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Profile Offered
Work Experience

Ashish Gupta
Retail Banking and Wealth Management
36 months ( Family Business- Textile)

Pre Process
Application form
If Yes, questions
Psychometric test
Written Test (Y/N)
Written test
Interview Rounds

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Process (GD + PI)

GD Topics

(To be mentioned in bullet points)

Samsung vs. Apple

Profile Sector
Specific questions

Why do you want to get into Banking?

What is Retail Banking?
Functions of bank in Retail Banking
What are CRR, SLR rates etc.
Role of RBI in regulating the financial flow
Some questions on basic banking fundamentals

HR Based

Tell us something about yourself

Why do you want to do a job and not join your family business
What are your strengths and weaknesses
What did you do (role) in your family business and describe any
challenges faced
Challenges you faced working in the Textile Industry

General Questions


How did you prepare for the Interview Process? How much according to you was relevant?

Thoroughly prepared all the subjects taught mainly Accounting and Economics
Being a CFA level 1, prepared potential questions related to it

Good knowledge of current affairs

Had an in depth knowledge about HSBC and its operations in India
Prepared my resume thoroughly

Prepared all the basic HR questions

Preparing banking fundamentals (Accounting and Economics) helped a lot during the interview and
good knowledge of current was an added advantage in interview
Why do you think, you were selected?

Had good communication skills and was thoroughly prepared with my CV

Displayed high level of interest and enthusiasm to join Banking sector
Cracked a joke in the interview which helped to create a good atmosphere in the interview
(Subjective thing, might not be useful for everyone)

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