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John Lingwood, MRINA
Tim Knaggs
Editorial Assistant:
Samantha Fisk
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Published by:
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
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2009. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects

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Printed in Wales by
Pensord Press, Tram Road, Pontllfraith, Blackwood,
Gwent NP12 2YA
ISBN 978 1 905040 51 3
Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p1.indd 1

AL GHUWAIRIYA Daewoos Q-max LNG carrier design
ARGOLIKOS Hanjins Subic Bay yard delivers its first ship
ARMORIQUE Brittany Ferries ro-pax design from STX Finland
AZUR Japanamax bulk carrier from Oshima
BRASIL MARU Worlds largest ore carrier built by Mitsui
CITY OF HAMBURG Singapore-built specialist vessel
for Airbus concept

CLIPPER MARS Hyundai builds 60,000m LPG carrier
CLIPPER POINT Ferry from Huelva for Northern Ireland link

CMA CGM VELA Daewoo delivers 10,960TEU container liner
COLOR SUPERSPEED 1 Fast Skagerrak ferry from Finland
COMBI DOCK 1 Lloyd Werft-built special heavy-lift ship

CPO FRANCE 37,000dwt products tanker delivered by Hyundai Mipo 35
CRUISE ROMA Fincantieri-built ferry for Italy-Spain service
DANTE A Total redundancy tanker completed by Huelva
DAPENG SUN Chinas first LNG carrier from Hudong-Zhonghua
EMIRATES STAR STX-built 51,000dwt products tanker
FAIR SEAS Turkish Aframax tanker from STX
FESCO VITIM Szczecinskas successful 1730TEU container ship
GULF BAYNUNAH 47,000dwt products tanker design by Hyundai Mipo 50
GYPSUM INTEGRITY Self-discharging bulker from Brazil
HORIZON ARMONIA SPP-built 50,000dwt products tanker
HOS ACHIEVER Versatile support vessel from Merwede
ISLAND SKY Canadian built and owned inter-island ferry
KORSARO Cicek delivers 26,000dwt chemical tanker to domestic owner 62
LADY GIOVI Mitsuis 82,000dwt Manamax bulk carrier
MAERSK ALGOL Environment friendly box-ship built by Samsung
MARI UGLAND Brodosplit tanker with unique get-you-home device
MARILOULA 180,000dwt bulk carrier from Daewoo
MARTIN i SOLER Barreras-built ferry for Balearic links
MORNING LINDA Hyundai Samho delivers 8000 unit PCTC
MOZAH Samsungs contribution to the Q-max LNG tanker series
MSC IVANA Almost the worlds largest box ship from Hyundai
MSC POESIA STX France completes fourth Musica class cruise liner 82
MYSTIC Newcomer Daehan delivers Capesize bulker
NAVIGATOR ARIES LPG/NH tanker completed by Hyundai Mipo
NYK THESEUS Hyundai-built 6700TEU container ship
RN ARKHANGELSK Vulcano-built Arctic tanker with DEICE notation 90
SAFMARINE NGAMI Volkswerft Stralsunds 2500TEU container ship 92
SECOND OCEAN 6572TEU box-ship design from Hanjin
SEPID Iranian Suezmax tanker from Hyundai Samho
SEVEN SEAS Pipelayer with J-Lay facility by Merwede
STADT GOTHA Feeder container ship from greenfield Chinese yard 100
STX KOLT 153,000m LNG carrier built by Hanjin
SUNFLOWER PEARL Mitsubishi-built ferry for domestic services
TRINITY ARROW Imabari delivers its first LNG carrier
VENTURA Fincantieri completes new flagship to P&O Cruises
VIKING XPRS Baltic cruise-ferry built by STX Finland

WEST POLARIS Norwegian drill ship from Samsung
YM UBERTY Largest Taiwanese-built container ship
ZENGEZUR Upgraded Russian-built river-sea tanker

30/01/2009 13:17:02


O, the year 2008 has passed and few

will be sorry about that! Thankfully, the
lead-time for delivering modern ships, from
contract to completion (even though much
reduced from days gone by) is still long
enough to have ensured that much of the
doom and gloom, talk of credit crunches,
banking problems and recessions, which
have assailed us for most of the year, has
generally passed over Significant Ships
editorial pages. We must now await 2009,
and subsequent years, to see what effect
todays troubles might have on shipbuilding.
Will our view, expressed somewhat tongue in
cheek in the 2007 introduction, that the
massive order books being put together by
many of the worlds shipbuilders would at
least provide plenty of material to fill the
pages of Significant Ships, long into the
future, still hold good, or will the industry be
faced with huge order cancellations, as has
happened in previous difficult times?
Preliminary glimpses of this possibility are
already being witnessed.
Whilst pondering that question, let us
examine the interesting deliveries from
todays shipbuilders included in Significant
Ships of 2008. For once we did not review
the largest container ship in the world, but
only because the delivery date meant that
technical information for Samsungs MSC
Daniela did not arrive in time for inclusion!
This giant is understood to have an intake of
13,800TEU, but more intriguing perhaps, is
the fact that the builder has broken with
current practice by separating the main
superstructure (now placed well forward),
from the machinery room and funnel, still
located aft of midships.
No doubt more details of this behemoth will
appear in 2009, but will this regular leapfrogging in size by major operators continue
much beyond the ships now under construction?
Already we read of the Grand Alliance (HapagLloyd, NYK, OOCL and MISC) dropping a
ship on an ad-hoc basis from their regular
schedules, and leaving it idle for a voyage, and
of other operators returning chartered tonnage
(that staple of many a Significant Ships edition)
to their owners.
Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p3.indd 3

Year 2008 still did bring its share of giants.

The largest ever ore carrier, Brasil Maru, yes, completed in 2007, but not entering
service until the first days of 2008 is
included, along with the biggest container
ship yet built in Taiwan. The largest ships
ever built by individual yards also find a
place, whilst those sometimes baffling terms
used to identify the largest ships able to
navigate waterways such as the Suez and
Panama Canals, are now joined by other
marques: Japanamax and Manamax,
describing bulkers of maximum dimensions
to berth at Japanese grain terminals.
Concerns for the environment are evident
from the many new items included in
specifications, with more vessels employing
engines capable of running on low-sulphur
fuels, and incorporating separate tanks to
hold these. Installations for exhaust
scrubbing, and arrangements for changing
water ballast without introducing undesirable
organisms have also been observed more
The trio of Q-flex LNG tankers that were
presented in last year's Significant Ships has
been followed this year by the delivery of the
first of their even larger Q-max cousins.
Nevertheless, that news must be tempered by
reports that 11 ships of the earlier design are
already idle, with others running on the spotmarket, rather than serving the QatarGas 2
project for which they were ordered. These
problems are not necessarily linked to current
economic difficulties, but rather to delays in
completing the Qatar terminal, which, it is
predicted, could involve a down-turn in the
LNG market extending until 2013.
On that disappointing note, I reach the last
paragraph of this Significant Ships introduction.
This is regularly devoted to thanking everyone
who has helped in the production of the latest
review. Particular disappointment is felt at this
point this year because, for differing, private
reasons, the editor and I have found it necessary
to retire from involvement with the publication.
It is 19 years since we came together, on behalf



of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, to

re-introduce the annual reviews of new ships,
which had previously been published by much
respected technical shipping journals of the
day, for more than a century. We trust we have
succeeded in our efforts, and look forward to its
appearance continuing under our successors for
many years to come.
With many thanks to everyone who has
assisted with the production, not only of
Significant Ships of 2008, but of all 19 issues,
and to our readers for their support.
John Lingwood, MRINA
January 2009
In the tables which form part of each ship
description, all dimensions, also deadweight
and displacement tonnages, are metric unless
otherwise stated. Machinery powers have
been specified as bhp or kW in accordance
with information received from the shipbuilder
or owner. Emergency alternators are not
normally included in the number of alternators.
When a dash (-) has been included against
an item, this generally denotes lack of
information but where it is known that features
have not been included, this is indicated by
nil. The number of sister ships completed or
on order does not include the ship presented.
Some ships shown as on order may have
been delivered by the time this publication
Further information on certain vessels
included in Significant Ships of 2008 can be
found in the following editions of The Royal
Institution of Naval Architects publication,
The Naval Architect:
Combi Dock 1
Dante A
Martin i Soler
RN Arkhangelsk

July/August 2008
May 2008
November 2008
November 2008
July/August 2008
November 2008

30/01/2009 15:46:22

AL GHUWAIRIYA: Daewoos Q-max

contribution to the QatarGas 2 project
Shipbuilder:.... Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine
Engineering Co Ltd (DSME), Korea
Vessels name:.............................Al Ghuwairiya
Hull number:................................................2255
IMO number:.........................................9372743
Owner/operator:.......Qatar Gas Transportation
Co Ltd, Qatar
Designer:........ Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine
Engineering Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:................SSPA,

Flag: ........................................Marshall Islands
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................3

(other generally similar ships
building elsewhere)

and returned to the cargo tanks, with the bonus that

there is no loss of cargo during a voyage. Should the
reliquefaction plant fail for any reason, a gas combustion
unit takes over. Al Ghuwairiyas electrical supply is
derived from four 4300kW Hyundai alternators with
STX-MAN diesel prime movers, and steam requirements
are served from two vertical water tube boilers each with
an output of 10,000kg/h.
Cargo is carried in five tanks fitted within a double
skin hull incorporating top and bottom wing tanks, and
extending above the main deck to form a trunk. GTT
NO96 membrane containment technology (different
from the GTT Mk III technique used at other Korean
yards) is used, suitable for transportation temperatures
of -163C. Discharge is effected by 10 Shinko 1500m/h
centrifugal, submerged pumps, with loading
accomplished by shore facilities.

Length, oa................................................................345.00m
Length, bp................................................................330.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................55.00m
Depth, moulded
to main deck ........................................................27.00m
Width of double skin
side ........................................................................2.55m
Gross .....................................................................168,189gt
Displacement................................................. 205,706tonnes
design ........................................................... 126,850dwt
scantling......................................................... 154,940dwt
Speed, service at 85% MCR, 21% sea margin... 19.50knots
Cargo capacity......................................................263,250m
heavy oil . .............................................................9620m
diesel oil..................................................................500m
Water ballast............................................................84,500m
Fuel consumption, main engines only...... 138.20tonnes/day
Classification..........Lloyds Register +100A1, Liquefied Gas
Tanker Ship Type 2G, Methane in Membrane Tanks,
Maximum Vapour Pressure 0.25bar, Minimum

Temperature -163C, ShipRight (SDA), LI, +LMC,
IGS, with descriptive notes of ShipRight
(PCWBT {date}, FDA) plus, CM, SEA (HSS-4L, VDR),
ShipRight (MPMS, MCM, SCM), ETA
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction........................................................3%
Main engines
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Manufacturer................................ Doosan Engine Co Ltd
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output........................ 2 x 19,270kW/87rev/min (derated)
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer.......DSME/Hyundai Heavy Industries

Ships of 2007 introduced readers to

the massive investment in new tonnage planned to
the demand for liquefied natural gas produced by

the Qatargas 2 project, and described the two similar

LNG tanker designs then building in three Korean
shipyards, Daewoo, Samsung and Hyundai, as part of
an initial 45-ship order. A total of 31 of these,
designated the so-called Q-flex type, were of either
210,000m or 216,000m capacity, with the remaining
14 to be of the larger Q-max class, capable of loading a
cargo of approximately 266,000m. The largest LNG
carriers yet built, this second group is now entering
service, with Al Ghuwairiya completing in October at
DSME, and Mozah delivered a month earlier by
Samsung, and described elsewhere in this review.
Both the Q-flex and Q-max types have introduced a
number of innovative features to LNG carrier design.
Perhaps the most significant of these is replacement of
the steam turbine propulsion plant traditionally fitted
to these vessels, by twin, low-speed diesel engines
burning heavy fuel exclusively, with ship size dictating
the fitting of 7-cylinder MAN B&W S70ME-C units
to the Q-max vessels, instead of the 6-cylinder versions
specified for the Q-flex design.
The Doosan Engine Co. Ltd, has supplied the
machinery fitted in Al Ghuwairiya, and each delivers a
derated output of 19,270kW at 87rev/min, and is
directly coupled to a fixed-pitch propeller which can be
disconnected by a clutch into a freewheel mode.
Daewoo claims that the propulsive efficiency of its
vessels has been increased by enclosing the port and
starboard propeller shafts in skegs, and at 85% full
power and allowing a 21% sea margin, a service speed
of 19.5knots the traditional speed for LNG carriers
is attained.
A normal by-product of LNG transportation is the
boil-off gas generated by the cargo during a voyage.
With turbine propulsion this is normally burnt in the
boilers as fuel, but with this facility unavailable in ships
using diesel propulsion, the gas must either be vented to
the atmosphere to the detriment of the environment
or, as is the case both Qatargas 2 designs, re-liquefied


Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed................................................................ 87rev/min
Special adaptations..................Clutch to disconnect into
freewheel mode
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type............................... STX-MAN/9L32/40
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................... 4 x 4500kW/900rev/min
Alternator make . ..................................................... Hyundai
Output/speed.............................. 4 x 4300kW/900rev/min
Type....................................................Vertical water tube
Output.......................................................2 x 10,000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................. 10 sets
Cargo tanks
Grades of cargo carried........................................... LNG
Tank type........................ GTT NO96 containment system
Cargo pumps
Type.............................................Centrifugal submerged
Make...................................................................... Shinko
Capacity.....................................................10 x 1500m/h
Cargo/ballast control systems
Make.................................................................. Seil-Amri
Suez crew.......................................................................8
Bridge control system
Make....................................................KMK (Kongsberg)
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make................................................................. Consilium
Type................................................ CS3000/addressable
Fire extinguishing system
Cargo tanks.........................................Unitor/dry powder
Engineroom...................... Kashiwa/high-expansion foam
Models........................................ 1 x S-band: 1 x X-band
Integrated bridge system..........................KMK (Kongsberg)
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator......................Hyundai-Atlas Maxi 1200SL WS
Sewage plant.......................................... Evac STO 100C
Contract date.................................................26 March 2006
Launch/float-out date..............................22 December 2007
Delivery date....................................................October 2008

SS08 - p4+6.indd 4

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:06:04


SS08 - p4+6.indd 6

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 13:48:00

ARGOLIKOS: first Hanjin delivery from

Subic Bay yard
Shipbuilder:.............Hanjin Heavy Industries &

Construction Co Ltd (Subic Bay yard,
the Philippines), Korea
Vessels name: ................................... Argolikos
Hull number:............................................ PN-001
IMO number: .........................................9385611
Owner/operator:....... Argolikos Navigation Inc,

Liberia/Dioryx Maritime Corp, Greece
Designer:.................Hanjin Heavy Industries &
Construction Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:........ Maritime &

Ocean Engineering Research Institute
(MOERI), Korea
Flag: ........................................................ Greece
Total number of sister
ships already completed: ............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order: .........................................5

ANJINS new subsidiary shipyard in the Philippines

(located on the site of the former US Navy Base at
Subic Bay) took the first step towards repaying its
owners massive US$1.7billion investment on 2 July,
when the 4360TEU capacity container ship Argolikos
was delivered. Originally ordered by CMA-CGM, the
vessel was acquired by Dioryx as part of a sale-and-lease
back deal involving six vessels, with the full order due
for completion in 2009. The new yard is targeted to
become the fourth largest in the world by 2012, by
which time it is expected to be delivering up to 50 ships
a year, with more than 40 orders already in hand.
This new series of a popular-sized container ship is
built to Panamax proportions, and follows the now
conventional design, laid out with machinery space
three-quarters aft, and six cargo holds arranged within a
double skin hull. Unusually, a set of fin stabilisers is
included in the hull. Accommodation for 25 officers
and crew is provided in a tall, slim deckhouse built
above the engineroom, with their lifesaving requirements
served by two totally enclosed lifeboats.
MacGregor lift-away pontoon covers, built in the
shipyard, are fitted to the hatches, their design capable
of supporting 2754TEU, loaded in 13 rows, and a
maximum seven tiers high. The remainder of the 4360
full TEU capacity is carried in the holds, seven tiers high
and 11 rows wide. Electrical sockets for 326 refrigerated
containers are fitted on deck. Calculated to IMO
stability standards, up to 2771TEU loaded to a
maximum 14tonnes, can be taken onboard.
The main engine is a MAN B&W 8K90MC-C unit,
built by the Doosan Engine Co, and developing
36,560kW at 102rev/min. When operating at the NCR
output, and allowing a 15% sea margin, a service speed
of 24.6knots is achieved at the design draught. Electrical
demands are met by three 1950kW alternators, with
both prime movers and electrical parts supplied by
Hyundai. Steam requirements are served from an

Aalborg smoke tube boiler producing 3500kg/h.

Manoeuvring the vessel is enhanced by the fitting a
Kawasaki 1600kW thruster at the bow.

Length, oa ...............................................................258.92m
Length, bp ..............................................................246.70m
Breadth, moulded.......................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded
to second deck......................................................15.62m
to upper deck........................................................19.30m
to mooring deck, forward ....................................20.00m
Width of double skin
Gross .......................................................................40,450gt
design............................................................... 41,550dwt
scantling........................................................... 52,250dwt
Speed, service, at NCR/15% sea margin............. 24.61knots
heavy oil................................................................ 7877m
diesel oil .................................................................314m
Water ballast............................................................11,048m
Fuel consumption
main engine............................................... 150tonnes/day
auxiliaries....................................................... 9tonnes/day
Classification.................................. Lloyds Register +100A1,

Container Ship, ShipRight


Percentage of high tensile
steel used in construction...........................................65.7%
Heel control equipment............... Hoppe anti-heeling system
Roll stabilisation equipment..............................Fin stabilisers
Main engine
Design...............................................................MAN B&W
Model............................................................... 8K90MC-C
Manufacturer....................................... Doosan Engine Co
Type of fuel used.......................................HFO and MDO
Output/speed.................................. 36,560kW/102rev/min
Designer/manufacturer...........Mecklenburger Metallguss

Pitch.......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 102rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type.............................................. Hyundai/ Type of fuel used.......................................HFO and MDO
Output/speed . ............................ 3 x 2053kW/900rev/min

Alternator make/type......................................... Hyundai/ Output/speed . ............................ 3 x 1950kW/900rev/min

Type................................................................Smoke tube
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Mooring equipment
Number of units...............................................................6
Hatch covers
Design............................................................. MacGregor
Type.................................................... Lift away pontoons
Lengths........................................................20ft; 40ft; 45ft
Heights...............................................................8.5ft; 9.5ft
Total TEU capacity.....................................................4360
on deck................................................................2754
in holds.................................................................1606

homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes...................2771
Reefer plugs..................................................326 on deck
Tiers/rows (maximum)
on deck.................................................................7/13
in holds..................................................................7/11
Officers .........................................................................14
Crew .............................................................................13
Suez/repair crew..............................................................6
Bow thruster
Make.................................................................. Kawasaki
Bridge control system
Type.......................................................... Auto Chief C20
One man operation....................................................... No
Fire detection system
Type ..................................................................Autrosave
Fire extinguishing systems
Holds/engineroom........................................NK/fixed CO
Make....................................................... SAM Electronics
Models................. GR3020G160; GR3021; GR3020G150
Integrated bridge system
Make....................................................... SAM Electronics
Model........................................................ Chartpilot 1100
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator........................Hyundai-Atlas MAXI 150SL WS
Sewage treatment plant.........................Hamworthy ST3A
Contract date............................................. 24 February 2006
Launch/float-out date................................. 28 February 2008
Delivery date........................................................ 2 July 2008

SS08 - p8+10.indd 8

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:08:31



SS08 - p8+10.indd 10

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:20:21

ARMORIQUE: new ro-pax ferry for

Plymouth-Roscoff route
Shipbuilder:............Aker Yards (Helsinki yard),
Vessels name:.................................. Armorique
Hull number:................................................1362
IMO number:.........................................9364980
Owner/operator:......... Brittany Ferries, France
Designer:...................... AIA Architects, France
Model test establishment used:................ Force
Technology, Denmark
Flag: ........................................................ France
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:....................................... Nil

RIGINALLY ordered from Aker Yards (today

STX Europe) as a freight-ferry sister to Cotentin
(Significant Ships of 2007), Armorique resulted from a
contract quickly changed to create a full ro-pax design
for Brittany Ferries to satisfy the companys more
urgent requirement for a vessel to operate on its
Plymouth-Roscoff service. The conversion was
facilitated by retaining the basis hull of Cotentin, but
modifying and restyling the spaces above deck 5.
A new profile is now presented, with decks 7 to 10
extended right aft, to provide accommodation for 1500
passengers, 780 of whom can be carried as overnight
travellers using 248 cabins, including some suites. Once
onboard, passengers have the use of a cinema, and a
variety of bars, lounges and restaurants, with dedicated
areas arranged for teenagers. A large shopping area is
also provided and reclining seats are available for day
Vehicles are carried on three fixed decks offering a
total of 1100 lane metres, equating to a total of 500 cars
or some 60 trucks and, with a fast turnaround in port a
requirement, two-level access is provided at both bow
and stern. MacGregor supplied the access equipment,
which includes a bow door and door ramp, a stern
door/ramp, a ramp cover for the lower hold fixed ramp
and a tilting ramp between decks 3 and 5.
The machinery installation follows closely that of
Cotentin and uses the same MaK 12VM43C main
engines, manufactured by Caterpillar Motoren GmbH,
the organisation now controlling MaK, following its
acquisition by the Caterpillar Group. The two engines
fitted in the three-quarter aft machinery space each
develop 12,000kW, and are coupled to twin CP
propellers through Flender gearboxes which reduce
engine speed to 153rev/min. When running at 85%
MCR, a service speed of 23knots is attained.
Alternator capacity has been increased above that for
Cotentin and consists of a Leroy Somer 2800kW
alternator driven from a PTO on each gearbox, and
three Wrtsil/A van Kaick 1152kW diesel-driven sets.
Environmental issues have been paramount in the

development of the design of both Cotentin and

Armorique, with particular attention paid to CO
Two bow thrusters and one stern unit, supplied by
Wrtsil Lips, are installed, the former producing
1200kW each, and the stern unit 900kW. Passenger
comfort is a particular consideration, and a pair of fin
stabilisers is fitted; heeling tanks are also included for
stability control during cargo handling. Lifesaving
equipment supplied includes four RDF MES
installations with vertical chutes: two arranged for 430
persons each and two of 321 person capacity. Four 150
person Umoe Schat-Harding lifeboats are also carried.


Length, oa................................................................168.00m
Length, bp................................................................155.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................26.80m
Depth, moulded
to main deck...........................................................9.30m
to upper deck.......................................................10.30m
Gross .......................................................... approx 28,500gt
Deadweight, design................................................. 4200dwt
Speed, service, 85% MCR........................................ 23knots
heavy oil . ...............................................................790m
diesel oil..................................................................170m
Water ballast...............................................................2060m
Fuel consumption
main engines only..................................... 110tonnes/day
auxiliaries...................................................... 9tonnes/day
Classification....... Bureau Veritas I, +Hull, Ro-Ro Passenger
Ship, Unrestricted Navigation,
Heel control equipment................Two pairs of heeling tanks
Roll-stabilisation equipment.............................Fin stabilisers
Main engines
Design....................................................................... MaK
Model................................................................ 12VM43C
Manufacturer.......................... Caterpillar Motoren GmbH
Type of fuel............................................................... HFO
Output.........................................................2 x 12,000kW
Model.........................................................Navilus GHCK
Output speed.................................................. 153rev/min
Designer/manufacturer........................................ Wrtsil
Speed.............................................................. 153rev/min
Main-engine driven alternators
Make............................................................ Leroy Somer
Output/speed............................ 2 x 2800kW/1500rev/min

Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type.................................... Wrtsil/6L20C
Type of fuel............................................................... HFO
Output/speed............................ 3 x 1200kW/1000rev/min
Alternator make/type............ A van Kaick/DSG 86/L1-6W
Output/speed............................ 3 x 1152kW/1000rev/min
Number/type..................................... 2 x convection tube
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Output..........................................................2 x 3100kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number of units..............................................................8
Lifesaving equipment
MES stations........... RFD: 2 x 430person; 2 x 321person
vertical chutes
Lifeboats.............. Umoe Schat-Harding: 4 x 150 person
Number of vehicle decks.................................... 3 x fixed
Total lane length.....................................................1100m
Total cars.....................................................................500
Total freight vehicles.....................................................60
Access equipment
Number/type...............................................1 x bow door:
1 x bow ramp;1 x stern door/ramp:
1 x cover for lower hold fixed
ramp: 1 x tiltable ramp
Total number of cabins...............................................248
Bow thrusters
Make............................................................ Wrtsil Lips
Output............................................................2 x 1200kW
Stern thruster
Make............................................................ Wrtsil Lips
Bridge control system
Make...................................................................... Sperry
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Fire extinguishing systems...................................... Novenco
Make.......................................................... Sperry Marine
Models........................................................ BridgeMaster
Integrated bridge system................................ Sperry Marine
Waste disposal plant
Cardboard compactor............................................. Uson
Waste shredder.............................. Uson dry water chute
Glass chute with crusher......................................... Uson
Sewage treatment system.............................. Evac MPS 800
Contract date..............................................19 January 2006
Launch/float-out date............. 7 August/11 September 2008
Delivery date................................................December 2008


SS08 - p12+14.indd 12

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:10:11



SS08 - p12+14.indd 14

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:21:02

AZUR: maximum deadweight

'Japanamax' bulker from Oshima
Shipbuilder:........ Oshima Shipbuilding Co Ltd,

Vessel's name:............................................. Azur
Hull number:................................................. 1044
IMO number:.......................................... 9314648
Owner/operator:.Azur Shipping Corp, Marshall
Islands/Transocean Maritime
Agencies SAM, Monaco
Designer:.......Oshima Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Japan
Flag: .........................................Marshall Islands
Total number of sister
ships already completed:................................ Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................... .-

LTHOUGH current shipping industry opinion

seems to be that double-hull bulk carriers should be
the future norm, there are builders (and, of course,
owners) who consider that there is still a place in the
market for well built, and well maintained, single-hull
designs of this ship type. Oshima Shipbuilding, whose
shipyard is located near Nagasaki on the Japanese island
of Kyushu, is one such company, and Azur (whose
delivery last year occurred just too late to allow its
inclusion in Significant Ships of 2007) is a product of
this philosophy. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten
that Oshima was also, in the early 1990s, a pioneer of
several own-design bulk carriers built with double
skins, such as the Handysize Top Sugar, presented in
1998, and the so-called Cho-Panamax type, Top leader,
of 1999.
Azur demonstrates a new design, based on Oshima's
regular 77,000dwt Panamax type, but omitting the
obligatory bulbous bow, in favour of the builder's
Seaworthy Bow. This features an almost straight stem
and a fuller forebody, which, by also eliminating top
and bottom wing tanks in Nos 1 and 7 holds, has
resulted in an increased grain cargo capacity.
The new bow form has extended the length between
perpendiculars by some 2m whilst retaining a Panama
Canal maximum overall dimension of 225m. Since this
is also the overall length limitation at most major
Japanese grain terminals, a new descriptive term
'Japanamax', has been coined for what is now marketed
as an 82K (maximum) deadweight bulker.
Technically, the new hull form is said to have increased
propulsive performance, reducing required power by
around 5% compared with the builder's earlier design.
Other performance enhancing features included in this
new series are a Schilling design high-lift rudder
operated by a rotary vane steering gear, which improves
Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p15+16.indd 15

manoeuvrability and course keeping, and the installation

of a set of 'Flipper Fins', a simple structure attached to
the hull.
Azur is configured as a single deck vessel with seven
holds, closed by Tsuji side-rolling covers. As noted
above, top and bottom wing tanks are fitted in all holds
except numbers 1 and 7, and these are arranged to carry
water ballast, the bottom wings being joined to centrally
divided double bottom tanks. No 4 hold serves as a
floodable hold and, along with Nos 2 and 6
compartments, may be left empty when loaded.
The main engine is of MAN B&W 5S60MC-C
design, manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
This develops 10,959kW MCR at 102rev/min, and
8767kW at 94.7rev/min (80% full power). At this
rating a directly coupled fixed pitch propeller gives a
service speed of 14.50knots. Electrical power is drawn
from three Daihatsu/Nishishiba 400kW diesel alternator
sets, and a vertical composite boiler satisfies steam

Length, oa................................................................. 224.86m

Length, bp................................................................. 221.50m
Breadth, moulded........................................................32.26m
Depth, moulded, to main deck....................................20.05m
Gross ........................................................................ 42,712gt
Speed, service, 80% MCR....................................14.50knots
Cargo capacity
bale . .................................................................. 94,473m
grain.................................................................... 96,041m
heavy oil .............................................................. .2054m
diesel oil................................................................... 254m
Water ballast (including floodable hold).................. 38,553m
Fuel consumption, main engine only............35.90tonnes/day
Classification....... .Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), NS* (Bulk

Carrier, Strengthened for Heavy Cargoes,
Nos 2, 4 and 6 may be empty), (ESP), MNS*, PSCM
Main engine
Design............................................................... MAN B&W
Manufacturer...........................Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Output, MCR . .................................10,959kW/102rev/min

Material...................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer.........Nakashima Propeller Co Ltd
Diameter.............................................................. 6100mm
Speed (at service power)................................94.7rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type................................... Daihatsu/5DK-20
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Output/speed..................................3 x 441kW/720rev/min
Alternator make.................................Nishishiba Electrical
Output/speed..................................3 x 400kW/720rev/min
Number/type...................................1 x vertical composite
Make...............................................Aalborg Industries KK

oil fired........................................................... 1000kg/h
exhaust gas heating........................................700kg/h
Type...................................2 x 25person, totally enclosed
Manufacturer...................................Shigi Shipping Co Ltd
Hatch covers
Design/manufacturer.......... Tsuji Heavy Industries Co Ltd
Type................................................................. Side rolling
Ballast control system
Make.................................................Nakakita Seisakusho
Type.................................................Electric touch display
Special rudder........................ Oshima-Schilling high-lift type
Fire detection system
Make.............................................................. Nohmi Bosai
Type....................................................Ionic, thermal flame
Fire extinguishing system
Cargo holds/engineroom....................................................
Make.....................................Air Water Safety Services
Make..................................................Japan Radio Co Ltd
Models...............................JMA-9922-9XA: JMA-9932-SA
Waste disposal plant

Sewage plant

Make/model.....................Taiko Kikai Industries/SBI-40
Contract date........................................... 24 November 2003
Launch/float-out date..................................... 3 October 2007
Delivery date............................................ 12 November 2007


05/02/2009 15:58:45



SS08 - p15+16.indd 16

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:21:32

BRASIL MARU: a very large ore carrier

from Mitsui
Shipbuilder:......................Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co Ltd (Chiba yard), Japan
Vessel's name:................................. Brasil Maru
Hull number:...............................................S1660
IMO number:.......................................... 9321275
Owner/operator:........ Tamou Line SA, Panama/

Misui OSK Lines, Japan
Designer:..........................Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co Ltd (Chiba yard), Japan
Model test establishment used:........... Akishima
Laboratory (Mitsui Zosen) Inc, Japan
Flag: ....................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:..............................Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................... 1

LTHOUGH Brasil Maru's completion at Mitsui's

Chiba shipyard in December 2007 came just too
late for that year's Significant Ships, the vessel's inclusion
in this new edition can be justified not only by the
ship's huge size but by the fact that her entry into
service came this year, when she took her place in an
operating company within the extensive MOL (Mitsui
OSK Lines) fleet, as the 'largest ore carrier in the
world'. This credit is now shared with 2008-built sister
Tubarao Maru: the names selected for the two vessels
indicate their long term charter commitment to
transport ore from Brazil to steelworks operated by
Japan's Nippon Steel Corporation.
The single decked hull has a forecastle and a double
skin formed of wide side tanks, designated for use as
water ballast tanks, and arranged, in similar fashion to
the transverse bulkheads, with the bottom section
forming hopper sides for easy handling of cargo at
tanktop level. The five holds are accessed through nine
hatches closed by MacGregor side-rolling, single-panel
covers. Clear openings are 24.50m x 16.20m for No 1
hatch, and 19.60m x 16.20m for the remainder.
In accordance with ClassNK rules, the forward cover
can sustain a vertical sea load rating of 76.68kN/m and
No 2F, a rating of 40kN/m. For the remainder, the
rating is 34.3kN/m, and the horizontal sea load rating
for all covers is 175kN/m.
Each cover panel is operated by a hydraulically driven
rack-and-pinion mechanism, with lifting into the
rolling position accomplished by a 'roll-up-roll' device
which also releases the cleats. These are automatically
closed and kept watertight when the covers are in
position. Sealing between the cover and the coaming is

effected by MacGregor's FlexSeal-type rubber packing;

this is fitted to the panel and tightens against a stainless
steel compression bar on top of the coaming. When in
the open position, the covers are stowed alternately
P&S, hatch by hatch.
In collaboration with Nippon Steel, Mitsui has
included a higher reliability for the hull structure by
adopting so-called UIT (an enhancement of fatigue
strength by ultrasonic processing), for those major parts
of the ship structure requiring high strength: this is
understood to be the first application of this process to
the shipbuilding industry.
Brasil Maru is powered by a Mitsui-built MAN B&W
7S80MC-C (Mk7) main engine. This develops
23,640kW at 66rev/min and is designed to satisfy IMO
exhaust gas standards. An electronically controlled
cylinder oil supply system is fitted, and an overall fuel
saving is achieved by a combination of a hull form
giving high propulsive performance, a propeller fitted
with a Mitsui Integrated Propeller Boss (MIPB) and a
(twisted) reaction rudder. Service speed is 15knots.
Electrical power is derived from three Daihatsu/
Nishishiba 720kW diesel-alternators, and steam is
produced in a 2000kg/h oil fired boiler and a similar
sized exhaust gas unit.

Length, oa................................................................. 340.00m

Length, bp................................................................. 325.00m
Breadth, moulded........................................................60.00m
Depth, moulded to upper deck...................................28.15m
scantling ................................................................21.13m
Gross ...................................................................... 160,774gt
scantling .........................................................327,180dwt
Speed, service...........................................................15 knots
Cargo capacity...................................................... 200,867m
heavy oil................................................................. 8317m
diesel oil................................................................... 433m
Water ballast.......................................................... 208,446m
Classification...................Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) NS*
(Ore Carrier), (ESP), MNS* (MO)
Main engine
Design............................................................... MAN B&W
Model..................................................... 7S80MC-C (Mk7)
Manufacturer... Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Number........................................ 1
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO

Material...................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer............... Nakashima Propeller Co
Diameter........................................................................... Speed.................................................................66rev/min
Special adaptations........Mitsui Integrated Propeller Boss
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type................................... Daihatsu/6DK-20
Type of fuel................................................................. HFO
Output/speed..................................3 x 780kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type....... Nishishiba Electric/NTAKL VEB
Output/speed..................................3 x 720kW/900rev/min
Number/type................................................1 x composite
Make..............................................................Osaka Boiler
Output..................................................... each side 2000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number of units..............................................................10
Make................................................................. Fukushima
Hatch covers
Type............................................ side rolling, single panel
Ballast control system
Type...............................electro-hydraulic, mimic console
Special rudder.......................................twisted reaction type
Fire detection system
Make.............................................................. Nohmi Bosai
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom........................Kashiwa high expansion foam
Make....................................................................... Furuno
Models...........................................................................1 x .
FAR-2837S; 1 x FAR-2827
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator................................................ Miura BGW-80N
Sewage plant.................................................Taiko SBT-40
Contract date................................................. 8 October 2004
Launch/float-out date.............................. 24 September 2007
Delivery date.............................................. 7 December 2007


SS08 - p18+19.indd 18

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:15:01

brasil maru

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p18+19.indd 19


30/01/2009 13:22:15

CITY OF HAMBURG: extra tonnage to

service the Airbus concept
Shipbuilder:.....Singapore Technologies Marine

Ltd, Singapore
Vessel's name:..........................City of Hamburg
Hull number:.............................................BO 615
IMO number:........................................... 9383558
Owner/operator:.......... Seaplane Two SAS (joint

venture of Louis Dreyfus Armateurs SAS,
France, and Hegh Autoliners, Norway)
Designer:..............................Deltamarin, Finland
Model test establishment used:...............MARIN,

The Netherlands
Flag: ....................International French Register
Total number of sister ships
already completed:......................................... Nil
Total number of sister ships
still on order:..................... 1 (Ciudad de Cadiz)
HE European Airbus concept uses aircraft
constructors based in Germany, Spain, France and
Britain, to manufacture major components which, on

completion, are transported by land, sea and air to

Toulouse in southern France, Mobile (USA) and Tianjin
(China), for final assembly into the consortium's various
airliner designs. A fleet of specialist cargo vessels has been
commissioned to service the sea-going legs of this
operation, together with small, special craft built to act as
feeders on inland waterway sections of the route, and to
carry wing modules (the British contribution to the
project) from a factory in North Wales to a loading berth
nearby on the River Dee.
City of Hamburg, and a sister ship due in 2009, will join
the larger, but similar Ville de Bordeaux (Significant Ships
of 2004) on the longer routes, and will also be available
for general charter work when not employed by Airbus.
The arrangement features a hull topped by a full-length
superstructure incorporating an accommodation deck
with wheelhouse right forward.
Seven car decks are provided, four of which are fixed,
and three partially moveable and consisting of separate
panels. Total lane-length available is around 4334m,
capable of stowing 688 cars or 30 freight units. Cargo is
loaded at main deck level over a stern ramp and door
having a clear opening of 14.75m. Internal movement
between decks is accomplished using fixed and hoistable
ramps, supplied as part of a total cargo access package
designed by TTS. Heavy cargoes, including components
for the latest A380 airbus, are normally carried on the
main deck where a clear, unobstructed space, 80m long
by 11m high and 9m wide is available.
To suit the loading of aircraft sections, special features
have been included in the design such as two 50tonne
capacity stern mooring cylinders, cargo space
environmental controls and lashing arrangements. A
Consilium fire detection plant is fitted, whilst Danfoss
Semco, and Novenco respectively, have supplied CO and
drenching fire extinguishing systems for the cargo spaces
and engineroom.

