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Learning & Development

V.T.B Rodrigo

Learning & Development Role Function

Expected level (Ex: Productivity, Profits and etc.)

Existing level (Ex: Productivity, Profits and etc.)

Identify the GAP between organization business need and existing level
Conduct training Need Analysis
Design and conduct training programs
Evaluate and re-adjust according to the business needs


Steps of crafting Learning & Development Strategy

Identify the organizations priorities.
Define the people requirements needed to support these business priorities.
Understand the current learning programs, including support systems, technology, culture, management,
and learning content.
Align the business goals with the learning processes.

Define a training plan that will guide and develop employees to deliver on business priorities.
Create a business case for implementing the learning solutions.
Implement the solutions with support from a high-level champion, an active governance board, and a
strong training department.
Evaluate the results, re-assess, and be flexible as the organizations priorities change.

Results of the Learning & Development Strategy


Development of the
Human Capital
Acquiring SKAB & Motivation

Learning and Development

Knowledge | Skills | Attitude | Behavior

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