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Learning and Development Statement of Work

Project Name: Peer Coach/Mentor Development Needs Assessment

Project Name:
Peer Coach/Mentor Development Needs Assessment
L&D Project Leader:
Renda H. Driscoll
Project Owner:
Executive Sponsor:
Senior VP Automotive Services
Target Audience(s):
All Customer Advocates in the ERS CIC locations who are designated and responsible for the
mentoring of new employees once out of initial classroom training. ERS CIC Leadership staff is
to include, but not limited to, Directors, Inbound Operations Managers, inbound Supervisors and
Product Specialists who are responsible for performance improvement of new employees.
Dept. / Cost Center Billed:
L&D - 8040
Budgeted Amount:
6,500.00 T&E (L&D)
Anticipated Completion Date:
June 15, 2015

Project Description (Business Goals Business Issues, Possible Deliverables)
The Learning & Development (L&D) team is partnering with the Assistant Vice President of ERS
Customer Interactions Centers (CIC) and Operations Directors of ERS (CIC) to develop a
learning solution for ERS Peer Mentors, and Leadership staff; including but not limited to,
Directors, Inbound Operations Managers, Inbound Operations Supervisors and Product
Responsible, who are responsible for ensuring new employees are successful in processing
ERS calls post classroom training.
During the ERS CIC Planning session, it was identified that there are gaps/differences in the
mentoring process across all five contact center sites and there appears to be a need to
develop designated peer coaches/mentors to continue a new employees development. While
some contact center leaders have ensured there is a 1:1 ratio of peer coaches when the new
employees transition to the center for the first week out of the classroom, other centers have not
instituted this stringent of a mentoring program. There is misinterpretation of what an effective
peer coach/mentor role and responsibilities are, as well as a lack of process alignment in
mentoring new employees transitioning to the call center.

Company X

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Learning and Development Statement of Work

Project Name: Peer Coach/Mentor Development Needs Assessment
Financial and/or Operational Impact:
New employees will receive a consistent message on the policies and procedures to effectively
process a customers road service request. New employees will feel supported by peer mentors
and leaders in preparing them to take ERS calls on their own. Peer coaches/mentors will be
better equipped to guide new employees by providing understanding learning styles and
preferences, providing effective feedback and being consistent with training in policies and
process. This will ultimately impact improved performance measures, reduction of attrition
causing a decrease in recruiting efforts and training classes. The cost to recruit, train and
onboard a new employee averages to $6,800.00 per employee for a 6 week period.

Proposed Project Outcomes/Measurement


Data Source

90% of Peer mentors responsible for side by side

monitoring and peer coaching in the on-boarding

Improved quality of call processing from new employees,

as measured by: 10% reduction in AHT, 5% Increase in
customer satisfaction on Quality Standard Surveys, 15%
reduction in documented Assist line inquiries for
foundational knowledge & Skills.

Results of key performance

indicators measuring

Decrease in time to competency from six weeks to 4

weeks post training measured by reduction on AHT from
450 to 360 seconds, increase in total satisfaction rating
from 88% to 90%

Results of Key Performance

Measures expectations

Increase in support from peer mentor ratings from agree

to strongly agree from 85% to 90%

Comparison of data 6
months post training surveys
prior to mentor training to 6
months after mentor training.

Increase in consistency of classroom training to mentor

support from 78% to 88%.

Comparison of data 6
months post training surveys
prior to mentor training to 6
months after mentor training.

LMS Completion Reports

Project Scope
Learning & Development (L&D) will assume responsibilities for project management, in
partnership with key ERS stakeholders and designated personnel, obtaining the existing data
for analysis and the development of focus group questions for the purposes of the needs

Statement of Work

Learning and Development Statement of Work

Project Name: Peer Coach/Mentor Development Needs Assessment
Specific project roles, responsibilities and deliverables include:

Learning & Development Project Manager:

o Schedules weekly meetings with Project Sponsor to review progress. Develops focus
group questions and reviews with project sponsor.
o Assigns key learning and development personnel to conduct focus group meetings
for Supervisors and Peer Coaches/Mentors.
o Collects Service Observation data from the Learning Specialists. Develops
Statement of Work (SOW) for needs assessment, project plan, establishes schedules
and monitors service levels of assigned resources.
o Collaborates with the stakeholder to review data collected and determines the
development solution.
o Compiles report of the needs assessment results and reviews final draft with Project
Sponsor and provides final report to Executive Sponsor, Project Sponsor and
Stakeholders with findings.
o Collaborates with Instructional Designers to design and develop the training solution
as deemed necessary from the needs assessment.
Project Sponsor: V.P. of ERS Customer Interaction Center.
o Reviews project plan with Learning & Development project manager on a weekly
o Monitors the service levels of the project and intervenes when necessary to ensure
timely results of existing information.
o Reviews the focus group questions and provides any additional information needed
to gather.
o Reviews the final draft of the needs assessment report and has first level approval of
recommended development solutions.
Stakeholders: Director of ERS Customer Interaction Center from all five sites.
o Obtains and/or compiles their perspective centers OJT plan.
o Participates in the comparison and analysis of the OJT plans.
o Reviews finalized data reports
Inbound Operations Managers:
o Assigns Key Supervisors to participate in focus group and collaborates with
Supervisors to select two peer coaches to participate in focus group discussions.
o Ensures availability of participants for focus groups.
Workforce Management Team Lead:
o Compiles the Key performance metrics of new employees hired within the last six
months to include Customer Quality Surveys with focus on the Telephone
Representative attributes.
o Compiles service observation scores for new employees hired within the last six
Inbound Operations Supervisors:
o Collect service observation forms for workforce management report and provides to
Learning & Development project manager.
Automotive Services Human Resources Manager:
o Designates contacts for obtaining Attrition Reports and the Post OJT New Employee
survey results from new employees hired within the last six months.
o Reviews report to ensure privacy of individual employees are protected

Statement of Work

Learning and Development Statement of Work

Project Name: Peer Coach/Mentor Development Needs Assessment

Provides finalized report to Learning and Development Project Manager, Project

Sponsor and Key Stakeholders for analysis.

Executive Sponsor: Senior V.P. of Automotive Services.

o Reviews the final report of the needs assessment and approves recommended
development solutions

Out of Scope for this Statement of Work:

Design, Development, Implementation plans for any possible training solutions
determined by the needs assessment. This will be outlined in a separate Statement of
Work and based on the results of needs assessment.
Analysis of current hiring model and staffing models

Project Deadline Dates

Meetings Start Date:

Documentation Start Date:


Data Collection Reports Date:


Review of Data Collection:


Focus Group meetings:


Focus Group Report due:


First Draft Assessment Report Date:


First Draft Assessment Report Feedback


Second Draft Assessment Report Date:


Second Assessment Report Draft

Feedback Date:

Final Assessment Report Date:


The above project information is current and agreed upon as of

Any changes to the agreed upon details will require review, approval and sign off by all
involved parties.
LOD Project Leader Signature: ______________________________
Project Owner Signature: ____________________________ ______
Statement of Work

Learning and Development Statement of Work

Project Name: Peer Coach/Mentor Development Needs Assessment
Executive Sponsor: _______________________________________

Statement of Work

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