The latter compartment is located right aft below the

main deck, with exhaust from twin MAN 8L32/40 main
engines and auxiliaries led to a single port-side funnel.
Each engine develops 4000kW and drives a CP propeller
through a Flender GNBK 630 gearbox fitted with a PTO
connection to a Leroy Somer 1000kW alternator. Two
MAN/Hyundai 1200kW diesel-driven alternator sets are
also provided. A 1000kW thermal oil fired heater, and
two 550kW exhaust gas boilers satisfy heating
City of Hamburg is designed to maintain a service speed
of 15knots in all weathers likely to be experienced in its
operating areas, with sailing conditions enhanced by a
Mitsubishi fin stabiliser system. Rolls-Royce Marine
supplied the two 750kW bow thrusters, also two high
lift, flap rudders installed behind the propellers.

Length, oa................................................................... 126.50m

Length, bp................................................................... 117.00m
Breadth, moulded........................................................ .20.60m
Depth, moulded
to main deck.............................................................. 6.65m
to upper deck.......................................................... 19.56m
scantling.................................................................... 5.50m
Gross ......................................................................... 13,548gt
scantling................................................................ 3500dwt
Speed, service at 85% MCR and 50% sea margin.....15knots
heavy oil.................................................................... 650m
diesel oil.................................................................... 140m
Water ballast................................................................. 2000m
Classification....Bureau Veritas 1, +Hull, +Mach, RoRo Cargo
Ship, Unrestricted Navigation,
Roll-stabilisation equipment...............Mitsubishi fin stabilisers
Main engines
Design/manufacturer...................................... ..MAN
Model...................................................................... 8L32/40
Number.............................................................................. 2
Type of fuel used..........................................................HFO
Output............................................................... 2 x 4000kW
Make........................................................................ Flender
Model..................................................................GNBK 630
Number.............................................................................. 2
Designer/manufacturer.......................................... Schottel
Number.............................................................................. 2
Diameter................................................................ 3400mm
Main-engine driven alternators
Number.............................................................................. 2

Make/type........................... Leroy Somer/LSAM 50.1 VL10

Output............................................................... 2 x 1000kW
Diesel-driven alternators
Number.............................................................................. 2
Engine make/type......................................... MAN/6L21/31
Type of fuel used.........................................................MDO
Output/speed................................ 2 x 1200kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type......................Hyundai/HFC6568-84E
Output/speed................................ 2 x 1140kW/900rev/min
Number............................. 1 x thermal oil; 2 x exhaust gas
Output............................................1 x 1000kW; 2 x 550kW
Make........................................................................ GESAB
Mooring equipment
Number.........................2 x forward; 2 x aft; 2 x special aft

mooring cylinders
Make............................................................................. SEC
Lifesaving equipment
Number/type.......... 1 x 26 person totally enclosed lifeboat
Number of vehicle decks..................................... 4 x fixed:
3 x partially moveable
Total lane length....................................................... 4434m
Total cars...........................................................approx 688
Total freight units.................................................approx 30
Doors, ramps, moveable decks
Number/type..... 1 x stern ramp/door, 3 x moveable decks
Designer.............................................................................. TTS
Ballast control system............................................... Valmarine
Officers............................................................................ 10
Crew................................................................................ 12
Supernumaries.................................................................. 4
Special rudders...................2 x Rolls-Royce high lift flap type
Bow thrusters
Number.............................................................................. 2
Output................................................................. 2 x 750kW
Bridge control/integrated bridge systems
Make............................................................. Sperry Marine
One man operation.........................................................No
Fire detection system
Make.................................................................... Consilium
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo decks, engineroom........................ Danfoss Semco

low-pressure CO
Vehicle spaces.............Danfoss Semco low-pressure CO

Novenco drencher system
Number.............................................................................. 2
Make............................................................. Sperry Marine
Models..............................Visionmaster FT S and X bands
Contract date.................................................20 January 2006
Launch/float-out date................................... 23 February 2008
Delivery date..................................................3rd quarter 2008


SS08 - p20+22.indd 20

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:18:10

city of hamburg


SS08 - p20+22.indd 22

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:22:46


carrier from Hyundai
Shipbuilder:.......Hyundai Heavy Industries Co
Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:............................... Clipper Mars
Hull number:................................................1904
IMO number:.........................................9377078
Owner/operator:................ Partrederiet Clipper
Mars DA, Norway/Solvang ASA, Norway
Designer:.................Hyundai Heavy Industries
Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:............Hyundai
Maritime Research Institute, Korea
Flag: ...........................Norwegian International
Ship Register
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................2
Total number of sister
ships still on order:....................................... Nil
tavanger-based Solvang ASA operates a
fleet of vessels in the worldwide distribution
Sof sizeable
LPG, and Hyundai can point to many references

demonstrating the expertise it has amassed whilst

constructing this specialised class of vessel. Clipper Mars
is fully refrigerated, and features a hull subdivided by
double skin transverse bulkheads into four cargo holds
with top and bottom wing tanks. These are linked by
narrow side trunks, and joined with the outboard
compartments of the centrally divided double bottom,
to form water ballast spaces. Each hold accommodates
a free-standing, saddle-supported, centrally divided,
prismatic cargo tank, designed for a maximum vapour
pressure of 2.275bar and a lowest operating temperature
of -50 C.
Installed on the upper deck are two cylindrical deck
storage tanks of 300m (starboard side) and 180m
(port), used to hold cargo liquid required for
conditioning the cargo tanks, which are insulated with
120mm thick sprayed polyurethane foam, protected by
a 1-3mm polymeric coating, and can carry a range of
cargoes including anhydrous ammonia, 1,3-butadiene,
butane (both ISO and normal), butylene, propane,
commercial propane (max 3.5mole% ethane in the
liquid phase), propylene and vinyl chloride monomer.
Other products can be loaded providing their toxicity,
aggressiveness, pressure, temperature and specific gravity
are within the limits of the design. Clipper Mars is
arranged for simultaneous loading, transport and
discharge of two grades of cargo, both of which may be
The reliquefaction plant is located in a deckhouse on
the upper deck, aft of midships, and includes four oilfree, two stage cargo compressors. A cargo heater
(combined with a vapouriser), one inert gas generator
and a nitrogen generator are also provided. Cargo
handling is accomplished by eight deepwell,
Hamworthy-Svanehj, electric, submerged pumps, each
with a capacity of 500m/h, allowing a full cargo to be
discharged in about 16 hours. Loading a full cargo at a
maximum rate of 4000m/h from fully refrigerated

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p23+24.indd 23

atmospheric storage, is accomplished in around

15hours, based on a vapour return to shore.
Clipper Mars is powered by a machinery installation
based on a MAN B&W 5S60MC-C main engine,
delivering 11,300kW at 105rev/min MCR, to give a
service speed at 90% output of 16.2knots, allowing a
15% sea margin. This engine, fixed pitch propeller and
three diesel alternator sets are all supplied by the
Hyundai machinery or electrical divisions, and the
electrical parts each have an output of 1200kW.
Kawasaki is the supplier of the 1200kW tunnel thruster
fitted at the bow.

Length, oa................................................................204.90m
Length, bp................................................................195.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded.........................................................20.80m
Width of double skin, bottom.......................................1.90m
Gross .......................................................................36,459gt
design.............................................................. 36,232dwt
scantling........................................................... 43,543dwt
Speed, service 90% MCR.................................... 16.20knots
Cargo capacity........................................................60,000m
heavy oil................................................................2800m
diesel oil..................................................................250m
Water ballast............................................................16,000m
Fuel consumption
main engine only .................................. 36.50tonnes/day
auxiliaries ..............................................................7.50m
Classification................................... Det Norske Veritas +A1,
Tanker for Liquefied Gas, Ship Type 2G
(-50C, 690kg/m 0.275bar), E0,
NAUTICUS (Newbuilding), PLUS-1,
Percentage high tensile steel
used in construction......................................................75%
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model............................................................ 5S60MC-C7
Manufacturer.......................... Hyundai Heavy Industries,
Machinery Division
Type of fuel used......................................HFO and MDO
Output/speed....................... NCR, 9135kW/94.60rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer................................. Hyundai Heavy Industries,
Machinery Division
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed........................................................... 94.60rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators

Engine make/type................................. Hyundai/HiMSEN

Type of fuel used............................................. HFO/MDO
Output/speed . ........................... 3 x 1280kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type....................................Hyundai/EES
Output/speed.............................. 3 x 1200kW/720rev/min
Exhaust gas economiser
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 8 sets
Make.................................................Rolls-Royce (Korea)
Type............................... Low pressure electric hydraulic
Cargo tanks
Number..................................................................4 pairs
Grades of cargo carried.................................................2
Product range........................................... LPG/NH /VCM
Cargo pumps
Type...................................................... Electric deepwell
Stainless steel............................................................. Yes
Capacity.........................................................8 x 500m/h
Cargo control systems
Type....................................Power management and IAS
Ballast control system
Make............................................................ Scana-Korea
Type....................................Power management and IAS
Suez/repair crew.............................................................4
Bow thruster
Make..................................... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Output............................................................1 x 1200kW
Bridge control system
Type..................................................................... AC-C20
Fire detection system
Make................................................................. Consilium
Fire extinguishing systems
Upper deck................. NK Co Ltd/ Dry chemical powder
Engine room..............................................NK Co Ltd/CO
Models................................................................ K-Radar
Integrated bridge system
Incinerator...................................................... KangRim KFB
Sewage plant...........................................................Jonghap
Contract date........................................................................Launch/float-out date............................................................Delivery date...........................................11 November 2008


03/02/2009 15:18:53

Clipper Mars


SS08 - p23+24.indd 24

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:23:16

CLIPPER POINT: Huelvas new ferry for

Northern Ireland link
Shipbuilder:.....Astilleros de Huelva SA, Spain
Vessels name:.............................. Clipper Point
Hull number:..................................................820
IMO number:......................................................Owner/operator:........Seatruck Ferries Ltd, UK
/Clipper Group Ltd, Bahamas
Designer:.................Knud E Hansen, Denmark
Flag: ....................................................... Cyprus
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................3

LIPPER Point is the first in a series of four ro-ro

ferries ordered from the Huelva Shipyard in
southern Spain, by British operator Seatruck, for its
Heysham (UK) to Warrenpoint (Northern Ireland)
link. The remaining three vessels are building at the
Sevilla Shipyard, in which Huelva has an 80%
shareholding, and were also scheduled to enter service
during 2008, although not necessarily on the same
By sailing at 22knots, it is expected that Clipper Point
will cut voyage time in the often arduous weather
conditions experienced in the Irish Sea, from nine hours
with existing tonnage, to six-and-a-half hours. In
addition, it is understood that if two vessels from this
new series were to operate together, they would double
trailer intake compared with the totals achieved by the
ships currently running on the service, to around
130,000 annually.
The design follows the now popular ferry layout by
having a main hull topped by a deckhouse forward,
which provides accommodation for a crew of 23 and 12
passengers. The machinery space is right aft with
exhausts led to a narrow funnel built into the ships port
side, with a narrow bridge which straddles the open
vehicle deck (No 5). Principal cargo will be containers,
trailers and MAFI trailers, carried on the tanktop (deck
1) and numbers 3 and 5 decks. Dangerous goods in
package form, conforming to most IMDG codes, can
be loaded throughout the cargo space.
Vehicle access is over the stern at deck 3 through two
watertight doors which also serve as ramps. The port
side entry connects with a fixed ramp taking traffic
direct to deck 5, with the starboard side accessing No 3

deck and, via another fixed ramp, serving the tanktop.

This ramp is capable of closure by a side hinged,
hydraulically operated, flush fitting cover.
All the internal ramps are of open-web construction,
with the main access door/ramps wire operated using
winches positioned aft on deck 5. Flap extensions are
fitted to both ramps to match with the loading facilities
at the two terminals. Trailer clear height is 4.8m, and
vehicle lanes approximately 3m wide provide a total
available lane length of 1800m.
A feature of the ramp/doors is the fitting of icebreaking devices. Flush elephant-foot lashing pots are
fitted into the decks to secure the trailers, and deck 5 is
also provided with flush stacking sockets to suit 20ft
and 40ft containers, as well as having arrangements for
The machinery installation is based on two Wrtsil
8L46 medium speed engines, each developing 9240kW
at 500rev/min. Wrtsil also supplied two reduction
gearboxes fitted with power take-offs for a pair of
1500kW/1800rev/min alternators, and the two
controllable pitch propellers. Two 645kW diesel-driven
alternator sets (supplied by the same manufacturer) are
also installed, but in a separate machinery room,
alongside an emergency unit. An oil fired thermal oil
boiler satisfies heating requirements.
Also supplied by Wrtsil are two 1000kW bow
thrusters, capable of operating simultaneously and
continuously for one hour at 80% (2 x 800kW) full
load. Two flap-type rudders are installed behind the
propellers, and either side of a central skeg.

Length, oa................................................................142.00m
Length, bp................................................................133.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................23.00m
Depth, moulded
to main deck...........................................................8.50m
to upper deck.......................................................16.30m
Gross .......................................................................14,759gt
design ................................................................ 3800dwt
scantling.............................................................. 5200dwt
Speed, service.......................................................... 22knots

heavy oil . ...............................................................800m
diesel oil..................................................................100m
Water ballast...............................................................3500m
Classification........ Det Norske Veritas +1A1, General Cargo
Carrier/Ro-Ro Container, E0, DG-P, TMON
Main engines
Design/manufacturer........................................... Wrtsil
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output......................................... 2 x 9240kW/500rev/min
Make.................................................................... Wrtsil
Type......................................... single input/single output
Manufacturer........................................................ Wrtsil
Main-engine driven alternators
Output....................................... 2 x 1500kW/1800rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type....................................... Wrtsil 4L20
Output........................................... 2 x 645kW/900rev/min
Type of fuel used..................................................... MDO
Number of decks............................................................3
Total lane length.....................................................1800m
Number/type................................. 2 x stern doors/ramps

1 x fixed ramp to No 5 deck

1 x fixed ramp to No 1 deck
Special rudders
Number/type.............................................2 x hinged flap
Designer...........................................................................Bow thrusters
Number/make................................................ 2 x Wrtsil
Output............................................................2 x 1000kW
One man operation........................................................... No
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo spaces.................................................... Drencher
Engineroom........................................... Semco watermist
Contract date........................................................................Launch/float-out date............................................................Delivery date..................................................................2008


SS08 - p26+27.indd 26

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:20:50

clipper point

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p26+27.indd 27


30/01/2009 13:23:45

CMA CGM VELA: Daewoo joins the big

box-ship league
Shipbuilder:.... Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine
Engineering Co Ltd (DSME), Korea
Vessels name:...........................CMA CGM Vela
Hull number:................................................4125
IMO number:.........................................9354923
Owner/operator:....................... Conti Reederei,

Germany/CMA CGM SA, France
Designer:........ Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine
Engineering Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:.......... Hamburg
Ship Model Basin (HSVA), Germany
Flag: .................................................... Germany
Total number of sister
ships already completed:................................Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................3

EPORTS that Daewoo is currently involved in
negotiations regarding future investment in its
business do not seem to have affected the flow of

shipowners anxious to place orders with the worlds No

3 shipbuilder, as evidenced by a recent new 16-ship
contract from Danish owner, AP Mller-Maersk. The
ships in question are sixteen 7450TEU container
It was, of course, this Danish company which, moved
the box-ship into a new league in 2006 by taking
delivery from its own Odense Shipyard, of the worlds
largest vessel of the type yet built (Emma Maersk
Significant Ships of 2006). Other builders have since put
forward their own ideas for mammoth container
carriers, and now Daewoo has entered the fray, with a
design offering stowage for only slightly fewer TEU
than Emma Maersk.
As is so often the case with container ships of all sizes,
the slightly smaller CMA CGM Vela has been built for a
German owner specialising in the charter market, and
in this case it is Conti, which has placed the ship with
leading operator CMA CGM. Although Emma Maersk
did flout convention by presenting an unusual profile,
with a superstructure positioned above a machinery
room located about midships, this Daewoo design is
more conventional, favouring the three-quarter aft
layout, with eight of the 10 holds forward of the
deckhouse and two aft.
No exaggerated fore end bulwark lines either, just a
simple single deck arrangement without forecastle and
cargo holds located within a double hull to accommodate
21 bays of 40ft containers. Fixed-type cell guides are
fitted, and closure is by means of MacGregor nonweathertight, lift away pontoon hatch covers. Total
complement is 10,960TEU, and 700 reefer plugs are
provided as well as an air-cooled hold refrigeration
system. It is also possible to load 45ft containers above
the third tier on deck, and the number of TEU which
can be carried, when loaded to the IMO statutory
14tonnes, is 7890 on the scantling draught of 15.50m.
Doosan Engine Co (whose parent group is one of the
companies reported to be a possible future investor in
Daewoo) supplied the main engine, a MAN B&W
12K98ME-C7 unit developing 72,240kW at 104rev/

min. In service, 90% of this rating is applied to drive

the 8900mm diameter FP propeller, to produce a speed
of 25.1knots. Four Daihatsu/Hyundai diesel alternator
sets are installed, each of which has an output of
An interesting inclusion, but one which is becoming
increasingly common with the arrival of sulphur
emission control areas, is a separate bunker tank to carry
low-sulphur fuel. Steam generation is by means of a
6000kg/h Aalborg Mission type vertical boiler. A
3000kW Kawasaki thruster is fitted at the bow, and the
rudder is of the full spade type. Heel compensation
while handling cargo is provided by a Hoppe system
using an independent pump.

Length, oa................................................................347.00m
Length, bp................................................................331.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................45.20m
Depth, moulded to main deck...................................29.70m
Width of double skin
Gross .....................................................................128,949gt
design....................................................... 143,000tonnes
scantling.................................................... 170,200tonnes
Lightweight....................................................... 38,700tonnes
design............................................................ 103,730dwt
scantling.......................................................................... Speed, service, 90% MCR..................................... 25.1knots
heavy oil.............................................................15,000m
diesel oil..................................................................300m
Water ballast............................................................26,000m
Fuel consumption, main engine only.......... 262.8tonnes/day
Classification............................................... Bureau Veritas I,
+HULL, +MACH, Container Ship,
Unrestricted Navigation, +AUT-UMS,
Heel control equipment...............................................Hoppe
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.......................................................... 12K98ME-C7
Manufacturer................................ Doosan Engine Co Ltd
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................. 72,240kW/104rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer.............. Daewoo/Hyundai Heavy
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 104rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators

Engine make/type................................... Daihatsu/DC-32

Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 4 x 3190kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type......................Hyundai/HSJ7 807-10
Output/speed.............................. 4 x 3000kW/120rev/min
Type..................................................Mission OS, vertical
Make................................................... Aalborg Industries
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................. 12 sets
Lifesaving equipment
Number........................................2 x 35-person lifeboats
Make................................................................... Hyundai
Hatch covers
Type............................non-weathertight, lift-off pontoons
Lengths.......................................................20ft; 40ft; 45ft
Heights......................................................... 8ft 6in/9ft 6in
Cell guides.................................................. fixed in holds
Total TEU capacity.................................................10,960
on deck ..............................................................5350
in holds................................................................5610
homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes...................7890
Reefer plugs...............................................................700
Tier/rows (maximum)
on deck.................................................................9/18
in holds...............................................................11/16
Hold refrigeration system..................................air cooled
Suez crew.......................................................................7
Bow thruster
Make..................................... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Bridge control system
Make................................................ Kongsberg Maritime
Type.......................................................... AutoChief C20
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make/type.......................................... Consilium ICS4000
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds/engineroom.............. NK high pressure CO
Make......................................................................... SAM
Models......................................................... NACOS 65-5
Integrated bridge
Make......................................................................... SAM
Model........................................................... NACOS 55-5
Contract date............................................ 26 February 2006
Launch/float-out date........................................ 17 July 2008
Delivery date.............................................. 17 October 2008


SS08 - p28+29.indd 28

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:23:09


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p28+29.indd 29


05/02/2009 13:53:54

COLOR SUPERSPEED I: speeding across

the Skagerrak
Shipbuilder:.....Aker Yards (Rauma yard), Finland
Vessel's name:........................ Color SuperSpeed I
Hull number........................................................ 1360
IMO number:................................................9378682
Owner/operator:................Color Line A/S, Norway
Model test establishment used:.................. .MARIN,
The Netherlands/Force Technology,

Flag: .............................................................. Norway
Total number of sister
ships already completed:................................... Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:................................................1

ORWEGIAN operator Color Line's plans to extend

its traditional ferry services by introducing a fast ro-pax
service across the Skagerrak, are centred upon two vessels
built at the Rauma site of Aker Yards (today STX Europe).
Lead ship Color Superspeed I operates the three and a quarter
hour link between the Norwegian port of Kristiansand and
Hirtshals, Denmark, with the second vessel deployed to the
slightly longer Larvik-Hirtshals route.
To meet these schedules, a machinery installation,
designed by Elomatic Marine Engineering to meet DNV
limits for noise and vibration and comprised of four Wrtsil
9L46 main engines each developing 9600kW, has been
specified. The drive to the twin Rolls-Royce Kamewa CP
propellers is through a pair of Flender twin input/single
output gearboxes for a service speed of 27knots.
Electrical requirements are handled by four Wrtsil/A
van Kaick alternator sets; and two 2400kW bow thrusters,
and one 1200kW stern thruster, are fitted to aid manoeuvring
during the short turnrounds. A condition based maintenance
(CBM) system has been supplied by Wrtsil for the main
and auxiliary engines; this monitors engine condition,
analyses trends and diagnoses faults.
Vehicle access to the two fixed and one hoistable vehicle
decks is at deck 3, using bow and stern ramp/doors. Also
included in the MacGregor access package is a tiltable ramp
linking 3 and 5 decks, a front door in the superstructure, and
a liftable bulwark visor. Freight space is available on 2030
lane metres 3m wide, and 1035 lane metres 2.4m wide car
lanes are also provided on the hoistable platforms. A port
turn-round time of 45minutes is envisaged, including
handling of 1928 passengers, entering at No 7 deck.
Although primarily designed as a day ferry, Color SuperSpeed
I is fitted with cabins for 54 lorry drivers, in addition to those
for 71 crew members.
Passenger spaces are arranged over three of the 11 decks,
with amenities on offer including a bar lounge, boutique,
reception foyer, children's playroom, tax free shop, seating

lounges and a self service restaurant. A business lounge is

located on deck 8 where the main restaurants are situated.
Deck 9 provides Voyager class seating accommodation and
is also the location of the cabins, all of which were
prefabricated by Aker Yards Cabins. Lifesaving equipment
includes four lifeboats supplied by Umoe Schat-Harding,
and four Viking type Vee 2.4 marine escape systems, each of
which can handle 202 persons.

Length, oa......................................................................... 212.75m

Length, bp......................................................................... 195.30m
Breadth, moulded................................................................25.80m
Depth, moulded
to main deck....................................................................9.40m
to upper deck................................................................14.80m
scantling ..........................................................................6.70m
Gross ............................................................................... 34,231gt
Deadweight, design..........................................................5425dwt
Speed, service (78.2% MCR)............................................27knots
heavy oil......................................................................... 1350m
diesel oil........................................................................... 210m
Water ballast........................................................................ 2800m
Fuel consumption (total)....................................184.40tonnes/day
Classification........Det Norske Veritas + 1A1 ICE 1B, Carferry A,


Heel control equipment.........................Hoppe Bordmesstechnik
Roll stabilisation equipment...............................Mitsubishi folding

fin stabilisers, type MR-2 (7m)
Main engines
Number..................................................................................... 4
Type of fuel used..................................................... HFO/MGO
Output..................................................................... 4 x 9600kW
Make.............................................................................. Flender
Model........................................ GVL (twin input/single output)
Number..................................................................................... 2
Output speed..................................................... 144.90rev/min
Material............................................................... Stainless steel
Designer/manufacturer..........................Rolls-Royce Kamewa
Diameter...................................................................... 5250mm
Speed................................................................. 144.90rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Number..................................................................................... 4
Engine make/type..........................................Wrtsil/6L32CR
Type of fuel used..................................................... HFO/MGO
Output/speed......................................4 x 3000kW/750rev/min
Alternator make......................................................A van Kaick

Number..................................................................................... 2
Make............................................................ Aalborg Industries
Output................................................................... 2 x 6000kg/h
Mooring equipment..................................................... Rolls-Royce
Lifesaving equipment
Lifeboats........................................... 4 x Umoe Schat-Harding
MES systems
Make................................................................................. Viking
Number/capacity............................................4 x 202 persons
Number of vehicle decks..................... 2 x fixed/1 x hoistable
Total lane length (freight units).......................................2030m
Total lane length (cars on hoistable deck)....................1035m
Total freight units (16.6m length)........................................117
Total cars..............................................................................720
Access equipment
Number/type.............................................1 x bow door/ramp:

1 x stern ramp/door: 1 x hoistable ramp:

1 x liftable bulwark visor:

1 x superstructure door
Trailer-deck doors
bulkhead, classified ........................................MacGregor
bulkhead, non-classified.Jewers Doors Ltd (Phoenix type)
Passenger/service lifts
Number..................................................5 passenger/1 service
Supplier............................................................................. Kone
Number of cabins..................................................................54
Type........................................................ 2 x 17m semi-spade
Bow thrusters
Make....................................................................... Rolls-Royce
Number..................................................................................... 2
Output..................................................................... 2 x 2400kW
Stern thruster
Make....................................................................... Rolls-Royce
Number..................................................................................... 1
Output........................................................................... 1200kW
Bridge control system
Make/type................................................. Sperry Visionmaster
Fire detection system.................................Autronica Autromaster
Fire extinguishing systems
Vehicle spaces...........................................Novenco: drencher
Engineroom..............................................Novenco: water mist
Cabins, public spaces...............................Novenco: sprinkler
Integrated bridge system.............................. Sperry Visionmaster
Contract date.................................................. 12 December 2005
Launch/float-out date...........................................18 January 2008
Delivery date..........................................................6 January 2008


SS08 - p30+31.indd 30

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:24:47

color superspeed 1

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p30+31.indd 31


30/01/2009 13:25:42

COMBI DOCK I: specialist heavy-lift vessel

Shipbuilder:......................Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven

GmbH, Germany
Vessel's name:..................................... Combi Dock 1
Hull number:............................................................112
IMO number:.................................................. 9400473
Owner/operator:...............Combi Lift Shipping A/S,

Denmark/Harren & Partner Schiffahrts
GmbH, Germany
Designer:................H B Hunte Engineering GmbH,

Germany/Vuyk Engineering BV,
The Netherlands
Model test establishment
used:................................................HSVA, Germany
Flag: ...........................................Antigua & Barbuda
Total number of sister
ships already completed:.......................................Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:.................................................... 3

N 1978 German operator Condock introduced a new

concept of heavy-lift transportation using a fleet of semisubmersible vessels. These featured a facility to float cargo on
board into a dock-like hold, through a stern door. With the
superstructure right forward, and a facility to sail without
hatchcovers, tall structures could easily be carried, whilst a
stern ramp allowed ro-ro access, and heavy lift cranes served
container and project cargoes. Condock still trades under its
original name, operating alongside a new, sister company
Combi Lift Shipping, but with control in the hands of a
German/Danish set-up, managed by Harren & Partner, since
The four Lloyd Werft newbuildings under review follow the
design of the original Condock vessels and feature a cargo
hold/dock 132m long, 18m wide and 9.40m high between
tanktop and underside of the upper deck hatchcovers, which
can be subdivided into three compartments. Because the
vessel is classed to sail with the stern ramp/door open, cargoes
longer than the cargo-space dimensions can be carried.
Steel pontoon covers close the upper deck access, with
similar covers designed to also form a second deck which can
be located at varying heights in the hold. The box-shaped
space is surrounded by side ballast tanks, which, on the port
side include the supporting structures for three Liebherr
electric-hydraulic heavy-lift cranes, two of 350/200tonnes swl
at 18/31m outreach, which when working in tandem, give
lifts of 700tonnes, and one of 200/80tonnes capacity at
The cargo hold is fitted for dangerous cargoes of SOLAS-II-2
Regulation 19 standard, and is fitted with smoke detectors,
CO2 systems and sprinklers. It is also pre-prepared for the
installation of a moonpool, for use during offshore projects.
The stern ramp and door offer a clear opening of 12m x 18m,
with loadings of 700tonne, and deck loadings are16tonnes/
m on the tank top; 4.50tonnes/m on the second deck; and
2.55tonnes/m on hatchcovers. Container capacities are
1383TEU, with 420 carried in the hold and 963 on deck.
Stack loads are 100tonnes TEU/140tonnes FEU on the tank
top; and 50tonnes TEU/65tonnes FEU on deck.
The hull form includes a bulbous bow and a long skeg
extending aft, at either side of which is positioned a 3900mm
diameter CP propeller, placed forward of twin Becker rudders.
Two MAN 9L32/44 main engines are fitted, each developing
4500kW and driving the propellers through Flender
gearboxes. Two 790kW main engine driven alternators and

two MAN/DFME diesel powered sets supply electrical


Length, oa..............................................................................162.30m
Length, bp..............................................................................147.60m
Breadth, moulded...................................................................25.40m
Depth, moulded
to main deck....................................................................6.00m
to upper deck....................................................................16.20m
to second upper deck......................................................13.20m
design, with open hatch.....................................................5.60m
docking draught................................................................11.00m
maximum draught for floating units..................................4.50m
at 5.60m draught...........................................................7,600dwt
at 6.60m draught.........................................................11,000dwt
Block coefficient,
at 5.60m draught.................................................................0.761
Speed, service
at 5.60m draught........................................................16.00knots
at 6.60m draught........................................................15.50knots
Cargo capacities
with tweendeck covers fitted....................................... 20,900m
without tweendeck covers........................................... 22,800m
heavy oil.............................................................................1210m
diesel oil...............................................................................153m
Water ballast........................................................................ 17,371m
Classification.............................Germanischer Lloyd +100A54JNF,
DbCC2 P52. Multi Purpose, Strengthened
for Heavy Cargo, Equipped for Carriage
of Containers, Semi-submersible, Ro-Ro cargo, MC E AUT
Main engines
Type of fuel used....................................................................HFO
Output........................................................................ 2 x 4500kW
Model...........................................................................GHCK 800
Output speed...........................................................160.7rev/min
Pitch............................................................................ Controllable
Diameter.......................................................................... 3900mm
Main-engine driven alternators
Output/speed........................................ 2 x 790kW/1800rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type...............................................MAN/5L23/30H
Type of fuel used....................................................................HFO

Output/speed.......................................... 2 x 650kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type.............................DFME/GDB-1310 M/01
Output/speed of each set....................................... -/720rev/min
Electrical connection for port use
Manufacturer...............................................Rolf Janssen GmbH
Number..................................................1 x Aalborg Mission OS
Cargo cranes
Number.....................................................3 x port side mounted
Make................................................................................. Liebherr
Capacity........................ 2 x 350/200tonnes swl: 18/31m radius

1 x 200/80tonnes swl: 14/31m radius
Combined lift...............................................................700 tonnes
Type................................................................... electric hydraulic
Mooring equipment
Number/type.......................... 2 x anchor/mooring; 4 x mooring
Type................................................................... electric hydraulic
Hatch covers
Type...........................................................removeable pontoons
Total TEU capacity................................................................1347
on deck.............................................................................. 927
in hold................................................................................ 420
on deck............................................................................... 6/8
in holds............................................................................... 3/7
Vehicles...................................................................750m lane length
Cargo control system
Make.....................................................................Kockum Sonics
Type...................................................................... Loadmaster X5
Ballast control system..............................................................Hoppe
Complement.................................................................................... 18
Rudders..................................................................... 2 x Becker type
Bow thruster
Number/output............................................................ 1 x 700kW
Bridge control system
Make..............................................................................R Janssen
One man operation..................................................................Yes
Fire detection system
Make.................................................................. Salwico CS 4000
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds..................................................................... Minimax
Engineroom.................................................................MK Marine
Make....................................................................... Sperry Marine
Integrated bridge system
Make.............................................................Mautical alarm plant
Model.......................................................R Janssen Type AN30
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator..........................................................Deerberg IRL 50
Sewage plant...............................................Ocean Clean KD30
Contract date...........................................................25 January 2006
Launch/float-out date...................................................12 June 2007
Delivery date............................................................21 January 2008


SS08 - p32+34.indd 32

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:26:38

combi dock 1


SS08 - p32+34.indd 34

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 13:57:54

integrated bridge system or facilities for one-man



Mipo delivers 37k product
tanker to C-P ffen
Shipbuilder:... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd

(HMD), Korea
Vessel's name:............................... CPO France
Hull number:................................................2123
IMO number:.........................................9347308
Owner/operator:... Reederei Claus-Peter ffen

Tankschiffreederei (GmbH & Co) KG,
Designer:...... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd,
Flag: ...............................................................UK
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................4
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................1

EWBUILDINGS destined for companies

controlled by C-P ffen have appeared regularly
in the 18 previous issues of Significant Ships, but CPO
France is arguably the first tanker delivered to this
Hamburg-based owner to be featured in these pages. It
is also just one of a colossal 188 tankers reported as
being on order with HMD in June 2008 and is drawn
from the company's four standard product designs,
which cover sizes 37,000dwt, 47,000dwt, 52,000dwt
and 75,000dwt. These form part of an extraordinary
total order book of some 280 vessels, including
container ships, gas carriers, ro-ro vessels, general cargo
and export car/truck carriers, awaiting delivery at that
date from the Ulsan shipyard.
The single decked design has a bulbous bow,
forecastle, open water sternframe with ice knife, and a
four-tier deckhouse surmounted by a wheelhouse,
which provides accommodation for 25 crew and six
Suez Canal operatives. The double-hull contains six
pairs of cargo tanks, and is surrounded by the same
number of wing tanks connected to centrally divided
double bottom tanks, and together utilised for the
carriage of water ballast.
Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p35+36.indd 35

