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THE TECH SET, Number 8

Ellyssa Kroski, Series Editor

Library Camps
and Unconferences

Steve Lawson

Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.

New York London

Difficult as it has been, the task of writing this book may be all
worth it simply for the chance to thank the following wonderful
people in print.
Were it not for my editor Ellyssa Kroski and the people at
Neal-Schuman, this book would not exist at all.
I feel very lucky to be part of the Library Society of the World: a
group of librarians who get together online and manage to make
talking about libraries an engaging and often hilarious activity. The
LSW and the larger group of blogging librarians have greatly en-
riched my professional and personal life, and I am grateful. For
their direct contributions to the process of writing this book, I am
pleased to thank by name Meredith Farkas, Dorothea Salo, Walt
Crawford, Martha Hardy, Joshua M. Neff, Jenna Freedman, David
Lee King, John Blyberg, Ryan Deschamps, Stephen Francoeur,
Kathryn Greenhill, Michelle Boule, Nicole Engard and Michael
Sauers. I owe special thanks to Iris Jastram for offering perceptive
comments on large sections of this book and for generally being a
Laura Crossett and Joe Kraus were ideal co-conspirators on the
Library Camp of the West 2008. They helped convert my interest
in library camps from hypothetical to actual. John Porcellino was
kind enough to donate his artwork to that event and to this book.
I could not ask for more supportive co-workers than the people
at Colorado College’s Tutt Library.

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xii " Library Camps and Unconferences

Last, I owe my greatest thanks to my family: my mom and dad

who have encouraged and supported me through every phase of
my life, and Shanon, Luke, and Nicholas, who make everything

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