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Order Poll
Abby Gill

Survey Information
My hypothesis was that most people would not agree with the idea of the
president having this kind of power
I surveyed 15 males and females, all above the age of 18. Most of them
were family, close friends,coworkers, and people from my church.
I conducted my survey mostly through the route of Google Forms and
Facebook messenger. I do believe that this affected my project in a way
that sometimes when you ask people their opinion on topics via face to
face, they may try to answer according to how they think you would like
them too. Giving the opportunity to them to do it on their own was a
chance to be honest.

1. Should the president be allowed to make new policies without the
permission of congress?
2. When an executive order is put into place over the current law, should it
be dismissed by congress?
3. Would it be okay if was to pass a law without the president's
4. Is it okay for the president to make a rushed decision on making a new
law before consulting with congress?
5. If one reason why congress exists is to implement checks and balances
about passing laws, is it okay for the president to make a law without
their permission?

Question One Results

Question Two Results

Question Three Results

Question Four Results

Question Five Results

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