SPJIMR PG Executive Management Program Brochure

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PGEMP Post Graduate Executive Management Programme Pee Sa NCy el 4 Influencing Practice Promoting Value-based Growth SU RORY S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research Bhavan's Campus, Munshi Nagar, Dadabhai Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 058, India Our Inspiration “The essential spring of all growth is within you. All that you can get from without is jal - with some food - material or spi which to build your own organism, and some stimulus to spur you to activity. What is really essential in your development, you must do for yourself.” - Alfred North Whitehead “A hundred times every day, | remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead. And that must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as | have received and amstillreceiving.” Albert Einsteii MISSION ‘Our mission is to influence practice and promote value-based growth. Our Students will recognize, understand, and uphold the social relevance of business decisions, including within the underserved sections of society. We uphold this mission because we recognize our twin roles ~ as a responsible member of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and as a responsive member of Indian society at large ~ and look at ourselvesin a wider context as a ‘Beyond MBA' institution. We will accomplish our mission through: (a) learner-centric pedagogy that will emphasize attitudes, including spirituality, and skills as much as knowledge; (b) exposing students to valve-based growth in underserved parts of our communities; (c) synthesis ~ in our intellectual contributions and curriculum — of competition-based western efficiency and collaboration-centric eastern ethos; and (d) intellectual contributions aimed at influencing practi In our students, we recognize a predisposition and willingness to be a doer first. We also ‘emphasize sensitivity to the social footprint of business actions and the role of spirituality in a balanced approach to decision making. In our faculty members, we recognize a commitment to delivering outstanding learner-centric pedagogy by taking advantage of the personal, residential nature of our programmes. We also require them to create and disseminate knowledge aimed at influencing practice. As a community, we will realize these objectives through integrity, self accountability, professional discipline, and hard work. We valve operational freedom and uphold an 1 agile, flexible, and collaborative culture. CONTENT Programme Genesis 4 Director's Desk 5 PGEMP Chairperson’s Desk 5 About SPJIMR © Post Graduate Executive Management 8 Programme (PGEMP) Programme Objectives Programme Stakeholders 1 Q Programme Structure 1 1 Programme Architecture 12 Our Unique TLAP Model 1 5. Mentorship 16 Capstone Project 177 Life as a Student on Campus 18 Partners 19 Participant Profile 20 Apply to PGEMP 21 Faculty 23 EELLDEELELEEEDEEL TELL DELL ELL ELE LEIA PROGRAMME GENESIS The Post Graduate Executive Management Programme (PGEMP) emerged out of a need by industry to retain talent, hone managerial competencies and prepare non-MBA middle managers for general management positions. The Programme is designed for working executives with over five years of work experience and who are unable to take a career break to attend a full time MBA programme. SPJIMR's PGEMP has been built on the bedrock of direct involvement of partnering companies as well as contextuall customisation. Innovations like the mentorship concept, application exercises, capstone project have been the hallmarks of the programme ever since it was launched in August 2002. The innovations hi continued with new courses like the Science of Spirituality and Enhancing Growth through Social Respons! and Valves, making the programme not only relevant to changing corporate needs but also highly unique. Y The programme has succeeded in not only disseminating knowledge to the participants but also to mentors and business heads who are involved in the mentoring process. We are satisfied that we are contributing towards inculcating the spirit of a ‘learning organisation’ amongst corporates. We have expanded the coverage of the programme from four partner companiesiin the first batch to over 100 companies spread over diverse sectors such as manufacturing, engineering, automobiles, pharma, energy, realty, BFS|,IT &ITES, telecom etc. About 250 executives are concurrently pursuing their PGEMP across multiple batches. A large number of the participantshave been able to make an impact in one area or the other and bring about « change in their organisations as a result of their learnings from the PGEMP. With the level of commitment shown by partner companies, mentors, participants, faculty and programme administrators, SPJIMR's objective of attempting a paradigm shift inthe approach to management education isin the right direction, EELLDEELELEEEDEEL TELL DELL ELL ELE LEIA THE DIRECTOR'S DESK Corporates are constantly looking at creating a reservoir of versatile executives with a strong base of functional knowledge along with a general management perspective. PGEMP is uniquely designed to bridge this gap by providing high quality management education to practicing executives with minimal absence from their workplace. The Programme, in line with SPJIMR's mission of value based growth, moulds the high potential functional managers to take on general managerial roles and helps the companies create a cadre of change