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Deloitte Consulting

Profile Offered
Work Experience

Tanmay Agarwal
Strategy and Operations S&O
2 years Goldman Sachs

Pre Process
Application form
If Yes, questions

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Informational questions
o Academic Performance
o Work profile
CV to be uploaded separately on website.

Psychometric test
Written Test (Y/N)
Written test
Interview Rounds


Process (GD + PI)

GD Topics

(To be mentioned in bullet points)

No GD was conducted

Profile Sector
Specific questions

Questions related to Telecom Sector were asked

HR Based

Organizational fit of the candidate


General Questions

How candidate maintains Work Life balance etc.

Liveliness of the candidate
Behavioral questions: A situation to judge the behavior was given
Guess estimates
Case Study was given by the senior partner which focused on the
telecomm Sector.
Why you want to join consulting
Self introduction
Questions related to CV
Questions related to work profile.

How did you prepare for the Interview Process? How much according to you was relevant?

Current affairs through newspapers and internet

Current trends in the consulting industry.
Study of Ace the Case a course material of 5 books
Strategist Preparatory material was studied thoroughly.

Why do you think, you were selected?

Good Preparation

Structured Answers to case questions with graphical representations

Good communication

Confident answers

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