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(DISTRICT) (COUNTY) COURT, EL PASO COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO WARRANT NUMBER (SC SS Ses ATTACHMENT “A” SCANNED The following Affidavit is made in support of @ request for an Arrest Warrant for PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON / DOB: 12-11-1975 / WHITE MALE / 6-02 / 225 POUNDS / BROWN HAIR / HAZEL EYES, Your Affiant is Detective Sergeant John W. Koch/2308D, a sworn police officer for the City of Colorado Springs, located in the County of E Paso, State of Colorado. Your Affiant has been a Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) officer for approximately thirteen years and is currently assigned to the Special Victims Section. Your Affiant's duties include investigating crimes committed ag: 'st persons, Facts contained within this Affidavit are documented in official CSPD case report #2015-29940, tied 18-8-306 / Attempt to Influence a Public Servant. Unless otherwise noted, all addresses listed within this Affidavit are located within the City of Colorado Springs / County of El Paso / State of Colorado, On Wednesday, 3 September 2014, at 11:29PM, CSPD patrol officers were dispatched to 8280 Highway 83 (Howard Johnson Lodge) to investigate a report of a female who was in the parking lot and tied up with electrical tape at that location. Responding officers contacted the female, JENNIFER MARIE YOUNG DOS: 07-27-1981, who was identified as a victim of a felony kidnapping offense related to that call for service (CSPD case report #2014-29154). The investigation was assigned to PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON DOB: 12-11-1975, who is a detective assigned to the CSPD Homicide Unit. Patton was assigned as lead investigator, which is a role that assigned primary investigative responsibilty to him. As a result of the investigation, two individuals were arrested and subjected to court proceedings in El Paso County District Court (docket #2014CR04153 and +#2014CR04044), For the duration of that investigation Patton remained in contact with Jennifer Young and communicated with her regarding the investigation, On Sunday, 26 July 2015, at approximately 5:37AM, CSPD Detective Sergeant Charles Rabideau/245 was contacted via telephone by Patton, who asked to meet with SGT Rabideau at 705 South Nevada Avenue (CSPO Police Operations Center) so he could advised SGT Rabideau of a stalking situation in which he was the victim. Upon arrival SGT Rabideau spoke with Patton, who provided summary information indicating to SGT Rabideau he was the victim of stalking by Jennifer Young. SGT Rabideau advised DET Patton investigators would respond and he encouraged Patton to be truthful and not omit information during the interview. As a result, Your Affiant was activated by CSPD command staff and asked to respond to the Police Operations Center to interview Patton as a victim of a crime, determine whether the investigation was criminal or administrative in nature, and to guide the course of the investigation ARREST WARRANT ~ PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON Page Two On Sunday, 26 July 2016, at approximately 9:55AM, Your Affiant conducted a recorded interview with Paul Dewayne Patton at the CSPD Police Operations Center. This interview was conducted with Patton as a victim of a reported stalking offense, Your Affiant conducted the interview in his official capacity as a police officer, and the information provided by Patton during the interview guided the actions and decisions of investigators. During the interview, Patton advised he established a detective-victim relationship with Jennifer Young after being assigned her kidnapping case as lead detective, Patton explained the relationship was strictly professional and that he would text her regarding court appearances and things related to the kidnapping investigation Patton explained that at some time at the end of June 2015 there was a court hearing and he had only been Professionally communicating with Young at that time. Patton advised there was “nothing wrong” with thelr communication but he wanted to tell her the case was closed. Patton said Young is a “very aggressive" and rsh person who was jeedy" and he had been talking with her about the court process. Patton said he met ‘Young for a cup of coffee at a Starbucks in downtown Colorado Springs and they had only been texting “once ‘@ week’ or So; however, during the timeframe of 20-30 June 2015 he received a text message from Young that ‘she wished she could tell him what she was thinking when she saw him. Patton said the messages “went into a barrage" of her saying she wished he could see what she was doing to herself and he would say he was flattered, sorry and that he had to go and he would “end it" at that point. Patton said this went on for ten to twelve days. Patton said it “got to the point where there was definitely some texis and if there was a line to cross of allowing that to take place, | crossed i” Patton said after that point “it got very graphic and very sexual on [Young's] part’ and she eventually wanted (o talk and have "phone sex’. Patton said it soon became a daily addiction for ‘Young to talk with him and he would have to fabricate “crazy shit” to keep Young from talking. Patton said ‘Young soon began threatening to tell the police chief, his boss and a caseworker and that she was going to tell Police about him. Patton said the situation was "uncomfortable from the beginning’ and if a supervisor saw the texts it would