agents and build leadership pipeline from within the organization. Dr. Sesha lyer Director PGEMP CHAIRPERSON’S DESK PGEMP is unique in terms of its modular approach and partnering with companies. Our TLAP (Teaching, Learning, Application, Project) model gives an application focus to the programme wherein the participants apply the learnings in class to their company's context through several application assignments and a major Capstone Project. Participants also benefit from the diverse views of their batchmates from different industries. We have partnered with several large corporates over the years, many of whom continue to be with us since inception. Dr. Renuka Kamath Chairperson, PGEMP ABOUT SPJIMR Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) is one of the premier business schools in the country. It was inaugurated in 1981 by the then British Prime Minister the Rt. Hon'able Margaret Thatcher and has been consistently recognized as one of the top 10 business schools in india by Virtue of its innovative pedagogic approach and ability to adapt to the changing business requirements. Life at SPJIMR is a journey through education, with @ variety of academic learning that goes beyond the conventional classroom method. The entire learning process at SPJIMR is focused on inculcating in its participants sensitivity to real world issues and an ability to become leaders and change agents in their chosen fields. Crem Leg Ae ee RCC ree eae eee Cea Pee ears Sec ecriy eee ety Influencing Practice The initiatives and innovations at SPJIMR aim to influence industry practices and therefore be a participant in re-shaping the nation. The learning imbibed through a flexible and versatile curriculum develops in the students, not only a capacity for analysis and judgment, but also an innate ability to relate to social problems cond then draw upon their own resources for understanding and at Promoting value-based growth ‘SPJIMR propounds that individuals need to build the right blend between concern for their own welfare and social good. Thus the institute encourages development of a co-operative outlook that recognizes the value of sharing and mutual respect. This is emphasized in the curriculum through practical experiential learning. eels ‘» Among the top 10 B-schoolsin India Gu) Rankings inal te ott mao Bho + Emphasis on_ pion pedagogy ing programme and innovati 3 Business World ‘+ Focus on influencing practice and value based growth 4 Eduniversal (centro i ‘+ Pragmatic blend of western efficiency and eastern ethos 5 Business Today 6 MBA Universe teraction and integration 6 Outlook ‘» Faculty with rich industry experience + Extensi ‘+ Sprawling campus located in the heart of Mumbai city, the financial and comme! capital of India. OurHer ge and Legacy S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) is a constituent of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan which is an internationally reputed trust recognized for its educational and cultural activities. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan ‘was founded by Kulpati Dr. K. M. Munshi and 53 other eminent professionals on November 7, 1938. The trust is registered under the Societies Re ‘Act XX1 of 1860 and the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950. ration The founding members of the Bhavan include Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first Presiclent of the Republic of India; Shri C. Rajagopalachari, the first Indian Governor General of India; Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime of free India; Sardar Patel, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister and several other distinguished scholars, statesmen and leaders of modern Indian inister Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has its roots firmly embedded inthe Indian soil but its spreading branches reach out to encompass the best of the modern world in the fields of science, technology, economics and management. reaches out to the world through its value-based publications and journails. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has grown into a great intellectual, cultural and educational movement based on Gandhian philosophy. It has 117 centres in India and 6 internationall centres (New York, London, Sydney, Kuwait, Doha, Abu Dhabi). There are over 320 constituent institutions with over 2,50,000 students. POST GRADUATE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (PGEMP) anor

» Teaching Having Experience Project Undertake major Learning project linked to Examine & Reflect company’s business ‘on what happened Application Apply class learning to on job context Our model of Teaching, Learning, Application and Project (TLAP) gives a unique application focus to the programme, helps in achieving the desired level of customization for each participant's context and ensures high level of action learning. The real advantage of this approacl demonstrated learning through conceptual and application assignments and the Capstone Project. Pedagogy The participants are exposed to concepts and applications through a carefully crafted blend of various pedagogic methods like classroom sessions, web learning, case analyses, simulaitions, games, debates, group ‘work, presentations, quest lectures by eminent practitioners, self learning etc. ET Lg It was a great learning experience made easy through various practical examples. The faculty were very knowledgeable and experienced. The learnings had a good combination of class-room sessions, cessignments and case