Fuel oil bunker tanks and slop tanks are positioned

between the cargo space and machinery room, and
arrangements are included for one of these tanks to be
retained for low sulphur heavy oil storage for use in
sulphur emission control area (SECA) waters. The
troughed transverse and centreline bulkheads are built
on stools, and because side structure is included in the
double-hull space and deck stiffening is arranged
externally, a plain internal surface is presented within
the tanks. The connection between the centreline
bulkhead and the deck also forms a stool configuration
which, in way of numbers 5 and 6 cargo tanks and a
slop tank, forms a compartment allocated as a residual
oil tank.
With trading possibilities for product/chemical
tankers of this size in Arctic waters increasing, CPO
France follows the current trend by conforming to the
requirements of Ice Class 1A, whilst the specification
also includes the regulations covering the carriage of
IMO Type II chemicals, petroleum products, naphtha
and crude oil. Cargo handling is by means of 12 Framo
500m/hour hydraulically operated submerged pumps,
with two similar 300m/hour units serving the slop
tanks. Cargo and ballast operations are each controlled
by Hyundai Aconis systems.
The propelling machinery has been supplied by
Hyundai's Ulsan works and consists of a MAN B&W
6S50MC-C main engine, developing 9480kW at
127rev/min to produce 15.3knots at 85% MCR
through a fixed pitch propeller. Electrical supply is
derived from three diesel alternator sets having both
mechanical and electrical parts also supplied by
Hyundai; each unit's output is 730kW.
Yet another item supplied by Hyundai is the electrical
connection drawing power from shore in port - the
so-called cold ironing technique, which is becoming
attractive to a growing number of owners today.
Kawasaki provided the 900kW bow thruster, and the
bridge control system was engineered by Kongsberg. Of
interest is the fact that this does not include either an

Length, oa................................................................184.30m
Length, bp................................................................176.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................27.40m
Depth, moulded, to upper deck.................................17.20m
Width of double skin
scantling ..............................................................11.50m
Gross .......................................................................23,353gt
design.............................................................. 29,687dwt
scantling ......................................................... 37,304dwt
Speed, service, 85% MCR................................... 15.30knots
Cargo capacity, liquid volume................................42,650m
heavy oil................................................................1130m
diesel oil..................................................................170m
Water ballast............................................................11,790m
Fuel consumption, main engine only.......... 32.60tonnes/day
Classification................................. Lloyd's Register +100A1,
Double Hull Oil and Chemical Tanker, Ship Type 2,
ESP, CSR, +LMC, UMS, Ice Class 1AFS,
IWS, L1, IGS, Part Higher Tensile Steel,
COW (LR), SBT (LR), ETA, Shipright (SCM)
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.............................................................. 6S50MC-C
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.................................... 9480kW/127rev/min
Designer/manufacturer.................................................... Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 127rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type........................Hyundai-MAN/5H21/32
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................. 3 x780kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type...................Hyundai/HFC7 506-14K
Output/speed................................ 3 x 730kW/720rev/min
Electrical connection for shore power..................... Hyundai
Number/type.........................1 x auxiliary; 1 x composite
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Output................................1 x 18,000kg/h; 1 x 2000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number/type................................................ 6 x hydraulic
Make..................................................... Hochang-Pusnes
Lifesaving equipment
Make...................................... Hatecke 25person free fall
Cargo tanks
Number............................................ 12 plus 2 slop tanks
Cargoes carried.....................................Oil products and
IMO Type II chemicals
Cargo pumps
Type...............................................Hydraulic submerged
Stainless steel........................................... Type SUS316L
Capacity................................. 12 x 500m/h: 2 x 300m/h
Ballast and cargo control systems............... Hyundai Aconis
Suez crew.......................................................................6
Stern appendages................................................... Ice knife
Bow thruster
Number.......................................................... ..1
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Bridge control system
Type..................................................................... AC C20
One man operation?................................................... .No
Fire detection system
Make................................................................. Consilium
Type..................................................................... CS4000
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo spaces................................................. Deck foam
Models.............................. 1 x FAR-2837S: 1 x FAR-2837
Integrated bridge system.................................................. No
Contract date..........................................14 December 2006
Launch/float-out date..................................11 March 2008
Delivery date.................................................... 28 April 2008


03/02/2009 15:27:40



SS08 - p35+36.indd 36

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 14:01:29

CRUISE ROMA: Grimaldi updates its

Italy/Spain ferry link
Shipbuilder:... Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani
(Castellammare di Stabia yard), Italy
Vessel's name:................................. Cruise Roma
Hull number:...................................................6136
IMO number:.............................................9351476
Owner/operator:.... Inarme SpA/Grimaldi Group,

Designer:...... Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani,
Model test establishments used:... Vienna Model
Basin, Austria/Marin, The Netherlands/
Krylov Institute, Russia
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................... Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:............................................ .3
HE commitment of Italy's Grimaldi Group to
domestic and inter-Mediterranean ferry operations
has been referred to in previous Significant Ship annual

reviews, and is further evidenced by recent acquisitions of

overseas companies, and by investment in new tonnage
for the many home-based services. These include this
four-ship series of ro-ro/cruise ferries, built primarily to
link the Italian port of Civitavecchia with Barcelona in
Spain, but suitable for both long and short international
The hull, and almost full length superstructure, encloses
12 decks surmounted by a streamlined funnel positioned
just aft of midships. Three of the decks are available for
ro-ro cargoes, and there is one enclosed upper car garage
(deck 7). The main and upper decks are arranged for the
carriage of dangerous goods, and vehicle access is over
twin stern ramp/doors opening to the main deck.
A fixed ramp, closed by a flush, watertight cover, links
with the lower garage, and another fixed ramp in the aft
part of the main deck gives access to the upper ro-ro deck.
A vertical door on this ramp separates these decks in
compliance with dangerous cargo regulations. Two
hoistable ramps also connect the main and upper decks
(for trailers and cars), and link the upper deck to the car
Trailer lane capacity is 3100m, with a width of 3m and
2.8m, and there is additional capacity for 215 cars (1.95m
width). In a seagoing condition, mechanical ventilation
provides10 air changes/hour, with 20 changes available in
port. A drencher fire extinguishing system serves the cargo
spaces. Sixty reefer plugs are provided.
Five decks are allocated to crew and passenger and
accommodation, the latter offering a total of 1834 berths
in 460 cabins, including 11 four-berth owners suites and
50 four-berth 'junior' suites. Three two-berth cabins for
disabled travellers, 285 four-berth internal cabins, 110
external four-berth and two, 2-berth external cabins are
also available. All cabins are complemented by private
toilet facilities.
Public rooms include self-service, la carte and drivers'
restaurants, public and VIP lounges, shops, children's

playroom, gymnasium and health centre, disco and games

machine room. A lido and swimming pool are also
provided. Lifesaving facilities include four vertical MES
chutes and six 150-person lifeboats.
The machinery installation is centred on four Wrtsil
(Italy) 12V46D main engines, each developing 13,860kW
at 500rev/min. Each pair of engines is connected via
flexible couplings, through a Renk twin input/single
output gearbox to a CP propeller running at 148rev/min,
for a trial speed at 76% MCR of 25knots. Each gearbox
has a PTO connection to a 2300kW alternator, with
electrical power supplemented by three 2500kW dieseldriven alternators. Two 1850kW bow thrusters are
installed, and the twin rudders are of the high-lift 'twisted'
type. An active-fin stabiliser system is also installed.

Length, oa.....................................................................225.00m
Length, bp....................................................................202.00m
Breadth, moulded...........................................................30.40m
Depth, moulded
to main deck.............................................................10.00m
to upper deck...........................................................21.90m
scantling . ...................................................................7.15m
Gross ...........................................................................53,360gt
Deadweight................................................................... 8550dwt
Speed, trial, design draught, 76% MCR...................... 25knots
heavy oil....................................................................1500m
diesel oil......................................................................250m
Water ballast...................................................................2000m
Fuel consumption, main engines only...............115tonnes/day
Classification.....Registro Italiano Navale C+Ro-Ro Passenger
Ship, Unrestricted Navigation, AUT-UMS,

AUT-PORT, MON-Shaft, IWS, Clean Air,

Percentage of high tensile steel
used in construction..............................100%
Heel control system.................................................Frank Mohn
Roll stabilisation equipment................................Fincantieri fins
Main engines
Design...................................................................... Wrtsil
Model........................................................................ 12V46D
Manufacturer..................................................Wrtsil (Italy)
Number............................................................................... 4
Type of fuel used...........................................................HFO
Output...........................................4 x 13,860kW/500rev/min
Number............................................................................... 2
Model.....................NDSQL-48000, twin input/single output
Output speed......................................... approx 150rev/min
Material......................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer..........................Wrtsil Propulsion
Number............................................................................... 2
Speed..................................................... approx 150rev/min

Main-engine driven alternators

Number............................................................................... 2
Make/type..........................................Marelli MJR 630 MB 4
Output/speed................................2 x 2300kW/1500rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Number............................................................................... 3
Engine make/type.....................................Wrtsil (Finland)
Type of fuel used...........................................................HFO
Output/speed................................3 x 2600kW/1000rev/min
Alternator make...........................................................Marelli
Output/speed................................3 x 2500kW/1000rev/min
Number.................. 2 x cylindrical oil fired/2 x exhaust gas
Make.......................................... Garioni Naval/Rizzi Energy
Output........................................ 2 x 3000kg/h/2 x 2500kg/h
Lifesaving equipment........................... 4 x Viking vertical MES

6 x 150-person Tecnimpianti lifeboats
Number of vehicle decks...............3 (trailers/cars)/1 (cars)
Total lane length.........................................................3100m
Lane width/free height.......................................2.80m/4.7m
Reefer plugs...................................................................... 60
Total cars......................................................................... 215
Number/type......... 2 x stern ramp/doors; 1 x fixed internal

ramp with cover; 1 x fixed internal ramp;
with vertical door; 2 x hoistable ramps
Special rudders........... 2 x high lift with 'twisted' leading edge
Bow thrusters
Make..............................................Fincantieri naval division
Number............................................................................... 2
Output.............................................................2 x 1850kW
Bridge control system
Make........................................................... SAM Electronics
Type..................................................................NACOS 55-5
One-man operation...........................................................No
Fire detection systems
Type..........................................................Autromaster 5000
Fire extinguishing systems
Vehicle spaces.......................................................Drencher
Cabins/public spaces..............................Low flow sprinkler
Supplier............................................... De Martini Research
Number............................................................................... 2
Make........................................................... SAM Electronics
Models........................................ 1 x GR3004G160 X-band:

1 x GR3021G090 S-band
Waste disposal systems
Food waste treatment........................ Taifun/One Line 4000
Sewage plant...........ISIR/2 x Bioepuro B 600
Contract date.............................................. 11 November 2005
Launch/float-out date...........................................12 June 2007
Delivery date...................................................... 13 March 2008


SS08 - p38+39.indd 38

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 14:02:24

cruise roma

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p38+39.indd 39


30/01/2009 13:27:26

DANTE A: total redundancy for Amorettis

latest tanker
Shipbuilder:.....Astilleros de Huelva SA, Spain
Vessels name:....................................... Dante A
Hull number:..................................................826
IMO number:.........................................9361029
Owner/operator:...... Amoretti Armatori Group,
Italy/Marittima Etnea Srl, Italy
Designer:................Ship Projects Engineering
& Contracting, Italy
Model test establishment used:............... HSVA,
Flag: .............................................................Italy
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:....................................... Nil

HE Amoretti Group has been operating tankers in

the liquid petroleum and IMO II chemical transport
market for some 40 years, and currently has 16 small and
medium-sized vessels in service or building, mainly
trading on behalf of oil majors, and generally in
Mediterranean and Northern European waters. Several
units of its fleet have already featured in Significant Ships
reviews, but Dante A merits particular interest because of
its owners decision to opt for virtually total redundancy
of propulsion and steering.
To achieve this, a twin engine machinery installation
has been specified, based on a pair of Wrtsil 8L32
main engines driving twin, moderately skewed, CP
propellers via Wrtsil single input/single output,
reduction gearboxes. Each of the gearboxes is vertically
offset and fitted with a clutched PTO.
The main engines each develop 3680kW at 750rev/
min MCR and produce a service speed, at 85% full
power and allowing a 15% sea margin, of 14.8knots.
The gearbox power take-offs are connected to 500kW
alternators which can handle normal sea loadings. Three
800kW diesel-driven sets are also available.
The propeller shafts are enclosed in twin skegs under
a pram stern, and behind them two active-fin type
spade rudders are fitted, each operated by an
independent rotary vane steering gear. A tunnel-type,
600kW Wrtsil thruster with a nickel-aluminium CP
propeller, is fitted at the bow.
Dante A is built with a double hull which extends aft
into the machinery space, and a forecastle linked to the
main hull by an attractive bulwark sweep. Twelve cargo
tanks, and two for slops, are formed within the hull by
troughed transverse and longitudinal bulkheads, with
all surfaces protected by a phenolic epoxy coating.
Cargo is handled by 12 Hamworthy-Svanehj
deepwell electric pumps, each with a duty rating of
250m/hour, through midship and stern manifolds
which also include bunker and gas vapour connections.
A discharge rate of 2500m/h with and without venting,
can be achieved, with loading, including vapour return,

carried out at 1800m/h and 3000m/h without that

facility. Piping, pumps and valves are manufactured of
stainless steel, and simultaneous loading and discharge
of six cargo segregations is possible at midships, and
three aft.
Cargoes with temperatures up to 80C can be
handled, and heating coils are installed in the tanks.
Two fixed washing machines are fitted in each tank, and
venting, nitrogen, inert gas, gas detection and foam fire
extinguishing systems installed.

Length, oa................................................................119.00m
Length, bp................................................................112.60m
Breadth, moulded......................................................12.00m
Depth, moulded.........................................................11.35m
Width of double skin
side ........................................................................1.35m
Gross ..........................................................................9568gt
Displacement................................................... 16.980tonnes
Lightweight.......................................................... 4700tonnes
design ............................................................. 10,000dwt
scantling........................................................... 12,280dwt
Block coefficient............................ 0.803 (scantling draught)
Speed, service, 85% MCR, 15% sea margin...... 14.80knots
Cargo capacity........................................................14,050m
heavy oil..................................................................598m
diesel oil....................................................................84m
Water ballast...............................................................5164m
Classification........... Registro Italiano Navale C + Oil Tanker
Chemical Tanker, ESP, Unrestricted

Navigation, + Star Hull, + PMS, + AUT-UMS,
Clean Sea, Clean Air, Covent, In Water Survey,
Manovr, Monshaft, + SYS-NEQ1,
Cargo Control, VCS, SPM
Main engines
Design/manufacturer........................................... Wrtsil
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output......................................... 2 x 3680kW/750rev/min
Make.................................................................... Wrtsil
Model.................................................. SCV 78H50-PC 53
Number.............................. 2 x single input/single output
Output speed.................................................. 115rev/min
Material........................Cunial (copper-nickel-aluminium)
Designer/manufacturer........................................ Wrtsil

Diameter............................................................. 4500mm
Speed.............................................................. 115rev/min
Main-engine driven alternators
Make............................................................. A van Kaick
Output/speed.............................. 2 x 500kW/1200rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type...........................Yanmar/GN21 AL-GV
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.................................................3 x 900kW/ Alternator make/type......................................... Hyundai/ Output..............................................................3 x 800kW
Type......................................... V5-0-PFO-030 thermal oil
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Output............................................................2 x 3000kW
Cargo tanks
Number.......................................................... 12 + 2 slop
Grades of cargo carried.................................................6
Product range................ oil and IMO II and III chemicals
Coated tanks........................................Sigma Phenguard
Cargo pumps
Type...................................................... electric deepwell
Capacity.......................................................12 x 250m/h
Cargo/ballast control systems
Makes................................ Saab (levels); Rizzio (valves);
Kongsberg Norcontrol (pumps)
Make......................................................Becker active fin
Bow thruster
Make.................................................................... Wrtsil
Fire detection system
Make....................................................................... Unitor
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo tanks................................................... Unitor/foam
Engineroom...................................................... Unitor/CO

Integrated bridge system

Make/type..................................................Navipilot 4000
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator............................ Detegasa Delta type IRL-10
Sewage plant...............Detegasa Delta type BIO PR 200
Contract date...................................................30 June 2005
Launch/float-out date..................................... 4 August 2007
Delivery date............................................... 4 February 2008


SS08 - p40+41.indd 40

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:31:12

dante A

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p40+41.indd 41


30/01/2009 13:27:57

DAPENG SUN: first Chinese-built

LNG carrier
Shipbuilding (Group) Co Ltd
(China State Shipbuilding Corp),
Peoples Republic of China
Vessels name:................................Dapeng Sun
Hull number:...........................................H1308A
IMO number:.........................................9308479
Owner/technical manager:......... Yue Peng LNG
Shipping Co Ltd, Hong Kong/China LNG
Shipping (International) Co Ltd
(CLSICO), Hong Kong
Flag: ................................................ Hong Kong
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................4

installed by the Yokogawa Electric Corp.

Dapeng Sun is fitted with a steam turbine machinery
plant consisting of a UA-400 high pressure/low pressure
set, including a cross compound, tandem articulated,
double reduction gearbox, all supplied by Kawasaki.
Mitsubishi provided two type MB-4E-KS2 water tube,
internally superheated boilers, burning either HFO,
low-sulphur grade HFO, or boil-off gases from the
cargo to supply the turbine, which develops 27,300kW
at 83rev/min. Service speed is recorded at 19.50knots at
MCR, using a Mecklenburger Metallguss fixed pitch
Electrical supply comes from two Mitsubishi/ABB
steam turbine-driven alternator sets each producing
3200kW at 1800rev/min. Two 2000kVA ABB
alternators, driven by MAN diesel engines running on
MDO, are also fitted. Enhancing manoeuvrability is a
Kawasaki 2000kW bow thruster.

Length, oa................................................................292.00m
Length, bp................................................................274.10m
Breadth, moulded......................................................43.35m
Depth, moulded.........................................................26.25m
Gross .......................................................................97,871gt
Lightweight....................................................... 31,739tonnes
design.............................................................. 83,050dwt
Speed, service, MCR........................................... 19.50knots
Cargo capacity................................... 147,237m (100% full)
heavy oil................................................................5011m
heavy oil (low sulphur)............................................490m
diesel oil..................................................................323m
Water ballast............................................................54,762m
Classification............American Bureau of Shipping +A1 (E),
Liquefied Gas Carrier, Ship Type 2G,

Membrane Type 0.25bar, -163C, 500kg/m,
SH-DLA, SH-FL(40), SFA (40), SHCM,
ES & equivalent of LR LI, SCM, TCM, BWMP
Main engine
Design........................................................ Steam turbine
Model................................................... Kawasaki UA-400
Manufacturer......................... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used................................HFO/LNG (boil off)
Output.............................................. 27,300kW/83rev/min
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Type.....................Cross compound, tandem articulated,
double reduction
Material................................................. phosphor bronze
Manufacturer.......................... Mecklenburger Metallguss
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed

APENG Sun is another product of the burgeoning

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai but this
ships most notable claim to fame is as the first LNG
carrier to be built in China. It is the lead ship of a series
of five, constructed in collaboration with the former
Alstom Atlantique shipyard at St Nazaire (now
operating as part of STX Europe), one of the pioneers
of large-capacity LNG carrier construction.
Destined for operation between the North West Shelf
LNG export facility at Withnell Bay, near Dampier in
Western Australia, and Chinas first gas receiving
terminal at Dapeng, Guangdong province, the vessel
has entered service with a complex joint venture
ownership network, involving participants in the North
West Shelf project, COSCO Dalian, the Chinese LNG
industry, and Hong Kong based shipowners. Shell
International carried out shipyard supervision, and the
technical management company (CLSICO) includes
BP Shipping in its organisation.
Cargo is carried in four tanks contained within a
complete double side/bottom/bulkhead structure with
topside tanks, the inner line of which is carried up to
form the side of a nearly full length upper deck trunk.
Gas is transported at temperatures of -163 C and at near
atmospheric pressure using a GTT NO96 containment
system. This has primary and secondary membranes
formed of Invar (36% nickel steel), in conjunction with
other proven insulation materials to satisfy the required
boil-off rate.
All cargo system components are subject to cryogenic
temperatures, and handling is carried out using eight
(two per tank) electric, stainless steel, submerged pumps
each with a capacity of 1500m/hour, and supplied
from Spain by Ebara, along with four 50m/hour spray
pumps. Cargo and ballast operations are controlled by a
Centrum CS3000 integrated automation system


Speed................................................................ 83rev/min
Steam turbine-driven alternators
Turbine make/type...........................Mitsubishi/AT42CT-B
Alternator make/type............................................... ABB/ Output.................................................2 x 3200kW/6600V
Engine make.............................................................MAN
Type of fuel used..................................................... MDO
Alternator make/type............................................... ABB/ Output................................................2 x 2000kVA/6600V
Make/type..................................... Mitsubishi/MB-4E-KS2
Output.......................................................2 x 65,000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number......................... 2 x windlass; 8 x mooring winch
Make................................................................................ Type......................................................................Electric
Cargo tanks
Grades of cargo........................................................ LNG
Containment system....................... GTT NO96 with Invar
Cargo pumps
Type................................................. Electric, submerged
Make......................................... Ebara International Corp
Stainless steel............................................................. Yes
Capacity.......................................................8 x 1500m/h
Ballast/cargo control systems
Make.......................................... Yokogawa Electric Corp
Type..... Centrum CS3000 integrated automation system
officers .........................................................................19
Bow thruster
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Number/type................................................. 1 x KT 219B
Output............................................... 2000kW/270rev/min
Bridge control system
Type......................................... Integrated bridge system
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Type................................Release 3 interactive fire alarm
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo area...........................................Unitor dry powder
Engineroom...............Unitor Hi-Foam/Marioff water spray
Models................................. FAR 2827W; FAR288837SW
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator.................................... Deerberg Delta IRL-50
Sewage plant........................................Hamworthy SA4A
Contract date............................................... 11 August 2004
Launch/float-out date..............................28 December 2005
Delivery date...................................................... 3 April 2008


SS08 - p42+43.indd 42

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:32:54

dapeng sun

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p42+43.indd 43


30/01/2009 13:28:30

EMIRATES STAR: a STX 51K products

tanker incorporating CS rules
Shipbuilder:... STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea
Vessel's name:..............................Emirates Star
Hull number:............................................. S-1247
IMO number:.......................................... 9404223
Owner/operator....................... Emirates Trading

Agency LLC, United Arab Emirates/
Star Maritime (Pte) Ltd,
Designer:....... STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:... MOERI, Korea
Flag: ................................................... Singapore
Total number of sister
ships already completed:................................ 2
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................... 2
ESPITE having emerged as a shipbuilder in its
own right only as recently as 2001 (having acquired
the former Daedong assets), STX Shipbuilding is

already well on its way to achieving its aim of becoming

'the world's top shipbuilding group'. By 2012 it is
anticipated that turnover will reach US$10 billion,
raised from some 21 shipyards worldwide, including
the recently acquired Aker Group, and the newly
opened STX Dalian (China) facility. To service this
aim, the group has put together an extensive portfolio
of designs which includes that for a 51,000dwt product
tanker. Emirates Star, an example of this series, is
understood to be amongst the first vessels in the world
to be built to the IACS Common Structural Rules
The single decked tanker is designed to carry crude
oil, oil products and more than 240 IMO Type II
commodities (including sodium hydroxide solution), in
six pairs of cargo tanks, divided by a centreline bulkhead
which, like the transverse bulkheads, is of troughed
construction and built on stools. With side stiffening
placed within the double-hull space, and deck beams
arranged externally, a smooth internal tank surface is
presented and coated with 250microns of pure epoxy.
The structure has a 25 year fatigue life, and the side
tanks are linked with top and bottom wing tanks, as
well as being joined with centrally divided double
bottom spaces to form water ballast compartments,
protected by epoxy coatings. A particular feature of the
design is the adoption of side stiffening formed of web
frames spaced 3600mm apart. One pair of slop tanks,
together with the bunker tanks, are located between the
engineroom and cargo space.
The piping system is designed to serve six cargo
segregations and has each cargo tank fitted with a Framo
hydraulic, submerged, 600m/hour pump, with two
similar 300m/h pumps serving the slop tanks. Two
Framo hydraulically operated, 750m/h pumps handle
water ballast duties, and each tank has an overflow line

for ballast exchange using a flow-through system,

operated by automatic remote control.
The main engine has been constructed by the
shipbuilder's engineering division and is of MAN B&W
6S50MC-C Mk7 design developing 9480kW at 127rev/
min full power. At an NCR of 8058kW and running at
120rev/min, corresponding to 85% MCR, and allowing
a 15% sea margin, a service speed of 15.20knots is
achieved. The prime movers for the three alternator sets
are STX manufactured, MAN Holeby 5L21/31
machines, coupled to Hyundai electrical units each with
an output of 1125kVA. Steam is generated by an oil
fired, and a composite boiler, and bridge control of the
machinery installation is by means of an STX/Lyngs
bridge control system.

Length, oa................................................................. 183.00m

Length, bp................................................................. 173.90m
Breadth, moulded........................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded, to upper deck..................................19.10m
Width of double skin
scantling ................................................................13.15m
Gross ........................................................................ 29,734gt
scantling ...........................................................61,379dwt
Service speed, 85% MCR, 15% sea margin.........15.20knots
Cargo capacity........................................................ 57,741m
heavy oil................................................................. 1539m
diesel oil................................................................... 159m
Water ballast............................................................ 24,019m
Classification...............Lloyd's Register of Shipping +100A1,
Double Hull Oil and Chemical Tanker,
Ship Type 2, CSR, ESP, +LMC, UMS, IGS,
LI, SPM, with descriptive notes
'Part Higher Tensile Steel, ETA, ShipRight
Main engine
Design............................................................MAN B&W
Model........................................................6S50MC-C Mk7
Manufacturer....................................STX Heavy Industries
Output, MCR . ....................................9480kW/127rev/min
Material...................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer................................................ Silla
Diameter.............................................................. 6000mm

Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type.................................STX-MAN/5L21/31
Output/speed..................................3 x 950kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type............. Hyundai/HFC7 564-84K-SB
Output/speed................................................. 3 x 1125kVA
Number.....................................1 x oil fired/1 x composite
Outputs........................................... 18,000kg/h; 1000kg/h
Deck machinery
Number.....................................................................6 sets
Make............................................................... Rolls-Royce
Type.................................................................... Hydraulic
Lifesaving equipment
Number/type.......2 x 24-person totally enclosed lifeboats
Make........................................................... Wux Hai Hong
Cargo tanks
Number........................................................12 plus 2 slop
Product range........... Oil products/IMO Type II chemicals
Tank coating................................ pure epoxy 250microns
Cargo pumps
Number........................................................12 plus 2 slop
Type.................................................hydraulic submerged
Make........................................................................ Framo
Stainless steel............................casing; impeller; shafting
Duties........................................12 x 600m/h/2 x 300m/h
Suez crew.........................................................................4
Bridge control
Make............................................................... STX-Lyngs
Type.................................. DMS2100i/DPS2100/EGS2200
Fire detection system
Type................................................................. CS4000/3S
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo tanks/deck............................................... NK/Foam
Engineroom............................................................ NK/CO
Models.... S-Band JMA-9932-SA: X-Band JMA-9922-9XA
Waste disposal plant
Make/type............................Hyundai Maxi NG100 SL WS
Sewage plant
Make type...................................... Jonghap/Aerob-12
Contract date......................................................27 July 2006
Launch/float-out date...................................... 17 March 2008
Delivery date...................................................... 23 May 2008


SS08 - p44+45.indd 44

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 14:05:02


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p44+45.indd 45


30/01/2009 13:29:06

FAIR SEAS: STX delivers Aframax tanker

to Turkish principals
Shipbuilder:..... STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea
Vessel's name:........................................Fair Seas
Hull number:............................................... S-3001
IMO number:.............................................9405057
Owner/operator:.......... Fair Seas Navigation Ltd,
Marshall Islands
(Aktif Denizcilik Bilgisayar
Form Mumessillik San, Turkey)
/ Thome Ship Management
(Pte) Ltd, Singapore
Designer:......... STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:.....KRISO (Korea

Research Institute of Ships and
Ocean Engineering), Korea
Flag: .......................................... Marshall Islands
Total number of sister
ships already completed:.................................. 3
Total number of sister
ships still on order:............................................. 5

PERATING from two shipyards in Korea, Chinhae
and Busan, STX Shipbuilding is expected to deliver
59 vessels during this current year, 44 of which will be

tankers of the various designs included in its extensive

portfolio, and ranging in size from 13,000dwt to a
115,000dwt Aframax type, represented in this review by
Fair Seas. Featuring a double skin hull, within which there
are six pairs of cargo tanks, plus two slop tanks, residual
tank and oil fuel bunkers, this advanced version of one of
STX's popular standards has been developed in accordance
with the International Association of Classification
Societies' (IACS) Common Structural Rules (CSR),
allowing a structural fatigue life of 25 years.
Plain-type transverse and longitudinal bulkheads have
been fitted, with side stiffeners, including web frames,
arranged in a double-hull space which is linked with
centrally divided double bottoms tanks and utilised for
water ballast purposes. The six pairs of tanks thus provided
are separated from the machinery space by an independent
pump room.
The cargo tanks are designed to carry 41 types of oil
products, including crude oil, and are coated with
International Paint pure epoxy. Loading and unloading is
carried out using two steam turbine driven, vertical
centrifugal pumps manufactured by Hyundai, each
handling 3000m/hour, with both cargo and ballast
operations controlled by Emerson systems using hydraulic
actuators and mimic diagrams. With reference to
environmental and safety requirements, Fair Seas has been
classed by Det Norske Veritas and complies with that
society's requirements for a 'Clean' notation, and also
qualifies for a Green Passport. ExxonMobil and OCIMF
recommendations are also included.

The machinery installation is based upon a MAN

B&W 6S60MC-C Mk8 main engine developing
14,235kW MCR when running at 109rev/min. In
service, Fair Seas will operate at 85% full power and
105rev/min to produce a speed of 15knots, using a
propeller designed in-house by STX and cast by Hyundai.
Bunker capacity is 2920m of heavy oil, providing a
cruising range of 18,000 miles, and allowing a three-day
reserve. Electrical requirements are served from three
STX-MAN Holeby driven alternators, each of 900kW
output, and steam is produced in two KangRim
30,000kg/h water tube boilers.

Length, oa.....................................................................250.00m
Length, bp....................................................................239.00m
Breadth, moulded...........................................................44.00m
Depth, moulded, upper deck........................................21.00m
Width of double skin
side . ...........................................................................2.20m
Gross ...........................................................................62,856gt
design ...............................................................102,476dwt
scantling . ..........................................................115,406dwt
Speed, service, 85% MCR....................................... 15.00knots
Cargo capacity..........................................................131,549m
heavy oil....................................................................2920m
diesel oil......................................................................255m
Water ballast................................................................41,381m
Fuel consumption
main engine only........................................52.60tonnes/day
Classification...............Det Norske Veritas +1A1 Tanker for Oil,

Percentage of high-tensile
steel used in construction............................................. 40%
Main engine
Design..................................................................MAN B&W
Model..........................................................6S60MC-C Mk 8
Manufacturer..........................................STX Engine Co Ltd
Number............................................................................... 1
Output MCR.......................................14,235kW/109rev/min
Material......................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer....... STX/Hyundai Heavy Industries
Number............................................................................... 1
Pitch.............................................................................. Fixed

Speed.................................................................. 109rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Number.............................................................................. .3
Engine make/type......................STX-MAN Holeby 5L21/31
Output/speed....................................3 x 900kW/900rev.min
Alternator details.................................................................. Boilers
Number/type..................................................2 x water tube
Make....................................................................... KangRim
Output............................................................2 x 30,000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number............................................................................... 6
Lifesaving equipment
Number/type..........2 x 24person totally enclosed lifeboats
Manufacturer............................................................ Norsafe
Cargo tanks
Number..................................12 plus 2 x slop, 1 x residual
Product range.........................................Crude/product oils
Coated tanks........................International Paint pure epoxy
Cargo pumps
Number............................................................................... 2
Type...............................Steam turbine, centrifugal, vertical
Capacity..............................................................2 x 3000m
Cargo/ballast control systems
Type................................. Hydraulic actuator, mimic control
Officers.............................................................................. 12
Crew.................................................................................. 12
Suez crew............................................................................ 6
Fire detection system
Make....................................................................... Saracom
Type............................................................................... T891
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo tanks..................................................NK Fixed Foam
Engineroom.................................................... NK Fixed CO
Number............................................................................... 2
Make............................................................................... JRC
Models.............................................JMA-9132-SA (S-band)

JMA-9122-9XA (X-band)
Waste disposal plant
Type................................................. Maxi NG 50 SL WS
Sewage plant
Make..........................................................DVZ Services
Type............................................................ DVZ-SKA-20
Contract date......................................................... 27 July 2006
Launch/float-out date........................................ 21 March 2008
Delivery date............................................................ 7 July 2008


SS08 - p46+47.indd 46

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 14:08:44

fair seas

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p46+47.indd 47


30/01/2009 13:29:37

FESCO VITIM: example of a highly

successful Szczecinska design
Shipbuilder:.....................Stocznia Szczecinska

Nowa Sp z.o.o, Poland
Vessel's name:.................................Fesco Vitim
Hull number:..........................................B170-V/1
Owner/operator:............. Mare Space Shipping,

Cyprus/ Far Eastern Shipping Co

(FESCO), Russia
Designer:.........................Stocznia Szczecinska

Nowa Sp z.o.o, Poland
Model tank establishment used:......HSVA, Germany
Flag: .........................................................Cyprus
Total number of sister
ships already completed:..............................Nil

(this updated series)
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................... 2

LTHOUGH many Stocznia Szczecinska designs

have featured in Significant Ships reviews over the
years, this is believed to be the first time that the B-170
container ship has been represented. Fesco Vitim is an
updated version of a long-running and popular design,
which is configured as a double-hull vessel with long
forecastle (through which No 1 hold is accessed) and
poop. More than 50 examples have been ordered,
including two under licence in Vietnam.
B-Type freeboard has been assigned, and of the four
cargo holds, Nos 1 to 3 are suitable for the carriage of
dangerous cargoes of IMO classes 1.4s; 2.1-2.3; 3; 4.14.3; 5.1; 6.1; 8 and 9. In addition, hold No 1 is prepared
for cargoes of IMO classes 1.1 to 1.6. Total container
capacity is 1730TEU, of which 734 are carried in the
holds and 1096 on deck, with lashings arranged in
accordance with OSHA rules. Electrical sockets are
provided on deck for 200 boxes, and 45ft and 48ft units
can be loaded on deck in the area of the three, centreline
MacGregor deck cranes.
MacGregor-China supplied the nine sets of steel
pontoon hatchcovers closing the four holds. These are
fitted with double rubber lip type seals between the
panels, and have permissible container stack loadings of
40tonnes/TEU and 60tonnes/FEU for hatches 1 and 2,
and 60tonnes/TEU and 90tonnes/FEU for hatches 3 to
9. Tanktop point loadings are 140tonnes/TEU and
175tonnes/FEU, and the uniformly distributed tanktop
loadings are 14tonnes/m in holds 2 to 4 and 10.5tonnes/
m in hold 1.
The hull is of all welded construction with steel of
AH-32; AH-36; DH-36 and EH-36 specification applied
to main deck, also to the sheer strake, upper strakes of
longitudinal bulkheads in holds, continuous longitudinal
hatch coamings and the shell in way of the ice belt.

The main engine is a Sulzer type 6RTA62U,

manufactured by Polish licensee, H Cegielski-Poznan
(HCP), developing 13,320kW when running at 113rev/
min. Directly coupled to a five-bladed, FP propeller
fitted in an asymmetric stern, this machinery produces a
service speed of 19.87knots at 90% full power.
Electrical requirements are served by three HCP-Sulzer/
DFME alternator sets, each having an output of
1370kVA, and facilities are provided for accepting power
from shore supply - as is the current trend.

