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Making a request.


SITUATION 5: Student A
You and your course mates feel the statistics course that you
are doing is a little difficult to cope with. Your lecturer has
decided to give extra classes for 3 hours every Saturday for the
next four weeks. You do appreciate the effort that your lecturer
is making but you do not want to go for classes every Saturday.
Instead, make a request to your lecturer to have the classes on
weekdays. Give reasons to support this request.

Responding to a request

SITUATION 5: Student B
Some of your students feel that the statistics course that you
teach is a little difficult to cope with. You have decided to give
extra classes for 3 hours every Saturday for the next four
weeks. However, they do not want to go for classes every
Saturday. They request that you have the classes on weekdays
instead. Explain to them the reasons why a Saturday class is


SITUATION 6: Student A
You have a very kind neighbour who is a housewife. Since you
and your two house mates are often attending lectures the
whole day, your neighbour always gives you food. You find that
you are never able to finish the food. You appreciate her
generous gesture but you need to tell your neighbour very
nicely that there is always too much food.

Handling a complaint and

giving excuses

SITUATION 6: Student B
You have three students living next door who are often busy
attending lectures. Whenever you ask them if they have had
dinner, they always say that they have to skip dinner. Since you
are a housewife who cooks every day, you have been sending
dinner over but they said that you have been giving them too
much food.

Asking for opinion

SITUATION 7: Student A
You have just bought an expensive pair of glasses that you like
very much. Ask your friend what he/she thinks.

Expressing opinion
Hiding feelings

SITUATION 7: Student B
Your close friend has just bought a pair of glasses which are
very expensive. You feel that she looks much older with this
pair of glasses. Tell her this without hurting his/her feelings.

Making a request

SITUATION 8: Student A
You are the class representative of the Professional Ethics
(TEB 101) course in your faculty. You and your course mates
are unable to do the course assessment scheduled for Week 7
as you all have to make a field trip for one of the core courses.
As the class representative, your classmates have asked you to
request that the course lecturer postpones the course

Saying no nicely/ giving

negative comments in a
diplomatic way

Making excuses and


Handling a cancellation

SITUATION 8: Student B
You are the lecturer for the Professional Ethics (TEB 101)
course in your faculty. You have scheduled the course
assessment for week 7. However, the class representative of
your course has asked you to consider postponing the
assessment as many of the students taking the course have to
go on a field trip that is compulsory for one of the core courses
that they are taking. You would like to consider their request but
it is difficult to find a time that is suitable for everyone.
SITUATION 9: Student A
You are organising a dinner party for a group of friends to be
held in the last week of the semester. At the last minute, you
find out that many of them have been asked to attend a
workshop away from the campus. You decide to call the caterer
to cancel the party and persuade the caterer to return the
deposit that you have paid.

SITUATION 9: Student B
You have a catering business near a university campus. A
student from that campus, who has made arrangements for a
dinner party, calls to cancel the party at the last minute and
asks for a refund of the deposit. It is your company policy that
deposits are not refundable for cancellations with less than a
weeks notice.

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