studies. Also, group works contributed « lot in learning and deep understanding of the subjects. The simulations gave us the feel of actual working in the market. The capstone project gave us an understanding fo practically apply what we have learned through this programme. Ithelped us to prove our learnings in our own company. Cee EAs is MENTORSHIP PGEMP has a unique mentorship process wherein a mentor from the participant's company is appointed. A mentor isan important stakeholder in he participant's learning process being a: * Coach # Role Model + Counselor + Friend, Philosopher and Guide ‘Specifically during the course of PGEMP, mentor ‘= guide in sourcing company information for application assignments. te topic for Capstone Project selecting an appropi «provide feedback on application assignments «interact with SPJIMR periodically to review participant's performance + forma part of the panel along with SPJIMR faculty during the viva voce of the Capstone Project Mentors Meet ‘Mentor meets organized by PGEMP, build a connect with mentors and facilitate the mentorship process. The meets provide a forum for sharing of experiences, engaging discussions, cross pellination and fertilization of ideas thereby adding to the learning for all stakeholders. ie | like the mentoring programme at PGEMP since it entails frequent interaction between the mentee and the mentor as they discuss the understanding of the subjects faught and apply the learnings at the work place. Ina sense, itis like working with collective intelligence and putting an experien ;on and @ young innovative mind together for better understanding of the concepts and appreciating the practical side too. Ceca ea ea ae FOES g A participant's mentor is the first person who starls noficing the difference in the mentee's capability. For me personally, my mentor was instrumental in providing me the right exposure in CM ee ee ec con in areas such as Marketing, Quality, Supply Chain etc. He also guided me in applying the Resa ea) Mr. Nitin Bhatlekar ~ Batch 19 (2011) - Cummins 16 CAPSTONE PROJECT Capstone project is an integral and highly significant component of PGEMP. It is about solving a real life business problem by incorporating the key concepts and learnings gained throughout the programme. Since it encapsulates all the learnings, itis called “Capstone Project” ACapstone Projecthas following key attributes: «The scope is always a real life business problem which when resolved, delivers quantifiable benefits to the company «There are three major stakeholders namely the participant, the company mentor & the faculty guide. Mentor & faculty guide remain associated with the project from its inception to completion. While the mentor provides company related inputs, the faculty guide provides the academic input, guidance and support from the institute «The Capstone project is initiated through a number of lectures and workshops. The participants are made ‘aware of the process to be followed fo identify a right business problem for the project and the key phases ‘and milestones of the project «The project culminates with the submission of a report and viva voce conducted by a panel comprising the faculty guide, mentor and senior company managers The Capstone Project helps participants build number of problem solving skills and gain wider exposure to various aspects of the business. It gives greater visibility and recognition within the company. All these together ‘eventually help the participant achieve a faster career growth. NODES CL My project led to the successful launch of the company operations in Indonesia. Today, it is the most profitable business in Baxter Healthcare Asia. ‘Ms tekhar Ahmed Batch 17 (2010) ~Baxter Healtcare TO og ‘My project was pertaining fo re-invigorating a diversity programme called Tata SCIP (Senior Career Internship Programme) for women professionals. This programme has a brand entity today and has become an ongoing feature in cont ‘Mr. Hitesh Chugh — Batch 18 (2011) — Tata Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. LDLLEDELELEEEEPEDEDLELA LLL LEED LLL LIFE AS A STUDENT ON CAMPUS PGEMP provides a unique opportunity to working executives to relive student life without having to take break from their careers. Participants have to reside at the hostel on the campus during contact periods. With a variety of pedagogic, co-curricular and extra curricular activities available, the environment encourages a highly enhanced learning experience and a holistic development. The vibrant campus spread over an expanse of 45 acres in the heart of Mumbai city is equipped with modern ‘amenities, which provide a conducive atmosphere for learning, The day begins at 6.00 am with yoga sessions which aid in rejuvenating the mind and the body and set the mood for a rigorous day ahead. Classroom sessions typically start at 9.00 am and continue upto 6.00 pm followed by group work sessions, These group learning activities enable participants to sharpen their ability to work in teams. Participants also benefit from the view points of ‘other group members who come from different industries and varied work profiles. The day ends after reflection and assimilation of the day's learnings and pre-session readings for the next day's classes. Participants have access o the institute library which has an ‘enormous collection of books, journals and e-resources. The huge grounds at the vast campus provide an ‘opportunity to engage in various sports act thus: enabling greater bonding and team building. Participants can also