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Juxtaposed Context Collage


Juxtaposed but United: ensure that your

content clashes (for example: subject doesnt belong with
background; subject in made of impossible matter; scale
is off), but the work of art feel like all parts are meant to
be in one composition. (10 Points)


The degree to which any or all parts/aspects of the
body of art come together to support the whole
(or, conversely, weaken the whole due to visual
misdirection, or error).

A work of art that is free from unintended smears,
wrinkles, etc.

Artwork is turned in by due date unless extended due to
individual circumstances.


My content clashes or is
unexpected yet seems to
want to fit.

I made a collage with two

different feeling elements,
but didnt really make them
feel united.

Im lost, but I cut some

things out & glued them on
the same piece of paper!

My HOOK is strong.
My artwork is
interesting and engages
the viewers eye.

My hook is so-so. This art

work is kind of interesting
but Im not confident Ive
fully engaged my audience
with an interesting question
(mystery) or visual pop.

My hook is very weak. Im

not sure that I have one at
all. I didnt really give
much thought to whether or
not my art work engaged
the viewer.

My artwork feels
cohesive: like it fits
together well resulting
in a feeling of
complete-ness. All
parts serve to support
my intended mood.

My artwork feels a little

off but overall suggests
my intended mood (even
though some parts dont).

My artwork does not

support my intended mood.
(Example: Some areas are
just empty because I
simply didnt want to finish
my work.)

My art is free of
smudges, wrinkles or
other unintended marks
& dings.

My art is not totally free of

smudges or unintended
marks, but its still a good
work of art.

My artwork is messy: It is
wrinkled, smeared or
uncared for in some way.

I turned my artwork in
before the due date or
exactly on time.

I turned my artwork in a
couple of days late.

I turned my artwork in very

late (but I still turned it in).

The degree to which visual interest is won and


Good Composition:

Write: which STUDIO HABIT OF MIND you used for this assignment. (5pts)

1. Appropriation

2. Collage

3. Context

4. Juxtapose

5. Metaphor

6. Surreal

(30 Points)

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