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Senior Profile

Cheat Sheet for resume-building, college and scholarship applications, letters of recommendation, etc.

Student Name

Madison Goad

Email Address

School Organizations

National Honor Society

Flower Girls

Speech Team Advisor

Speech Team Department Head
German Club Advisor

Speech Team - 4 years

German Club - 4 years
German Team - 3 years
Art Club - 4 years


Speech State Qualifier

Community Service/
Volunteer Experience

LBL Counselor - 8th-12th

Helfrich Park STEM Academy Speech Team Volunteer

Employment (& how long)

Shoe Carnival - since 1/5/16


(ex: BPA, DECA, National

Honor Society)

School Offices and

Leadership Positions
(ex: Class Officer; Athletic
Team Captain)

Extracurricular Activities
(& how many years)
(ex: Track, Spanish Club)

(ex: CPR, first aid)



(The following questions require responses in sentence format.)

What do you consider your

greatest strength?

I consider my shaky hands to be my greatest strength. They can be irritating at

times, however they force me to step back and take a second to assess the
situation while I wait for the shaking to cease. Although some may think that
shaky hands are a flaw, I think they are a strength, especially when a new
conversation topic is needed.

What special aspect of your

personality would you like
the college, scholarship,
employer to learn about
you? What makes you

Personally, I like to think that my stubbornness is one of the things that makes
me unique. Generally when I put my mind to doing something, especially an
academic matter, I wont let other things get in the way of whatever task it is I
have at hand. However, Im also flexible when a situation changes and I can
multitask to ensure that everything gets done.

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