unwind at the cafeteria or besides the beautiful lake onthe campus. Participants discover how the diversity of their classmates (in education, career, life's experiences, professional and personal achievements, cultures and interests) enriches their learning with new perspectives, insights and a peer network for lifetime. Experience at PGEMP enables participants to not only gain knowledge and skills but also develop the right attitude which will aid in their career progression. PGEMP is an intensive programme and we recognize that participants need support during their time with us, on- campus as well as off-campus. Dedicated coordinators help smoothen their journey —both academic and social. Eg ‘Maintaining a balance between personal, professional and academic realms of life would be a challenge but fry and gain maximum out of the assignments, classroom interactions and faculty experiences. Networking platform will be setup for you here and you will cherish the memories of the days spent on campus. NE ERIC cen nd 18 PARTNERS Since its inception in 2002, PGEMP has partnered with leading corporates. The programme has been built on the bedrock of close academia-industry interaction. Some of the most reputed companies, who are leaders in their respective industry have partnered with SPJMR with a view to promote a culture of learning and transform their companies to ‘learning organizations’. The fact that most of our partners have stayed with us 's Learning and Development process is a testimony of the value ‘and have included us in their organiz created by the programme. We run 5 batches ina year with a maximum batch size of 50 participants each. Some of our Partner Companies oS TA panes S ae 1M qa BRISTLECONE 6 Piramal Your Supply Chain. Optimized. sot i ce TATA POWER &D a e TEE Consulting Engineers Limited Limedtronic mmm protiviti Sangh 9 qe TATA ‘TATA CHEMICALS LIMITED. PHARMA “TATA cAPTALLIATED Other Sponsoring Companies Over 100 other companies including MNC’s and large Indian corporates such as TCS, Reliance Communications, Capgemini, Emst & Young, Schindler, Tech Mahindra, Accenture, Cris, Microsoft, Monsanto, Siemens, Saint Gobain ef. have been reaping the benefits of their middle and senior level executives having gone through the programme. Cae Se eg At SPJIMR, a lot of emphasis is given on professional and personal values and what SPJIMR stands for. This clearly reflects through different aspects on the campus, faculty and the content of the courses. This is Cee eee Cee ee ce) 19 PARTICIPANT PROFILE (For Calender years 2009-2013) INDUSTRY MIX Manufacturing % m Energy 21% Y Engineering & 2% eye _ Construction QUALIFICATIONS m BFS! 1m IT& Telecom Consulting & 39% other services, \ 2% 1m Engineers, Commerce & CA im Science Graduate 1m Economics, Arts 1m Management & others =30Vre 30.35¥18 2tons WORK EXPERIENCE 40-45trs >astes 10% 2am <=6¥rs 6-10¥rs 10-15¥¢s 15-20¥¢s >20¥Ks CT CUT og The PGEMP classroom was a mélange of bright participants of different ages, backgrounds and most importantly different corners of the corporate world. The classroom was more than a place bounded just by syllabus and curriculum. The discussions, debates, case studies were all in ee etd ee ee ee a handling multifarious portfolios in organizations of so many spheres of industrial world. CT aed 20 APPLY TO PGEMP y Criteria SPJIMR seeks to bring together a group of executives who can learn from one another as well as from formal instruction. PGEMP encourages appli ints from a broad range of functional areas and from a various sectors. The programme is designed for middle and senior level executives from leading corporates and prepares them for higher level management positions requiring functional depth and general management perspective. Eligibility criteria for PGEMP are: + Aminimum of Bachelors degree in any discipline. However, this criterion is relaxed with respect to diploma holders in engineering who have over 10 years experience and have had a successful track record in the company. «Minimum 50% in all major exams (1 0th, 12th and graduation/post graduation) + Minimum 5 years of corporate experience, at the time of joining the programme + Company sponsorship/support PGEMP candidates have to be sponsored by their organizations. Sponsorship does not necessarily have financial connotations viz. a candiclate can fund the cost of the programme on his / her own, but organizational support is required for the following considerations: «To gettime off from company work to attend on-campus contact sessions «Access to company information for submitting application assignments «To obtain company information for Capstone Project work «Appointing a senior manager from the organization as a ‘Mentor’ PGEMP Admission Process ‘Most of the intake consists of company-spensored executives from our Partner Companies. Partner Companies are encouraged to screen candidates at their end as a first filter and send high poter candidates for further ‘admission process at the institute level Self sponsored individuals (who must necessarily have their organizational support for undertaking the programme), directly undergo the admission process atthe institute level. ‘Our admission process lays considerable emphasis on the ability of the candidate to put in the time and effort for this programme, his / her managerial aptitude as well as his / her maturity, ethies ond valves. Candidates ‘ore put through the following tests: + 1Q Test (test of reasoning, verbal comprehension & numerical ability) + Psychometric Test + Group Discussion + Personal Interview In addition, weightage is give for academic credentials based on the marks obtained at the graduation level or post graduation, if any. In this regard, the university that they attended is also given due weightage. A merit lists then prepared on the basis of cumulative scores and admission is offered accordingly. 