Aim6 What Are Isotopes

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Do Now Review of finding atomic number and mass number

1. Oxygen has an atomic number of 8 and a mass number of 15. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does
it have?
2. Arsenic (As) has 33 protons and 40 neutrons. What is its atomic number and mass number? How many
electrons does it have?
3. Neutral cadmium (Cd) has 49 electrons and a mass number of 112. What is its atomic number, number of
protons, and number of neutrons

What are isotopes?

Although all the atoms of a given element must contain the same number of ___________, the number of _________
may vary.

Isotopes are atoms of the

Lets take a look at all the isotopes of oxygen.
1) First lets write out the symbol for oxygen, as well as its atomic number and mass number (atomic mass).
2) Ask yourself, what are the different ways to represent oxygen atoms using the atomic mass and mass number
you wrote above?

What is the atomic mass of oxygen as stated on the Periodic Table of Elements? _______________
What are the isotopes of oxygen?
# of Protons
# of Neutrons
Mass Number

What is the atomic mass of oxygen as stated on the Periodic Table of Elements? _______________
What are the isotopes of helium?
# of Protons
# of Neutrons
Mass Number

1. The nucleus of an atom of K-42 contains
(1) 19 protons and 23 neutrons
(2) 19 protons and 42 neutrons
(3) 20 protons and 19 neutrons
(4) 23 protons and 19 neutrons
2. There are 3 isotopes of iodine, I-127, I-126, and I-128. All of the three isotopes have
(1) A mass of 126.9 amu.
(2) An atomic number of 45.
(3) The same number of neutrons. (4) The same number of protons.
3. A neutral atom with 6 electrons and 8 neutrons is an isotope of
(1) carbon
(2) silicon
(3) nitrogen (4) oxygen
4. What is the nuclear charge of an atom with a mass of 23 and an atomic number of 11?
(1) 11+
(2) 12+
(3) 23+
(4) 34+
5. Which symbols represent atoms that are isotopes of each other?
(1) 14C and 14N
(2) 16O and 18O
(3) I and I
(4) 222Rn and 222Ra
6. Atoms of 16O, 17O, and 18O have the same number of
(1) neutrons but a different number of protons
(2) protons but a different number of neutrons
(3) protons but a different number of electrons
(4) electrons but a different number of protons
7. Which two notations represent different isotopes of the same element?

8. An atom of potassium-37(mass 37) and an atom of potassium-42 differ in their total number of
(1) electrons (2) neutrons (3) protons
(4) positrons

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