Length, oa................................................................. 184.10m

Length, bp................................................................. 171.94m
Breadth, moulded........................................................25.30m
Depth, moulded to main deck.....................................13.50m
Width of double skin
scantling (freeboard)................................................9.89m
Gross ........................................................................ 16,803gt
Speed, service, 90% MCR....................................18.87knots
Cargo capacities
bale..................................................................... 29,647m
grain.................................................................... 29,795m
heavy oil................................................................. 2260m
diesel oil................................................................... 155m
Water ballast............................................................... 7944m
Water ballast carried in loaded condition.............4930tonnes
Fuel consumption
main engine only.......................................51.3tonnes/day
Classification..... Germanischer Lloyd + 100A5 E3 Container

Ship, IW, NAV-O, SOLAS II-2 Reg. 19, +MC E3 AUT
Percentage of high-tensile
steel used in construction.............................................. 28%
Heel control equipment (working cargo)................ Meramont
Main engine
Model.................................................................. 6RTA62U
Manufacturer............................H Cegielski-Poznan (HCP)
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Material...................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........................................... HSVA/ Number.............................................................................1

Diameter.............................................................. 6150mm
Special features................................................... 5 blades
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type............................. HCP-Sulzer/8S20UH
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Output/speed................................3 x 1160kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type..........DFME (Poland)/GDB-148S/08
Output/speed.............................. 3 x 1370kVA/900rev/min
Electrical connection in port......................................... Famor
Cargo cranes
Make................................................................ MacGregor
Type...............................................Slim, electric-hydraulic
Performance.... 2 x 45tonne swl/28m; 1 x 45tonne swl/29m
Mooring equipment
Number.................................2 x mooring winch/windlass;

3 x mooring winch
Make..................................................................... Towimor
Hatch covers
Design/manufacturer............... MacGregor, Finland/China
Type.................................................................... Pontoons
Lengths...........holds: 20ft, 40ft: deck: 20ft, 40ft, 45ft, 48ft
Heights............................... holds: 8ft and 9.5ft (top layer)
Cell holds
Total TEU capacity
On deck................................................................1096
In holds....................................................................634
Homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes....................1090
Reefer plugs.................................................. 200 on deck
Tiers/rows (maximum)
On deck.................................................................6/10
In holds.....................................................................5/8
Bow thrusters
Make........................................................................... ABB
Fire detection system
Make................................................................... Autronica
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds..............Unitor/Water spray ( No 1 hold CO )
Contract date.......................................................2 April 2004
Launch/float-out date......................................... 17 May 2008
Delivery date..................................................23 August 2008


SS08 - p48+49.indd 48

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:37:45

fesco vitim

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p48+49.indd 49


30/01/2009 13:30:05

GULF BAYNUNAH: 47,000dwt tanker

from Hyundai Mipo
Shipbuilder:.................Hyundai Mipo Dockyard
Co Ltd (HMD), Korea
Vessel's name:........................... Gulf Baynunah
Hull number:................................................. 2037
IMO number:.......................................... 9381562
Owner/operator:.................Gulf Energy Marine,
United Arab Emirates
Designer:....... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd,
Flag: ..................................................... Bahamas
Total number of sister
ships already completed:..............................Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................... 3
Illustration shows sister ship Gulf Esprit

yundai Mipo's delivery schedule for 2008

envisaged the completion of 70 vessels at Ulsan
facility, the majority of which were expected to be

product/chemical tankers of the four types included in

the yard's standard series portfolio, and referred to in
our review of CPO France. Gulf Baynunah is a variant
of the mid-range HMD 47,000dwt design (actually
deadweight at scantling draught is 46,500dwt), but
incorporating a number of changes from some sisters,
particularly regarding the choice of main engine where
a six cylinder version of the Hyundai-MAN B&W
S50MC-C type has been selected in place of a 7-cylinder
Mk 6 version of the same design.
Developing 8598kW MCR at a de-rated speed of
116.5rev/min, this engine drives a fixed pitch propeller
to give a service speed of 14.8knots when operating at
85% of full output, and consuming just less than
37tonnes of heavy fuel oil each day. Bunker tanks are
located between the machinery room and cargo space
and include separate provision for storage of oil with
low sulphur content, to suit SECA requirements.
Electrical supply is drawn from three Yanmar/
Hyundai 1200kW diesel alternators, with facilities also
provided for 'cold ironing' (receiving shore-based
electrical supplies) when in port, to suit the
environmental demands of some authorities. In another
change from other newbuildings of this type, no
thrusters are fitted.
The single decked design (which does not include
strengthening for ice navigation), features a forecastle,
linked by a fore and aft gangway to a four tier deckhouse
and wheelhouse aft. Within the double-hull layout the
cargo space is divided into eight pairs of tanks suitable
for the carriage of petroleum products and IMO Type II
and III commodities. Two slop tanks are also provided,
whilst the six pairs of tanks occupying the surrounding
space are combined with centrally divided double

bottom tanks to form L-shaped water ballast

compartments. A residual oil tank is incorporated in the
centreline bulkhead structure at the top of number 8
cargo tank and adjoining slop tank.
The longitudinal and transverse bulkheads are of
troughed construction and, with side frames positioned
within the double-hull and deck stiffening arranged
externally, a plain internal surface is presented for tank
coatings. Cargo handling is by way of port and starboard
manifolds on the upper deck amidships, using Framo
hydraulically operated, submerged pumps: 16 of
600m/hour duty fitted in the cargo tanks, and two of
300m/hour in the slop tanks. Control of cargo and
ballast operations is carried out using Hyundai Aconis
systems with a Kongsberg C-20 installation controlling
navigation equipment, but without the inclusion of an
integrated bridge or facilities for one-man operation.

Length, oa................................................................. 183.22m

Length, bp................................................................. 174.00m
Breadth, moulded........................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded to upper deck...................................18.80m
Width of double skin
side ..........................................................................2.00m
Gross ........................................................................ 29,508gt
scantling ...........................................................46,500dwt
Speed, service, 85% MCR....................................14.80knots
Cargo capacity, liquid volume................................. 53,899m
heavy oil ............................................................... 1429m
diesel oil................................................................... 227m
Water ballast............................................................ 24,034m
Fuel consumption
main engine only.....................................35.65tonnes/day
Classification...................................Lloyd's Register +100A1,

Double Hull Oil and Chemical
Tanker, ESP, Ship Type 2, *IWS, LI,
ShipRight (SDA, FDA, CM), +LMC, IGS,
UMS, ETA, Part Higher Tensile Steel,
Green Passport, ShipRight (SCM, BWMP(S) SERS)
Main engine
Design............................................................... MAN B&W
Manufacturer.............................Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO

Diameter ............................................................. 5800mm
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type...............................Yanmar/8N21AL-EV
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Output/speed.................................3 x1300kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type................. HHI-EMD/HFC7 568-84E
Output/speed................................3 x 1200kW/900rev/min
Electrical connection for shore power....................... Hyundai
Number/type............................................... 1 x water tube
Output.............................................................. 20,000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number.....................................................................6 sets
Make........................................................Maritime Pusnes
Type.................................................................... Hydraulic
Cargo tanks
Number..........................................................6 plus 2 slop
Product range....................................petroleum products;

IMO grades 2 and 3 chemicals
Cargo pumps
Number/capacity.....................16 x 600m/h; 2 x 300m/h
Type.................................................hydraulic submerged
Make........................................................................ Framo
Ballast/cargo control system................Hyundai Aconis 200E
Suez crew.........................................................................6
Bridge control system
Make/type............................................... Kongsberg C-20
Fire detection systems
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo space....................................deck: foam/sea water
Engineroom.................................................................. CO
Type..............................................1 x X-band; 1 x S-band
Integrated bridge system................................................... No
Contract date............................................... 17 January 2006
Launch/float-out date.....................................26 August 2008
Delivery date................................................ 17 October 2008


SS08 - p50+51.indd 50

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:39:20


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p50+51.indd 51


30/01/2009 13:30:37

GYPSUM INTEGRITY: self-discharging

bulker from Brazil
Shipbuilder:.................Estaleiro Ilha SA, Brazil
Vessels name:....................... Gypsum Integrity
Hull number:............................................. EI-492
IMO number: ........................................9405162
Owner/operator:........... Gypsum Transportation
Ltd, Bermuda/Beltship
Management Ltd, Monaco
Designer:....................... CR Cushing & Co Inc,
USA/EISA, Brazil/Projemar, Brazil
Flag: .................................................... Bermuda
Number of sister
ships already completed: ........................... Nil
Number of sister
ships still on order: ..................................... Nil
HE award of the Gypsum Integrity detail design and
construction contract to the Brazilian shipyard
Estaleiro Ilha (EISA) marks a stage, it is hoped, in the

re-emergence of Brazil into the world market. Detail

design was accomplished by EISAs technical department
with support from the Rio de Janeiro based design
agent, Projemar; they worked to a concept and contract
design prepared by the New York based naval
architectural consultancy C R Cushing & Co Inc,
which also created the parent ship, Gypsum Centennial,
built in 2001 by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard.
The claimed unique design of Gypsum Integrity was
based on the owner and operators requirements. Both
Gypsum Transportation and Beltship Management
have more than 30 years experience in the management
and operation of self-unloading bulkers. Their past
experience set many design goals, one of which was to
keep the C-belt out of the machinery space and living
quarters. This was common practice in other ships, but
carried with it significant arrangement disadvantages in
the machinery space and noise and vibration issues in
the accommodation space.
In this new ship, the C-belt, although essentially
exterior to the superstructure, allowed the central
control station and the conference room/library to be
placed outboard of the C-belt, thus allowing utilisation
of main deck space which would normally be fallow.
All ship control, exclusive of navigation and exterior
communication, is from within the central control
station located on the main deck and outboard of the
Gypsum Centennial served as the platform for several
innovative installations, including the moving hole
feeder system from BMH Marine (today MacGregor
Bulk). The owners early acceptance of this concept was
based on substantial shore-side testing and excellent
onboard technical support. Five years reliable operation
in the off-loading of gypsum rock and coal gave the
owner confidence to fit the same system again on
Gypsum Integrity.
Compared to conventional gates, the main feature of
the moving hole feeder is that hogbacks between gates
are eliminated, and one continuing slot is maintained
for the entire length of the four cargo holds. These
features create an uninterrupted gravity flow of material
from the holds. The feeder consists mainly of a moving
deck with openings to the cargo holds (moving holes)
and a number of trays placed under the openings. A

stationary ladder is located between the deck and trays.

As the deck and trays traverse back and forth, the ladder
rungs act as a scraper and feed out the material to the
belt conveyor underneath. The ladder rungs also
function as a seal to avoid overflow of material from
cargo holds.
The telescopic boom has a length of 36m, considered
exceptional since the maximum boom length is 76m
and the minimum length in retracted position is only
40m. Due to the shuttling conveyor, it is easy to
position the boom conveyor to distribute the material
directly to stockpiles onshore or to transfer to other
receiving arrangements, such as hoppers and conveyor
One of the primary objectives of the new ships design
was to achieve one that was as environment friendly as
practical. In addition to strict compliance with
regulatory requirements, the vessel incorporates many
green features that go beyond these. One is an extensive
cargo dust suppression system in combination with dust
enclosures for all external belts. A travelling telescopic
discharge chute can be attached to the discharge end of
the shuttle conveyor to reduce dust and avoid spillage.
Gypsum Centennial had the first shipboard installation
of an electronically controlled Wrtsil RT-flex engine,
so it is no surprise that the new ship continues with this
type, using a six-cylinder RT-flex58T-B model
developing 11,275kW at 93rev/min to deliver a service
speed of 15knots.

Length, oa................................................................197.10m
Length, bp................................................................188.40m
Breadth, moulded......................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded to upper deck..................................17.75m
Width of double skin
side (minimum).......................................................1.00m
Gross, approx...........................................................32,900gt
Net, approx..............................................................10,300nt
tropical............................................................. 47,800dwt
Speed, service, design draught, 85% MCR........ 15.00knots
Cargo capacity, 100%............................................. 45,708m
heavy oil, 98%................................................ 1881tonnes
diesel oil, 98%.................................................... 68tonnes
Water ballast..................................................... 28,338tonnes
Fuel consumption, main engine, 85% MCR.... 38tonnes/day
Classification.............Lloyds Register +100A1, Bulk Carrier,
ShipRight (SDA, FDA), CM, Ice class 1D,
Strengthened for Heavy Cargoes, ESP, IWS, LI,
Self Unloader, +LMC, UMS, CCS, ICC, NAV1, IBS, EP
Percentage of high tensile steel
used in construction..................................................... 49%
Main engine
Design.................................................................. Wrtsil
Model.......................................................... 6RT-flex58T-B
Manufacturer............................................... Diesel United
Type of fuel used........................................HFO (700cSt)
Output.......................................... 11,275kW at 93rev/min

Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer................................ Wrtsil Lips
Pitch ..............................................................Controllable
Diameter............................................ 7200mm (4 blades)
Speed................................................................ 93rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type.......................Cegielski-MAN/6L23/30
Type of fuel used.........................................HFO(700cSt)
Output/speed................................ 3 x 960kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type..................... Dolmel/6YDB-138L/01
Output/speed................................ 3 x 910kW/900rev/min
Type.......................................... Composite, thermal fluid
Make/type......................................... Aalborg/H4-TFO-12
Mooring equipment
Make.............................................Aker Kvaerner Pusnes
Number............. 2 x anchor windlass/single drum winch;
1 x double drum winch (forecastle);
2 x single drum winch (cargo area);
2 x double drum winch (stern);
1 x single drum winch (stern)
Hatch covers
Type.............Pontoon, closed internals, outboard rolling,
auto cleating
Actuation................. Individual hydraulic rack and pinion
Cargo self-unloading system
Type................................ Moving hole feeder with C-belt
Make ..............................MacGregor Bulk (BMH Marine)
Capacity....................................3000tonnes/h (2500m /h)
Complement.............................................36 max, 24 normal
Special rudder........................................Becker high lift type
Bow thruster
Make/output........................................... Wrtsil/1100kW
Fire extinguishing system
Type....................................................High pressure CO
Make....................................................................... Kidde
Integrated bridge system . ....... Kelvin Hughes MantaDigital
One-man operation.......................................................... Yes
Integrated automation, control and monitoring system
Make................................................ Kongsberg Maritime
Types .............................AutoChief C20; DataChief C20;
power management
Make......................................................... Kelvin Hughes
Models...........................MantaDigital 26in X-band chart;
MantaDigital 26in S-band Sharpeye;
MantaDigital 26in Ecdis display;
MantaDigital 26in HAP display (conning)
Waste disposal plant
Sewage treatment
Contract date........................................................ June 2006
Launch/float-out date..........................................March 2008
Delivery date.................................................. February 2009


SS08 - p52+53.indd 52

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:40:48

Gypsum Integrity

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p52+53.indd 53


30/01/2009 13:31:07


order book rankings
Shipbuilder:.. SPP Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:........................Horizon Armonia
Hull number:............................................ H-1015
IMO number:.........................................9407354
Owner/operator:...... Target Marine SA, Greece
Designer:...... SPP Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:............. MOERI,

Flag: ........................................................ Liberia
Total number of sister ships
already completed:...........Nil (for this owner)
Total number of sister ships
still on order:....................... 5 (for this owner)
Illustration shows sister ship Horizon Aphrodite

PP Shipbuildings Significant Ships debut last year

was highlighted by the claim to be Koreas newest
shipbuilding company, having made the transition
from crane builder to shipbuilder as recently as 2005.
Such has been the growth of the company, which now
operates from three sites, that by mid-2008 it was
expecting to count itself as Number 8 in the world, in
terms of order book. Much of that success, no doubt,
stems from restricting its inaugural portfolio to
products/chemical tankers of 50,000dwt, and bulk
carriers in the 35,000dwt range. More recently, however,
orders for larger vessels of both types, and for 3500TEU
container ships have been booked and these will form
part of a delivery programme expected to reach 69 ships
annually by 2011.
Horizon Armonia is a sister of the 50,100dwt products/
chemical tanker Dubai Star, featured in our 2007
review, but illustrates the designs ability to adapt to
owners choice of main engine. More significant,
perhaps, is the claim that the vessel is the first example
of this class to be constructed in accordance with the
IACS Common Structural Rules; actual classification
was been carried out by the American Bureau of
The machinery change brings in a Doosan-MAN
B&W 6S50MC-C7 main engine developing 9480kW
at 127rev/min MCR, giving a service speed of
14.90knots when running at 85% full power and with
a 15% sea margin. Electrical supply is derived from
three Yanmar/Taiyo 900kW diesel driven alternator
sets, and steam is generated in an 18,000kg/h oil fired
boiler and a 1200kg/h composite unit.

The hull is single decked, with forecastle, and

accommodation block aft. The double skin structure
forms side and bottom tanks given over to water ballast,
and encloses a cargo space divided into six pairs of cargo
tanks and one pair of slop tanks, by troughed centreline
and transverse bulkheads built on stools. Side stiffening
is arranged within the double-hull space, and with deck
beams fitted externally, a smooth internal surface is
presented, coated with a Sigma pure epoxy to provide
protection against the 2850-plus commodities likely to
be loaded, including crude oil products and chemical
cargoes in the IMO Type III range. The engineroom
area is given additional protection for fuel and
lubricating oils, in accordance with the ABS POT
For cargo handling, 12 Framo hydraulic submerged,
600m/h pumps are provided, with two similar
300m/h units, and a 20m/h pump fitted in the slop
and residue tanks, respectively. Water ballast is handled
by a pair of 750m/h hydraulic pumps, and each tank is
arranged with an overflow line for ballast exchange,
operated on the flow-through method by an automatic
remote valve control system.

Length, oa................................................................183.00m
Length, bp................................................................174.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded to upper deck..................................19.10m
Width of double skin
Gross .......................................................................30,040gt
Displacement................................................... 68,850tonnes
Deadweight, scantling.......................................... 50,100dwt
Speed, service, 85% MCR, 15% sea margin...... 14.90knots
Cargo capacity........................................................54,600m
heavy oil................................................................1300m
diesel oil..................................................................110m
Water ballast............................................................23,000m
Fuel consumption, main engine only.......... 32.63tonnes/day
Classification..... ABS +1A1(E) Oil/Chemical Carrier, IMO III,
+AMS, +ACCU, +BWE, CSR, SafeShip-CM, FL (30),
Percentage high tensile steel
used in construction.................................................30/35%
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model............................................................ 6S50MC-C7
Manufacturer................................ Doosan Engine Co Ltd
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO

Output............................................... 9480kW/127rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........................ Silla Metal Co Ltd
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 127rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type............................. Yanmar/6N21AL-EV
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................ 3 x 970kW/900rev/min
Alternator make.........................................................Taiyo
Output/speed................................ 3 x 900kW/900rev/min
Type..................................................................... Oil fired
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 6 sets
Make..................................................................... Pusnes
Type.................................................................. Hydraulic
Lifesaving equipment
Number of lifeboats......... 2 x 27 person totally enclosed
Make.................................................................... Norsafe
Cargo tanks
Number.........................12 x cargo, 2 x slop, 1 x residue
Grades of cargo carried.............................. Oil products/

IMO Type III chemicals
Coated tanks....................................... Sigma pure epoxy
Cargo pumps
Number.........................12 x cargo, 2 x slop, 1 x residue
Type.............................................. submerged, hydraulic
Capacities........... 12 x 600m/h, 2 x 300m/h, 1 x 30m/h
Cargo control system............................................... Damcos
Ballast control system.................................................. Hanla
Suez/repair crew.............................................................6
Bridge control system
Make...................................... Kongsberg AutoChief C20
Fire detection system............................................. Consilium
Fire extinguishing systems...........................Namyang-Kidde
Make.......................................................................... JRC
Integrated bridge system...................................................Nil
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator............................Hyundai Maxi NG100SL WS
Sewage plant................................................DVZ SKA-20
Contract date.................................................... 22 July 2006
Launch/float-out date..........................................2 May 2008
Delivery date....................................................... 8 July 2008


SS08 - p54+55.indd 54

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:41:40

horizon armonia

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p54+55.indd 55


30/01/2009 13:31:34

HOS ACHIEVER: multipurpose support

ship from re-opened Krimpen yard
Shipbuilder:......................... Krimpen Shipyard
(IHC Merwede), The Netherlands
Vessels name:............................ HOS Achiever
Yard number:................................................ 714
IMO number:........................................ 9414163
Owner/operator:.................Hornbeck Offshore
Services Inc, USA
Designer:........IHC Merwede, The Netherlands
Flag: ..................................................... Vanuatu
Total number of sister
ships already completed:.............................. 1
Total number of sister
ships still on order:......................................... 2

ESPITE having three shipyards at its disposal, the

IHC Merwede Group found itself fully stretched
towards the end of 2006, and in order to reduce the
workload on those facilities, reached an agreement with
the then owner of the former Van der Giessen-de
Noord yard at Krimpen aan den IJssel, near Rotterdam,
to first lease, then purchase, the premises. HOS Achiever,
the first new completion at the re-opened shipyard, has
now entered service as a multi-purpose workhorse
capable of a wide range of existing activities, and others
likely to materialise in the future.
To satisfy the requirements of its Louisiana-based
client in a cost-effective, and competitively priced way,
it was decided to base the design of HOS Achiever on
that of the proven Merwede Type-22 (22m beam)
support vessel. To this platform has been added facilities
for the operation of a Triton XL twin work class ROV
system, a 70tonnes SWL heave compensated offshore
crane, a 160tonne offshore mast crane, and a 300tonne
A&R (Abandon and Recovery) winch capable of deep
water work down to 3000m, either over the ships side,
or through the large working moonpool.
A modular, 12-man-300m twin-bell saturation diving
spread is fitted; however, the vessel can support the
inclusion of a second unit. This would then provide a
complete 24-man saturation system with dual
hyperbaric rescue chambers. One bell would work
through the dive moonpool, and the other through the
working moonpool. The versatility of HOS Achiever is
such that a modular pipelaying unit could be installed
on the aft deck at a later date.
A diesel-electric machinery plant is installed,
comprised of four 6.6kV Siemens alternators, each
driven by an MAN 9L27/38 diesel engine developing
2970kW; they are housed in pairs in two separate
enginerooms, port and starboard in the fore body. These
provide ample power for propulsion, manoeuvring and
positioning, using a Kongsberg DP3 system which
incorporates the two main Wrtsil 3000kW azimuthing
thrusters with 2800mm diameter FP propellers aft, and

a retractable Wrtsil 1200kW azimuthing thruster

forward. Two Rolls-Royce Kamewa 1350kW tunneltype thrusters are also fitted forward.
A third engineroom holds two MAN/Siemens
1500kW diesel alternator sets, which supply power to
cranes, winches and other non-propulsive equipment,
and guarantee additional power to enhance safety and
flexibility. The DP system is completely redundant and
can be controlled from fore and aft consoles, and from
an Alternate Control Centre situated below the
In common with most offshore-type vessels a
substantial, compact superstructure, topped by a
helicopter deck, is built on the forecastle, housing nine
officers and 20 crew, plus 128 supernumaries and
contractors personnel. Lifesaving facilities provided
include an outfit of Fassmer enclosed lifeboats, and a
six-person man overboard boat. All are handled by
Umoe Schat-Harding davits.

Length, oa............................................................... 131.70m

Length, bp............................................................... 117.70m
Breadth, moulded..................................................... 22.00m
Depth, moulded.......................................................... 9.50m
design.................................................................... 6.25m
scantling................................................................. 6.75m
Gross ......................................................................... 8524gt
Displacement, design draught........................ 13,060tonnes
Lightweight......................................................... 5574tonnes
design................................................................ 6971dwt
scantling............................................................. 8600dwt
Block coefficient, design draught................................ 0.759
Speed, service (100% MCR).................................14.5knots
diesel oil............................................................... 1207m
Water ballast.............................................................. 3252m
Fuel consumption
main engines only...................................... 21tonnes/day
Classification.................... Det Norske Veritas +1A1, E0, SF,
Dynpos AUTRO, HELDK, DK (+)
Heel control equipment.................... Wing ballast tanks with
automatic control of 1170m/h
Frank Mohn pump
Roll stabilisation equipment
Make ................................. Rolls-Royce Intering system
Type .................. U-shaped tank with dump tank under
Diesel-electric propulsion system
Main engines
Design/manufacturer.......................................... MAN
Model............................................................. 9L27/38
Number..................................................................... 4
Type of fuel used................................................MDO
Output...................................................... 4 x 2970kW
Make/type................................ Siemens/1FJ4 804-10
Output......................................................4 x - (6.6kV)

Propulsion system
Azimuthing stern thrusters
Make/type...................................... Wrtsil/FS300
Number............................................................... 2
Propeller diameter................................... 2800mm
Propeller pitch.........Fixed, running in HR nozzles
Output................................................ 2 x 3000kW
Azimuthing retractable bow thruster
Make/type..................... Wrtsil/CS200-244/MNR
Number............................................................... 1
Propeller diameter................................... 1900mm
Propeller pitch....................Controllable, in nozzle
Output................................................ 1 x 1200kW
Tunnel bow thrusters
Make/type............................ Rolls-Royce Kamewa
Number............................................................... 2
Propeller diameter................................... 2200mm
Propeller pitch.................................... Controllable
Output................................................ 2 x 1350kW
Diesel-driven alternators (third engineroom)
Number.......................................................................... 2
Engine make/type...................................... MAN/6L27/38
Type of fuel used.....................................................MDO
Output/speed . ...................................... 2 x -/720rev/min
Alternator make/tpe....................... Siemens/1FJ3711-10
Output/speed..............................2 x 1500kW/720rev/min
Number/type.......1 x knuckleboom heave compensated
Make.................................................. National Oilwell
Duty............................................................. 70tonnes
Number/type.............................. 1 x offshore mast crane
Make . ..................................................Huisman-Itrec
Duty........................................................... 160tonnes
Special equipment
Number/type...... 1 x Abandon & Recovery (A&R) winch
Make ........................................................Huisman-Itrec
Duty ............................................................. 300tonnes
Officers........................................................................... 9
Crew .......................................................................... 20
Supernumaries........................................................... 128
Dynamic positioning
Make/type..................... Kongsberg/SDP-21 (DP3 class)
Control.........................Fore and aft navigation consoles:
Alternate Control Centre
Fire detection systems
Make .......................................................................Tyco
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom................................Ajax CO and water mist
Cabins/public spaces............................................. Sprinkler
Number.......................................................................... 2
Make .................................................................. Furuno
Models..............................................FAR-287; FAR-2835
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator..........................................TeamTec OG400 C
Sewage plant...................................... HMSA MSD-11/80
Contract date........................................ 21 September 2006
Launch/float-out date................................. 19 January 2008
Delivery date................................................12 August 2008


SS08 - p56+58.indd 56

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 14:10:57



SS08 - p56+58.indd 58

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 15:34:53

ISLAND SKY: home-built, open deck ferry

for British Columbia services
Shipbuilder:......Vancouver Shipyards Co Ltd,
Vessels name:................................. Island Sky
Hull number:................................................ 167
IMO number:....................................... 9370458
Owner/operator:.......... British Columbia Ferry
Services Inc (BC Ferries), Canada
Designer:..........Vancouver Shipyards Co Ltd,
Model test establishment used:............... Force
Technology, Denmark
Flag: ..................................................... Canada
Number of sister
ships already completed:.......................... Nil
Number of sister
ships still on order: . ................................. Nil

F necessity, the Strait of Georgia, British
Columbia, is served by numerous short-distance
ferry routes, many of which are operated by BC

Ferries, and its newbuilding, Island Sky, has been

designed with a 45 year operational life to provide a
multi-port capability on at least ten of these, but
especially on the scenic northern 'Sunshine Coast'
route, transiting the mouth of Jervis Inlet. This ship
forms part of a new investment programme at BC
Ferries, headed by the larger Coastal class trio (Coastal
Renaissance, Significant Ships of 2007).
The hull is symmetrically laid-out as a double-ended
ferry with a central superstructure bridging the open
car deck. This is topped with a single, enclosed
wheelhouse providing excellent sight lines forward and
aft, facilitating the rigorous manoeuvring qualities
required to fit the vessel into terminals where a tidal
range up to 5m can be experienced, and where
interfacing with 8.2m wide shore ramps is required.
The arrangement also allows excellent visibility for
monitoring traffic flow on to the main vehicle deck,
also port and starboard gallery decks.
The main accommodation deck is number 4 where
comfortable lounge seating is available for up to 70%
of the maximum 600 passenger complement. External
seating is provided on deck 5 for around 120 travellers.
Increased fire extinguishing systems are fitted to serve
the vehicle decks, including six remote controlled fire
stations, whilst passenger areas and enginerooms are
served by a Hi-Fog installation. Lifesaving equipment
includes two 14m, twin-path sloping marine evacuation
systems supplied by Liferaft Systems Australia and
fitted with 100-person, SOLAS B, self-righting rafts.
Noise and vibration levels have been restricted in
accordance with ISO 2923 and ISO 6954:2000 (E)
standards. Passenger access platforms are positioned to
interface with shore-based gangways and ramps, and a
lift links the vehicle deck with the uppermost passenger
The machinery system is installed in two
independent, forward and aft rooms, which provide
sufficient redundancy to allow Island Sky to be safely
manoeuvred should either of these become disabled.
An uninterrupted power supply philosophy is planned
to ensure that full propulsion power, together with
control and function of all navigational equipment, is
maintained, and the equipment is understood to make

the vessel black-out proof .

The propulsion plant is based on four Niigata ZP-21
Z-peller steerable, right-angle drive, 360deg rotating
units, positioned at each corner of the hull, either side
of a central skeg. These are fitted with Kort nozzles,
having full width stainless steel internal inserts supplied
by Van der Giessen.
Driving power comes from four (two in each
engineroom) Niigata 6L25HX (6-cylinder in-line)
main engines, each developing 1143kW at 720rev/
min, with the shaft lines to each Z-peller comprising
hydraulic couplings, gear couplings, intermediate
shafts, bulkhead seals, Twin Disc slipping clutches and
STO hydraulic steering pumps. The propellers are
manufactured from nickel-aluminium-bronze (ALBC
30) alloy, and, together with the thruster nozzles, are
built to Baltic ice class B equivalency to give protection
against log strikes.
Three Caterpillar diesel-alternator sets each produce
260kW of electrical power when running at 100%
continuously, and 110% rated power for one hour.
Specified service speed is 14.5knots, and this was
achieved on trials with the aft engines running at 85%
MCR and the forward units powered for optimum
consumption and not in excess of 85% MCR. All
normal engine-driven equipment was also on line.

Length, oa..............................................................102.40m
Length, bp................................................................98.20m
Breadth, moulded.....................................................26.45m
Depth, moulded
to main deck............. 7.0m at sides/7.15m at centreline
to upper deck (No 4).............................................12.8m
to deck No 5..........................................................15.8m
summer load ........................................................4.80m
Gross ....................................................................... 4313gt
Displacement..................................................... 3400tonnes
Lightweight........................................................ 2300tonnes
design............................................................ 670tonnes
summer load..................................................... 1100dwt
Block coefficient at 4.8m draught...............................0.396
Speed, service................................................... 14.50knots
Bunkers..................................................................... 161m
Fuel consumption......... 11.60tonnes/17.5hour working day
Classification.............................................. Lloyds Register
+100A1 Passenger & Vehicle Ferry,
Strait of Georgia Service, EP, +LMC, CCS
Main engines
Design................................................................. Niigata
Model................................................................. 6L25HX
Manufacturer....................................................... Niigata
Type of fuel used.................................................... MDO
Output/speed ........................... 4 x 1143kW/770rev/min
Make........................................................................ RAD
Model.....Niigata ZP-21 Z-peller, reduction ratio 2.265:1
Output speed.................................max 331rev/min with
Twin Disc slipping clutch

Type...............................Z-peller steerable rotating units
Material.................. Nickel-aluminium-bronze (ALBC 30)
Designer/manufacturer........................................ Niigata
Number of blades................................... 4, Kaplan type
Speed............................................................ 331rev/min
Special adaptations.......................Kort nozzles with full
width internal insert
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type............................. Caterpillar/3406TA
Type of fuel used.................................................... MDO
Output/speed...................................... 3 x -/1800rev/min
Alternator make/type...............................Caterpillar/SR4
Output/speed............................ 3 x 260kW/1800rev/min
Technical features to reduce exhaust emissions
Low sulphur fuel........................................................ Yes
Electrical connection for shore power............................ Yes
Mooring equipment
Number/type...................... 2 x CH4 hydraulic capstans
Make................................................. Burrard Iron Works
Lifesaving equipment
Type....... 2 x 14m twin path marine evacuation systems
with 100-person SOLAS B self-righting
Make............................. Liferaft Systems Australia (LSA)
Number of vehicle decks................ 1 + 2 gallery decks
Total lane length.....................................................620m
Total cars...................................................................125
Total freight units...................... 10 x 19.8m semi-trailers
Bridge control system
Make..................................................................... Impeg
Type.............................. Right-angle drive control heads
One man operation................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make.................................................................... Notifier
Type.......................... AF640 2-loop detection and alarm
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom and public spaces............... Marioff Hi-Fog
model MT4
Vehicle spaces..... Remote control monitors and deluge
Make/type............................ Sperry/Bridgemaster E 340
Sewage plant.........................................Hamworthy MBR40
Contract date..................................................... 5 July 2006
Launch/float-out date............................. 20 November 2007
Delivery date.............................................. November 2008


SS08 - p60+61.indd 60

Significant Ships of 2008

03/02/2009 15:45:29


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p60+61.indd 61


30/01/2009 13:32:43

KORSARO: Cicek Shipyard delivers

26,000dwt chemical tanker
Shipbuilder:............... Deniz Industry Co/Cicek
Shipyard, Turkey
Vessels name:....................................... Korsaro
Hull number:....................................................41
IMO number:.........................................9373137
Owner/operator:........ Gemini Denta Gemi Insa
Designer:........................ Admarin DCC, Turkey
Model test establishment used:............ Istanbul
Technical University, Turkey
Flag: ...........................................................Malta
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................1
Total number of sister
ships still on order:...........................................Illustration shows ship after launching, when it was named
Besiktas Jutland.

HE Cicek Shipyard was founded in 1980, but not

until 2004 did it build a ship larger than 6000dwt.
This was a 15,000dwt chemical tanker, and its
construction precipitated the yard into series production
of this type of vessel and instituted an investment
programme, which has made it one of Turkeys largest,
encompassing a building dock with the potential to
hold 100,000dwt vessels.
Korsaro is a 26,000dwt IMO Type II oil/chemical
design which, when ordered in 2007 by domestic owner
Besiktas Shipping (and launched as Besiktas Jutland),
was the largest vessel of this type yet built by Cicek.
Sold prior to delivery to another Turkish owner, it
therefore completes a domestic pedigree beginning with
a local designer and continuing through builder to
The vessel incorporates the requirements of an Ice
Class 1A notation, and is configured with a double skin
hull, surrounding a cargo space divided by transverse
and centreline bulkheads of troughed construction into
14 tanks protected with Hempels epoxy coatings.
Heating coils are fitted, and supplied with thermal oil
from two Aalborg-Wiesloch 4000kW boilers.
Each tank is served by a Hamworthy-Svanehj,
stainless steel (AISI 316L) deepwell pump, ten of which
deliver 445m/h with four rated at 280m/h. Two
cylindrical slop tanks are mounted either side of the
forward upper deck; they are worked by 120m/h
pumps. All tanks are fitted with Saab Rosemount radar

tank level gauges. Hamworthy-Svanehj also supplied

the ABB explosion-proof pump motors, and a frequency
converter package to control the equipment, together
with a hydraulically-driven 70m/h portable pump and
two ballast pumps.
The machinery installation is based on a MaK
9M43C main engine developing 9000kW at 500rev/
min and coupled, via a ZF type W103100 NC reduction
gearbox, to a CP propeller (also supplied by ZF) turning
at 155 rev/min. Speed in service is 16knots at 90%
MCR and allowing a 10% sea margin.
Three Taiyo 800kW alternators, driven by Yanmar
880kW/900rev/min diesel engines, supply electrical
requirements; they are supplemented by the output
from a Leroy Somer shaft driven alternator. Also
supplied is an Elta connection enabling power to be
taken from shore supply whilst in port.