21 Performance Requirements PGEMP is a demanding and rigorous programme requiring a strict regimen of academic discipline. This will involve regular class attendance, active participation in group work and case discussions, a minimum of 15 to ion of assignments as per the 20 hours per week during the off-campus period, for self-study. Timely submi schedule is mandatory. All other requirements of the programme have to be adhered to. ‘Connect with Us We would be delighted to meet you for any information, You can visit our campus at: PGEMP Office, 4th Floor , SP, Jain Institute of Management & Research, Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Dadabhai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058, India Contact Nos: Board Line: +91-22-2623 7454 / 0396 / 2401 Direct: +91 22 61454252 Email: For Corporate Inquiries rkamath@splimrorg We can make a presentation to HR heads/Functional heads at your office For Individuals pgemp.admissions@spjimorg ‘Our websil hitp://www.spiimr.org/pgemp/index.asp. Cae ee Stepping info the shoes of a student affer 10 years of working in the industry made me feel jittery initially. However, « great journey of learning and development in a world class institution with excellent faculty helped me meet the challenges. The learnings at SPJIMR have helped me get recognised at my workplace, create betfer marketing processes and take my SBU to greater heights. can very well say that learning does not have any age. A ee Peg eet FACULTY CORE FACULTY Dr. Iyer Sesha R., Director Ph.D. (Operations Management), M.Tech, B.Se., FICWA 14 years of industry experience in public sector undertakings like HMT and Cochin Refineries. 22 years as principal of Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Director at SPJIMR since 2007. Areas of interest - Operations Management, ‘Manufacturing Planning & Control, Quality ‘Management (TQM, Six Sigme], Supply Chain ‘Management, Quantitative Techniques Dr. Kamath Renuka Chairperson, PGEMP Programme Ph.D.(Mgmt.), PGDM ( Mktg. TAPMI, Manipal), MSc. (Pr) Chemistry 15 years of experience in consumer durables industry in sales and marketing at Whirpool and Kelvinator ‘and in education consulting industry. 10 years of academic experience. ‘Areas of interest - Sales Management, Distribution ‘Management, B to B Marketing and Social Marketing, Prof. Agarwal Rajiv MMS (Mktg.), OMP (Harvard), B.Com. 20 years as an entrepreneur in Mass Media Replication catering to the music, movie and software industries. Over 2 years of academic experience, Areas of interest - Family Business, Strategy, Finance, IT Dr. Aigaenkar Mihir Ph.D. (Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra), Masters in Personnel Management (SIBM), B.Sc. (Physics), 27 years of experience in the field of HR and Organisational Effectiveness in hospitality, financial services, IT, consulting, manufacturing, FMCG & power; across multiple geographies in leadership positions. (Taj Group of hotels, Marico, Zensar Technologies (Fujitsu joint venture), Larsen & Toubro ec). 1 year of academic experience. Areas of interest - Human Resource Management, Organisational Development, Organisational Psychology, Defence Studies. Prof. Bhoola Vai MCA, PGDCA, B.Com, 9 years of industry experience in the area of Project ‘Management, Decision Science Systems and Consultancy. B years of academic exp teaching, research, academic administration, consultancy and management development programs. Areas of interest - Project Management, Decision Support Systems Prof. Chandrani Prem MBA (Finance and Strategy - London Business School/Wharton), ACMA (UK), FICWA, ACA, CISA (USA), CIA, B.Com. (Hons, Delhi University 32 years of industry experience encompassing audit, contuiting, corporate finance, strategy, business development and general management. Positions held included SBU head at L&T Infotech, Director (Strategy Consulting) at Pricewaterhouse Coopers and more. Over 7 years of academic experience. Aceas of interest - Finance, Strategy, Risk Management Dr. Chattopadhyay Atish Ph.D. (Marketing), PGDBM, DHM 8 years in the hospitality and food retailing business, of which 7 years as a promoter of a start-up bakery retail chain, 15 yeors of academic experience, Areas of interest - Marketing, Brand Management Dr. Das Suranjan Fellow in Management (IIM A), M.Sc. (Eco.), B.S. (Eco. Hons.) 5 years of industry experience in materials management, sales & marketing and 19 years of academic experience. Has been a faculty on visiting ‘and on exchange programmes at GIM, IMI, IIMC, ICFAL Business School and UFSIA, Antwerp University. Has been on long duration faculty exchange programmes in Belgium & Netherlands. Associated with EU and World Bonk projects on technology, knowledge management ‘and new product and process innovations. Areas of interest - Quantitative Methods, Operations, Research Methods and Marketing Analytics Dr. Dhir Lata Ph.D. (Mgmt), M.Phil. (Psychology), M.A. (Psychology) (Over 25 years in academics and with SPJIMR since 2004. Has conducted training programmes for ICICI Bonk, Axis Bank, Piramal Group etc. Isa Licensed Psychologist, Member of International Council of Psychologists, Erasmus Mundus Scholar (European Union), External Contributor for Quest 3C - an Interdisciplinary Simulation (ESB Business School, Germany) ‘Areas of interest - Organisational Commitment, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Attribution of Responsibility, Psychological Assessment, Personal Growth and Leadership Development Labs Facully data as of Nov 2014 Prof. Divatia Aditi MCA, BSc. (Maths) 6 years of IT industry experience and 12 years of academic experience Areas of interest - Business Analysis for IT Solutions, Business Intelligence Analytics ond Business Process ‘Management Dr. D'Souza Keith Fellow in Mgmt. (IM A), PGDM (Personnel Mgmt.