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I. Question 1 20: choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. In the last 10 years, the number of college graduates majoring in computer _______by almost 20%
A. has risen

B. will have risen

C. was rising

D. had risen

2. Starting next month, salaries ______ paid through a newly installed electronic-paying system.
A. were

B. are

C. had been

D. will be

3. Sales executives _______ at the Glory Business Center for the annual conference last Friday
A. convene

B. convened

C. convenes

D. convening

4. When I returned from my summer vacation, I found that some of my best associates _______ a week
A. fired

B. have been fired

C. had been fired

D. will fire

5. The document that you requested ______ on your desk.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. were

6. The _______ businessperson always dresses appropriately.

A. success

B. succeed

C. successful

D. succession

7. You will find all the pencils you need ______ that drawer.
A. through

B. under

C. on

D. in

8. Several important pieces of information were ______ from the report.

A. omit

B. omitted

C. omitting

D. omission

C. canceled

D. are canceling

9. If the weather is bad, we ______ the trip.

A. will cancel

B. have canceled

10. You can always count on Ms. Chow, as she is one of our most _____ employees.
A. depend

B. depending

C. dependable

D. dependence

11. Mr. Jones finally _____ a promotion and he was very happy to get it.
A. deceived

B. conceived

C. perceived
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D. received

12. The office was in excellent condition when we moved in because the former ______ was very tidy.
A. occupy

B. occupied

C. occupant

D. occupancy

C. since

D. because

13. No one can go home ____ the work is finished.

A. if

B. until

14. Just walk ____ that door and you will see the copy machine on the other side.
A. under

B. around

C. between

D. through

15. There were several qualified candidates for the job, but we could _____ only one.
A. chose

B. chosen

C. choose

D. choice

16. In order to be _____ to the building, you must show proper identification.
A. admitted

B. emitted

C. remitted

D. submitted

C. beside

D. reside

17. Theres a phone on the table _____ my desk.

A. inside

B. outside

18. It is a bit scary riding this elevator because it _____ at such a rapid rate.
A. decreases

B. descends

C. devalues

D. diminishes

19. He ______ an employee of this company ever since he first started working.
A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. will be

20. The walls are in bad shape and will require ______ before we can begin painting them.
A. preparation

B. preparatory

C. preparer

D. prepare

II. Question 21 -25: read the descriptions of some words about holidays and travel. What is the
word for each description?
21. You need this to travel to some foreign countries.

P __ __ __ __ __ __ __

22. You need to buy this before you get on a plane.

T __ __ __ __ __

23. This is where you go to get a plane.

A __ __ __ __ __ __

24. You put your clothes in this when you travel

S __ __ __ __ __ __ __

25. This person likes visiting different places

T __ __ __ __ __ __
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III. Question 26 30: Read the article. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

Is a man still a child when hes 30?

Children usually live with their parents but until what age? 20? 25?
Stephen Richardson, a social psychologist, studies the lifestyles of young people in Britain and
the US. He says that today many young people live at home when they are 25 or older. They are happy
to live with their parents, go out at night, and spend their money on cell phones and designer clothes. Its
not only university students, but also young people who have jobs and earn money.
In many other European countries, children leave home later. In Italy, for example, 30% of men
and 18% of women between 30 and 34 live with their parents. This week in Naples a judge decided that
Giuseppe Andreoli, aged 70, must pay $950 a month to his ex-wife for their son Marco, Marco lives
with his mother but hes not a child, hes a 30-year-old lawyer!


26. Stephen Richardson is a student.

27. Many 25-year-olds live with their parents.
28. They dont like living with their parents.
29. In Italy 18% of 30-year-old men live with their parents.
30. Giuseppe Andreoli is divorced

IV. Question 31 40: read the text below and choose the correct word for each space

New Home New School

Last year my Dad got a new job. It was in a town which was 100 kms from our home. Mum and Dad
(31) _______ we would have to move, because it was a long way for Dad to (32)_______ every day.
When they (33) _______ me about their plan I was upset (34) ______ I loved my home and school. I
was worried that I would (35) _______ all my friends and teachers a lot.
Anyway, six months (36) _______ that, my family moved to the town of Hexford. The house was much
bigger than our old one, and (37) ________my bedroom window I (38) ______ see the sea.
I wasnt looking forward to the first day at my new school. I felt really (39) ______ about meeting lots
of new people. But when I got there everyone was great! My class teacher was nice and I (40) ______
friends with two girls in my class. Moving home isnt that bad, after all!

A. chose

B. decided

C. selected
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D. picked


A. transport

B. carry

C. tour

D. travel


A. said

B. spoke

C. told

D. explained


A. because

B. so

C. but

D. and


A. forget

B. lose

C. leave

D. miss


A. further

B. after


A. down

B. along

C. from

D. away


A. shall

B. could

C. must

D. would


A. nervous

B. disappointed

C. angry

D. bored


A. knew

B. found

C. made

D. met

C. next

D. later

I. Question 1 5: Rearrange the words to make sentences
1. What/ address/ your/ email/ is?
2. at/ you/ Were/ together/ university?
3. phone/ My/ mobile/ take/ doesnt/ photos.
4. do/ What/ in/ you/ do/ the morning?
5. of food/ eat/ do/ you/ What kind?
II. Question 6 -10: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
6. The flat is near my college.
The flat is not... my college.
7. My friend told me that I could stay in his flat.
My friend said You my flat.
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8. I started living here two months ago.

I have lived here . two months ago.
9. This is the first time Ive lived in the city.
Ive . in a city before.
10. The flat has two bedrooms.
Therein the flat.

II. Write an answer to ONE of the question (11 or 12) in this part
Write your answer in about 100 120 words in your answer sheet.
Question 11: Write a paragraph about the following topic:
Advantages and disadvantages of shopping through e-mail
Question 12: This is a part of a letter you receive from a British friend.
I went to a great restaurant with my family last night. Which do you prefer: eating
at home or in restaurants?
Tell me about your favorite place to eat.

Write a letter to your friend.

Write your letter on your answer sheet.


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