be, "Holy shit that's bad," Patton said he told Young to “stop” and leave him alone. Patton advised the communication between him and Young occurred on his assigned CSPD work telephone, and at one point he lied to Young and told her he lost his telephone so she would not talk to him, Patton said he then texted Young from his personal telephone, posing as his partner in the Homicide Unit and saying it was his partner's telephone, Patton said 3-4 hours later Young called his personal telephone and she then called him a "motherfucker", sald “You fucking lia telling him he should talk with her right now, and she was Going to tell the courts and the district attorney about what was going on. th ARREST WARRANT ~ PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON Page Three Patton said over a ten-minute phone sex telephone call with Young he would say, “I gotta go*, “I can't” and "stop" 100 times and that it was everything he could do to get off the telephone with her. Patton advised he had recorded some of these calls and investigators would hear that information on the recording Patton said he repeatedly asked Young to go away, to leave him alone and that this had to stop. Patton said that when he talked to Young she wanted him to come over and have sex with her. Patton said he then decided in some “weird, cryptic way in [his] head to go see Young and he might be able to “end this thing” in person. Patton said the meeting occurred on what he believed was 10 or 11 July 2015 and that it went from “one thing to another", Patton said during the meeting he thought maybe Young having sex with him was a challenge and if he did she might “stop and leave me alone”. | asked Patton how that meeting was planned and he said “there wasn't anything" and he just decided at 4:00AM or 5:00AM that morning he was “done with this" and was going to “end this, start my day off and put this behind me." Patton said he just showed up at Young's home on Canon Road in Manitou Springs unannounced and texted her, ‘I'm here” when he arrived. 1 asked Patton if Young knew he was coming to see her and he said no and that he just showed up there. Patton said once he arrived at Young's residence she came outside, he picked her up in his unmarked police vehicle and told her they should go have a coffee. Patton said they drove west on Highway 24 out of Colorado ‘Springs and as he drove she began trying to pull down his pants and perform oral sex on him, although he fought those attempts and was able to keep his pants up and avoid oral sex, Patton said he went into “panic mode" and that he was trying to “get away so people don't see me", so he drove to an area where he pulled over. Patton said during this time he was contemplating, “Jesus, just let her have sex with you so you can leave her alone” and to just “lt this thing happen and be done with it.” Patton said they both exited the vehicle and walked to the back end of the car, believing Young would not try to do anything. Patton said Young then exited the vehicle and started taking her pants off and walked to the back of the vehicle where “she thinks we have sex | guess.” Patton said he and Young engaged in penile-vaginal intercourse for 20 ~ 30 seconds and that he wanted it fo be bad and horrible and he did not want her to be attracted to him. Patton said during this sexual encounter Young was “drunk” and “at least a good six or a seven” on an intoxication scale of 1-10. Patton said after the encounter he drove Young home, dropped her off, told her to “have a nice life” and they did not communicate for approximately three days. Patton said the lack of ‘communication from Young caused him to think, “Thank God, it worked.” Patton said after approximately three days passed Young began text messaging and calling him more and things blew up from there. Patton said it was “constant” and “dail that Young needed to talk to him and she i ARREST WARRANT ~ PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON Page Four wanted to have phone sex with him every single day. Patton also admitted talking to Young about deleting their communications On Sunday, 26 July 2016, at 2:21PM, Your Affiant and Detective Anthony Santoro/2423 drove to Young's residence at 527 Canon Road in Manitou Springs. Upon arrival Your Affiant contacted Young via telephone and she denied a sexual relationship with Patton, although she agreed to meet with detectives outside her residence, Investigators met Young outside her residence and DET Santoro conducted an interview with her. Several times during the interview Young became emotional and appeared as if she was going to cry. Initially Young denied any relationship with Patton other than knowing him as a detective who investigated her kidnapping case in 2014. Young stated that approximately one month ago she and Patton met for coffee one time and she told him she was interested in him. She stated the texts were not sexual at first and Patton and she would exchange general information to include cases he was working, ‘Young stated she and Patton exchanged “hundreds and hundreds of text messages” and she admitted the text messages would be about the two of them sleeping together and some of the text messages were sexual in nature and graphic. Young signed a search waiver allowing the search of her cellular telephone (#719-291- 7517). Young said she also exchanged e-mails with Patton on his work e-mail account and also spoke to Patton on his work cellular telephone and his work desk phone. Young said their conversations were sexual in nature