& Industrial Relations, XLRI), B.A. Over 16 years experience in Human Resource in the corporate sector. Positions held included VP (OD) at Wockhardt Ltd,, Director-Organisationall Effectiveness ct Pfizer Ltd, Country HR Head at DHL Worldwide Express, etc. 17 years of academic experience, including 11 years as faculty at XLRI, and positions such as Dean (Academics) and HOD-O8B Area at XLRI, ‘and Executive Director, Academy of HRD, Ahmedabad. Areas of interest - Organisation Development, ‘Organisational Behaviour, Change Management, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Personal Growth and Effectiveness. Prof, D'Souza Oscar J. PGDIISe (CEDTHISC), MMM (JBIMS), M.Sc, B.Se. ‘Over 30 years of corporate experience and over 10 years of experience in academia. He routinely Participates in the Doing Business in India programme for SPJIMR. Besides SPJIMR, he has taught at SPJCM. Dubai and Singapore. Areas of interest - IT Strategy, IT Business Development, IT Consulting Management, Enterprise Systems (ERP, BPR, BPM) Information Management, ‘Marketing Management, Customer Relationship ‘Management, Business Process Outsourcing ond Off- shoring, Supply Chain Management, Digital Strategy, Business Transformation Dr. George Sajeev Abraham Ph.D. (IT B), M.Tech, B.Tech, 2 years of experience in teaching and research Areas of interest - Operations and Supply Chain ‘Management, Service Operations Management Prof. Jagasia Jyoti ME. (BITS, Pilani), B.Sc (Tech,)- Electronics Engg., B.Sc. (Maths) 19 years of industry experience in information technology including 5 years in e-learning. Over 5 years of academic experience. Areas of interest -IT services, Knowledge ‘Management, e-business, Project Management 24 Dr. Jayakumaor Tulsi Ph.D., M.Phil. (Eco.), MBA (Mktg), M.A. 22 years of academic experience across India. Was Faculty Incharge of the Sarla Anil Modi School of Economies, NMIMS University Areas of interest - Macroeconomics, Behavioral Economics, CSR Prof. Jayaraman R. MBA (IIMA), MS (Met. Engg.)- University of British Columbia, Canada, B.Tech (Met. Engg.) IIT 8, Diploma in Production Management 33 years of industry experience across various Tata Group companies including 20 years in Tata Steel in several positions and 3 years in Tata Teleservices as Sr. VP (Technology } and Chief Safety Officer. Over 3 years of academic experience. Has assessed more than 60 companies worldwide in Business Excellence - both the Malcolm Baldrige and EFQM models. Nominated for the "Best Change Agent” award by Tata Communications. Areas of interest - Operations Management, Business Excellence, TOM, Balanced Score Cards, Operations ‘and Corporate Strategy, Performance Leadership, Lean Management, World Class Manufacturing Prof. Joshi Rukaiya MPhil, DMS, M.Com, B.Com Over 36 years of academic experience including being the HOD of Commerce Department at D.G. Ruparel college, PG and M.Phil. Faculty and member of Board of Studies in Commerce with ‘Mumbai University. Is « faculty at SPJIMR since 2006 in the area of soft skills development. Has been ‘associated with several NGO's/ Social Trusts like Yuva Grom Project, MDACS ete. ‘Areas of interest - Soft Skills Development, Development Sector Management, Training and Consulting, Gandhian Studies, Gita and Management Dr. Karmakar K.G. Ph.D. (Management), MFM, B.Sc. 36 years of banking and consulting experience and 8 years of academic experience. Was the Managing Director at NABARD, Assistant Director (MSD) at RB) ‘and Chairman of NABCONS. Is presently the Chairman of MCX-Investor Protection Fund since March 2014 and is alzo on the Boards of several trusts. ‘Areas of interest - Development Studies, CSR, Rural Banking and Credit, Micro Finance, Research and Innovations in Rural Development, Financial Inclusion Prof. Krishna Malay MBA (Vanderbilt University, Nashville), M.Tech, (Biochemical Engineering, IT Delhi) 14 years of industry experience including PNC Bank (USA), McKinsey & Co. (USA), Citibank (USA, UK, India), Over 3 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - Strategy, Marketing Research Prof. Kulkarni Bindu PGDM ( SPJIMR), BE. (Comp. Se.) 7 years of industry experience in turnkey power project Industry. 10 years academic experience, including teaching, programme co-ordination, alumni relations ‘and admissions. Areas of interest - Business Simulations, St egy Prof. Lakshminarayan Stivatsan CFA (USA), ACA, M.Sc. Finance with Distinction (SOAS, Univ. of Londen), B.Com. (Univ. of Mumbai) 14 years of industry experience across internal and external audit, project management, risk management, financial control and product control primarily in financial services and banking in India and the UK. Currently pursuing Ph.D. from Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, SOAS, University of London, UK. Srivatsan is Dorab Tota Scholar and a SOAS Doctoral Scholar. Areas of interest - Organizational Economics, Applied ‘Microeconomics, Corporate Finance and Financial Markets Prof. Lalwani Suresh M.Com., CALIB. 