Nanotechnology Medication: Bugging My Cell

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By Lillie Ferrer

Nanotechnology Medicine Background
There is an emerging new discovery in the medical biotech world called
Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology medicine uses a robot the size of one molecule



that can be inserted into your bloodstream to attack both tumors and the AIDS
virus. The nanotech medicine attacks and kills the cancerous cells or the ones that
are essentially bad. The small robots deliver drugs, heat, light or other substances.
All depending on what kind of cells need to be treated. Nanobots are engineered so
that they are attracted to the cancer/AID cells and neutralize them. In 1959 on
December 29th, a physicist named Richard Feynman gave a lecture about making
machines on a nano-scale(microscopic scale) that would allow us to arrange the
atoms how we want. When Richard first pitched this idea, everyone thought he was
crazy. They didn't think it was possible to bring this abnormal idea to life. They were
wrong! The lecture he gave was the birth of Nanotechnology. A couple months after
the lecture, Albert R. Hibbs pitched the same idea of making machines on a nanoscale and using those micro-machines in the medical field.

Why is this important?

This device is very important to the human race because cancer and AIDS are
prevalent diseases that in some cases, cant be cured. Currently, thirty-five million
people in the world are living with AIDS and 14.1 million are living with cancer.
Nanotechnology medicine is meant to cure all tumors and AIDS. Yes, the
Nanotechnology Medicine is expensive, but it's cheaper then other treatments for
tumors and is also, this is the only way to cure AIDs. When your doctor first inserts
one robot that's the size of one molecule into your bloodstream, the robot goes to
look for the bad cells. Theres a chemical scientist put into the robots that make
them attracted to the ill cells so when the robot finds those cells, they either give
them drugs, heat, light, or another substance to help fight the disease. Throughout
this process, the robots multiple themselves to make the job go by quicker. This new
treatment can heal patients alot faster and easier. If you chose this kind of way to
heal your disease, there will be a 100% chance that the robots did their job by
healing your cells so you can be cancer/AIDs free.

What could go wrong?

Honestly, alot of things can go wrong but they are mainly small things. There is one
scenario that scientists have came up with, it's called the Grey Goo Problem. Grey
goo is a substance from the nanotechnology robots that increases epidemical



without an exact limit. A hypothetical scenario where Earth or the universes mass is
eco tophaged into robots that multiply themselves. Gray goo does not go against
the laws of physics. Enterprising scientists and engineers could, sooner or later,
build grey goo and set it into motion. There is another big scenario that scientist
believe can happen. It doesn't have a name like the Gray Goo Problem, but what
could happen with these nanotechnology medicine robots is they dont what they
are suppose. There is one nanotechnology robot that leads all the other robots. It's
like the boss. They do multiply themselves and start healing the cancer cells, but
that boss, starts to attack the healthy cells instead of healing them. All the other
robots follow and do the same thing until you are low on cells and you die. There are
bigger groups opposed for the Gray Goo Problem because that scenario could be

Solutions to these scenarios?

The Gray Goo Problem, can happen and theres not much we can do to prevent it
from happening. There is a group of people who want to outlaw any gray goo
technology or regulate it into obscurity but that would take the gray goo-ist
underground. In turn, the scientific check balances would be taken for granted and
the gray goo future would be even more possible. The chance of it happening may
even be one in a billion. For the other scenario where the robots turn against your
body and attacks your good cells instead of the cancerous ones, scientist haven't
found a solution on how to prevent it from happening. I did think of a solution to this
scenario though. When they inject the robots with the chemicals or program the
robots to go after the cancerous cells, they can have a check up every two weeks to
see how the treatment is working. If the nanotechnology medicine starts to go
against the body, they can take it out as soon as possible.

Nanotechnology Medicine futureNanotechnology is used in many different ways and maybe sometime in the future,
they can create more ideas on how to use nanotechnology. The device will change
the future so much. Less people will be dying from cancer, AIDs, heart disease,
diabetes, and much more. All those sicknesses will now have a cure. There will



finally be less broken hearts because of how many families these diseases have
broken up. Also, This device could solve other issues in the world like having clean
water. When scientist first create the device, they add chemicals to make attracted
to the oils and dirty stuff in the water so then the water would be clean. Our lives
would be alot easier because then we wouldn't have to worry about all the diseases
we can catch because then there will be a cure for everything. The people who
would benefit the most are children diagnosed with cancer. Think about how painful
it must be for their parents knowing that their child may not survive and could die
before them. That their child might not graduate high school or college because of
cancer. If there was a cure, they wouldn't need to worry about their child leaving
their lives.

My thoughts on Nanotechnology
This invention is very much needed in our lives. Our lives would be alot easier
knowing that there is a cure for about everything. We would worry less and enjoy life
more. This device could solve alot of issues in the world like having clean water for
those who don't have it. Nanotechnology benefits everyone in the world. The only
thing they need to change is the price of the robot. This life changing device cost a
fortune so those who can't afford this new technology, have to suffer though the
cancer or other deadly disease they have. If they lowered the price, everyone who
needs it, can have it and we could live in a healthier, worryless life.



Xiaowei Dong & Russell J Mumper. Nanomedicine Strategies to treat multi-drug

resistant tumors: current progress. Studies in in clinical and translational medicine and the
biosciences Vol. 5, No. 4, Pages 597-615 (2011)
Jacqueline Savron. 5 Ways Nanotechnology Could Kill Us All Outbrain,
Sept. 02, 2011. <>
Stefan Schtze, Bernd Frtsch, Achim Lindner. Solving problems with nanotechnology
<> Lumiphore
Earl Boysen. Nanotechnology in Medicine - Nanomedicine studies in nanotechnology
pages 1 (2007)<>
Jaskaran. An Overview Of Nanotechnology In Medicine LinkedIn
Corporation. April 01, 2011 <>

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