and occurred “almost every day” Young said that on 4 July 2015 at approximately 5:00AM, she woke up to a text from Patton stating he was going to come over to her residence. Patton came over and picked her up at her house in a vehicle that fit the description of what Your Affiant knows is Patton’s assigned unmarked CSPD police vehicle. Young stated while in the vehicle with Patton “a lot of stuff happened’. Ms. Young admitted she kissed Patton and performed oral sex on him as he was driving. DET Santoro asked Young if Patton was an active participant in the sexual activity in the vehicle she replied "yea". Young sald Patton then pulled off the road “in the middle of nowhere” in Woodland Park and the two both exited the vehicle. Young said she and Patton engaged in consensual vaginal intercourse on Patton's vehicle, and that he used a condom he brought with him, Young said Patton took the used condom with him after they were done having sex DET Santoro asked Young if Patton ever asked her to stop texting her and she sald ‘“maybe". When asked if she ever asked Patton to stop texting her she stated "yes" because Patton would not come and see her. Young stated the two would then start to exchange text messages again. ARREST WARRANT — PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON Page Five Young said in the week prior to this affidavit, she showed her Department of Human Services (DHS) caseworker some text messages she had exchanged with Patton because she was mad about the situation. Young said the caseworker said she was going to call someone about the text messages. DET Santoro asked what Patton said after Young told him that her caseworker had seen the text messages. Young said Patton told her not to tell anyone what happened and to erase her text messages and e-mails. ‘Young was asked if she told Patton she was going to alert his superiors or the District Attorney's Office to their relationship and she said she did tell Patton “a few days ago” she was going to speak about their relationship because sho was mad and Patton was supposed to help her and all Patton cared about was talking on the phone “while he jerks off". Young said Patton was more concerned with her telling anyone what had happened between them than what was going on in her life. DET Santoro asked what help Young wanted and she said Patton was supposed to help her with the kidnapping case. When asked if Patton ever asked her to stop contacting him she stated “no”. Young said she did e-mail Patton recently, advising him she hated him and he was a jerk. Young said during some text exchanges Patton was texting “more information about shit than | probably should know" about a case he was working and sent a picture of a "gun" from a “kid that got shot” at Memorial Park. Young advised a ‘Lioutenant Poole’ from CSPD called her recently and she advised him nothing had happened and never gave Patton's information to LT Poole. Young advised Patton she spoke to LT Poole and did not tell him about the specifics of their relationship. Young also said Patton advised her to not tell anyone anything and he was “freaking out" and was going to lose his job. DET Santoro asked if she ever threatened to tell Patton’s supervisors about the case if he did not come see her and she said yes but then said she told him she would call the district attorney. When asked when this occurred, Young said it happened a few days prior to the interview with DET Santoro. Young became emotional and said she told Patton she was going to tell the district attorney everything that happened and that Patton “fucked up" her case because "the cop shouldn't be fucking sleeping with me". Young said Patton asked her not to tell the district attorney anything. While DET Santoro was interviewing Jennifer Young at her residence, Young allowed Your Affiant to review the e-mails between her and Patton that he had stored on her cellular telephone. Upon doing so, Your Affiant observed e-mails between Young (iennykeb3@amail,com) and Patton ( — his official CSPD e-mail account) from July 2015. Those e-mails include: ARREST WARRANT - PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON. Page Six ‘An e-mail sent from Patton to Young with what appears to be an official CSPD mugshot of an unknown female. Young told Your Affiant this photograph was of a female Patton advised was the person who reported Young's kidnappers. ‘An e-mail sent from Patton to Young with the text, “I just found the fucking murder weapon on 14-year- old” and “I'm drinking tonight’. The e-mail had an attached photograph of a firearm that was later reviewed by SGT Rabideau. SGT Rabideau confirmed this photograph was of the firearm recovered during a homicide investigation (CSPD #2015-28896) and appeared to be an evidentiary photograph maintained by CSPD reference that investigation An e-mail stamped July 16 at 3:30PM from Patton to Young in which Patton says, Have a good day. Sorry I'm not a person you want to have" ‘An e-mail stamped '2 days ago’ from Patton to Young in which Patton says, “I'm sorry about ur day and all of this. | hate mysetf for letting it go this far. | hope you're feeling better. | promise to call you later. | have to go out and interview some businesses for video." During this same timeframe Young sent Pation an e-mail stating, “Im so done! I'm sending all my texts." ‘An e-mail stamped ‘Yesterday’ from Patton to Young in which Patton says, “I'm sure Internal Affairs will call u anyday. They will have my phone bill and see how much we talk. It's fucking over. My