17 years of banking experience including experience ‘as Fund Manager & Chief Dealer (Money Markets) in Corporate Treasury. 5 years as Group Head- Money Markets with L&T Group. 12 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - Financial Markets, Banking, Financial Derivatives, Treasury Management, Credit Derivatives, Financial Analysis, Dr. Mallik Debasis Ph.D. (Environmental Economics), M.Se. (Eeo.), B.Sc. (Hons.) 20 years in academics. Has been with SPJIMR since 2004, Prior to SPJIMR, has worked as a consultant in Center for Analytical Finance at Indian School of Business and as a faculty at ICFAl Business School, Hos undertaken various consultancy assignments for large companies and family managed businesses. ‘Areas of interest - Quantitative Modeling, Conflict ‘Management in Family Businesses, Water Management 25 Dr. Mattoo Niria Ph.D., MSW, International course on Advocacy Policy from School of International Training (SIT) World Learning U.S. 15 years of industry experience. Positions hell included Executive Director at CASP-Pune, Project Director at CASP-PLAN etc. Is a Trustee of Jai Ho Trust cond several other NGOs. 12 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - CSR, Resource Mobilization, Ageing, Gender, Training and Social Entrepreneurship Dr. Mody Pallavi PhD. (Eco.), MPhil, MA. 16 years as a Consulting Economist with K.R. Choksey Shares and Securities. 30 years of academic experience. Also Coordinator for “Doing Business in India” programme at SPJIMR, Areas of interest - Macroeconomic Analysis Dr. Narain Uma Fullbright Fellow, Ph.D., M.A. Over 30 years experience in academics at post graduate and graduate level. Over 10 years in Managerial Skill Development Programme for MBAs. ‘Areas of interest - General Management Dr. Narayanan Radhika PhD, MBA (Mig), B.Com. Over 15 years of industry experience with American Express Bank, Dun & Bradstreet, Finclex Cables, NIIT. 6 years of academic experience. Areas of interest « Luxury Management, Business Plans, Business Communication and Negotiation Dr. Niranjan Indu Ph.D., ACWA, MPhil, M.Com. 20 years of experience in areas of cost audit, corporate training, consulting as subject matter expert cond teaching. ‘Areas of interest - Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis and Corporate Finance Prof. Palekar S.K. MMS (Marketing), M.Sc. (Physics), 34 years of sales and marketing experience at front level, middle level and chief executive levels in reputed companies like P&G, Cadbury, MRF, Onida, Balzara ‘ond Eureka Forbes. Serves on the boards of public limited companies and on the governing boards of industry bodies. Is a trustee of an NGO called "Yuva Parivartan” which is in vocationall and livelihoods training. Over 6 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - Strategie Marketing, Service Marketing, Sales & Distribution, Customer Acquisition, Key Account Management Dr. Patinaik R.K. Ph.D. (Eco), IIT B 25 years with RBI with the last position being Chief General Manager (Adviser). Was a Consultant Economist with Axis bank, MEDC, ADB etc. 9 years of ‘academic experience. Areas of interest - Macro Economics, International Economies, Financial Market, Banking Dr. Prasad Aji Ph.D., M.Se., MA, 17 years of industry experience. Positions held Included Independent Director at Power Finance Corp., Chief Economist at SAIL, 5 years in Planning Commission Over 18 years in academics including MDI Gurgaon, IMI Delhi, London Schoo! of Economics, IIM Raipur (Dean). Consulting experience with the public and private sector undertakings including SAIL, MOIL, IOCL, HPCL L&T, Maruti Suzuki India Lid, Hero Honda, Apollo Tyres ete Areas of interest - Strategy & CSR Prof. Rao M.S. PGDBA (IM A), BE. (NIT Bhopal) 31 years of industry experience including being a CEO of a multi-national telecom services company. 14 years of academic experience. Is a mentor and advisor to new ventures and aspiring entrepreneurs. ‘Areas of interest - Entrepreneurship and Marketing Dr. Sharma Ashita Aggarwal Ph.D., PGDM (Mktg), MMM, B.A. (Hons.) Eco. 5.5 years of industry experience in marketing strategy, product development, business development at IMS Learning Resources and Reliance Communications. Conducted marketing research projects for organizations including Maruti, HP & Samsung. 9 years of academic experience in teaching marketing courses ‘and involvement in international relations, accreditation, institutional branding andl communications. Areas of interest - Strategic Branding, Marketing ‘Communications, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy Dr. Sharma Suneel Ph.D., M.Se.(Tech,, BITS Pilani), PG in Certified ‘Academic Practice (Lancaster University, London), 5 years of industry experience and 14 years of academic experience encompassing teaching, research ‘and consulting. Is an Associate of Higher Education ‘Acailemy, York, UK Areas of interest - Information Systems, Entrepreneurship 26 Dr. Srivastava Ravikesh UGC Junior & Senior Research Fellow, Ph.D. (Production Economics), M.Se. (Agr Economics) 25 years of experience in teaching, research, consultancy, MDPs and academic administration. Prior to joining SPJIMR, has been a faculty at IIM Lucknow, FORE School of Management etc. and has developed & conducted 27 Management Development Programmes. Has participated in Curriculum development workshop on Rural Development for South Asian Countries, sponsored by World Bank. ‘Areas of interest - Economics, Research and Strategy, International Business Prof. Sivaraman Vasant PGDM (Finance IIM C) 16 years of industry experience in Corporate and Investment Banking with ING Barings, Inclosuez, HSBC, Citibank ete. Was Director- Investment Banking ot ING. Barings and also Vice President- Corporate Finance in a large pharma company. Over 10 years of academic experience. ‘Areas of interest - Strategy & Finance Prof. Tahora Surya Equivalent Ph.D. in Vedanta & Sanskrit — (AVG, Coimbatore), Doctorate Pharmaceutical Sciences- (Paris University, France), MBA (IAE Aix, France), INSEAD Executive Training Program (France) 14 years of industry experience encompassing sales, marketing, strategic planning and international business development. 