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Coca Cola India Ltd.

Profile Offered
Work Experience

Milan Garg
30 months

Pre Process
Application form
If Yes, questions

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


General details
What are your long term and short term goals in life
What are the 3 most important values that guide your
thoughts and actions
Outline briefly your reasons to join coca cola india
Achievements during professional career
Extracurricular activities

Psychometric test
Written Test (Y/N)
Written test
Interview Rounds

Process (GD + PI)

GD Topics

(To be mentioned in bullet points)

The shortlisted candidates were divided into teams and each team was
given a task of launching a new product right from naming the product
to the marketing strategy and they were given old magazines,
newspapers to display their creativity in launching the campaign.

Profile Sector
Specific questions



HR Based

General Questions




Why do you want to join coke
What would you do in a marketing company
Why do you like coke

Tell me 3 reasons why I should leave Coca Cola

Tell me about yourself
Some questions on work ex
Take us through your form
What makes you happy
What are your hobbies

How did you prepare for the Interview Process? How much according to you was relevant?

Prepared general questions well made a story for everything

Read and prepared on marketing management through internet and kotler
Prepared a lot of examples for every point I say

Analysed a coke advertisement, studied thoroughly about coca cola
All the preparation was very relevant
Why do you think, you were selected?

I handled my work ex really well as it was unconventional (taught math at Kota for 2 years)
Analysis of the coke add and the passion displayed
High energy
Citing examples for literally every point

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