Length, oa................................................................169.90m
Length, bp................................................................159.22m
Breadth moulded, .....................................................25.40m
Depth, moulded, to main deck..................................14.90m
Width of double skin
Gross .......................................................................17,548gt
Displacement, summer draught....................... 33,591tonnes
Lightweight..............................................approx 7000tonnes
design..................................................approx 25,600dwt
Block coefficient..............................................................0.82
Speed, service, 90% MCR, 10% sea margin .......... 16knots
Cargo capacity................31,259m (including 2 deck tanks)
heavy oil . ...............................................................958m
diesel oil..................................................................217m
Water ballast............................................................11,534m
Classification....... Bureau Veritas I Hull, Mach, Oil/Chemical

tanker ESP, Unrestricted Navigation,
AUT-UMS, Ice Class 1A, Clean Ship,
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction......................................... approx 40%
Main engine
Design . .................................................................... MaK
Model.................................................................... 9M43C
Manufacturer............................................Caterpillar MaK
Type of fuel used............................................. MDO/HFO
Output........................................... 9000kW at 500rev/min

Model.............................................W 103100 NC+PTO 5
Speed.............................................................. 155rev/min
Main-engine driven alternator
Number/output..............................................................1/ Make/type..................................Leroy Somer/A 50, 1 MZ
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type........................... Yanmar/6N 21 AL-SV
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................ 3 x 880kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type.............................. Taiyo FE 547C-8
Output/speed................................ 3 x 800kW/900rev/min
Type........................................................... V5-0-TFO-040
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Output............................................................2 x 4000kW
Cargo tanks
Number..................................... 14 plus 2 deck mounted
Product range .........Oil products/IMO Type II chemicals
Coated tanks............................................. Hempel epoxy
Cargo pumps
Make..................................Hamworthy-Svanehj electric
Number/type.......... 10 x DL 150d/200; 2 x DL 132d/150;
2 x DL 100c/100
Capacity............ 10 x 445m/h; 2 x 250m/h; 2 x 120m/h
Cargo/ballast control systems
Type.................................................Saab Tankradar Star
Suez/repair crew.............................................................3
Rudder......................................................... hinged flap type
Bow thruster
Bridge control system
Fire detection system.................................................Polimar
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom...........................................Polimar fixed CO
Contract date.................................................................2007
Launch/float-out date................................. 12 October 2007
Delivery date..................................................................2008


SS08 - p62+64.indd 62

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03/02/2009 15:47:30



SS08 - p62+64.indd 64

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:33:12

LADY GIOVI: 'Manamax' bulk carrier

from Mitsui
Shipbuilder:......................Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co Ltd (Tamano yard),
Vessel's name:...................................Lady Giovi
Hull number:...............................................S1687
IMO number:.......................................... 9389227
Owner/operator:....... Santoku Senpaku Co Ltd,
Designer:..............................Mitsui Engineering

& Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Japan
Model test establishment used:........... Akishima
Laboratory (Mitsui Zosen) Inc, Japan
Flag: ....................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:..............................Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................ 1

running at 94rev/min to give a service speed of 15knots,

an arrangement selected in order to give the vessel a
more flexible range of operation. Daihatsu diesel
engines, arranged to satisfy IMO environmental
standards, drive the three Taiyo 450kW alternators, and
a composite boiler and an exhaust gas unit provide the
required steam. Ballast capacity is 37,258m, and
facilities are provided to allow water to be changed
during navigation in order to preserve the ocean
Mitsui's 'Manamax' design is single decked, with a
forecastle erection. Top and bottom wing ballast tanks
are provided in the holds, the latter being joined with
centrally-divided double bottom tanks to form common
compartments. Mitsui is another builder still happy to
adopt the single-hull concept for its bulk carrier designs,
in this case the resulting cargo space is divided into
seven holds, closed by MacGregor-Kayaba, single panel,
side rolling covers.

Length, oa................................................................225.00m
Length, bp................................................................221.50m
Breadth, moulded......................................................32.25m
Depth, moulded to upper deck..................................19.90m
Gross .......................................................................43,408gt
design.............................................................. 66.813dwt
scantling........................................................... 81,791dwt
Speed, service......................................................... 15 knots
Cargo capacity
heavy oil...............................................................3,012m
diesel oil..................................................................193m
Water ballast............................................................37,258m
Classification....... Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), NS* (Bulk

Carrier Type A), (ESP), MNS* (MO)
Main engine
Design................................................... Mitsui-MAN B&W
Model.................................................... 6S60MC-C (Mk7)
Manufacturer.............. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding
Type of fuel............................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................... 12,100kW/94rev/min

ITSUI Shipbuilding & Engineering is another

Japanese builder to recognise the possibilities
arising from modifying an existing Panamax bulk
carrier design by increasing the length between
perpendiculars by some 2m, whilst retaining the
Panama Canal maximum 225m overall length. Since
this dimension is also the maximum berth length
available at most Japanese grain terminals, the resulting
vessel can now deliver almost 82,000tonnes (97,000m)
of grain to the home market, compared to 75,000tonnes
carried in a conventional Panamax bulker of similar
overall length. Lady Giovi, which was completed at the
Tamano Shipyard at the end of 2007, is the first
example of the new design, which Mitsui has dubbed
the 'Manamax'.
As with Oshima's 'Japanamax' design (see Azur in this
issue), the increase in length between perpendiculars has
been achieved largely by modifying the forebody lines
and introducing a very full hull form ending in a vertical
stem. Despite the 'bluffness' of the resulting bow, Lady
Giovi exhibits a good propulsion performance, assisted
by the fitting of a MIPB-Wing (Mitsui Integrated
Propeller Boss with Wings). A Mariner type rudder is
installed in the open water sternframe, aft of the fixedpitch propeller.
The main engine is a Mitsui-MAN B&W 6S60MC-C
(Mk7) unit, derated to develop 12,100kW when
Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p65+66.indd 65


Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer..............Nakashima Propeller Co
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Diameter........................................................................... Speed................................................................ 94rev/min
Special adaptations............... Mitsui Integrated Propeller

Boss with Wings
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type................................. Daihatsu/5DK-20
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................ 3 x 500kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type..................Taiyo Electric/FE 541C-8
Output/speed................................ 3 x 400kW/900rev/min
Type............................... 1 x composite; 1 x exhaust gas
Make...................................................... Osaka Boiler Co
Output, each boiler............................................1300kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number.................................................................. 6 units
Make............................................................... Fukushima
Lifesaving equipment
Number/type...................................1 x 25person free fall
Maker...................................................Shigi Shipbuilding
Hatch covers
Designer/manufacturer..................... MacGregor-Kayaba
Type........................................... Single-panel side rolling
One man operation........................................................... No
Fire detection system....................... Nohmi Bosai FAC 511B
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds......................................................Sea water
Engineroom..................... Kashiwa, high expansion foam
Make.......................................................................... JRC
Models...........................1 x JMA9932/1 x JMA9922-6XA
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator..................................... Sunflame OSV-600SAI
Sewage plant............................................... Taiko SBT-25
Contract date............................................... 12 August 2005
Launch/float-out date.............................10 September 2007
Delivery date...........................................10 December 2007


03/02/2009 15:48:53

lady giovi


SS08 - p65+66.indd 66

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:33:44

MAERSK ALGOL: a 9034TEU container

liner from Samsung
Shipbuilder:...........Samsung Heavy Industries
Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:............................. Maersk Algol
Hull number:............................................... 1624
IMO number:........................................ 9342528
Owner/operator:............... AP Mller, Denmark
Designer:...............Samsung Heavy Industries
Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:......... Samsung
Ship Model Basin, Korea
Flag: ................................. Danish International

Shipping Register
Total number of sister
ships already completed:.............................. 4
Total number of sister
ships still on order:...................................... Nil

AERSK Algol is the last of a series of four

post-Panamax sisters ordered from Samsung by
Danish giant, AP Mller, and built to an environment
friendly design capable of loading up to a nominal
9034TEU. All fuel storage tanks are protected by a
double skin.
Up to 729FEU refrigerated boxes can be loaded, and
these are cooled by fresh water through fixed cooling
pipes and by fresh air from mechanical ventilation fans.
The cell guide system is dimensioned so that the ship
can handle 20ft, 40ft, and 45ft ISO containers, with up
to 4462TEU in holds and 4572 on deck.
Lashing bridges are fitted at all positions, including
over the holds at the stern aft of the superstructure; they
cover two or three tiers depending on location. Up to
seven tiers of containers can be carried on deck. Further
protection is provided by a substantial breakwater at the
aft end of the forecastle. MacGregor-design pontoon
hatchcovers, fabricated by Samsung, are fitted
Propulsion power for a service speed of 25.5knots at
85% MCR is supplied by a Wrtsil 12-cylinder
RT-flex96C engine built by Doosan and developing
68,640kW running at 102rev/min. This drives a
8900mm diameter FP propeller designed by Samsung
and cast in Germany by Mecklenburger Metallguss
(MMG). Both the main engine and the auxiliaries are
designed to run on 1.5% low sulphur fuel to minimise
polluting exhaust emissions.
All electrical supplies come from a bank of four
Hyundai alternators driven by Wrtsil 6L32 engines
each developing 2800kW at 720rev/min. No waste

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p67+68.indd 67

heat recovery/steam turbine plant for alternator drive is

fitted, as on the 11,000TEU Emma Maersk, featured in
Significant Ships of 2006, nor is there any fin stabiliser

Length, oa................................................................338.00m
Length, bp................................................................321.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................45.60m
Depth, to main deck...................................................27.20m
Width of double skin
Gross ....................................................................................Displacement........................................................................Lightweight............................................................................Deadweight
design.............................................................. 85,000dwt
scantling......................................................... 110,000dwt
Speed, 85% MCR................................................. 25.50knots
heavy fuel............................................................. 8,600m
diesel oil.................................................................. 500m
Water ballast............................................................ 40,500m
Water ballast carried in loaded condition.............................Fuel consumption
main engine........................................... 231.4tonnes/day
auxiliaries................................................. 37.9tonnes/day
Classification................................................ Lloyds Register
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction......................................................65%
Heel control equipment............................1 dedicated pump
Roll stabilisation equipment...............................................Nil
Main engine
Design.................................................................. Wrtsil
Manufacturer...................................... Doosan Engine Co
Type of fuel............................................................... HFO
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer............ Samsung/Mecklenburger
Metallguss (MMG)
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 102rev/min
Main-engine driven alternators..........................................Nil
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type....................................... Wrtsil/6L32

Type of fuel............................................................... HFO

Output/speed.............................. 4 x 2800kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type.....................Hyundai/HSJ7807-10P
Electrical connection for using shore power in port..........Nil
Technical features to reduce
exhaust emissions........1.5% low sulphur fuel (main and
auxiliary engines)
Type............. Oil fired, forced draught, waste oil burning
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Output..............4tonnes/h at 6kg/cm g, saturated steam
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................. 12 sets
Hatch covers
Lengths.................................................ISO, 20ft/40ft/45ft
Cell guides.................................................................. Yes
Total TEU capacity....................................................9034
on deck................................................................4572
in holds................................................................4462
Reefer plugs.............................729FEU (fresh water and
fresh air cooling)
Tiers/rows (maximum)
on deck................................................................7/18
in holds...............................................................10/16
Ballast control system...........................Samsung ICMS type
Suez/repair crew.............................................................6
Bow thruster
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Bridge control system
Make/type............................................ Lyngs/DMS2100
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make/type........................................... Consilium/CS4000
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds................................................................CO
Make/type................................... Unitor/high pressure
Engineroom....................................CO /fresh water spray
Make/type........................ Unitor high pressure (CO );
Novenco (fresh water spray)
Cabins...............................................................Sea water
Contract date..........................................20 December 2004
Launch/float-out date..................................23 January 2008
Delivery date.................................................... 16 April 2008


04/02/2009 09:19:58

maersk algol


SS08 - p67+68.indd 68

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:34:09

MARI UGLAND: Brodosplit

tanker with novel
emergency drive
Shipbuilder:.....................Brodosplit Shipyard
Ltd, Croatia
Vessels name:..............................Mari Ugland
Hull number:............................................... 450
IMO number:....................................... 9326885
Owner/operator:........... LR Ice Shipping Eight
Co Ltd/Marinvest Shipping AB, Sweden
Designer:....Brodosplit Shipyard Ltd, Croatia
Flag: .........................Norwegian International
Ship Register
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................. 4
Total number of sister
ships still on order:....................................... 3

HE Norwegian Ugland family controls a number

of long established companies, with shipping
interests covering a wide range of activities, including
the offshore industries, bulk carriers, car carriers and
tankers. Panamax-sized Mari Ugland, a tailor-made
design from the Brodosplit portfolio, joins the latter
division of its owners operations, and is suitable for
world-wide transportation of oil and oil products,
with particular attention paid to the North Atlantic
trades. For this purpose, a 20-year fatigue life has been
specified for the structure, which has also been
strengthened to meet Swedish-Finnish Ice Class 1A
The single decked hull is complete with a forecastle,
joined with the superstructure aft by a longitudinal
gangway. The cargo space is protected by a double
skin, and is divided by a centreline, and eight transverse
bulkheads of troughed construction, to provide six
pairs of cargo tanks, two slop tanks and a residue tank.
With deck stiffeners fitted above deck, a plain internal
surface is presented, protected by phenol epoxy
Six segregated cargo groups can be handled through
stainless steel piping, by means of a Framo submerged
pump in each tank. These have a duty of 1000m/h,
allowing a full cargo to be discharged in less than 12
hours, and are driven from hydraulic power packs with
Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p69+70.indd 69

a combination of diesel and electric prime movers to

provide flexibility and to reduce alternator size.
The double hull side and bottom spaces, together
with the peak compartments, are allocated as
segregated water ballast tanks, and all are serviced by
GRP piping. To ensure final cargo stripping, a separate
small diameter pipeline is installed, and fresh and sea
water washing is provided for each tank, giving a
cleanliness greater than the 96% required for DNVs
ETC notation.
The main engine has been manufactured by the
shipbuilders engine building associate, and is a MAN
B&W 6S60MC-C non-reversible unit, developing
13,560kW at 105rev/min. At 85% MCR and sailing
at the design draught, a service speed of 15.7knots is
obtained from the CP propeller.
A highly interesting feature is the provision of a
novel take-me-home device developed by the owner.
This takes the form of chains turning a special unit on
the propeller shaft, and driven at approximately
2000kW by the common hydraulic system serving the
cargo and ballast pump systems. With the main engine
disconnected, this arrangement provides a speed of
approximately nine knots.
Three diesel-driven alternator sets are installed,
using Uljanik-Siemens 1137kVA electrical parts,
coupled to Brodosplit-MAN 6L23/30 engines. Steam
power is provided from two boilers, one oil fired
producing 25,000kg/h, and one exhaust gas unit with
a duty of 2000/1600kg/h.
European standard accommodation is provided for a
total complement of 30 persons in a five tier deckhouse
aft. Lifesaving facilities include a 36 person enclosed,
free-fall lifeboat, a rescue boat and five liferafts. At the
top of the superstructure is a wheelhouse, offset to
starboard and projecting forward to give an improved
view and accommodating a conning console.

Length, oa.............................................................228.50m
Length, bp.............................................................220.00m
Breadth, moulded....................................................32.24m

Depth, moulded.......................................................30.45m
Width of double skin
Gross ....................................................................42,835gt
Displacement................................................. 90,218tonnes
Lightweight.................................................... 15,221tonnes
design........................................................... 61,286dwt
scantling........................................................ 74,995dwt
Block coefficient (design draught) ..........................0.8599
Speed, service, 85% MCR................................... 15.7knots
Cargo capacity.....................................................85,950m
heavy oil.............................................................2294m
diesel oil...............................................................185m
Water ballast.........................................................31,818m
Fuel consumption
main engine only...................................... 50tonnes/day
auxiliaries................................................ 4.8tonnes/day
Classification..........Det Norske Veritas +1A1, Tanker for Oil,


NAUTICUS (Newbuilding)
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction...................................................50%
Main engine
Design...........................................................MAN B&W
Model................................. 6S60MC-C (non-reversible)
Manufacturer..........................Brodosplit Diesel Factory
Type of fuel used.................................................... HFO
Output/speed......................13,560kW MCR/105rev/min
Material................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer...............Rolls-Royce (Kamewa)
Diameter........................................................... 6800mm
Speed........................................................... 105rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type................. Brodosplit-MAN/6L23/30H
Type of fuel used........................................... HFO/MDO
Output/speed ........................... 3 x 960kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type.......................... Uljanik-Siemens/ Output/speed.......................... 3 x 1137kVA/900rev/min
Technical features to reduce exhaust emissions
Low sulphur fuel....................................................... Yes
Make/type...... 1 x TPK oil fired/1 x Saacke exhaust gas
Output.............................1 x 25tonnes/h/1 x 2 tonnes/h
Mooring equipment
Number..............................2 x mooring winch/windlass;
8 x mooring winches
Make....................................................... Vulkan-Pusnes
Type................................................................ Hydraulic
Lifesaving equipment
Lifeboat..........................1 x Greben 36 person free fall
Liferafts..........2 x 20person: 2 x 16person: 1 x 6person
Cargo tanks
Number....................... 12 x cargo: 2 x slop: 1 x residue
Grades of cargo.............................. 0.68-0.85tonnes/m
Piping...................................................... stainless steel
Cargo pumps
Make/type......................................... Framo submerged
Stainless steel.......................................................... yes
Capacity..................................................12 x 1000m/h
Cargo control system
Make...................................................................... Saab
Type.............................................................. Star R1296
Bridge control system
Make/type.................. Rolls-Royce/CP propeller system
One man operation................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make............................................................... Consilium
Make.....................................................SAM Electronics
Models.................................................... Multipilot 1000
Integrated bridge system
Make.....................................................SAM Electronics
Model..................................................... Multipilot 1000
Waste disposal system
Sewage plant................................................. TTK BT 25
Contract date...............................................26 March 2004
Launch/float-out date............................. 1 September 2007
Delivery date.......................................... 12 February 2008


04/02/2009 09:22:57

mari ugland


SS08 - p69+70.indd 70

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:35:20

MARILOULA: 180,000dwt DSME-built

bulker for veteran Greek owner
Shipbuilder:.... Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine
Engineering Co Ltd (DSME), Korea
Vessels name:..................................... Mariloula
Hull number:................................................1166
IMO number:.........................................9434553
Owner/operator:............. Chandris (Hellas) Inc,
Designer......................Daewoo Shipbuilding &
Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:...... SSPA, Sweden
Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................2

HE Chandris group ranks, arguably, amongst the

oldest Greek shipowning companies still operating,
having been founded in Piraeus at the beginning of the
20th century. Successive generations of the family have
built on those early foundations, concentrating mainly
on dry-cargo and tanker/ tramp ship activities, yet also
finding time to pursue more than a passing interest in
the passenger ship and cruise liner market (see Horizon,
Significant Ships of 1990). Mariloula, however, falls
easily into the owners mainstream bulk cargo trading
pattern whilst, at the same time, enhancing DSMEs
bulk carrier portfolio.
Built at the companys Okpo shipyard under the
survey of Lloyds Register, and in accordance with the
IACS common structural rules (CSR), the vessel is laid
out with a single deck and forecastle, and has a single
skin hull with top and bottom wing tanks, surrounding
a cargo space subdivided by troughed, transverse
bulkheads, into nine cargo holds. These have a total
capacity of 198,000m: amongst the biggest offered by
comparable Capesize bulker designs. Mariloula can sail
with holds 2, 4, 6 and 8 empty and is especially suitable
to load coal and ore cargoes with a maximum density
up to 3tonnes/m.
The hatches are closed by side-rolling covers stowing
each side of the vessel, with all but those for Nos 1 and
9 holds providing clear openings 15.725m long by
20.40m wide, reduced to 15.725m long by 15.30m for
the remainder. No 6 hold is dedicated as a floodable
hold with Nos 2, 4 and 8 arranged for partial flooding
in port. Water ballast is carried in all the topside wing

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p71+72.indd 71

tanks, except those in No 9 hold, which serve as oil fuel

bunkers along with the bottom wing tanks in that
A double skin is provided in way of these bunker
tanks for safety purposes and is retained as a void space.
All steelwork used in the construction of Mariloula has
been prepared in accordance with proven international
standards and is painted to PSPC (Performance
Standard for Protection Coating) levels to provide a
coating life of 15 years.
A MAN B&W 6S70MC-C main engine, developing
18,660kW MCR at 87.9rev/min and manufactured by
the Doosan Engine Co, has been fitted. This drives the
ship at 15.4knots when running at 90% MCR and
allowing a 15% sea margin, by means of a 8300mm
diameter propeller. Electrical power is generated by
three 760kW diesel driven alternators and steam is
produced in a 2000kg/h Aalborg boiler.

Length, oa................................................................291.90m
Length, bp................................................................283.oom
Breadth, moulded......................................................45.00m
Depth, moulded.........................................................24.70m
Gross .......................................................................90,000gt
design............................................................ 179,660dwt
scantling......................................................... 183,850dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR, 15% sea margin...... 15.40knots
Cargo capacity, grain............................................198,000m
heavy oil................................................................4300m
diesel oil..................................................................250m
Water ballast............................................................79,000m
Fuel consumption, main engine only............ 67.2tonnes/day
Classification..............Lloyds Register +100A1 Bulk Carrier,
CSR, BC-A, (maximum Cargo density 3.0tonnes/m),
(holds 2, 4, 6 and 8 may be empty),
ESP, GRAB [20], LI, *IWS, ShipRight(CM),
+LMC, UMS with descriptive
note ShipRight (SCM)
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.............................................................. 6S70MC-C
Manufacturer................................ Doosan Engine Co Ltd

Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output........................................... 18,660kW/87.9rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........ DSME/Nakashima Propeller
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed............................................................. 87.9rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type............................... STX-MAN/6L23/30
Type of fuel used............................................. HFO/MDO
Output/speed................................ 3 x 850kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type............... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Output/speed................................ 3 x 760kW/900rev/min
Type....................................................Vertical water tube
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Mooring equipment
Number.............................. 2 x anchor/mooring winches;
8 x mooring winches
Make/type...............Rolls-Royce/high pressure hydraulic
Ballast control system
Make................................................................... Damcos
Type................................................... Piano-type console
Suez/repair crew.............................................................6
Bridge control system
Make................................................................. Nabtesco
One man operation...................................................... No
Fire detection system
Make.................................................................. Saracom
Type............................................................. Addressable
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom . ................... Kashiwa high-expansion foam
Make.......................................................................... JRC
Models....................... 1 x JMA-9932-SA, JMA-9922-6XA
Sewage plant
Contract date.................................................30 March 2007
Launch/float-out date.............................12 September 2008
Delivery date................................................ November 2008


04/02/2009 09:24:07



SS08 - p71+72.indd 72

Significant Ships of 2008

05/02/2009 16:06:59

MARTN i SOLER: new Barreras ferry

delivered for Balearia service
Shipbuilder:.................................Astillero Hijos
de J Barreras SA, Spain
Vessels name:..............................Martn i Soler
Hull number:................................................1655
IMO number:.........................................9390367
Owner/operator:.......Eurolineas Maritimas SA,
Spain/Balearia, Spain
Designer:..................... H J Barreras SA, Spain
Model test establishment used:............. MARIN,
The Netherlands
Flag: ......................................................... Spain
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:....................................... Nil

HE willingness of the Vigo-based Barreras shipyard
to build to individual designs, has regularly been
recognised in the variety of its products reviewed in

Significant Ships. Its output of ferries is particularly

noteworthy, with many fine vessels delivered to
domestic operators serving destinations to the southwest
of Spain, such as the Canary Islands, or the Balearic
Islands to the east.
Martn i Soler is the latest example of this type to leave
the yard, entering service at the end of 2008 with
Eurolineas Maritimas, a company trading under the
Balearia brand name and operating a network of routes
linking the mainland ports of Barcelona and Denia,
with offshore locations such as Ibiza, Formentera and
This company has recently embarked on a
development programme which included placing orders
for four new ferries of differing sizes with Barreras. At
24,761gt, Martn i Soler is the largest of the quartet, and
will be followed into service prior to May 2009, by two
slightly smaller sisters, and a 2900gt specialist vessel.
The design features a hull topped with a virtually full
length superstructure containing four decks laid out
with public rooms and cabins for 1164 passengers and
36 crew. Drivers are catered for separately with 4 x 4
berth cabins arranged on deck 9. Forward and aft facing
lounges with panoramic views, video games rooms and
a childrens playground are amongst the leisure
attractions available to travellers, and open deck space is
also provided for recreation. Two double rooms are
equipped for disabled passengers, and a lifesaving
equipment package to the highest specification includes
two RFD marine evacuation systems using vertical
chutes, each serving 430 persons, also two 150 person,
and two 30 person lifeboats, all supplied by Certasa.
Rescue boats are also fitted.
Three fixed, and one hoistable, car decks are provided,
and these can accommodate vehicles in various
combinations, such as 107 cars and 96 trailers (2.90m
wide and 16m long) with the car deck hoisted, and 334
cars and 65 trailers with this deck unhoisted. Main
access is to deck number 3 over two stern ramp/doors,

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p73+74.indd 73

each 14.50m long x 9.50m wide, designed for the

simultaneous passage of 2 x 16.50m long vehicles. A
four metre wide bow/ramp door serves the same deck,
and a tilting ramp links the main deck with the double
Martn i Soler is powered by a pair of MaK 9M43C
main engines, each developing 9000kW MCR at
500rev/min and driving twin CP propellers at 177.2rev/
min, through Reintjes gearboxes for a service speed of
21.40knots. Electric current is derived from two
1300kW Leroy Somer shaft-driven alternators, and
three MaK/Leroy Somer diesel sets of 1080kW output
each. Two 1000kW thrusters operate at the bow, and a
pair of fin stabilisers and an anti-heeling system enhance
passenger comfort and assist with stability whilst cargo

Length, oa................................................................165.30m
Length, bp................................................................152.50m
Breadth, moulded......................................................25.60m
Depth, moulded
to main deck...........................................................8.50m
upper deck...........................................................15.80m
scantling ................................................................6.00m
Gross .......................................................................24,761gt
Deadweight, maximum load.................................... 4370dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR................................... 21.40knots
heavy oil..................................................................660m
diesel oil....................................................................90m
Water ballast...............................................................1850m
Classification........... Bureau Veritas I + Hull, + Mach, Ro-Ro
Passenger Ship, Unrestricted Navigation,

AUT-UMS, AUT-PORT, Inwater Survey
Heel control system.....................................................Hoppe
Roll stabilisation equipment.......... Hydraulic retractable fins
Main engines
Design....................................................................... MaK
Model.................................................................... 9M43C
Manufacturer............................................Caterpillar MaK
Type of fuel used................................................. IFO 380
Output......................................... 2 x 9000kW/500rev/min
Make.................................................................... Reintjes
Models........................................1 x SVAL 1000 K41 HR:
1 x SVAL 1000 K41 HL
Output/speed............................................... 177.2rev/min
Speed........................................................... 177.2rev/min

Main-engine driven alternators

Make/type........................ Leroy Somer/LSA 52.2M60 4p
Output/speed............................ 2 x 1300kW/1500rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type........................................... MaK/6M20
Type of fuel used..................................................... MDO
Output/speed............................. 3 x 1170kW/1100revmin
Alternator make/type.....................Leroy Somer/LSA 52.2
Output/speed............................ 3 x 1080kW/1000rev/min
Type.................................... 1 x oil fired: 2 x exhaust gas
Make..........................................1 x Vulcano; 2 x Sadeca
Outputs.................................1 x 1500kg/h; 2 x 1000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Make............................................................... Servo Ship
Type.................................................................. Hydraulic
Lifesaving equipment
Marine evacuation systems......................2 x 450 person
vertical chutes
Lifeboats............................ 2 x 150person; 2 x 30person
Make.................................................................... Certasa
Rescue boats........................1 x fast boat: 1 x semi-rigid
Make.................................................................... Certasa
Number of vehicle decks............. 3 x fixed: 1 x hoistable
Doors, ramps
Number/type.................................. 2 x stern door/ramps:

1 x bow door/ramp: 1 x tilting ramp;
1 x hoistable deck
Number of cabins.........................................................62
Bow thrusters
Output............................................................2 x 1000kW
Fire detection system...................................................... RMI
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom.............................. Heien Larssen/water mist
Vehicle spaces........................................ GWS/drenchers
Cabins/public spaces.........................Minimax/sprinklers
Make.......................................................... RMI/Raytheon
Models..................... 1 x NSC 3430 12SU/ARPA S-band:

1 x NDC 3410 6XU ARPA X-band
Contract date.................................................................2006
Launch/float-out date.........................................5 June 2008
Delivery date................................................December 2008


04/02/2009 09:25:52



SS08 - p73+74.indd 74

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:36:28


Samhos 8000 unit PCTC
for Korean owner
Shipbuilder:..................Hyundai Samho Heavy
Industries Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:............................ Morning Linda
Hull number:............................................... S329
IMO number:.........................................9383106
Owner/operator:...........Eukor Car Carriers Inc,

Designer:......................Hyundai Samho Heavy

Industries Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment
used:.....................Hyundai Heavy Industries

Co Ltd (HMRI), Korea
Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................3

LTHOUGH perhaps better known as a builder of

tankers, container ships and bulk carriers, Hyundai
Samho has recently built up a significant list of

references in the car/truck carrier (PCTC) market, and

is currently working through a sizeable contract for
vessels with a capacity of 8000 vehicles each, for Eukor
Car Carriers. Already established as one of the worlds
leading specialists in the transport of motor vehicles
and other rolling cargo, this Korea-based company is
actually part of the Wallenius/Wilhelmsen Group.
Eukor was formed only eight years ago following the
acquisition, by the two Scandinavian giants, of a 40 per
cent stake each in the former car-carrier division of
Hyundai Merchant Marine. Eukor now occupies a
position as exclusive carrier for Korean car makers
Hyundai and Kia, and serves the export requirements of
their manufacturing facilities in India and Turkey, as
well as in their home country.
Morning Lindas capacity of 8011 RT43-type cars,
each occupying 8.4m, is carried on a total of 12 vehicle
decks, eight of which are fixed. The remaining four are
hoistable and form part of a comprehensive cargo
handling package comprised of an angled, starboard

stern-quarter ramp, internal doors and associated

hydraulic and electrical operating systems.
The main vehicle access is to No 5 deck over the
angled ramp, with an alternative entry provided, also on
the starboard side, through a door which can be adjusted
in height at the hinge to allow either deck 5 or 6 to be
served. The hoistable decks are designed to allow a clear
height of 6.5m to be obtained in the cargo space, in
order that heavy construction equipment and other tall
vehicles can be loaded.
Hyundai Samhos parent, Hyundai Heavy Industries,
is the manufacturer of the MAN B&W 7S90MC-C
design main engine installed in the machinery space,
located just aft of midships. Maximum continuous
rating of this unit is 14,309kW at 105rev/min and it is
directly coupled to a 6700mm diameter FP propeller,
also manufactured by Hyundai, which, when the engine
is running at 101.4rev/min and developing an NCR of
12,875kW, produces a service speed of 19.60knots.
The 2000kg/h oil fired boiler is supplied by KangRim,
and the same manufacturer has provided the forced
circulating, type ES15DC10M2, exhaust gas scrubbing
equipment fitted to the main engine. Electrical supply
comes from four alternators, each driven by a HyundaiMAN 1470kW engine, with one set capable of handling
stand-still loadings, two operating during manoeuvring
and three working for short periods when the 2000kW
KTE bow thruster is in use.

Length, oa................................................................232.37m
Length, bp................................................................222.40m
Breadth, moulded......................................................32.26m
Depth, moulded
to freeboard (main) deck......................................13.00m
to upper deck.......................................................32.64m
Gross .......................................................................68,701gt
design ............................................................. 22,050dwt
scantling........................................................... 28,230dwt

Speed, service, 90% MCR................................... 19.60knots

heavy oil................................................................5300m
diesel oil..................................................................150m
Water ballast...............................................................7500m
Water ballast carried as permanent ballast........ 3500tonnes
Fuel consumption
main engine only...................................... 50.3tonnes/day
auxiliaries................................................. 5.90tonnes/day
Classification................................. Det Norske Veritas +1A1,

Car Carrier Ro-Ro, E0, MCDK,
TMON also Korean Register
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction . .....................................................36%
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.............................................................. 7S60MC-C
Manufacturer............... Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................. 14,309kW/105rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer............................ Hyundai Heavy

Industries Co Ltd
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 105rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type......................Hyundai-MAN/7L28/32H
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 4 x 1470kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type/output............................................Exhaust-gas scrubbing equipment
Manufacturer..................................... KangRim Industries
Type............................ Forced circulating. ES15DC10M2
On main engine?......................................................... Yes
Type.................Automatic, forced draught, MA03ADR02
Make................................................. KangRim Industries
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 8 sets
Lifesaving equipment
Number/type........ 1 x totally enclosed freefall, 34person
Make.................................................................... Norsafe
Number of vehicle decks................... 8 fixed/4 moveable
Total cars.................................................8017 RT43 units
Doors/ramps/lifts/moveable car decks
Number................ 1 x stern quarter ramp/1 x side ramp;
11 x moveable ramps; 4 x moveable car decks
Designers.............................. TTS/TTS/MacGregor Ro-Ro
Ballast control system
Make........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd
Type..............................................................Aconis 2000
Suez crew.......................................................................6
Bow thruster
Make.............................................................. KTE Co Ltd
Bridge control system
Make .......................... Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make................................................................. Consilium
Fire extinguishing system
Cargo holds/engineroom.....................Low pressure CO
Models............................... 1 x FAR-2837S/1 x FAR-2827
Integrated bridge system.................................................. No
Waste disposal plant
Make/type....................... Hyundai Marine Machinery/

Maxi 150SL-1 WS
Sewage plant
Make/model.................. Sasakura Engineering/SD-4A
Contract date..............................................25 January 2006
Launch/float-out date.......................................21 June 2008
Delivery date..........................................24 September 2008


SS08 - p76+77.indd 76

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:28:22

morning linda

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p76+77.indd 77


30/01/2009 13:36:58

MOZAH: one of the first

Q-max giant
LNG carriers
Shipbuilder:...........Samsung Heavy Industries

Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:..........................................Mozah
Hull number: . ........................................HN1675
IMO number: ........................................9337755
Owner/operator: ....... Qatar Gas Transport Co,

Qatar/Shell International Trading

& Shipping Co, UK
Designer: . ............Samsung Heavy Industries

Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used: ...............SSPA,

Flag: .......................................Marshall Islands
Total number of sister
ships already completed: .......................... Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order: .....................................10

AST year, Significant Ships recorded details of the

first deliveries of LNG carriers of the so-called
Q-flex type much larger than the traditional size of up
to around 150,000m capacity. These vessels of
approximately 210,000m/216,000m marked a key
departure in conventional LNG carrier thinking by
being powered by twin low-speed diesel engines burning
heavy fuel exclusively, as an alternatively to the
conventional steam turbine plant normally specified for
such tonnage.
Part of the reason for the selection of twin screws is
the relatively shallow draught of LNG carriers, since the
cargo has a low density, and a single large propeller
would not be efficiently immersed. All cargo boil-off
gas, a normal byproduct of LNG transport, is reliquefied
and returned to the cargo tanks instead of being used as
boiler fuel in a steam turbine plant.
Mozah and her sisters, also a series of generally similar
ships from another Korean yard, Daewoo (DSME)
see Al Ghuwairiya in this issue are extensions of the
smaller vessels and, at 266,000m, are the largest LNG
carriers every built, representing a 75% increase in
capacity of traditional ship sizes and reflecting an
economy of scale philosophy. They are appropriately
known as the Q-max type and will load their cargoes at
the brand-new Ras Laffan export terminal in Qatar.

Samsung started conceptual design work on these

giants as long ago as 2002 in conjunction with energy
majors. Work especially concentrated on studies of the
cargo tank sloshing forces (the tanks for these ships use
GTT Mk III membrane technology), while also
ensuring maximum carrying capacity and as satisfactory
a service speed as that of smaller ships (19.5knots at
design draught, with 85% MCR and 21% sea margin).
Samsung claims that its series has the smallest main
dimensions but the largest carrying capacity compared
with other designs. The hull structures are designed for
a 40 year fatigue life.
The twin diesel engines chosen to power this series are
again from MAN B&Ws S70ME-C series, but with
seven cylinders compared with six on the Q-flex class.
Each engine, built under licence by Doosan, develops
18,900kW at 86.2rev/min and drives a five-bladed FP
propeller designed by Samsung (five blades were shown
to reduce pulsing by around 30% compared with a
four-bladed design).
The inward-turning propellers were cast in Germany
by Mecklenburger Metallguss (MMG), and the
propeller shafts are enclosed in skegs. Although the
two-stroke engines burn heavy fuel exclusively, MAN
has developed technology for gas burning on two-stroke
engines but this has not yet been applied to marine
models. A high level of vibration damping is included,
so there are no barred speed ranges.
Electrical supplies come from four Nishishiba
alternators driven by STX-MAN 9L32/40 medium
speed engines each developing 4500kW at 720rev/min.
Much of the electrical output is consumed by the
Cryostar LNG reliquefaction compressors but other
users are the 10 Ebara centrifugal single stage submerged
cargo pumps two in each tank; each has a capacity of
1400m3/h at 165 mlc. Should the reliquefaction plant
fail for any reason, a gas combustion unit will take over
to avoid venting hydrocarbons.