fault.” ‘The e-mails from Patton to Young frequently contained his CSPD e-mail signature identifying him as a homicide detective with the Colorado Springs Police Department. On the afternoon of Sunday, 26 July 2015, CSPD Detective Bryan Rogers/2641 conducted a consent download of Young's cellular telephone. During a review of the records Your Affiant noted an extensive string of text messages between Young's telephone and (identified in the official CSPD employee directory as Patton's CSPD cellular telephone number). The text messages were dated and time-stamped, some of which included: Text messages between Patton and Young on and around 13 June 2015 where they engage in mutual sex conversations, with Patton telling Young he has a “chub’ (erection) and “morning wood" A text message from Patton to Young on 14 June 2015 where he tells her he is “so stiff” from her sexual messages to him Mutual sexual messages between Patton and Young in June 2016 and July 2015, A text message conversation on the afternoon of 3 July 2015 where Young asks Patton to come visit and have sex with her and Patton says he wants to. Patton then tells Young he will come to her house “tonight or in the AM {morning] for sure”. Young then telis Patton what she will do to him sexually and Patton says he “can't effin wait’ A text message from Patton to Young on 4 July 2015 at 3:09AM in which he states, “I hope ur ok, so can | come see you in a few or 7 ib ARREST WARRANT ~ PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON Page Seven * text message from Patton to Young on 4 July 2016 at 4:01AM in which he states, “227" = A text message from Patton to Young on 4 July 2015 at 4:14AM in which he states, in response to no reply from her, “I have to work at 8, Il try u on my way back" * A text message from Patton to Young on 4 July 2015 at 5:35AM in which he states, “Want me to come by or maybe have a coffee later?!? I'l bring to u". Patton and Young then have a conversation where she gives him her address, he tells her he is outside, she states her family is there, and he asks her if he should “hide”. At 6:01AM Patton texts Young, ‘I’m here” and she replies “One min’. After this message there are no texts between Patton and Young until 4 July 2015 at 7:35AM, in which Patton texts Young that he saw a bear by a liquor store, A conversation ensues between the two, during which time she tells Patton “Thanks for fucking me” and he replies “Shh”. They continue discussion through 4 July 2015 and on § July and 6 July 2015. There are no text messages in Young's telephone indicative of sexual contact between her and Patton on 10-11 July 2015 as he described to Your Affiant during the interview outlined above. Additionally, the communication string from 4 July 2016 clearly contradicts Patton's statement to Your Affiant that he and Young had no contact for approximately three days after he dropped her off at her residence after having sexual intercourse with her. Your Affiant also located text messages and other electronic communications where Patton tells Young about CSPO cases he is working, including @ recent homicide on which he is the lead detective (CSPD case report #2015-28896) and a death investigation (CSPD #2015-26835) he was not assigned as the lead detective. A check of Colorado Department of Revenue (CDOR) files fully identified Patton as Paul Dewayne Patton / DOB: 12-11-1975 / SSN #: white male / 6-02 / 225 pounds / brown hair / hazel eyes. Your Affiant advises the Court that during the time Patton was receiving sexual contact and messages from Young and when he was providing her with communication regarding CSPD investigations not involving her, he was active as the lead detective on her 2014 kidnapping investigation which has not concluded in El Paso County District Court and is still an active court case against one defendant. Your Affiant advises the Court the admissions by DET Patton constitute multiple violations of adopted and Currently active CSPO policies and procedures. Additionally, the text messages and electronic communications recovered during the investigation contradict the statement provided by Patton to Your Affiant during the official interview him Patton as a victim on 26 July 2015. ARREST WARRANT ~ PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON Page Eight Your Affiant advises the Court this investigation is ongoing and, as of the time of application for this Arrest Warrant, there are additional investigative interviews to be conducted and leads to be investigated. For this, reason Your Affiant requests the Court seal this affidavit until which time the Court deems that no longer necessary. Based upon the aforementioned information, Your Affiant respectfully requests the Court issue an Arrest Warrant for PAUL DEWAYNE PATTON / DOB: 12-11-1975 / SSN: “WHITE MALE / 6-02 / 225 POUNDS / BROWN HAIR / HAZEL EYES for committing the offense(s) of 18-8-306 / ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE A PUBLIC SERVANT / CLASS FOUR FELONY (F4); 18-8-404 / FIRST DEGREE OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT | GLASS TWO MISDEMEANOR (M2); AND 18-8111 / FALSE REPORTING TO AUTHORITIES / CLASS THREE MISDEMEANOR (M3), in violation of C.R.S, as amended, within the County of El Paso and State of Colorado. By ay Applicant (sign: Sn SEL ee Applicant (name): Detective Sergeant Yohn W. Koch/2308D Law enforcement agency: Colorado Springs Police Department Judge: date: “Y227/7§~ time _LOE2 2 amera END ARREST WARRANT

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