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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Derivatives

Name: Angel Perez

Content Area: Mathematics, Calculus

Grade Level: 10-12

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

4.0 Students demonstrate an understanding of the formal definition of the derivative of a function at a point and the notion of differentiability:
4.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the derivative of a function as the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function.
4.3 Students understand the relation between differentiability and continuity.
4.4 Students derive derivative formulas and use them to find the derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic
7.0 Students compute derivatives of higher orders.
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

The Big Idea for this unit plan is for students to understand the definition of the derivative, procedure for finding/ taking the derivative of a function, and use
differentiation rules to obtain derivatives.

Unit Summary:

The students will be reintroduced to the various types of functions, such as algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic
functions. Then, students will learn how to find the tangent line to the curve of these functions at a certain point. Students will learn how derivatives are used in
economics, physics, chemistry and other sciences to determine rates of change and continuity of data. They will use the definition of the derivative and
differentiation rules to compute derivatives.

Assessment Plan:
Discussion The relevance of graphs and their

Quiz Definition of derivative and power rule.
Flash cards Practice memorization of derivatives.
Worksheets Students work in groups to complete
worksheet and opportunity for extra credit.
Game Jeopardy game where students compete in
groups for points towards the exam.

Unit Exam Students will create an account in Quiz
Star, register for the correct class and take the
exam through this computer program.
Posters Generalize the ideas of graphing and how
it helps find derivatives at a point.

Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective:
Understand the definition of a
derivative and its relation to
functions on a graph

Acceptable Evidence:
There will be a quiz at the end
of this week, which assesses
their understanding. There will
also be a worksheet done in
class, where students work in
groups to solve problems and
give solutions for extra credit

Lesson Activities:
Students will view the Prezi presentation on the Definition of a Derivative while taking
guided notes. They will review the graphs of functions and how to find slope.
Supplemental instruction may be found on Khan Academy website.
Then, using the definition of a derivative, students will find the slope of the tangent line to
a curve at a given point, plotting on the Desmos graph.
There will be examples given for some of the different functions, making sure to cover the
ones likely to appear on homework assignments

Acceptable Evidence:
There will be a quiz at the end
of this week, which assesses
their understanding. There will
also be a worksheet done in
class, where students work in
groups to solve problems and
give solutions for extra credit

Lesson Activities:
Utilizing the Webercise assignment, students will use the definition and the power rule to
find derivatives. Students will double check and verify answers using the Online Derivative
Calculator program. They will also utilize Desmos for additional practice in graphing
Then, students will be given examples of functions used in economics, physics, chemistry
and other sciences to determine derivatives.

Acceptable Evidence:
There will be a quiz at the end
of this week, which assesses
their understanding. There will
also be a worksheet done in
class, where students work in
groups to solve problems and
give solutions for extra credit

Lesson Activities:
This lesson will be completed through the use of a graphic organizer. Students have seen
the definition of the derivative applied to polynomial functions. They will learn how the
definition is used to prove the derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, inverse
trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
Given a graphic organizer template, students will sort many functions into groups and then
pair each type of function with its derivative. There are many different functions to cover.
Using the graphic organizer will help the students remember differentiation rules.

Lesson 2
Student Learning Objective:
Compute the derivative of
functions using the power rule.

Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective:
Compute the derivatives of
other common functions.

Unit Resources:
Textbook Essential Calculus Early Transcendentals by James Stewart, 2012 Chapter 2 Derivatives
Khan Academy Derivative Review and Video
Derivative Calculator
Desmos Online Graphing Calculator

Weebly Website Maker
Prezi Presentation Builder
Quiz Star
Gliffy Editor

Useful Websites:
Khan Academy Derivative Review and Video
Derivative Calculator
Wolfram Alpha
Desmos Online Graphing Calculator
Calculus Help Derivatives

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