Length, oa................................................................345.00m
Length, bp . .............................................................332.00m
Breadth, moulded........................................................53.8m
Depth, moulded, to main deck..................................27.00m
Width of double skin

bottom . ..................................................................3.50m
summer loaded.....................................................12.20m
Gross .....................................................................163,922gt
Design................................................................. 126,800dwt
Summer loaded................................................... 130,000dwt
Speed, service, design draught,
85% MCR, 21% sea margin............................... 19.50knots
Cargo capacity......................................................266,000m
heavy fuel..............................................................9200m
diesel oil..................................................................650m
Water ballast............................................................88,600m
Fuel consumption
main engines......................................... 124.5tonnes/day
auxiliaries.........................................................................Classification...........Lloyds Register +100A1 Liquefied Gas

Tanker, Ship Type 2G*, Methane (LNG) in
Membrane Tanks, Max Vapour Pressure 0.25bar,
Min Temperature -163oC, ShipRight (SDA), *IWS,
descriptive notes ShipRight (FDA plus, CM,
Percentage of high-tensile
steel used in construction.............................................27%
Main engines
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Manufacturer...................................... Doosan Engine Co
Type of fuel............................................................... HFO
Output/speed.......................... 2 x 18,900kW/86.2rev/min
Material............................................................................ Designer/manufacturer............ Samsung/Mecklenburger

Metallguss (MMG)
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Number of blades...........................................................5
Speed............................................................. 86.2rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type............................... STX-MAN 9L32/40
Type of fuel............................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 4 x 4500kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type......................................Nishishiba/ Output/speed.............................. 4 x 4300kW/720rev/min
Type........... Oil fired, vertical water tube, forced draught
Make................................................... Aalborg Industries
Output..........................................................2 x 8000kg/h
Make................................ Oriental Precision Engineering
Type............. Self-contained, electro-hydraulic, single jib
Performance........... 2 hose handling: 10tonnes/12m/min
2 provisions/engine parts.
1 cargo machinery maintenance
Mooring equipment
Number..................9 sets (2 windlass/winch, 7 winches)
Make............................................................... TTS-Kocks
Type.................................................................................Lifesaving equipment
Number........................... 2 x 50-person, totally enclosed
Make................................................................... Norsafe
Cargo tanks
Cargo grades............................................................ LNG
Tank type........................................GTT Mk III membrane
Stainless steel.................................. structure and piping
Cargo pumps
Type......................Centrifugal, single stage, submerged
Make.............................................Ebara International Co
Capacity....................................10 x 1400m3/h at 165mlc
Cargo control system...........................................Kongsberg
Ballast control system................................................... Saab
Officers ........................................................................19
Suez/repair crew.............................................................8
Bow thruster.......................................................................Nil
Bridge control system........................................... Honeywell
Fire detection system
Make/type..............................Consilium/Salwico CS3000
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds
Make/type........................................... NK/dry powder
Make/type................... Kashiwa/high-expansion foam
Integrated bridge system
Make.............................................................. Kongsberg
Waste disposal plant
Make/model.............. Hyundai-Atlas/Maxi 1500 SLWS
Sewage treatment plant
Make/model................................... Hamworthy/STHA
Contract date.................................................30 March 2006
Launch/float-out date..............................10 November 2007
Delivery date..........................................29 September 2008


SS08 - p78+79.indd 78

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 15:52:04


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p78+79.indd 79


30/01/2009 13:37:27

MSC IVANA: Hyundai giant box-ship just

misses top spot
Shipbuilder:.............Hyundai Heavy Industries

Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:...................................MSC Ivana
Hull number:................................................1942
IMO number:.........................................9398371
Owner/operator:.........Mediterranean Shipping

Co SA (MSC), Switzerland
Designer:.................Hyundai Heavy Industries

Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:............Hyundai
Maritime Research Institute (HMRI), Korea
Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................4

OUNDED in Italy in 1970, MSC is now considered
to be the second largest container ship line in the
world, operating a fleet of more than 300 vessels of this

type (and some cruiser liners) from a head office in

Switzerland. A range of branches worldwide allows it to
provide swift movement of cargo through dedicated
transhipment hubs, using a single bill of lading.
Now added to this colossal fleet is MSC Ivana, just
marginally short of claiming to be the largest container
ship in the world (Emma Maersk, Significant Ships of
2006, at the time of writing), in terms of TEU capacity,
with an intake of 11,312TEU. Hyundais previous
record breaker, Cosco Asia (Significant Ships of 2007)
could accommodate 10,050TEU and to gain space for
the additional loading, its designers have increased both
length and depth of that ship, but retaining the same
The hull is double skinned, with the resulting side
and bottom spaces designated for carrying water ballast
and bunkers. One wing tank port and starboard is used
for anti-heeling purposes during cargo handling. The
resulting configuration is that of a ship with ten holds,
eight of which are positioned forward of the engineroom.
No forecastle is fitted and the flush deck profile is
relieved only by the tall superstructure incorporating a
central funnel, built above the machinery space, and
accommodating 31 officers and crew, and a six-man
Suez crew.
Thirty-four TEU bays are available in the forward
holds and on the deck above, with 10 more arranged
aft. A maximum of 16 rows and 11 tiers, holding
5844TEU, can be carried below deck, with 5468 stowed
in 18 rows/8 tiers high on the hatchcovers and deck
space right aft. Reefer sockets catering for 960FEU are
provided, and a mechanical ventilation system gives two
air changes every hour in the holds.
The vessel is arranged to carry 20ft, 40ft, and 45ft
containers, and 40ft cell guides are installed in the
holds, with athwartship lashing bridges on deck. The
hatches are closed by MacGregor lift away pontoon
covers manufactured by the shipbuilder: each panel is
designed to weigh less than 40tonnes to facilitate
handling by shore cranes.
Hyundai has retained the same size main engine for
MSC Ivana as for the earlier 10,050TEU vessel, with its

machinery division supplying a MAN B&W 12K98ME

unit, delivering an MCR of 68,640kW at 94rev/min, to
a six-blade, fixed pitch propeller incorporating raked
tips to reduce possible cavitation. Service speed at 90%
MCR and allowing a 15% sea margin is 24.8knots, one
knot less than that achieved by Cosco Asia. Assisting
with this performance, and providing durability of the
outside shell, is an application of tin-free, self-polishing,
antifouling paint.
Electrical requirements are served by five large dieseldriven alternator sets, supplied complete by Hyundai,
with each producing 2500kW at 720rev/min. Steam
generation comes from two KangRim boilers, one oil
fired and one exhaust gas burning, each producing six
tonnes/h. Two 2000kW bow thrusters, another product
of the Hyundai group, are fitted to enhance
manoeuvrability, and the rudder is of the twisted leading
edge type.

Length, oa................................................................363.00m
Length, bp................................................................348.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................45.60m
Depth, moulded.........................................................29.74m
Width of double skin
Gross .....................................................................131,771gt
design ........................................................... 110,600dwt
scantling......................................................... 131,340dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR, 15% sea margin...... 24.80knots
heavy oil.............................................................11,200m
diesel oil..................................................................600m
Water ballast............................................................29,900m
Fuel consumption main engine only........... 248.3tonnes/day
Classification.......................... Germanischer Lloyd +100A5,

Container Ship, SOLAS II-2, Reg 19, +MC, AUT,

NAV-OC, IW, BWM, Environmental Passport,

Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction......................................... approx 61%
Heel control equipment......................Two wing ballast tanks

and two pumps
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model............................................................. 12K98ME-6
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output.............................................. 68,640kW/94rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed................................................................ 94rev/min

Special features...................... Six blades with raked tips

Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type........................ Hyundai-MAN/8L27/38
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 5 x 2630kW/720rev/min
Alternator make................................................... Hyundai
Output/speed.............................. 5 x 2500kW/720rev/min
Type................... 1 x automatic oil fired; 1 x exhaust gas
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Output........................................................ 2 x 6 tonnes/h
Mooring equipment
Number.................................................................. 6 units
Hatch covers
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type..................................................... Lift-away pontoon
Lengths.......................................................20ft; 40ft; 45ft
Heights................................2591mm; 2896mm; 2896mm
Cell guides.............................................. for FEU in holds
Total TEU capacity.................................................11,312
on deck................................................................5468
in holds................................................................5844
Tiers/rows (maximum)
on deck.................................................................18/8
in holds...............................................................11/10
Reefer plugs.............................................................. 960FEU
Hold refrigeration system ...............................air cooled;

2 air changes/hour
Suez crew.......................................................................6
Special rudder......................................twisted leading edge
Bow thrusters
Make................................................................... Hyundai
Output............................................................2 x 2000kW
Bridge control system
Type..........................................................Autochief C-20
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make................................................................. Consilium
Type........................................................Salwico CS4000
Fire extinguishing systems
Holds/engineroom........................Fain high pressure CO
Number ..........................................................................3
Make/type......... Furuno /2 x FAR-2827X; 1 x FAR-2837S
Integrated bridge system
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator............................... Hyundai Maxi 1200SL WS
Sewage plant........................................ Hamworthy ST2A
Contract date.....................................................3 June 2006
Launch/float-out date................................7 November 2008
Delivery date...........................................22 December 2008


SS08 - p80+81.indd 80

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 15:53:05

msc ivana

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p80+81.indd 81


30/01/2009 13:37:57

STX France Cruise SA

MSC POESIA: STX France builds

environment friendly cruise ship for MSC
Shipbuilder:.....STX France Cruise SA, France
Vessels name:................................ MSC Poesia
Hull number:................................................. S32
IMO number:.........................................9387073
Owner/operator:.... MSC Crociere, Switzerland
/MSC Mediterranean
Shipping Co SpA, Italy
Designer.......................... Studio de Jorio, Italy
Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................2
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................1

SC Poesia is the third of four Musica class cruise

liners (others are MSC Musica, MSC Orchestra
and the still to be delivered MSC Magnifica), all
ordered by MSC from the former Alstom Atlantique
shipyard at St Nazaire, but completed by its successor
company, Aker Yards France, today part of STX
It is Mediterranean Shippings intention to employ
the new vessel in the European market, and for its first
year in service it will be based on Venice, operating
seven night cruises in eastern Mediterranean and
Adriatic waters. Environmental issues have been to the
fore in the formulation of the vessels design, and Bureau
Veritas Clean-Sea 2 and Clean-Air notations have
been assigned, while ISO 14001 and Venice Blue Flag
agreements complied with. Exhaust emissions have
been reduced to less than 1.5%, and a monitoring
system is installed to control the quantity of sulphur
produced during combustion.
All waste is separated and, where possible, put ashore
for recycling at ports of call. A garbage and food waste
disposal installation is fitted, and two incinerators,
equipped with exhaust and odour neutralising systems,
process burnable items; this plant has been engineered
by the Norwegian specialist, Scanship. It is also
understood that MSC Poesia is the first newbuilding
cruise liner to use International Paints recently
introduced Intersleek 900 foul release hull coating
which not only has its own environmental properties,
but contributes to reduced exhaust emission and fuel
economy, by virtue of its improved smoothness qualities,
which reduce resistance.
A service speed of 23knots is obtained from a dieselelectric power system based on five Wrtsil 16V38B
main engines, spread over two rooms (three in one and

two in the other). Each of these engines is coupled to an

11kV brushless alternator supplying energy to hotel
services, and two variable speed propulsion motors
which, in turn, supply 35MW to drive shaft lines
connected to the fixed pitch propellers.
Steam is produced in two oil fired boilers and five
exhaust gas units, and these feed the oil fuel heating
systems, domestic hot water, air conditioning
requirements, swimming pool heating, and also service
the two 650m/day fresh water generators. A reverse
osmosis plant is also installed and produces another
300m/day of fresh water.
MSC Poesia is laid out with 17 decks, nine of which
offer facilities for the maximum 3323 passengers
accommodated in 1275 dedicated cabins. Of these, 400
are deluxe category, 16 special and 390 standard type.
All of these have balconies, and range alongside an
additional 171 outside rooms and 263 inside.
Seventeen cabins are available for disabled travellers.
The total number of berths provided includes 739
recessed ceiling Pullmans and 34 sofas.
All the decks are identified with the name of a famous
Italian poet, or other notable, and offer the usual cruiseship amenities to the public. These include a shopping
centre, 1240-seat theatre spread between decks 5 and 7,
and a 760-seat main restaurant. Other eating and
drinking facilities are available in an 850 seat cafeteria,
wine bars, an internet caf and sushi bar. The main
lounge seats 600 and a casino can accommodate 250
punters. A disco caters for 350 passengers and there are
childrens entertainment, leisure and fitness areas,
swimming pools, jacuzzis and open deck spaces. A
comprehensive medical suite is positioned on deck 5
and offers X-ray and intensive care treatment facilities
and a mortuary.

Length, oa................................................................293.80m
Length, bp................................................................269.14m
Breadth, moulded......................................................32.20m
Depth, moulded....................................................................Draught, design...........................................................7.70m
Gross .......................................................................92,400gt
Service speed, 87% MCR......................................... 22knots
heavy fuel.............................................................. 3700m
diesel oil.................................................................. 260m
Water ballast............................................................... 3900m
Classification.................................................. Bureau Veritas
Roll stabilisation equipment................ Rolls-Royce Neptune
600 fins (16m )

Diesel-electric power installation

Main engines
Design/manufacturer...................................... Wrtsil
Model.............................................................. 16V38B
Output....................................................5 x 11,600kW
Manufacturer.......................................... Leroy Somer
Output...................................................5 x 14,000kVA
Propulsion motors
Output, total.......................................................35MW
Designer/manufacturer................. Wrtsil Propulsion
Pitch.................................................................... Fixed
Speed........................................................ 170rev/min
Number/type....................... 2 x oil fired: 5 x exhaust gas
Type..................... 2 x Unex CHB 10000; 5 x Unex G251
Make................................................... Aalborg Industries
Percentage outboard.................................................65%
Bow thrusters
Output........................................................... 2 x 2000kW
Fire extinguishing system
Accommodation . ...................................... Marioff/Hi-Fog
Waste disposal plant
Number/model......................................... 2 x SE-1400
Waste compactor
Waste shredder/crushers
Number/model......................................... 2 x G15/600
Sewage plant
Number/model............................................ 3 x MSP-X
Contract date......................................................March 2006
Launch/float-out date................................... 30 August 2007
Delivery date..................................................31 March 2008


SS08 - p82+83.indd 82

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:37:37

MSC Poesia

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p82+83.indd 83


30/01/2009 15:34:26

MYSTIC: Daehans first newbuilding

introduces Capesize bulker programme
Shipbuilder:..................... Daehan Shipbuilding
Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:..........................................Mystic
Hull number:......................................... HN-1001
IMO number:.........................................9421831
Owner/operator:...... Golden Ocean Group Ltd,
Model test establishment
used:........................................SSPA, Sweden
Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................7

AEHAN Shipbuilding is one of the new kids on

the block of Korean mainstream shipbuilding,
opening its first building dock at Haenam as recently as
August 2007, and already well on the way to completing
a second dock, scheduled to come into use in 2009. A
second block-factory came on stream in July, and is
planned to bring the companys steel output up to
250,000tonnes annually.
Despite expert predictions of a serious downturn in
Capesize bulker demand, Daehan has decided to
concentrate on building only this type of vessel for the
foreseeable future, rather than become involved with
more sophisticated tonnage, and already 43 units have
been ordered. Nevertheless, plans are in hand to add
VLCCs, Aframax tankers, large ore carriers and
container ships to its references in due course.
The company is setting out its stall on quality and
delivery time, and the fact that Mystic, as the yards first
project, was delivered to its Norwegian owner within
schedule is a matter of respect. Basically, the design has
been laid out conforming to the parameters of similar
Capesize bulkers, but, unlike others featured in this
review, it has a double skin hull, albeit with the side
space formed only by a narrow common trunk linking
top and bottom wing ballast tanks. It also presents a
higher than usual forecastle erection, affording greater
protection to the foremost of the nine holds.
Of these, number 6 is designated as a floodable hold,
with numbers 2, 4 and 8 capable of partial flooding in
port. All the holds are closed by side rolling covers
supplied by MacGregor, with the panels stowing either
side of the deck openings when not in use. As noted
above, the top and bottom wing tanks (except for the

top tanks in No 9 hold which carry oil fuel), serve as

ballast tanks, with the bottom wings common with
double bottom compartments.
Daehan is particularly concerned to ensure that its
designs are eco-friendly and comply with safety
requirements, and in this regard classification has been
carried out by Det Norske Veritas in accordance with
IACS Common Structure Rules (CSR). The machinery
installation selected by the builder for this first delivery
has been supplied by the Doosan Engine Co, itself a
relative newcomer to the Korean shipbuilding scene,
although its origins lie with mergers of existing
companies rather than starting from scratch.
The main engine fitted to Mystic comes from the
MAN B&W stable and is a unit of the popular
6S70MC-C design developing 18,600kW at 91rev/
min. Operating at 90% of this MCR rating, it produces
a service speed of 15.40knots from a 8200mm diameter,
fixed pitch propeller supplied from Japan by the
Nakashima Propeller Co. Electrical requirements are
served from three diesel-driven alternator sets supplied
as part of a Wrtsil AuxPac package, and steam is
delivered by an Aalborg Mission 2000kg/h boiler.

Length, oa................................................................289.00m
Length, bp................................................................279.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................45.00m
Depth, moulded.........................................................24.20m
design ..................................................................16.50m
Gross .......................................................................89,510gt
Displacement................................................. 195,782tonnes
Lightweight....................................................... 25,743tonnes
scantling ....................................................... 170,040dwt
Block coefficient............................................................0.846
Speed, service, 90% MCR................................... 15.40knots
Cargo capacity
grain . ..............................................................192,169m
heavy oil................................................................4699m
diesel oil..................................................................328m
Water ballast............................................................52,052m
Classification............. Det Norske Veritas +1A1 Bulk Carrier,
ESP, CSR, BC-A, Holds 2, 4, 6 and 8 may be

Empty, GRAB (20), ES(S), E0, BIS, TMON
Percentage of high-tensile steel

used in construction.................................................69.50%
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.............................................................. 6S70MC-C
Manufacturer................................ Doosan Engine Co Ltd
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output............................................. 18,660kW//91rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer..............Nakashima Propeller Co
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed................................................................ 91rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Output/speed................................ 3 x 760kW/900rev/min
Make/type...............................................Aalborg Mission
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 8 sets
Type.................................................................. Hydraulic
Hatch covers
Type................................................................Side rolling
Ballast control system...................................................... Seil
Suez/repair crew.............................................................6
Bridge control system
Make ....................................................... Nabtesco Corp
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make............................................... Consilium Marine AB
Type............. Optical smoke system; UV flame detection
Fire extinguishing system
Make.......................................................................... JRC
Models...................1 x JMA-9132-SA/1 x JMA-9122-6XA
Contract date..........................................30 November 2006
Launch/float-out date....................................... 11 April 2008
Delivery date....................................................20 June 2008


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04/02/2009 09:39:18


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SS08 - p84+85.indd 85


06/02/2009 09:58:07


20,800m-class LPG/NH /VCM tanker

Shipbuilder:... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd

(HMD), Korea
Vessel's name:......................... Navigator Aries
Hull number:................................................8005
IMO number:.........................................9403762
Owner/operator:.............. Navigator Aries LLC,
Marshall Islands/Navigator

Gas Transport Plc

/Zodiac Maritime Agencies, UK
Designer: . ... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd,
Flag: .................................................. Singapore
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................1
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................5
T the same time as it has been filling its order book
with large numbers of product tanker contracts,
HMD has, over recent years, been looking to expand its

newbuilding range by diversifying into alternative

markets and adding such varied types as bulk carriers,
ro-ro vessels, container ships and vehicle carriers to its
portfolio. Navigator Aries represents another example of
this policy, namely a class of LPG tanker of
approximately 24,000dwt, which has already gained
success in the small-scale gas distribution market.
Vessels of this size generally employ containment
systems using IMO Type C cargo tanks of either
cylindrical or bi-lobe design, and the subject vessel is
laid out to suit the latter type, featuring a cargo space
divided into four holds, each accommodating an
independent, self supporting 'spectacle-shaped' tank,
divided by a centreline bulkhead into port and starboard
sections. Wing tanks top and bottom (the latter
combined with centrally divided double bottom tanks),
provide water ballast capacity and also form part of a
very necessary cargo tank support system. In addition to
the bi-lobe tanks, a separate cylindrical cargo tank is
located on the fore deck.
A compressor and motor room on the upper deck
serves Type 2G semi-refrigerated cargoes of oSG 0.972
carried at a minimum temperature of -48 C. These
include commodities such as propane, butane, butylene,
propylene, anhydrous ammonia, butadiene and VCM,
which are handled by midships manifolds P&S, using
two Hamworthy-Svanehj 250m/h deepwell pumps
fitted P&S in each tank. Oil fuel bunker tanks are
located in two positions: aft of the fore peak bulkhead
and forward of the engineroom, and are separated from
the outside shell for safety purposes.

The Hyundai engineering division has supplied the

main and auxiliary machinery for Navigator Aries, the
former comprising a MAN B&W 6S46MC-C unit
developing 7860kW at 129rev/min and directly coupled
to a fixed pitch propeller to give a service speed of
16knots when running at 90% MCR. To drive the three
alternator sets (also manufactured by Hyundai Heavy
Industries), engines of the MAN 5H21/31 type are
used. Each of these develops 790kW at 720rev/min,
whilst the alternators each produce 750kW of electrical
power. A KangRim boiler supplies 2500kg/h of steam.

Length, oa................................................................159.07m
Length, bp................................................................152.20m
Breadth, moulded......................................................25.60m
Depth, moulded, to upper deck.................................16.40m
Gross .......................................................................18,311gt
design ............................................................. 14,287dwt
scantling........................................................... 23,333dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR........................................ 16knots
Cargo capacity, liquid volume................................20,664m
heavy oil . .............................................................1997m
diesel oil..................................................................278m
Water ballast...............................................................9194m
Fuel consumption
main engine only.................................... 29.25tonnes/day
auxiliaries................................................. 3.53tonnes/day
Classification......... Lloyd's Register +100A1, Liquefied Gas
Carrier, Ship Type 2G, Propane, Butane, Butylene,
Propylene, Anhydrous Ammonia, Butadiene, VCM, in
Independent Tanks Type C, Suitable for SG 0.972, Max
Vapour Pressure 5.3bar G, Min Cargo Temperature
-48C, +LMC, UMS, +Lloyd's RMC (LG), IWS
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.............................................................. 6S46MC-C
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used..................................................... .HFO
Output/speed.................................... 7860kW/129rev/min
Designer/manufacturer.................................................... Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 129rev/min

Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type........................Hyundai-MAN/5H21/31
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................ 3 x 790kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type ...................Hyundai/HFJ7506-14E
Output/speed................................ 3 x 750kW/720rev/min
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 6 sets
Make........................................................Friedrich Kocks
Type.............................................. hydraulic auto-tension
Lifesaving equipment
Number/type..................................1 x 25 person free fall
Make......................................... Hyundai Lifeboat Co Ltd
Cargo tanks
Number...............................................8 plus 1 deck tank
Cargo segregation..........................................................2
Cargo pumps
Type................................. .Deepwell, vertical, multistage
Stainless steel............................................................. Yes
Capacity.........................................................8 x 250m/h
Cargo control system
Ballast control system
Make................................................................... Hyundai
Suez crew.......................................................................6
Bridge control system
Type.......................................................................... C-20
One-man bridge.......................................................... No
Fire detection system
Type................................................................... BS-320M
Fire extinguishing system
Cargo space.................................................. Dry powder
Engineroom.............................................. CO /water mist
Make.......................................................Japan Radio Co
Contract date.................................................... 12 July 2006
Launch/float-out date.......................................13 June 2008
Delivery date................................................ 22 August 2008


SS08 - p86+87.indd 86

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:41:07

navigator aries

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p86+87.indd 87


30/01/2009 13:39:32

NYK THESEUS: Hyundai 6700TEU boxship for domestic owner

Shipbuilder:.............Hyundai Heavy Industries
Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:..............................NYK Theseus
Hull number:................................................1852
IMO number:.........................................9354167
Owner/operator:.......... Glory Ship Holding SA,
Panama/NYK Ship Management
Pte Ltd, Singapore
Designer:.................Hyundai Heavy Industries
Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:............Hyundai
Maritime Research Institute (HMRI), Korea
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................6
Total number of sister
ships still on order: .........................................-

type, built by the Hyundai machinery works, and developing

an MCR of 62,810kW when running at 104rev/min. At
83.2% of this output and allowing a 20% sea margin, a
service speed of 25knots is achieved, using a six-bladed
9500mm diameter propeller which, like the electrical part of
the four diesel-driven alternator sets installed, has also come
from the Hyundai stable.
Prime movers for the latter units have been supplied by
Yanmar, and each supplies 2300kW to meet the ships power
demands, including those of a 3000kW Kawasaki bow
thruster. The rudder design features an optimum section
profile, and the propeller is tip-raked to reduce possible
cavitation. For durability, and to improve resistance qualities,
a tin-free, self polishing antifouling paint and an impressed
current cathodic protection (ICCP) system has been applied
to the hull.

Length, oa................................................... approx 304.06m

Length, bp................................................................292.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................40.00m
Depth, moulded.........................................................24.80m
Width of double skin
Gross .......................................................................76,928gt
design ............................................................. 70,520dwt
scantling........................................................... 80,280dwt
Speed, service, 83.2% MCR, 20% sea margin... 25.00knots
heavy oil................................................................8690m
diesel oil..................................................................440m
Water ballast............................................................20,500m
Fuel consumption, main engine.................... 208 tonnes/day
Classification.......... ClassNK NS*, (CNC, EQCDG), (PS-DA,
PS-FA), MNS*, MO with descriptive note IWS
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction......................................................54%
Heel control equipment............................ Anti-heeling pump
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model............................................................ 11K98ME-C
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................. 62,810kW/104rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 104rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators

UST seven years ago, Significant Ships of 2001 reported

the delivery of the worlds largest container ship, the
6802TEU P&O Nedlloyd Stuyvesant, from the Hyundai
shipyard at Ulsan. In this issue we present a sister ship, but
no sign of that largest accolade this time for, on another
page we find Hyundai offering an 11,312TEU container
liner design, and, of course, in 2006 Emma Maersk
surpassed all with a reported 11,500 box-intake and there
are even larger vessels in the offing, demonstrating an
apparent almost insatiable demand worldwide for this form
of transport.
Hyundais claim is that its containership designs feature a
wider beam, which ensures a better stability when loading
and discharging at international terminals (a feature
enhanced by the fitting of anti-heeling tanks and pumps). It
is also understood that superior propulsion efficiency is
obtained at the various draughts resulting from the loading
This particular design has proved amenable to slight
variations of the hold layout, forward and aft of the
engineroom, and NYK Theseus features a double skin/single
deck arrangement with seven of its eight holds forward of
that position, and one aft, equating to 28 TEU bays forward
and 8 aft, carried on the MacGregor lift-away, three panel
hatch covers which close the holds, and on the open deck
area right aft.
A maximum 14 rows/9 tiers of containers can be stowed
in the holds and 16 rows/8tiers on deck, with facilities for
loading 20ft, 40ft and 45ft sizes. Fixed cell guides are
arranged in the holds for FEU, and athwartship lashing
bridges are provided so that containers carried on hatch
covers and stools on the upper deck can be securely stowed.
A mechanical ventilation system delivers two air changes
each hour to the cargo holds, and 460 reefer plugs are
positioned to serve 40ft boxes.
Whereas the 2001-built P&O Nedlloyd Stuyvesant was
fitted with a machinery installation based on a Sulzer
12RTA96C main engine, other examples of this design have
included various MAN B&W models in their enginerooms.
For NYK Theseus, choice has fallen on the 11K98ME-C


Engine make/type..............................Yanmar/8N280L-ZV
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 4 x 2398kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type......................................... Hyundai/ Output/speed.............................. 4 x 2300kW/720rev/min
Type.........................................Automatic marine oil fired
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Output............................................................ 5.5tonnes/h
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 6 sets
Type...................................................................... electric
Hatch covers
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type.....Lift-away pontoons. Max weight 40tonnes/panel
Lengths.......................................................20ft; 40ft; 45ft
Heights......................................2.591m; 2.896m; 2.896m
Cell guides.............................................. for FEU in holds
Total TEU capacity....................................................6661
on deck ..............................................................3520
in holds................................................................3141
Reefer plugs....................................................... 460 FEU
Tiers/rows (maximum)
on deck................................................................ 8/16
in holds.................................................................9/14
Hold ventilation system............................2 air changes/h
Ballast control system
Type...............................Electro-hydraulic remote control
Suez/repair crew.............................................................6
Bow thruster
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Bridge control system
Make................................................................. Nabtesco
One man operation...................................................... No
Fire detection system
Type................................................................... RS-320M
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds/engineroom.............. NK/high-pressure CO
Make.......................................................................... JRC
Models............................. JMA-9937-SA; JMA-9923-7XA
Sewage plant........................................ Jonghap/AEROB-25
Contract date........................................................................Launch/float-out date............................................................Delivery date...........................................25 November 2008


SS08 - p88+89.indd 88

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:42:30

NYK Theseus

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p88+89.indd 89


30/01/2009 13:40:02

RN ARKHANGELSK: Vulcano builds first

chemical tanker with DEICE notation
Shipbuilder:........ Factorias Vulcano SA, Spain
Vessels name:......................... RN Arkhangelsk
Hull number:..................................................508
IMO number:.........................................9384435
Owner/operator:......................Rosneft, Russia/
Lico Leasing SA, EFC, Spain/Unicorn

Management Services, Cyprus
Designer:..................Ship Project Engineering
& Contracting, SAS, Italy
Model test establishment used:.Hamburg Ship
Model Basin (HSVA), Germany
Flag: ....................................................... Cyprus
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................2
ULCANO Shipyard in north western Spain is in the
process of completing three special products tankers,
claimed to be the first in the world of this type to be

classed with a DEICE notation. The surveying

classification society administering this award is Det
Norske Veritas, and it has also granted the vessels 1A
Super ice class status. Designed to operate in Arctic
waters, Arkhangelsk, and sisters Murmansk and Provodino,
are capable of navigating through an ice depth of more
than one metre, and are the largest chemical tankers yet
built in the Vigo yard. Their special features include a
sophisticated cargo heating system, and equipment
installed to prevent ice forming, and to de-ice quickly.
The double skin hull is configured with a forecastle,
superstructure aft, and a cut-away icebreaker bow. The
cargo space is divided by a centreline, and transverse
bulkheads of troughed construction, into 12 cargo and
two slop tanks, arranged to handle IMO II and III grade
chemicals using Marflex deepwell pumps in each tank.
Each has a capacity of 500m/h, and two similar 200m/h
pumps serve the slop tanks. Discharge is via a midships
manifold port and starboard. Three boilers provide steam
for heating systems.
Vulcano aims to establish a prominent position in
European shipbuilding with this prototype design, and
points to the challenge presented by the project, which
has necessitated changing the criteria of design, material
systems and equipment, as a benchmark for its ability.
The stringent requirements of the Russian flag
concerning vibration and acoustic levels have been
complied with, particularly in accommodation and
crew public spaces, and in the wheelhouse, where OMI
acceptable levels of 60 > 65dB(A) have been exceeded,
and a Russian limit of 45dB(A) achieved. Cargo control
is carried out from a central station and includes an
innovative automatic system which, allows unloading to
be regulated according to discharge pressures.
Arkhangelsk has been fitted with a MAN 9L48/60

four-stroke main engine developing 10,800kW. A

Flender/Navilux gearbox reduces engine speed to
110rev/min, to drive a Rolls-Royce 6100mm diameter
CP propeller to give a service speed of 15knots at 85%
MCR. A shaft alternator is operated from a PTO and
produces 1250kW when running at 1000rev/min.
Three alternator sets powered by MAN 6L21/31 diesel
engines are also fitted.
Manoeuvring is assisted by a Rolls-Royce 1000kW
bow thruster, whilst the increasing influence of this
British/Norwegian supplier, already demonstrated in
other reviews in this publication, is exhibited by its
supply also of the deck machinery.

Length, oa................................................................176.10m
Length, bp................................................................169.93m
Breadth, moulded......................................................29.80m
Depth, moulded.........................................................14.00m
Width of double skin
side ........................................................................2.05m
design ....................................................................9.25m
Gross .......................................................................19,986gt
Displacement, 9.90m draught.......................... 40,153tonnes
Lightweight.......................................................... 9323tonnes
design ............................................................. 27,546dwt
scantling........................................................... 30,830dwt
Block coefficient, 9.90m draught................................0.7814
Speed, service, 85% MCR........................................ 15knots
Cargo capacity........................................................34,900m
heavy oil................................................................1230m
diesel oil..................................................................180m
Water ballast............................................................12,300m
Fuel consumption
main engine .............................................. 43tonnes/day
auxiliaries...................................................... 6tonnes/day
Classification................................. Det Norske Veritas +1A1,
Double Hull Oil and Chemical Tanker f2,
Ship Type 2, ESP, DAT (-30), E0, NAUTICUS (B)
V2, str0, 1k, OPP-F, TMON, DEICE, ICE 1A SUPER
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction......................................................12%
Main engine
Fuel used.................................................................. HFO

Model............................................................ GUCK 1180
Output speed.................................................. 110rev/min
Speed.............................................................. 110rev/min
Shaft-driven alternator
Output/speed.................................. 1250kW/1000rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type.......................................MAN/6L21/31
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Alternator make/type........................................................ Output/speed...................................................................Boilers
Type..................................... 2 x oil fired/1 x exhaust gas
Make...................................................... Vulcano-Sadeca
Output..........................................2 x 5600kW/1 x 980kW
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 6 sets
Type.................................................................. Hydraulic
Cargo tanks
Number...................................................... 12 plus 2 slop
Grades of cargo carried................... IMO Types II and III
Cargo pumps
Number..............................................................12 plus 2
Make..................................................................... Marflex
Type...................................................... Electric deepwell
Capacity................................. 12 x 500m/h; 2 x 200m/h
Cargo/ballast control systems
Type................................................... Onboard computer
Bow thruster
Bridge control system
Make.................................................................... Transas
One man operation...................................................... No
Contract date........................................................................Launch/float-out date............................................................Delivery date....................................................October 2008


SS08 - p90+91.indd 90

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:44:07

rn arkhangelsk

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p90+91.indd 91


30/01/2009 13:40:30


box ship from Stralsund
Shipbuilder:..........Volkswerft Stralsund GmbH,

Hull number:................................................... 446
IMO number:.......................................... 9356074
Owner/operator:................Safmarine Container
Lines NV, Belgium
Designer:..............Volkswerft Stralsund GmbH,
Model test establishment used:..Hamburg Ship
Model Basin, Germany
Flag: .......................................................Belgium
Total number of sister
ships already completed:................................ 4
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................... 5
Illustration shows sister vessel Safmarine Nile

AFMARINE Container Lines was formed in 1996

as a result of a merger between the South African
Corporation, that country's premier shipowner

(founded in 1946), and the Belgium company CMB

Transport. Control of the new company passed to the
AP Mller Group in 1999, soon after the giant Danish
conglomerate had acquired Volkswerft Stralsund from
its German owner, to work alongside its own Odense
Shipyard. However, it was sold again in 2007 to
become one of four shipyards operated by the German
Hegemann Group.
Safmarine Ngami is an improved version of Volkswerft
Stralsund's VWS2500 design container ship, and is laid
out with a double skin hull surmounted by a long
forecastle, through which a cargo hatch gives access to
the forward half of No 1 hold, and a short poop aft,
which forms the base for a narrow seven-tier
accommodation block. The machinery, above which are
three upper deck container bays, is positioned aft of a
cargo section containing five holds with tweendecks.
Careful calculations of longitudinal and buckling
strength were made, particular in hatch corner and
deeptank areas; vibration possibilities were also analysed
The side tanks in the double-hull space are designated
for water ballast, with No 4 (P&S) compartments
linked to a Hoppe/BMT system utilising a 600m/h
pump to compensate for heel during container handling.
Pontoon covers close the 10 hatches, and container cellguides are fitted in holds, which are provided with
independent mechanical ventilation systems.
Holds 2 to 5 can load 118FEU refrigerated containers,
114 of which are connected to a fresh water cooling
system, and four are air cooled. In addition, reefer
sockets on deck serve 234FEU and 16TEU, carried in
the first and second tiers; all sockets are fitted with a
PCT monitoring device. The vessel is also equipped for
the transport of dangerous goods to SOLAS II-2, Reg

19, on deck and in the holds. Oil fuel bunkers are

positioned between holds 1 and 2; 3 and 4 and 4 and 5,
and structure in these locations has been pre-prepared
for the future fitting of three cargo cranes.
An unusual inclusion, for a vessel constructed in a
European shipyard, is a main engine built in Korea by
the Doosan Engine Co - partly a reflection of the
difficulties that yards worldwide currently have in
sourcing major components in a booming newbuilding
market (hatch cover fabrication was also subcontracted
to a Chinese company). The engine is a MAN B&W
7L70ME-C Mk 7 unit having a MCR output of
21,770kW at 104rev/min. At 85% of this output and
allowing a 15% sea margin, the service speed is
Electrical power is supplied from two 1944kW, and
one 1296kW, diesel alternator sets, running at 720rev/
min. Safmarine Ngami is designed as a 'one-fuel-ship'
for main and auxiliary engine use, and as well as having
normal HFO storage tanks, is fitted with separate tanks
for storage of low sulphur heavy fuel oil for use in newly
introduced SECA (sulphur emission control area)
The 'trade mark' Safmarine white hull paintwork
results from an application of epoxy resin paint, sealed
with polyurethane, whilst underwater areas are coated
with two coats of ice-resistant paint. Antifouling
protection is afforded by two coats of self-polishing
silicate acrylate copolymer.

