis: basal cell epithelioma
A biopsy of skin lesions shows the histopathological appearance of solid basal cell
carcinoma. The histopatological examination revealed an ulcerated tumor, with
limited cystic adenoid areas, tumor necrosis, invasive in the reticular dermis and
with a maximum tumor thickness of 1.7 mm; minimum desmoplazia; minimum
lymphocitic inflammatory infiltrate peritumoral.
All the laboratory results are normal, including CBC, serum urea and creatinine, SGOT,
SGPT, GGT, LDH, serum glucose

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