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Tutorial Sheet VII

Reaction Engineering I


Qu 1 We wish to treat 10 liters/ min of liquid feed containing 1 mol A/ liter to 99%
conversion. The stoichiometry and kinetics of the reaction are given by A R,
-rA = CA/ (0.2 + CA) mol/ liter . min. Suggest a good arrangement for doing this
using two mixed flow reactors and find size of the two units needed. Sketch the
final design chosen.
Qu 2 At present we have 90 % conversion of a liquid feed (n = 1, C A0 = 10 mol/ liter) to
our plug flow reactor with recycle of product ( R = 2). If we shut off the recycle
stream, by how much will this lower the processing rate of out feed to the same
90 % conversion.
Qu 3 Aqueous feed containing reactant A (C A0 = 2 mol/ liter) enters a plug flow reactor
(10 liters) which has a provision for recycling a portion of the flowing stream. The
reaction kinetics and stoichiometry are A R, - r A = 1 CA CR mol/ (liter. min). And
we wish to get 90% conversion. Should we use the recycle stream? If so, at what
value should we set the recycle flow rate so as to obtain the highest production
rate and what volumetric feed rate can we process to this conversion in the
Qu 4 A first order liquid phase reaction, 92% conversion, is taking place in a mixed
flow reactor. It has been suggested taht a fraction of the product stream, with no
additional treatment, be recycled. If the feed rate remains unchanged, in what
way would this affect conversion?
Qu 5 Using a colour indicator which shows when the concentration of A falls below 0.1
mol/ liter, the following scheme is devised to explore the kinetics of the
decomposition of A. A feed of 0.6 mol A/ liter is introduced into the first of the two
mixed flow reactors in series, each having a volume of 400 mL. The colour
change occurs in the first reactor for a steady state feed rate of 50 mL/ min. Find
the rate equation for the decomposition of A from this information.
Qu 6 AT present conversion is 2/3 for our elementary second order liquid reaction 2A
2R when operating in an isothermal plug flow reactor with a recycle ratio of unity.
What will be the conversion if the recycle stream is shut off?

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