Length, oa................................................................. 210.49m

Length, bp................................................................. 198.74m
Breadth, moulded........................................................29.80m
Depth, moulded
to upper deck.........................................................16.40m
to second deck.......................................................11.88m
Width of double skin
Gross ........................................................................ 25,904gt
Speed, service, 85% MCR, 15% sea margin..........21.5knots
heavy oil................................................................. 2838m
diesel oil................................................................... 244m
Water ballast............................................................... 9403m
Water ballast carried in container
loaded condition.................................................2078tonnes
Fuel consumption
main engine only............................. approx 84tonnes/day

auxiliaries.................................... approx 15.50tonnes/day

Classification......... Lloyd's Register +100A1 Container Ship,

*IWS, LI, ShipRight (SDA), +LMC,

UMS, SCM, BWMP(S), Part Higher Tensile Steel
Percentage of high tensile steel used in construction.... 70%
Heel control system.............................................Hoppe BMT
Main engine
Design............................................................... MAN B&W
Model....................................................... 7L70ME-C Mk 7
Manufacturer....................................... .Doosan Engine Co
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Material...................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........... Mecklenburger Metallguss
Diameter.............................................................. 7000mm
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine/make type...................... STX-MAN/: 2 x 9L28/32H

1 x 6L28/32H
Type of fuel used........................................................ HFO
Output/speed..........................2 x 2050kW/720rev/min,1 x

Alternator make........................................... STX-Hyundai
Output/speed................................2 x 1944kW/720rev/min

1 x 1296kW/720rev/min
Features to reduce exhaust emissions......546m low sulphur

fuel carried
Number/type.........................1 x exhaust gas; 1 x oil fired
Make..............Aalborg:1 x Mission XS-2V/1 x Mission OS
Output........................................................... 2 x 3000kg/h
Hatch covers
Type............................................................steel pontoons
Design................................................Volkswerft Stralsund
Manufacturer................................................ZPMC (China)
Sizes................................................................ TEU/FEU
Cell holds
Total TEU capacity......................................................2478
on deck ................................................................1486
in holds....................................................................992
homogeneously loaded to 14 tonnes...................1892
Reefer containers...................... 118FEU loaded in holds;

sockets for 234FEU/16 TEU arranged on deck
Hold refrigeration system................. water and air cooled
Complement........................................... 22 plus 6 Suez crew
Bow thruster
Number/type....................................................1 x Wrtsil
Output................................................................... 1100kW
Contract date.......................................................8 April 2005
Launch/float-out date................................... 18 January 2008
Delivery date...............................................26 February 2008


SS08 - p92+93.indd 92

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:47:13

safmarine ngami

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p92+93.indd 93


30/01/2009 13:40:59

SECOND OCEAN: Hanjin-built 6572TEU

box ship for Iranian owner
Shipbuilder:............ Hanjin Heavy Industries &
Construction Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:............................Second Ocean
Hull number:.............................................. N-181
IMO number:.........................................9349588
Owner/operator:... Second Ocean GmbH & Co

Ltd, -/Islamic Republic of

Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL), Iran
Designer:....................Hanjin Heavy Industries

& Construction Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used: ...... Maritime &

Ocean Engineering Research
Institute (MOERI), Korea
Flag: ...........................................................Malta
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................1
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................3
HIS second representative of Hanjins 2008 output is
a product of the companys headquarters shipyard at
Pusan in south eastern Korea, a yard which has tended to

specialise in building container ships in recent years,

some of which were fabricated in two halves and joined
together afloat. Limitations to the use of this strategy
played a part in the decision to open the Subic Bay
facility (see Argolikos), which has allowed Hanjin to
re-orientate operations at its Korean base where, it is
understood, the intention is to focus on more specialised
tonnage in the future.
Second Ocean conforms to a conventional containership design, but demonstrates once more how builders
and owners can find ways and means of suggesting yet
more boxes can be carried on an existing hull. In
Significant Ships of 2006, Maersk Kowloon, virtually a
sister to Second Ocean, was reviewed, but officially loading
only 6160TEU compared with the 6572 units which, it
is claimed, can be carried on this later product. According
to the shipbuilders published data, an additional tier of
boxes can now be stowed on deck, and on the lift-away
MacGregor pontoon-type hatchcovers.
This accounts for 200TEU of the increase, with
another 200 units added to the hold capacity. A further
change from Maersk Kowloon is that whilst that vessel
adopted a hold-cooling system to service its complement
of 508 refrigerated FEU, this new version is fitted with
500 reefer plugs on deck.
The cargo space contains six holds surrounded by a
double hull/double bottom arrangement offering tanks
for water ballast and fuel; however, the disposition of
these has been changed somewhat compared with the
Maersk ship, reducing ballast and fuel capacities by
around 1000m each. Accommodation is provided in a
tall, slim deckhouse built over the machinery space in the
three-quarter aft position, for 13 officers and 12 crew,
with additional space available for a Suez Canal or repair
crew. Lifesaving equipment consists of conventional 28
person totally enclosed lifeboats and rescue craft.

The main engine is a Doosan-Wrtsil (Sulzer)

10RTA96C unit having an MCR rating of 57,200kW
at 102rev/min. At 90% of this power and allowing a
15% sea margin, service speed is 25.60knots. Total
electrical capacity is similar to that provided for Maersk
Kowloon; however, in this case it is generated by four
Yanmar/Nishishiba 2100kW alternator sets instead of
three 2800kW machines in the earlier vessel. Steam is
generated in two oil-fired boilers and an exhaust gas
economiser. Manoeuvring and course keeping are
assisted by a Kawasaki 2000kW bow thruster, and a pair
of fin stabilisers, as well as an anti-heeling system, is

Length, oa................................................................299.20m
Length, bp................................................................286.70m
Breadth, moulded......................................................49.00m
Depth, moulded, to upper deck.................................32.60m
Width of double skin
scantling ..............................................................14.52m
Gross .......................................................................14,175gt
Displacement................................................. 110,400tonnes
Lightweight....................................................... 24,400tonnes
design.............................................................. 61,700dwt
scantling ......................................................... 86,000dwt
Block, coefficient, 14.52m draught...............................0.646
heavy oil . .............................................................8158m
diesel oil..................................................................419m
Water ballast............................................................91,446m
Classification........................... Germanischer Lloyd +100A5

Container Ship, Solas II-2, Reg 19,
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction...................................................66.1%
Roll stabilisation equipment.............................Fin stabilisers
Main engine
Design....................................... Doosan-Wrtsil (Sulzer)
Manufacturer................................ Doosan Engine Co Ltd
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................. 57,200kW/102rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer............Mecklenburger Metallguss

Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Diameter........................................................ 8400rev/min
Speed.............................................................. 102rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators

Engine make/type............................. Yanmar/8N280L-GV

Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output............................................................4 x 2245kW
Alternator make................................................ Nishishiba
Output............................................................4 x 2100kW
Number/type....................... 2 x oil fired; 1 x exhaust gas
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Output...................................2 x 6000kg/h; 1 x 4500kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 7 sets
Hatch covers
Manufacturer...............................................Yuldo Factory
Lengths.......................................................20ft; 40ft; 45ft
Heights........................................................ 8ft 6in; 9ft 6in
Cell guides..................................Holds 1-6, and on deck
Total TEU capacity....................................................6572
on deck................................................................3552
in holds................................................................3020
homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes...................3640
Reefer plugs..........................................500FEU on deck
Anti-heeling pump
Ballast and draught level gauging system.. Panasia/electric
pressure transmitter
Suez/repair crew.............................................................6
Bow thruster
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Bridge control system
Make................................................ Kongsberg Maritime
Type........................................................... Autochief C20
One man operation...................................................... No
Fire detection system
Make....................................................... Saracom T2000
Fire extinguishing systems
Holds/engineroom........................................NK/fixed CO
Make/type................................ Kelvin Hughes/Nucleus 3
Integrated bridge system
Make/type................................... Kelvin Hughes/MDP-A6
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator......................Hyundai-Atlas Maxi T150SL-WS
Sewage plant........................................ Hamworthy ST2A
Contract date............................................ 24 February 2005
Launch/float-out date..................................... 5 August 2008
Delivery date..........................................26 September 2008


SS08 - p94+95.indd 94

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:50:07

second ocean

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p94+95.indd 95


30/01/2009 13:42:06

SEPID: Hyundai Samhos Suezmax

quartet for Iran
Shipbuilder:................. Hyundai Samho Heavy
Industries Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:.......................................... Sepid
Hull number:............................................... S316
IMO number:.........................................9356608
Owner/operator:.......... Sepid Shipping Co Ltd,

Malta/National Iranian Tanker Co, Iran
Designer:......................Hyundai Samho Heavy

Industries Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:............Hyundai
Heavy Industries Co Ltd (HMRI), Korea
Flag: ...........................................................Malta
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................2
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................1
Illustration shows sister ship Sina.

YUNDAI Samho Heavy Industries shipbuilding

history began in 1992, when construction of the
Samho greenfield yard commenced for Halla

Engineering & Heavy Industries as a replacement for

its smaller site at Inchon, raising high hopes of
industrial development for the local community in
south west Korea. By 2001, however, it was attracting
the attention of other builders as it underwent a model
case of restructuring following financial difficulties,
aimed at returning the company into the black.
Following this, in 2002, Samho became a member of
the Hyundai Heavy Industries Group and, using its
own experience and technology, alongside that of its
parent, the company has since earned a reputation
building large merchant ships, including tankers,
container ships and bulk carriers.
Particularly evident in the companys portfolio are its
Suezmax tanker designs, with 33 vessels of this type
completed and another 30 on order. Sepid is an example
of one of these, part of a contract for four sisters placed
by the Iranian national tanker operator, and constructed
to the requirements of Det Norske Veritas. Some 38%
higher tensile steel has been used in the hull, which
features a double skin layout with side tanks joined with
centrally divided double bottom compartments, to
form common water ballast tanks surrounding a space
split by centreline and transverse bulkheads, into six
pairs of cargo tanks and two slop tanks, the latter
positioned just forward of the machinery room.
The hull is single decked without a forecastle, but
given some weather protection at the bow by a
straightline sheer, and by incorporating the bulwark line
into the main hull.
Cargo handling uses three 4000m/h Shinko, steam

driven pumps, together capable of maintaining a

discharge rate of 8400m/h. Loading rate is 17,000m/h
and three grades of oil can be worked simultaneously
through a two-valve segregation system. All the tanks
are fitted with radar-type level gauges, and fixed gas
warning devices monitor hydrocarbon gas levels in oil
tanks, pump room and ballast spaces, with all systems
remotely controlled.
The main engine is a Hyundai-MAN B&W
6S70MC-C unit developing 18,860kW MCR at 91rev/
min and 16,794kW at 87.9rev/min NCR. Allowing a
15% sea margin, the service speed is 15.4knots.
Electrical supply comes from three diesel alternator sets
each rated at 1120kW and based on Hyundais own
design HiMSEN engine, and steam is generated in two
35tonnes/h oil fired boilers and an exhaust gas
economiser. Vibration problems are reduced by fitting a
vortex generator, and by local reinforcement of the hull
and deckhouse.

Length, oa................................................................274.18m
Length, bp................................................................264.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................50.00m
Depth, moulded, to upper deck.................................24.40m
Width of double skin
side ........................................................................2.50m
bottom . ..................................................................3.00m
scantling ..............................................................17.00m
Gross .......................................................................85,462gt
design............................................................ 151,890dwt
scantling ....................................................... 164,154dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR,
15% sea margin................................................. 15.40knots
Cargo capacity......................................................180,890m
heavy oil . .............................................................4480m
diesel oil..................................................................180m
Water ballast............................................................57,360m
Fuel consumption, main engine only.......... 67.30tonnes/day
Classification................................. Det Norske Veritas +1A1,
Tanker for Oil, ESP, NAUTICUS, E0,
Percentage of high tensile steel
used in construction......................................................38%
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Model.............................................................. 6S70MC-C
Manufacturer........................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed......................... 18,860kW/91rev/min, MCR

Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed................................................................ 91rev/min
Diesel-engine driven alternators
Engine make/type.................. Hyundai-HiMSEN/YH21/32
Type of fuel used............................................. HFO/MDO
Output/speed.............................. 3 x 1120kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type/output............................................Boilers
Number/type........................ 2 x oil fired; 1 x economiser
Make.....................................Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Output..............................................2 x 35tonnes/h; 1 x Mooring equipment
Number................................................................... 8 sets
Cargo tanks
Number............................................ 12 plus 2 slop tanks
Coated tanks....................................................................Cargo pumps
Make...................................................................... Shinko
Capacity.......................................................3 x 4000m/h
Cargo/ballast control systems
Make................................... Nakakita Seisakusho Co Ltd
Type................................................... Piano type console
Cadets/petty officers/crew............................................24
Suez crew.......................................................................6
Bridge control system
Make................................................................... Hyundai
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system.......................................Iljin-Consilium
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom..........................................Low pressure CO
Make/model.......................... Kelvin Hughes/Manta 2300
Number/type...............................1 x X-Band: 1 x S-Band
Waste disposal plant
Make............................................................. KangRim
Sewage plant
Contract date....................................................20 May 2005
Launch/float-out date.................................. 5 February 2008
Delivery date.................................................... 24 April 2008


SS08 - p96+97.indd 96

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:52:16


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p96+97.indd 97


30/01/2009 13:42:48

SEVEN SEAS: flexible pipelayer with

J-lay facility
Shipbuilder:.........................Merwede Shipyard
(IHC Merwede Group), The Netherlands
Vessels name:................................ Seven Seas
Hull number:................................................. 710
IMO number:........................................ 9384760
Owner/operator:......Subsea 7 Ltd, UK/Subsea 7
Vessel Management, Norway
Designer:............................Merwede Shipyard,
The Netherlands
Model test establishment used:.............MARIN,
The Netherlands
Flag: ........................................Isle of Man (UK)
Total number of sister
ships already completed:....One (near sister)
Total number of sister
ships still on order:.......................................Nil
N Significant Ships 2007 we included a review of the
offshore construction vessel, Seven Oceans, and
to a near-sister, then under construction, which

would include the same flexible pipelaying facilities,

but using an alternative a J-Lay capability. That vessel,
Seven Seas, is now in service and displays the interesting
way in which builder and owner decided to reduce the
amount of re-engineering which developing a new
design would have incurred, by retaining the fore and
aft ends of the Seven Oceans design (where most of the
marine equipment is located) and introducing a new
mid-body meeting the requirements for the new vessels
J-Lay operations. The primary field of activity is
expected to be the subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines
(SURF) sector, especially in the so-called Atlantic
triangle: US Gulf, West Africa and Brazil.
J-Lay is being increasingly used in deepwater fields for
trunk lines in order to avoid stressing the pipe. The
technique requires welding and coating stations to be
provided around the onboard tower/ramp, to process
pipe before it is fed into the ramp and laid on the seabed
in a J-shaped configuration. The coating station is
positioned in the moonpool area (one of the special
features introduced as part of the new mid-body
configuration), and this was subjected to extensive
testing at MARIN to determine its possible effect on
the hydrodynamics of the vessel. Sliding hatches close
off the moonpool at deck level, and this can also be
partially closed at the bottom during transit, by means
of a hinged door, which then functions as a wave
dampening feature when the moonpool is opened.
The vertical lay tower/ramp is positioned aft of the
ROV hangar, and is equipped with two 181tonne
tensioners, a 113tonne A&R winch and a 154tonne
knuckle boom crane. Storage reels for the A&R system,
together with a 400tonne offshore mast crane and other
pipelaying ancillaries, are located forward of the
moonpool, and a 40tonne knuckle boom crane,
positioned at midships on Seven Oceans, has been

moved to the starboard side, aft. A hold aft of the

moonpool contains two 16m diameter carousels, and a
1200m work area above, with a deck load capacity of
10tonnes/m is available. This can also accommodate a
24m diameter/3000tonne capacity carousel. Supply of
most of the pipelaying equipment has been in the hands
of the Dutch specialist, Huisman-Itrec.
Seven Seas employs the same 6.6kV integrated power
generation and propulsion system as its sister. Primary
power is supplied to three 2950kW azimuthing thrusters
aft, and two 2400kW retractable azimuthing thrusters
forward. A 2200kW tunnel-type thruster is also installed
at the bow. The three aft units are capable of driving the
ship at a speed in excess of 14knots. Dynamic
positioning is installed to Lloyds Register DP2
requirements, with some aspects of the higher DP3
notation included, along with a facility to upgrade
quickly and fully to that standard.

Length, oa............................................................... 151.00m

Length, bp............................................................... 138.32m
Breadth, moulded..................................................... 28.40m
Depth, moulded........................................................ 12.50m
design.................................................................... 7.50m
scantling................................................................. 8.00m
Gross ...................................................................... 18,367gt
Displacement.................................................. 24,195tonnes
Lightweight...................................................... 12,829tonnes
design............................................................. 11,800dwt
scantling.......................................................... 13,700dwt
Speed, service....................................................... 14+knots
fuel oil .................................................................. 1410m
marine gas oil...................................................... 2810m
Water ballast.............................................................. 4475m
Classification.......Lloyds Register +100A1, UD Strength for
Loads of 10tonnes/m, Heli Landing Area,
Pipe Laying Vessel
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction..................................................... 10%
Heel control equipment...................................... Frank Mohn
Roll stabilisation equipment......................... 2 passive tanks
Diesel-electric power system
Main engines
Design/manufacturer..................................... Wrtsil
Model.................................................................. 7L32
Number..................................................................... 6
Type of fuel used................................................MDO
Output..................................................... 6 x 3360kW
Manufacturer............................................................. Number..................................................................... 6
Output/speed....................... 6 x 3600kVA/720rev/min
Propulsion units

Stern thrusters
Manufacturer.....................................Wrtsil Lips
Number/type..................................3 x azimuthing
Propeller pitch.............................................. Fixed
Output................................................ 3 x 2950kW
Bow thrusters
Manufacturer.....................................Wrtsil Lips
Number/type............... 2 x retractable azimuthing
Propeller pitch.............................................. Fixed
Output................................................ 2 x 2400kW
Bow thrusters (tunnel)
Manufacturer.....................................Wrtsil Lips
Number/type......................................... 1 x tunnel
Propeller pitch.............................................. Fixed
Output................................................ 1 x 2200kW
Number.......................................................................... 2
Make ................................................................. Aalborg
Pipelaying equipment
Mast crane
Duty................................ 200/400tonnes/16.5m outreach
Auxiliary crane
Manufacturer................................. National Oilwell Varco
Type ....................................................... Knuckle boom
Duty ..................................... 20tonnes/16.5m outreach
Mooring equipment
Number..................................................................4 units
Make ....................................................................... SEC
Type .................................................................. Electric
Officers........................................................................... 8
Crew ........................................................................ 112
Bridge control system
Make ............................................................ Kongsberg
Types .................................. STC 400: SDP 22: SVC 400
One man operation......................................................No
Fire detection system
Make .......................................................................Tyco
Type .................................................................... T2000
Fire extinguishing systems
Engineroom........................................................ Ajax CO
Number.......................................................................... 2
Make .......................................................................SAM
Models.............. 1109T ARPA 1A5X/1109T ARPA 3A14S
Integrated bridge system
Make .......................................................................SAM
Model ............................................................Nacos 34-5
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator........................................ TeamTec OGS 4000
Waste compactor......... Technical Bureau Uittenbogaard
Sewage plant................................................. Hamworthy
Contract date............................................14 February 2006
Launch/float-out date........................................ 8 June 2007
Delivery date................................................... 6 March 2008


SS08 - p98+99.indd 98

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:53:54

seven seas

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p98+99.indd 99


30/01/2009 13:43:17

STADT GOTHA: Chinese-built container

ship from greenfield yard
Shipbuilder: ......Zhejiang Ouhua Shipbuilding
Co Ltd, China
Vessels name: .............................. Stadt Gotha
Hull number: . ....................................................IMO number: ........................................9395135
Owner/operator:............ Hermann Buss GmbH
& Cie KG, Germany/Designer:...............Neptun-Stahlkonstruktions
GmbH, Germany
Model test establishment used: ........................Flag: ...................................................... Cyprus
Total number of sister
ships already completed: ...............................Total number of sister
ships still on order: .........................................Illustration shows sister ship EWL Caribbean

HE builder of this huge class of CV1200 feeder

container ships, Zhejiang Ouhua, on the island of
Zhoushan not far from Shanghai, is a typical example

of the new breed of greenfield Chinese sites: it is owned

by a private company not affiliated with any of the large
state-controlled groups, and only started up in 2004.
Actual civil engineering work began in May 2005, and
the first ship, the lead ship of this series, was delivered
only 18 months later!
Assistance with the yards layout and design was
provided by the German consultancy, Ingenieurtechnik
und Maschinenabau. In the middle of 2008, a total of
80 ships were on order, including 36 of the CV1200
type which have already delivered or are still to be
assembled; all are being classed with Germanischer
Lloyd. Vessels on order today include container ships of
Stadt Gotha, designed by the German consultancy,
Neptun-Stahlkonstruktions, is typical of many smaller
types of container ship, being of a useful size for the
feeder trades, with two jib cranes positioned on the
centreline. These were supplied by NMF and are each
capable to lifting 45tonnes at 26.5m outreach.
Four cargo holds, with cell guides, are provided, with
fuel stored in tanks between two of the spaces. Extra
deck cargo space is available above the engineroom, and
here lashing bridges reaching up to four container tiers
are installed for cargo security. A large breakwater is
installed on the forecastle. There is no hold refrigeration
system but sockets are provided for 390 refrigerated
boxes, both in the holds and on deck.
A medium speed engine propulsion plant has been
supplied from Germany. This comprises an MAN
8L58/64CD main engine of 11,200kW output at
428rev/min, which drives a Mecklenburger Metallguss
CP propeller through a Renk RSV-1060 reduction

gearbox. Propeller speed is 126rev/min. A streamlined

propeller boss and a rudder bulb will help to enhance
propulsion efficiency. Manoeuvring operations are
assisted by a 800kW Wrtsil bow thruster.

Length, oa................................................................166.15m
Length, bp................................................................155.08m
Breadth, moulded......................................................25.00m
Depth, moulded
to main deck...........................................................14.20m
Width of double skin
side ...........................................................................1.95m
Gross .......................................................................15,200gt
Lightweight.......................................................... 6860tonnes
design................................................................. 12,180dwt
scantling.............................................................. 18,480dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR, 15% sea margin...... 19.50knots
heavy oil................................................................... 1400m
diesel oil..................................................................... 400m
Water ballast............................................................... 6100m
Classification......................................... Germanischer Lloyd
+100A5 E Container Ship, Nav-O, IW,
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction......................................... approx 18%
Heel control equipment.........................................................Main engine
Manufacturer....................................................MAN Diesel
Type of fuel used............................................... HFO/MDO
Output.............................................. 11,200kW/428rev/min
Model.................................................................. RSV-1060
Number ............................................................................1
Output speed.................................................... 126rev/min
Material....................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer............ Mecklenburger Metallguss
Number............................................................................ 1
Speed................................................................ 126rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Number ............................................................................4
Engine make/type......................................... Wrtsil/9L20

Type of fuel......................................................... HFO/MDO

Output/speed................................ 4 x 1665kW/900rev/min
Alternator/make/type..................................... A van Kaick/Output........................................... 4 x 1580kW/900rev/min
Number ............................................................................1
Type ................................................................. Composite
Output ......... 2500kg/h (oil fired); 2500kg/h (exhaust gas)
Cargo cranes
Number ............................................................................2
Make........................................................................... NMF
Type............................................................... Jib with wires
Performance.........45tonnes at 26.5m; 40tonnes at 29.5m
Lifesaving equipment
Number .............................................................................1
Type ........................................................................ Freefall
Make................................................................................. Hatch covers
Manufacturer................................................... MacGregor
Type.............................................................Lift-off pontoon
Total TEU capacity............................................... 1284TEU
on deck.............................................................. 812TEU
in holds.............................................................. 472TEU
Homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes..................... 910TEU
Reefer plugs..................................................................390
on holds...........................................................................Complement
Officers ............................................................................8
Suez/repair crew...............................................................4
Bow thruster
Make...................................................................... Wrtsil
Bridge control system
Make..................................................................................Type....................................................................................One man operation............................................................Fire detection system
Make..................................................................................Type..................................................................................Fire extinguishing systems
Make..................................................................................Type....................................................................................Contract date........................................................................Launch/float-out date..............................26 December 2007
Delivery date....................................................6 March 2008


SS08 - p100+101.indd 100

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:55:38

stadt gotha

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p100+101.indd 101


30/01/2009 13:43:52

STX KOLT: Hanjin delivers its second

LNG tanker to STX ship operating arm
Shipbuilder:............ Hanjin Heavy Industries &
Construction Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:......................................STX Kolt
Hull number:.............................................. N-192
IMO number:.........................................9372963
Owner/operator:............ KLT5 International SA
(KOGAS), Korea/STX
Pan Ocean Co Ltd, Korea
Designer:................ Hanjin Heavy Industries &
Construction Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment
used:........................................SSPA, Sweden
Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:................................Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................1
WO important Korean industrial groups have
come together to produce this LNG tanker for
operation on behalf of Korean energy supplier KOGAS

the energetic and ambitious STX shipping,

shipbuilding and engineering concern, and leading
shipbuilder, Hanjin. It is STXs substantial shipping
arm which took operating delivery of the 153,000m
STX Kolt in December from Hanjin, another builder
seeking to expand its interests by opening facilities in
the Philippines (see Argolikos), and recently seeking to
take advantage of an upturn in the LNG tanker
This is only the second LNG tanker completed by
Hanjins city yard in the centre of Busan, following the
smaller Hanjin Pyeong Taek (presented in Significant
Ships of 1995), and the design follows the now
established layout of a membrane-type ship, presenting
a double skin hull within which there are four cargo
tanks, separated from each other by cofferdams, and
extending above the upper deck to form a fore and aft
trunk. Top and bottom wing tanks are arranged and
serve as water ballast spaces. They also provide supports
for the cargo tanks, which have been constructed to the
GTT Mk III containment system (a change from the
Gaz Transport NO96-2 technology on the earlier
vessel). Tanks are insulated to satisfy the requirements of
a daily boil-off rate of 0.15% by volume of total cargo,
part of which is used as fuel.
Despite the recent move towards diesel propulsion for
this type of vessel, Hanjin Shipbuilding has remained
faithful to the steam turbine for STX Kolt, fitting a well
tested Kawasaki UA-400 cross-compound, direct
reversible, impulse-type unit, developing 29,200kW
(39,800shp), to drive a 6500mm fixed pitch propeller
via a tandem articulated gearbox. It is however,
significant to record that the sister ship will feature a
dual fuel diesel-electric propulsion plant.
Two steam-turbine driven alternators, also one
powered by a diesel engine, supply electrical
requirements, and two main 68,000kg/h boilers are
installed. Kawasaki has also supplied a 2100kW bow
thruster. Cargo handling is carried out by eight sets of
Shinko 1800m/h, electric submerged pumps, with

four spray/stripping pumps and an emergency unit also

Features of the design are that the vessel is fully
equipped for, and has ship-shore compatibility with,
ports in Korea, Singapore, Japan, Yemen, Qatar and
Oman. It also has an air draught (50.40m) which allows
navigation to the US terminal at Lake Charles.

Length, oa................................................................288.60m
Length, bp................................................................276.00m
Breadth, moulded......................................................44.00m
Depth, moulded
to main deck.........................................................21.92m
to upper deck.......................................................26.20m
Width of double skin
Gross .....................................................................100,189gt
Displacement................................................. 116,600tonnes
Lightweight...........................................approx 30,600tonnes
design..................................................approx 77,200dwt
scantling...............................................approx 86,600dwt
Block coefficient............................................................0.754
Speed, service at MCR, design draught,
21% sea margin................................................. 20.30knots
Cargo capacity......................................... approx 153,000m
heavy oil................................................................7170m
diesel oil..................................................................417m
Water ballast............................................................55,399m
Fuel consumption
main boilers.............................................. 220tonnes/day
Classification................................. Det Norske Veritas +1A1,
Tanker for Liquefied Gas, Ship Type 2G
(-163C, 500jg/m, 0.25 bar g), NAUTICUS
(Newbuilding), E0, BIS, NAUT-OC, TMON, CLEAN,
also Korean Register of Shipping +KRS1,
Liquefied Gas Carrier/2G 3M(R)/0.25bar g,
-163C, 0.5SG, (IGC, IWS), SeaTrust (FSA2, (HCM),
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction..............................................................9.0%
Main engine reversible steam turbine
Manufacturer......................... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Output.......................................... 29,290kW (39,800shp)
Main boilers
Type................................................................. MB-4E-KS
Make.....................................Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Output....................................................... 2 x 68tonnes/h
Make..................................... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Model.................... Tandem articulated double reduction

Output speed.................................................... 90rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer................. Hanjin/Mecklenburger
Metallguss (MMG)
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed................................................................ 90rev/min
Steam-turbine driven alternators
Make/type........................................................................ Output..............................................................................Diesel-driven alternator
Engine make/type............................... STX-MAN/8L32/40
Type of fuel used..................................................... MDO
Output .............................................. 3835kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type..................... Hyundai/HSJ 809-16E
Output/speed.................................... 3500kW/720rev/min
Mooring equipment
Number............................... 2 x mooring winch/windlass;
8 x mooring winch
Type............................................ Low pressure hydraulic
Cargo tanks
Grades of cargo carried........................................... LNG
Cargo pumps
Type................................................. Electric submersible
Make...................................................................... Shinko
Capacity.......................................................8 x 2800m/h
Ballast/cargo control systems
Make................................................................ Honeywell
Type............................................................Experion PKS
Suez Canal crew.............................................................6
Bow thruster
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Bridge control system
Make................................................................. Nabtesco
One man operation..................................................... yes
Fire detection system
Fire extinguishing system
Engineroom......................................NK fixed CO system
Integrated bridge system
Make.......................................................................... JRC
Model....................................................... JAN901M-EOR
Sewage plant
Make/type..................................................G&O/40 BG-G
Contract date.................................................30 March 2006
Launch/float-out date................................ 27 February 2008
Delivery date...........................................27 December 2008


SS08 - p102+103.indd 102

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:56:24

stx kolt

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p102+103.indd 103


30/01/2009 13:44:20

SUNFLOWER PEARL: energy saving

Japanese ro-pax ferry
Shipbuilder:.. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
(MHI) (Shimonoseki yard), Japan
Vessels name:..........................Sunflower Pearl
Hull number:................................................1125
IMO number:.........................................9376347
Owner/operator:...........Diamond Ferry Co Ltd,
Designer:............................... Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Ltd, Japan
Model test establishment used:.. MHI Nagasaki
R&D Centre, Japan
Flag: ......................................................... Japan
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................1
Total number of sister
ships still on order:....................................... Nil
Pearl has been designed and built by
Mitsubishi at its Shimonoseki works well known for
construction of many ferries for service on

Diamond Ferrys Setonaikai route between Kobe and

Oita, where she will run alongside sister ship Sunflower
Gold, delivered by MHI in 2007. The external profile is
similar to that of many Japanese domestic ferries, with an
almost full length superstructure, and a machinery space
positioned three-quarters aft.
This space houses an installation based on twin SEMTPielstick 12PC2-6B medium speed diesel engines, each
developing 9000kW at 600rev/min. The engines were
constructed by the JFE Engineering Corporation, a
company formed in 2002 from the union of NKK (an
established Pielstick licensee) and Kawasaki Steel Corp.
Japan remains probably the only bastion of the once
widely known Pielstick marque in merchant ships, where
they are still specified for ferry propulsion.
A twin input/single output Hitachi-Nico gearbox
reduces engine speed to 145rev/min, to drive a CP
propeller with blades which are highly skewed in order to
reduce propeller surface force. This arrangement develops
a service speed at 85% full power of 23.2knots.
Two Nishishiba shaft-driven alternators are fitted: one
producing 1350kW, the other 1800kW, and two
Daihatsu/Nishishiba diesel sets of 1200kW output are
also installed. The propulsion system adopted provides
essential redundancy as well as being fuel efficient and
reducing CO emissions. Assisting the main engines,
particularly in port manoeuvres, are one 1250kW bow
tunnel thruster and the very unusual number of three
550kW stern tunnel thrusters. A double-hull
configuration enables oil fuel tanks to be positioned to
reduce the risk involving oil pollution.
Freight vehicle capacity has been increased by 40%
over previous vessels on this route, with additional car
spaces provided below the main deck (No 3) to give a
total of 75 passenger carrying vehicles. A maximum of
147 freight carrying trucks and trailers can also be carried.
Access is through bow and stern door/ramps, a starboard
stern-quarter door at No 3 deck, and two shore ramp

ways at No 4 deck. Inboard ramps, including a tiltable

unit, allow movement between decks.
Accommodation is provided for a total of 748
passengers, with some 480 occupying 223 cabins
arranged for single, double and four-berth use, including
deluxe versions with verandahs and others where pets can
accompany their owners. The usual array of public rooms
is available, such as restaurants, saloon, promenade,
childrens facilities, games corner and shops. Particularly
notable is the adoption of the Japanese barrier-free rule
which ensures that all passengers, including disabled, can
move safely and easily onboard.

