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Agro Tech Foods Limited

Profile Offered
Work Experience

Gaurav Gaba
Summer Intern, Sales- ATFL
23 months - IBM

Pre Process
Application form
If Yes, questions
Psychometric test
Written Test (Y/N)
Written test
Interview Rounds

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Process (GD + PI)

GD Topics

(To be mentioned in bullet points)

Social media- Boon or Bane


Few points Discussed in GD:

Boon: Bringing people closer, Trigger in public awareness, Good
platform for exchange of ideas in a mass scale
Bane: Trivial gossip, compromise of security, social isolation rather than
broadening of social horizon, people shying away from traditional
avenues of learning
Profile Sector
Specific questions

Interview panel:
Mehul Pathak , Head of Global Sourcing
Gaurav Gupta , Brand Manager (MDI alumni)

Questions on Basic concepts of sales?

If given a choice, which profile would you select from among
sales , marketing and global sourcing ??
What are the roles and responsibilities of a sales manager?
Why do you think you can be a good sales person?
What is the career path in sales?

HR Based

Tell us about yourself?

Tell us something about your family background?

General Questions

If you were to handle your family business, what would be your

contribution and what growth do you aspire?
Why are you interested in sales?

How did you prepare for the Interview Process? How much according to you was relevant?
Reading newspapers daily and staying updated with the current affairs was very fruitful. Mock GD
preparations helped in gaining lot of confidence.
Guidance from seniors was indispensable and also having good grip on subject basics helped a lot.
Must know:

Products of the company

Recent news about the company

Relevance on scale from (1 to 10), 1 being least relevant and 10 being most relevant -------- 8
Why do you think, you were selected?

Confidence in articulating the points

Good Understanding of roles in sales operation


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