Length, oa................................................................165.50m
Length, bp................................................................154.70m
Breadth, moulded......................................................27.00m
Depth, moulded
to main deck (no 3).................................................8.40m
to upper deck (no 4).............................................14.30m
scantling ................................................................6.10m
International (for reference)................................20,604gt
Deadweight, design................................................. 4406dwt
Speed, service at 85% MCR................................ 23.20knots
heavy oil . ...............................................................510m
diesel oil..................................................................150m
Water ballast...............................................................1980m
Fuel consumption............................................. 68tonnes/day
Classification...........Japanese Government (JG) Passenger
Vehicle Ferry: Restricted Coastal Service
Main engines
Model............................................................... 12PC2-6B
Manufacturer............................... JFE Engineering Group
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 2 x 9000kW/600rev/min
Make..................................... Hitachi-Nico Transmissions
Number..................................1 x twin input/single output
Output speed.................................................. 145rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer..................................... Kawasaki
Diameter........................................................................... Speed.............................................................. 145rev/min
Main-engine driven alternators
Alternator make/type............................Nishishiba/NTKAL
Output/speed..................... 1 x 1350kW/1800rev/min; 1 x


Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type...................................Daihatsu/8DK20
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed.............................. 2 x 1280kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/speed........................Nishishiba/NTKAL
Number/type............ 1 x marine oil fired/2 x exhaust gas
Output...........................................4tonnes/day (oil fired);
2 x 2tonnes/day (exhaust gas)
Number of vehicle decks................................................4
Total lane length, trailers/cars......................2000m/340m
Total cars/trailers/trucks........................................36/9/75
Number/type...........1 x bow door/ramp (with bow visor):

1 x stern door/ramp: 1 x starboard
quarter door/ramp: 1 x tiltable ramp: 1 x fixed ramp
with cover: 1 x fixed internal ramp
Designer............................................ MacGregor-Kayaba
Number of cabins.......................................................223
Bow thruster
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Stern thrusters
Make................................................................. Kawasaki
Output..............................................................3 x 550kW
Bridge control system
Make................................................................. Nabtesco
One man operation...................................................... No
Fire detection system
Make..................................... Nippon Hakuyo Electronics
Type...........................Smoke and temperature detectors
Fire extinguishing systems
Vehicle spaces......... Pressure water spray and hydrants
Accommodation................................................. Hydrants
Engineroom.....................................High expansion foam
Models......................................... FCR-2827; FCR-2837S
Waste disposal plant
Sewage plant
Make...........................................................Taiko Kikai
Contract date........................................................................Launch/float-out date.............................11 September 2007
Delivery date...............................................11 January 2008


SS08 - p104+105.indd 104

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 09:58:25

sunflower pearl

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p104+105.indd 105


30/01/2009 13:44:48

TRINITY ARROW: Imabari Group delivers

its first LNG carrier
Shipbuilder:..........Imabari Shipbuilding Co Ltd

(Koyo Dockyard), Japan
Vessel's name:...............................Trinity Arrow
Hull number:................................................. 2258
IMO number:......................................... .9319404
Owner/operator:.....Cypress Maritime (Panama

SA, Panama/K Line LNG
Shipping UK Ltd, UK
Designer:..................................... Imabari Group
(Koyo Dockyard), Japan
Model test establishment used:..... Shipbuilding

Research Centre of Japan, Japan
Flag: ...................................................... .Panama
Total number of sister
ships already completed:..............................Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:.......................................... .2
Shipbuilding Group's first LNG tanker is
understood to be the largest capacity vessel of this
yet built in Japan. Although conforming to the

traditional 'membrane-type' gas tanker layout with four

cargo spaces, each containing an independent
trapezoidal cargo tank which extends into a trunk
above the upper deck, the design is unusual: in a
departure from the norm, No 1 tank is of horizontally
trapezoidal shape. It is claimed that this is the first time
the arrangement has been used, and that it brings
benefits of increased cargo capacity and, by virtue of its
shape, allows an improved hull form to be developed,
leading to better propulsive performance and reduced
fuel consumption.
Because Trinity Arrow is intended for worldwide
trading rather than long term operation on a specific
route, Imabari sought to ensure compatability with
most major LNG terminals in its design. This features a
complete double-hull structure with cargo tank
divisional bulkheads forming cofferdams heated by
circulating glycol water to keep the temperature above
+5OC, to suit the physical properties of the steel, in
accordance with the IGC code.
A GTT Mk III cargo containment system has been
adopted. This has a primary barrier of 1.2mm SUS
membrane with orthogonal corrugations, and a
secondary barrier of Triplex membrane, sandwiched
between first and second glass fibre reinforced
polyurethane foam layers. The insulation has a total
thickness of 270mm, which allows an LNG boil off less
than 0.15% each day to be maintained during a
Each cargo tank is fitted with two 1700m/h Shinko
submerged cargo pumps, and one 50m/h cargo
stripping/spray pump. A further cargo pump of
550m/h is provided for emergency use. Cargo control
is carried out from the bridge, allowing full observation
and monitoring of all operations, which are handled
through port and starboard, midship manifolds. An
automatic ballast exchange system is installed for use at
sea, taking into consideration the strength, stability and
safety aspects of the procedure, in accordance with IMO
requirement A868(20). As is the current trend, separate
bunker tanks are provided for holding low-sulphur fuel,

for use in sulphur emission control areas (SECAs).

Trinity Arrow is fitted with a Kawasaki UA-400
turbine, supplied with steam from two water tube
boilers arranged to burn heavy oil and boil-off gas. This
installation develops a maximum continuous rating of
29,420kW at 81rev/min, and drives a fixed pitch
propeller through a double-reduction, tandem
articulated gearbox integrated with the main turbine,
for a service speed of 19.50knots when running at 80%
full power. Three Nishishiba 3250kW alternators are
fitted, two driven by Shinko steam turbine prime
movers, and one connected to a Yanmar diesel engine,
to satisfy electrical requirements.

Length, oa................................................................. 289.00m

Length, bp................................................................. 276.00m
Breadth, moulded........................................................44.70m
Depth, moulded
to trunk deck...........................................................33.12m
to upper deck.........................................................26.00m
Width of double skin
side ..........................................................................2.51m
scantling ................................................................12.60m
Gross ...................................................................... 101,080gt
scantling ...........................................................85,511dwt
Speed, service at 80% MCR.................................19.50knots
Cargo capacity, liquid volume............................... 154,982m
heavy oil ............................................................... 6460m
diesel oil................................................................... 700m
Water ballast..................................................... 56,780m
Fuel consumption.............................................161tonnes/day
Classification...........Lloyd's Register +100A1, Liquefied Gas

Tanker, Ship Type 2G, Membrane (LNG)
in Membrane Tanks, Max Vapour Pressure 0.25bar,

Minimum Temperature -163C, ShipRight
(SDA, FDA plus CM), *IWS, L1, +LMC,

Percentage of high tensile steel
used in construction................................................. 10.30%
Percentage of stainless steel used............................... 0.10%
Main engine
Design...............................Direct reversible steam turbine
Manufacturer...........................Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Model..................................................................... UA-400
Output, MCR......................................29,420kW/81rev/min
Output, NCR...................................26,480kW/78.2rev/min
Main boilers
Manufacturer...........................Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Type............................................... UME LL153 watertube
Output, max............................................... 2 x 66,000kg/h
Type.....................Tandem, articulated, double reduction,

integrated with main turbine

Material...................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer..........Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Diameter.............................................................. 8800mm
Steam turbine-driven alternators
Turbine manufacturer..............................................Shinko
Alternator make.................................................Nishishiba
Output/speed..............................2 x 3250kW/1800rev/min
Diesel-driven alternator
Engine make.......................................................... Yanmar
Type of fuel used..............................Diesel/marine gas oil
Alternator make.................................................Nishishiba
Cargo tanks
Number........................4 x IMO type 2G membrane type:

GTT Mk III system
Cargo pumps
Type.................................................... vertical submerged
Capacity....................................................... 8 x 1700m/h
Ballast/cargo control systems
Make................................................................. Kokogawa
Type................................... Integrated automation system
Suez crew.........................................................................6
Bow thruster
Make.......................................Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Output................................................................... 2200kW
Bridge control system
Make........................................................ Japan Radio Co
Type................................... Integrated automation system
One man operation.......................................................Yes
Fire detection system
Make......................................................... Nippon Nahuyo
Type................................................................... FF-1515-4
Fire extinguishing system
Cargo area (deck)............................... Unitor, dry powder
Engineroom.......................Kashiwa, high expansion foam
Types................................... 1 x JMA-922M9XA, LX-band

1 x JMA-932MSA, S-band
Make........................................................ Japan Radio Co
Integrated bridge system
Make........................................................ Japan Radio Co
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator.................................... Sunflame DSV 600 SA1
Waste compactor...............................................Electrolux
Sewage plant........................................Taiko Kikai SBT-65
Contract date...................................................3 August 2004
Launch/float-out date.....................................17 August 2006
Delivery date................................................... 31 March 2008


SS08 - p106+107.indd 106

Significant Ships of 2008

06/02/2009 10:02:15

trinity arrow

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p106+107.indd 107


30/01/2009 13:45:15

VENTURA: new flagship for P&O Cruises

Shipbuilder:.............Fincantieri Cantieri Navali
Italiani SpA (Monfalcone yard), Italy
Vessels name:....................................... Ventura
Hull number:................................................6132
IMO number:.........................................9333175
Owner/operator:...... Carnival Group USA/P&O
Cruises UK Ltd, UK
Designer:.................Fincantieri Cantieri Navali
Italiani, Italy
Flag: .................................................... Bermuda
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................3
(Grand class) for various
Carnival group owners
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................1

FEATURE of Carnivals successful series of Grand

class cruise liners, is the way in which the innovative
designers employed on each vessel can find new ways of
tweaking the interiors to yield additional passenger
space within the basic hull, thereby successively
increasing gross tonnage to produce yet another worlds
largest cruise liner. Ventura is the latest sister to be
accorded with this accolade, whilst, at the same time,
entering claims to be Fincantieris largest newbuilding,
the largest cruise ship ever built for the British market,
and the possessor of arguably the largest two-deck
theatre aboard a British vessel. It is also understood to
be the first P&O liner providing passenger access, via
the promenade deck, to the extreme tip of the bow!
Ventura is aimed at the British market and will be
based at Southampton from spring to autumn, moving
to Barbados for the winter months. Emphasis is directed
towards a family-themed experience, with entertainment
and activities provided specifically for teenager and
younger passengers, exemplified perhaps by a digital
Scalextric layout and appearances by storybook character
In all, 14 public decks are available featuring eight
restaurants, six boutiques, five pools (two dedicated for
families), and three show lounges. Particularly intriguing
is the Cirque Ventura, a circus school where performance
skills can be learned and practised, and bungee
trampolinists can leap to heights 100m above sea level.
All the essential cruise ship musts are provided,
centred on an atrium from which all public spaces can
be accessed. Formed using four black, Indian granite
pillars and including two glass panoramic lifts, the
structure covers three decks and is 9.3m high. Interior
design by leading artists is enhanced by contemporary

artwork highlighting the dcor of three major stairwells,

and comprising over 7000 pieces, valued at more than
1 million and including exhibits from the Tate Modern
A maximum of 3571 passengers can be accommodated
(3080 in lower beds only), occupying 1538 cabins,
1101 of which are outside with 880 having balconies,
and 445 inside. Thirty one varied types of room are
provided for disabled passengers.
The machinery installation is based on a diesel-electric
system, similar to that fitted to earlier Grand class
vessels, supplying power for propulsion and hotel
services, but, changes have been made to the main
engines where choice, for Ventura, has fallen on a
combination of 4 x 12V46C and 2 x 8L46C Wrtsil
main engines coupled to Siemens alternators. Different
solutions, for example, were adopted on Grand Princess
and Caribbean Princess (Significant Ships of 1998 and
2004 respectively). The larger engines each develop
12,600kW and are fitted in the aft engineroom, with
the smaller pair, of 8400kW output each, installed in a
second compartment.
Part of the supply from the alternators is directed to
two Siemens propulsion motors, each of 21,000kW
output, positioned between the two enginerooms, with
shaft lines passing through the aft compartment to drive
twin conventional propellers, for a contracted service
speed of 22.15knots at 35,700kW power (85% MCR).
Ventura is also fitted with a substantial transverse
thruster outfit: three aft units developing 1720kW each
and three at the bow of 2200kW each.

Length, oa................................................................289.61m
Length, bp................................................................242.32m
Breadth, moulded......................................................35.00m
Depth, moulded
to freeboard deck ................................................11.40m
to deck 7...............................................................40.55m
Air draught
from base line.......................................................67.40m
from design waterline...........................................59.85m
Gross .....................................................................114,000gt
Net . .....................................................................84,000nt
Displacement, design draught......................... 52,577tonnes
Steel weight...................................................... 19,564tonnes
Speed, contracted service................................... 22.15knots
Classification.........................................Lloyd's Register and
Registro Italiano Navale

Diesel-electric system
Main engines
Design............................................................ Wrtsil
Models...................................................... 4 x 12V46C

2 x 8L46C
Manufacturer............................... Wrtsil Finland Oy
Output/speed...................... 4 x 12,600kW/514rev/min

2 x 8400kW/514rev/min
Design/manufacturer..................................... Siemens
Output......................................................................... Propulsion motors
Design/manufacturer..................................... Siemens
Output....................................................2 x 21,000kW
Designer/manufacturer................... Wrtsil Netherlands
Number/type.................................... 2 x Aalborg oil fired;

6 x Greens exhaust gas
Output...................................................... 2 x 15tonnes/h;
4 x 3.3tonnes/h; 2 x 2.2tonnes/h
Lifesaving equipment
MES.......................................... 4 x 430 person Marin Ark
Lifeboats.................................................18 x 150 person
Tenders.....................................................4 x 150 person
Rescue boat..................................................2 x 6 person
Manufacturer (all boats)...................................... Fassmer
Crew members.........................................................1220
Bow thrusters
Number/output...............................................3 x 2200kW
Stern thrusters
Number/output...............................................3 x 1720kW
Fire detection system............................................. Consilium
Fire extinguishing systems
CO . .................................................................. Wormald
Hi-Fog.................................................................... Marioff
Sewage plant..............................................Evac/Hamworthy
Waste disposal plant.............................................. Deerberg
Contract date.........................................................................
Launch/float-out date............................................ June 2007
Delivery date.......................................................March 2008

We regret that we were not able to provide full technical particulars for
this vessel.


SS08 - p108+109.indd 108

Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 10:02:51


Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p108+109.indd 109


30/01/2009 13:45:44

VIKING XPRS: Baltic ferry owner's first

newbuild for 18 years
Shipbuilder:............Aker Yards (Helsinki yard),

Vessel's name:.............................. Viking XPRS
Hull number: . .............................................1358
IMO number:.........................................9375654
Owner/operator:................Viking Line, Finland
Model test establishment used:............. Marin,

The Netherlands
Flag: ...................................................... Sweden
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................1

(consort, building in Spain)

RGUABLY the first vessel to incorporate 'texting

language' in its name, Viking XPRS has been built
by Aker Yards' Helsinki covered complex (following the
recent acquisition, Aker Yards is today known as STX
Europe) to serve on the increasingly popular cruiseferry link between Helsinki and Tallinn, favoured by
large numbers of Finns wishing to enjoy a short break
in Estonia. To experience this they join the vessel's
evening sailing, have a meal, make use of the leisure
activities, and snatch a few hours sleep before spending
the next day sightseeing and shopping in Tallinn, then
returning to Helsinki in the afternoon.
To suit this schedule, Viking Line has actually
programmed the voyage to last one and a half hours
longer than that offered by competitor Tallink. The two
and one half hours at sea allows time to meet the above
objectives, or to make use of the range of conference
facilities onboard, including a 70-seat business lounge
fitted with internet connections.
An entire deck (No 8) provides a variety of dining
opportunities for the maximum 2500 passengers. The
largest of these facilities is the 338 Bistro Bella on the
port side aft, furnished with a new-style buffet, open to
the galley to allow diners to watch meals being prepared.
In the self-service Blue Deli caf, passengers make their
own choice of Scandinavian food, whilst the starboard
side of the deck presents the 90-seat Caf Expresso
coffee bar. Featuring large panoramic windows, the Red
Rose is a 500-seat caf-dance restaurant, whilst, on deck
7, the 400-seat Vikings' Inn offers food and drink, with
the added attraction of opening out on to a sun deck.
The design of Viking XPRS is based on that produced
by Aker for Seafrance Rodin in 2001 (Significant Ships of
2001), modified to suit Viking's specific needs, notably
the inclusion of the highest Finnish-Swedish ice class,
1A Super, which enables the ferry to operate all year
round in the sometimes severe ice conditions of the
Gulf of Finland.
The 238 passenger cabins offer a variety of categories
of accommodation, with a total of 732 berths available,
whilst those passengers travelling with their cars have
the use of a dedicated car deck (deck 5), separating
them from freight traffic, for which 1000 lane metres

are provided on deck 3. Car capacity is 230, and vehicle

access is over bow and stern ramps supplied by TTS. A
tiltable ramp provides a link between decks 3 and 5.
The new arrival complies with the requirements of
ISO 14001 international standards for environmental
management, with measures adopted including fitting
main and auxiliary engine exhausts with catalytic
reduction (SCR) units and using low-sulphur fuels. The
machinery modified in this way comprises the four
Wrtsil 8L46F main engines, which each develop
10,000kW, and three Auxpac generating sets from the
same manufacturer, using 8L20 engines to drive
1688kVA alternators, which satisfy electrical
Two twin input/single output gearboxes connect with
a pair of CP propellers, and two bow, and one stern,
Rolls-Royce thrusters fitted with Siemens electric
motors, are normally supplied from two shaft-driven
alternators, also of Siemens make.

Length, oa..................................................................................186.71m
Length, bp.................................................................................170.13m
Breadth, moulded...................................................................... .27.70m
Depth moulded
to main deck ......................................................................... 9.50m
to upper deck....................................................................... 15.20m
design...................................................................................... 6.55m
scantling ................................................................................. 6.76m
Gross .......................................................................................35,778gt
Deadweight, design ............................................................... 9372dwt
Speed, service, 85% MCR........................................................22knots
heavy oil ...............................................................................1090m
diesel oil................................................................................... 160m
Water ballast................................................................................1390m
Fuel consumption
main engines only................................................... 115tonnes/day
Classification............................Lloyd's Register of Shipping +100A1

Passenger & Vehicle Ferry, *IWS, Ice Class 1AS,

FS, +LMC, UMS, NAV1, Finnish/
Swedish Ice Class 1A Super
Heel control equipment..........................Hoppe: 1 pair heeling tanks
Roll stabilisation equipment...................Blohm + Voss Industries fins
Main engines
Model....................................................................................... 8L46F
Number............................................................................................ 4
Type of fuel used.......................................................................HFO
Output/speed........................................4 x 10,000kW/600rev/min
Make.................................................................................. Moventas
Number/type........................................2 x twin input/single output
Model.................................................................................... M2HBC
Output speed.................................................................143rev/min
Material.......................................................................Stainless steel

Number............................................................................................ 2
Pitch................................................................................ controllable
Main-engine driven alternators
Number............................................................................................ 2
Make/type..................................................................Siemens 1FJ3
Output/speed.............................................................. 2 x 4000kVA
Diesel-driven alternators
Number............................................................................................ 3
Engine make/type............................Wrtsil 8L20 (Auxpac sets)
Type of fuel used.......................................................................HFO
Output/speed.........................................3 x 1330kW/1000rev/min
Alternator make/type...............................................................Fenxi
Output/speed.............................................................. 3 x 1688kVA
Technical features to reduce pollution
Low sulphur fuel.....................................HFO 380, SO 0.5-0.99%
Main and auxiliary engines ..............................SCR, 0.45% NOx
Number............................................................................................ 2
Output...........................................................................2 x 6000kg/h
Mooring equipment
Number...................................................................................6 units
Lifesaving equipment
Lifeboats...................................................6 x Fassmer 150 person
MES.....................................6 x Viking 284-person vertical chutes
Liferafts.................................................12 + 12 Viking 101 person
Rescue boats...................................1 x Viking/1 x Fassmer (fast)
Number of decks................................................................2 x fixed
Total lane length.......................................................approx 2250m
Total cars..................................................294, deck 3/230, deck 5
Access equipment
Ramps.................................................................1 x bow: 1 x stern
Hoistable ramp between decks 3 and 5..................................... 1
Side door (for car access)............................................................. 1
Number of cabins.........................................................................38
Special rudders...................................................Becker twisted edge
Bow thrusters.........................................2 x Rolls-Royce, 2 x 1500kW
Stern thrusters........................................1 x Rolls-Royce, 1 x 1500kW
Bridge control system
Make...................................................... SAM Electronics
Type............................................................... Nacos 45-5
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system................Autronica Autromaster 5000
Radars . ................................................ 3 x SAM Electronics
Integrated bridge system............................ SAM Electronics
Contract date..........................................19 November 2005
Launch/float-out date.................................. September 2007
Delivery date.................................................... 21 April 2008


SS08 - p110+111.indd 110

Significant Ships of 2008

06/02/2009 10:05:09

viking xprs

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p110+111.indd 111


30/01/2009 13:46:14

WEST POLARIS: a modified twin-derrick

drill ship
Shipbuilder............Samsung Heavy Industries

Co Ltd, Korea
Vessels name:............................... West Polaris
Hull number:................................................1657
IMO number:.........................................9372535
Owner/operator:..................... Seadrill, Norway/

ExxonMobil, USA
Designer:...............Samsung Heavy Industries

Co Ltd, Korea
Model test establishment used:.........................Flag: ...................................................... Panama
Number of sister ships
already completed:...................................... Nil
Number of sister ships
still on order:...................................................2
AST year, Significant Ships presented Stena Drillmax,
the first of a new generation of monohull drill ships
featuring twin derricks. West Polaris is a derivative of

that design, modified to meet the needs of her owner,

the Norwegian company Seadrill, and operator,
A comprehensive topsides outfit with the two Dobbel
derricks allows drilling to depths of 9100m through the
25.6m x 12.48m moonpool. An advanced SDPM32
dynamic positioning plant from Simrad, designed to
the highest standard (DP3), will enable the ship to
remain on station.
West Polaris has been substantially engineered to
survive significant wave heights up to 11.4m (not as
high as the 16m on Stena Drillmax, which was planned
for more inhospitable climates) and wind speeds up to
100knots (51m/sec). At the same time, drilling work
can continue in significant wave heights up to a
maximum of 5.8m and wind speeds for one minute of
50knots (26m/sec).
To help ensure this capability, the ship has been
installed with a large diesel-electric power plant based
on six alternators, driven by Wrtsil 16V32 engines,
each of 7680kW at 720rev/min and burning either
heavy fuel or diesel oil. Current is delivered to a bank of
six azimuthing thrusters arranged forward and aft for
both propulsion and positioning; each consists of a
Rolls-Royce unit with fixed pitch blades and with an
output of 4500kW, to give a total of 27,000kW. As is
the present trend, West Polaris also has connections
provided to link up to shore supplies when in port; this
equipment, which is part of the emergency switchboard,

has been designed by Samsung.

Norsafe has again supplied the conventional lifesaving
package for the crew of approximately 179. This
comprises four lifeboats for 80 persons and two for 36

Length, oa................................................................228.00m
Length, bp................................................................219.40m
Breadth, moulded......................................................42.00m
Depth, moulded to main deck...................................19.00m
Width of double skin
Gross ....................................................................................Displacement........................................................................Lightweight....................................................... 35,400tonnes
Deadweight, design.............................................. 61,000dwt
Block coefficient....................................................................Speed, service..................................................... 11.50knots
heavy fuel..............................................................5700m3
diesel oil..................................................................500m3
Water ballast............................................................68,500m3
Classification................... American Bureau of Shipping +AI

(E), Drilling Unit, +FPSO as applicable,
Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction..........Heel control equipment.........................................................Roll stabilisation equipment..................................................Diesel-electric plant
Make............................................................... Wrtsil
Type of fuel................................................. HFO/MDO
Output/speed........................ 6 x 7,680kW/720rev/min
Make........................................................................... Type............................................................................ Output.................................................................. 6 x
Propellers (thrusters)

Type................................................................................. Pitch......................................................................... Fixed

Output/speed . ............................................6 x 4500kW/Electrical connection for shore power supplies......Samsung
Type................................................... Cylindrical, oil fired
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Output.......................................................2 x 10,000kg/h
Cranes........................................ 4 x 85tonne knuckle boom;

1 x blowout preventer
Mooring equipment
Number......................... 1 x windlass; 4 x mooring winch
Lifesaving equipment
Number.......................................4 x 80-person lifeboats;

2 x 36-person lifeboats
Make.................................................................... Norsafe
Complement........................................................ approx 179
Ballast control system
Type ..................................................................K-Chief 700
Bridge control system
Type...................................................................... K-Bridge
One-man operation...................................ABS NBL notation
Fire detection system
Type................................................................ Addressable
Type.........................................................K-Bridge Radar
Integrated bridge system.........Kongsberg K-Bridge system
Waste disposal plant
Make..................................................... Hyundai-Atlas
Model............................................ Maxi NG150SL WS
Sewage treatment plant
Make.................................................. Jets/Hamworthy
Model............................................ST1A Super Trident
Contract date............................................. 11 October 2005
Launch/float-out date................................... 25 August 2007
Delivery date..................................................... 10 July 2008


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Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 10:05:35

west polaris

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p112+113.indd 113


30/01/2009 13:46:49

YM UBERTY: largest Taiwan-built

container ship
Shipbuilder:...............China Shipbuilding Corp
(CSBC), (Kaohsiung yard), Taiwan
Vessels name:................................... YM Uberty
Hull number:..................................................875
IMO number:.........................................9337444
Owner/operator:................... Yang Ming Marine
Transport Corp, Taiwan
Designer:................ CSBC, Taiwan/United Ship
Design & Development Centre, Taiwan
Model test establishment used:.......... Hamburg
Ship Model Basin (HSVA), Germany
Flag: ........................................................ Liberia
Total number of sister
ships already completed:............................ Nil
Total number of sister
ships still on order:........................................10
HE long series of U-class container ships, of which
YM Uberty is the prototype, represents the largest
vessels of this type yet built in Taiwan. At least three

further sisters have already been completed in 2008 by

CSBCs Kaohsiung yard.
American Bureau of Shipping Dynamic Load
Approach principles have been applied to analyse the
entire structure, and a special fatigue analysis used to
evaluate local structure geometry. In addition, an
advanced lashing analysis has been carried out to
investigate the response of on deck structures, such as
hatch coamings, hatchcovers, and lashing bridges; a
vibration assessment was also carried out. High tensile
steel of grade HT40 and maximum thickness 75mm
has been used in high stress areas, conveniently supplied
by the nearby China Steel Corporation.
YM Uberty is laid out with nine cargo holds, seven of
which are forward of the machinery space, within a
double skin hull with forecastle erection and a tall, slim
superstructure providing accommodation for a
complement of 25 plus six Suez Canal crew. A maximum
of 8241TEU can be carried, and sockets for 700FEU
refrigerated containers are provided.
The entire upper deck is equipped with lashing
bridges, and 45ft containers can be stowed above the
first tier on deck, and in the holds in way of Bays 06, 58
and 62. Large anti-heeling tanks, and a 1000m/h
pump are fitted in order to facilitate cargo handling
flexibility. Numbers 1-4 holds are equipped to be loaded
with dangerous goods of classes 1.4(S); 2.1-2.3; 3; 4.14.3; 5.1; 6.1; 8; and 9.
The ship is propelled by a MAN B&W 12K98MC
main engine manufactured by Mitsui. This develops
68,640kW MCR at 94rev/min, and at 90% output,
and with a 15% sea margin, the service speed on the
design draught is approximately 26knots. A voltage of

6600V is designed for the power plant, and four

Daihatsu/Nishishiba diesel alternators are installed,
each producing 3000kW. Alternative maritime power
(AMP) connections are available to accept shore
electrical supply to suit Californian requirements. One
vertical oil fired boiler is fitted to satisfy steam demands,
and a Kawasaki 3000kW bow thruster is fitted to assist

Length, oa................................................................333.20m
Length, bp................................................................318.20m
Breadth, moulded......................................................42.80m
Depth, moulded to upper deck..................................24.50m
Width of double skin
side ........................................................................2.20m
scantling ..............................................................13.00m
Air draught...................................... 58.00m above base line
Gross .......................................................................90,507gt
design.............................................................. 85,902dwt
scantling ....................................................... 103,614dwt
Speed, service, 90% MCR,
15% sea margin.....................................approx 26.00knots
heavy oil . ..........................................................11,000m
diesel oil..................................................................700m
Water ballast............................................................28,300m
Fuel consumption, main engine only.......... 249.6tonnes/day
Classification............American Bureau of Shipping +A1 (E),
Container Carrier, SH, SHCM, +AMS,

Heel control system............. Auto-control anti-heeling pump,
Main engine
Design..............................................................MAN B&W
Manufacturer........................................................... Mitsui
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output/speed................................... 68,640kW/94rev/min
Material..................................... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Designer/manufacturer........................ CSBC/Nakashima
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed................................................................ 94rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type................................. Daihatsu/8DC-32

Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO

Output/speed . ......................... 4 x 3162kW/720rev/min
Alternator make/type......................................Nishishiba/ Output............................................................4 x 3000kW
Type..................................................................... Oil fired
Make.................................................................. KangRim
Mooring equipment
Number................................................................. 11 sets
Hatch covers
Manufacturer........................................................... CSBC
Type............................................... Steel, lift-off pontoons
Lengths.......................................................20ft, 40ft, 45ft
Total TEU capacity....................................................8241
On deck...............................................................4393
In holds................................................................3848
Homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes..................6323
Reefer plugs........................................................ 700FEU
Tiers/rows (maximum).......................................................
On deck................................................................7/17
In holds.................................................................9/15
Suez crew.......................................................................6
Bow thruster
Make..................................... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Fire detection system
Type.......................................................Smoke detection
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo holds/engineroom..............NK/High pressure CO
Make.......................................................... Sperry Marine
Models.......................ARPA 343/12/BK/FS; 342/8/BK/FS;
Integrated bridge system
Make.......................................................... Sperry Marine
Model........... 5000816 Vision Master ECDIS/NAV system
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator............................... Sunflame OSV-1500SDA1
Sewage plant........................................ Hamworthy ST3A
Contract date.................................................29 March 2005
Launch/float-out date..................................26 January 2008
Delivery date.......................................................8 May 2008


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Significant Ships of 2008

04/02/2009 10:06:44



SS08 - p114+116.indd 116

Significant ShipS of 2008

30/01/2009 13:47:22

ZENGEZUR: updated 19619-series tanker

from Krasnoye Sormovo
Shipbuilder:........Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard
(MNP Group), Russia
Vessels name:.....................................Zengezur
Hull number:....................................................10
IMO number:.........................................9498171
Owner/operator:.......Azerbaijan State Caspian
Shipping Co (KASPAR), Azerbaijan
Designer:......... Design Bureau of MNP Group,
Flag: ..................................................Azerbaijan
Total number of sister
ships already completed:...............................9
Total number of sister
ships still on order:..........................................3

HE 19619 series of river-sea oil tankers was

introduced by the MNP Groups Krasnoye Sormovo
shipyard in 2004 (see President Heydar Aliyev in
Significant Ships of 2004), and has been regularly
updated since then to take account of changes to
international conventions, environmental requirements
and design improvements based on operational
experience. Few of these, however, have altered the
typical sleek, low-air-draught profile of vessels designed
to trade independently through the inland waterways
of Russia, the Volga-Baltic Channel, and into the
Caspian, Black and Baltic seas, and now, more regularly
into Western European waters.
Particular environmental measures addressed include
reductions in the amount of NOx present in main and
auxiliary engine exhausts, and the use of low-sulphur
fuels. A special cargo vapour freeing system, which
allows gas discharge direct into shore facilities, has also
been installed, obviating release into the atmosphere.
Design improvements made include an automatic, high
pressure fire extinguishing installation, operated by
smoke and flame detectors, which serves unmanned
machinery spaces, and a membrane type inert gas
system, designed to separate pure nitrogen from
atmospheric air entering the cargo tanks, where it can
form explosive mixtures.
Manually operated derricks at each of the four
manifold positions have been replaced, on some of the
newer ships, with a 10tonne hydraulic, hose handling
crane from Davit International, while transfer of the
cargo control position to the wheelhouse has allowed
the complement to be reduced from 28 to 18 persons,
with a consequent increase in cabin areas and improved
living conditions. The latter include providing suites for
senior officers, and private toilet facilities elsewhere.
Other changes to international requirements now
included in the 19619 design are the fitting of an
automatic identification system (AIS), voyage data
recorder (VDR) and electronic chart displays (ECDIS).
Anti-terrorism protection and a security alert system is
also installed.
Zengezur is configured as a double hull vessel with a
cargo space subdivided into 12 tanks and two slop
tanks, suitable for the carriage of oil and products of SG
up to 0.99tonnes/m, and flash point below 60 C. To
suit KASPARs requirements, the vessel has been
adapted to handle three cargo segregations, for which
purpose six Marflex 250m/h pumps are fitted. Tanks
have had International Paint epoxy coatings applied,
and these allow up to 2000 cargo types to be carried.
Two Wrtsil 9L20 main engines continue to form
the basis of the machinery installation, with each

Significant Ships of 2008

SS08 - p117+118.indd 117

connected to a Lips FP propeller by way of a single

input/single output Reintjes reduction gearbox. Each
engine develops 1620kW, and the combination
produces a service speed of 10knots when operating at
85% MCR.
Electrical power comes from three 384kW dieselalternator sets, with provision made for accepting shore
power when required. A 300kW bow thruster is fitted
and there are two rudders operating under the stern,
either side of a central skeg.

Length, oa................................................................150.00m
Length, bp................................................................147.60m
Breadth, moulded......................................................17.30m
Depth, moulded.........................................................10.50m
Width of double skin....................................................1.19m
Gross ..........................................................................7853gt
Displacement................................................... 17,140tonnes
Lightweight.......................................................... 3760tonnes
Deadweight........................................................... 13,470dwt
Block coefficient............................................................0.917
Speed, service, 85% MCR........................................ 10knots
Cargo capacity........................................................14,770m
heavy fuel..................................................................300m
diesel oil...................................................................84.5m
Water ballast...............................................................5492m
Fuel consumption
main engines.................................. 6.45tonnes/day each
auxiliaries................................................. 1.60tonnes/day
Classification............................Russian Maritime Register of
Shipping KM Ice 1 [1] R I, AUT1,
Oil Tanker (ESP)
Percentage of high tensile steel
used in construction.................................................86.50%
Main engines
Design.................................................................. Wrtsil
Manufacturer.................................................. Wrtsil Oy
Type of fuel used...................................................... HFO
Output............................................................2 x 1620kW
Make.................................................................... Reintjes
Model......................WAF 1963 single input/single output
Output speed.................................................. 197rev/min
Designer/manufacturer.............................................. Lips
Pitch......................................................................... Fixed
Speed.............................................................. 197rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Engine make/type.............................Linderberg-Anlagen
/MAN D 2840 LE301
Type of fuel used..................................................... MDO
Output..............................................................3 x 443kW
Alternator make/type.............Leroy Somer/LSAM 47.2.L9
Output..............................................................3 x 384kW

Electrical connection for shore use

Make............................................................... Callenberg
Type.......................................................... Unex BH-3000
Make.................................................................... Aalborg
Output..........................................................2 x 3200kg/h
Hose handling derricks
Capacity............................................................4 x 950kg

Note: some ships have 1 x 10tonne
electro-hydraulic crane instead
Mooring equipment
Number.... 2 x bow mooring winch/windlass; capstan aft
Make............................................................. Adria Winch
Lifesaving equipment
Lifeboats.........................................1 x 25person free-fall
Rescue boat..................................................1 x 6 person
Launchable liferaft......................................1 x 25 person
Liferafts................................ 2 x 12 person; 1 x 6 person
Manufacturer........................................Davit International
Cargo tanks
Number .................................................. 12 plus 2 x slop
Grades of cargo carried.................................................3
Product range.............................. crude oil and products
Coatings.................................... International Paint epoxy
Stainless steel...................................... tank heating coils
Cargo pumps
Make/type.......................................... Marflex/MDPD-150
Stainless steel............................................................. Yes
Capacity.........................................................6 x 250m/h
Cargo/ballast control systems
Make..................................................................... Valcom
Type................................................................. TSS/cargo
Bow thruster
Make............................ Pyargales Concernas (Lithuania)
Bridge control system
Make........................................................ Transas Marine
Type..........................................Integrated bridge control
One man operation..................................................... Yes
Fire detection system
Make....................................................................... Unitor
Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo tanks........................... Unitor/sea water and foam
Engineroom.................. Unitor and Callenberg/automatic
sea water, CO and foam
Make........................................................ Transas Marine
Integrated bridge system
Make........................................................ Transas Marine
Waste disposal plant
Incinerator................................... TeamTec OG-120C CW
Sewage plant............................ Hamann Wasser-Technik
Contract date............................................... November 2007
Launch/float-out date.............................22 September 2008
Delivery date..........................................7-8 November 2008


06/02/2009 10:06:59



SS08 - p117+118.indd 118

Significant Ships of 2008

30/01/2009 13:47:54









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A publication of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects

The twentieth edition of our annual Significant Ships series, Significant Ships
of 2009, will be published in February 2010. As in previous editions we shall
be including up to 50 of the most innovative and interesting commercial ship
designs (of mostly 100m length and above) which will be delivered during the
forthcoming year.
The Editor invites shipbuilders, designers and owners to submit details of vessels
for possible inclusion in Significant Ships of 2009. Presentation will follow on
the established two-page format, with a colour photograph, descriptive text and
tabular details (including major equipment suppliers) on the first page, followed
by a full page of technical general arrangement plans. Initial potential entries
should comprise a short technical description (100 words) of the proposed vessel
highlighting the special features and the delivery date.
All entries should be addressed to:
Editor, Significant Ships of 2009,
10 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1X 8BQ, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7235 4622 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7245 6959 Email:

SS08 - p120.indd 120

28/01/2009 11:20:08

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