7 years as an independent teacher and writer in Human Development & Indian Philosophy. Has been conducting conferences and seminars in Asia and Europe and authored various articles and books in the domain of Personal Development and Spirituality. Areas of interest - Indian Philosophy, Human Development, Ethies, Neurosciences and Modern Physics Dr. Thakur Rakhi Pho. (Mktg.), MBA, PGOGMT (NIFT), B.Sc. (Computer Science) Over 13 years of industry experience with various organizations including ICICI Prudential, Tata Consultancy Services, Shoppers Stop and KSA, Technopak. Over 3 years of academic experience os a profestor of marketing, ‘Areas of interest - Marketing Strategy, International Marketing, Consumer Behavior and E-commerce. Dr. Upadhyay Joi Prakash Pho. (IT Delhi, MBA, B.S (Hons) 25 years of industry experience in various roles in public sector organizations and UNDP. Has led large public delivery systems, worked as UNDP Advisor/ Consultant in India andl abroad and been Director of @ government training academy. 8 years in academies as faculty and Director in a B-School ‘Area of Interest - Human Resource Development & Organisational Behaviour Dr. Vaidya Anil DBA (UK, MBA (USA), B.Sc. (Tech,), B.Sc., CISA, CISM, 33 years of industry experience in information Technology. Held director level positions in various companies including Philips, Parke-Davis, Rhone-Poulenc 26 years academic experience. ‘Areas of interest - Information Management Dr. Verma Anshul Ph.D. (Management), Ph.D. (Applied Business Economics), PGDM (Finance), M.A. (Economics) 5 years of Industry experience in financial consultancy ‘and over 12 years of academic experience. Was a faculty at Birla Institute of Management Technology for over 11 years. Has conducted sessions in MDPs for various levels of management in public and private sector companies. Areas of interest - Financial Accounting, Cost ‘Management, Derivatives, Risk Management, Corporate Finance ADJUNCT FACULTY Dr. Bahadur Umesh Ph.D. (IT Kharagpur), PGD8M (XLRI), B.Sc. Engg. (BHU) Over 30 years experience in Operations, Maintenance, Supply Chain Management. Positions held included Director-Materials at Tata Steel, Director - Supply Chain ‘Management at Ispat Industries. Was also professor ar IIM Lucknow. Areas of interest - Supply Chain Management Prof. Dhand Umesh FDP (IIMA), MBA, B.Com, 19 years of corporate experience across industries like fashion, luxury, FMCG, e-commerce and retail with companies like Aditya Birla Group, Shoppers’ Stop and Burlingtion's s an investor and director at an e-commerce venture. Has undertaken consulting ‘assignments with several SMEs and large organizations. Is an advisor & consultant to Family Managed Businesses. Over 8 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - Strategy, Marketing, Retail, Family Managed Businesses 7 Prof. Ghadiyar Nitin MMS (Mktg), B.A. (Eco. & Statistics) 35 years of industry and academic experience. Held director and CEO level positions in various companies Including Strides Arcolabs Ltd,, Dabur (India) Lid Johnson and Johnson, Reckitt Piramal and Parke Davis (India). Is currently on the Board of a FMCG major as Director. ‘Areas of interest - Marketing, Strategy Prof. Iyer Raghu FCA Over 29 years as a practicing chartered accountant specializing in derivatives accounting, consulting, valuation, assurance. Astociated with SPJIMR since 1995. ‘Areas of interest - Financial Stotement Analysis, Equity Valuation, Sector Specific Equity Analysis, IFRS, Derivatives, Accounting for Derivatives and Financial Instruments Prof. Kulkarni Anil B. PGDM (IM C), B.Sc. 19 years of industry experience and 27 years of academic experience. Was the Director of MICA from 1995-2001. Has consulted several business and non- profit organizations General Management. ‘Areas of interest - Marketing, Development the areas of Marketing and Mr. Maroo Udayan FCA, FCS, B.Com. 35 years of industry experience. Positions held Included CFO at Reliance Communications Ltd., Finance Director and Company Secretary at Gharda Chemicals Lid. Was @ member of committees on Excellence in Financial Reporting and Technical Review of Annual Accounts of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for 2011-12. ‘Areas of Interest - Finance Management, General Management, Strategy, Corporate Governance, CSR Dr. Mazumdar Arup Ph.D. Univ. of South Australia, PGDM (IIMB), B.Sc. (Maths), CAIIB 34 years of industry experience with HSBC and Tata Group 15 years of which as a CEO in their various ‘group companies. le with SPJIMR since September 2012. ‘Areas of interest - Business Research and Problem Definition, Relationship Marketing Prof. Mohan Harsh PG. (International Trade, IFT), 8.£. (Hons, Electronics, BITS Pilani 18 years of industry experience in L&T Ltd, Indicos Computer Services and Datamatics Consultants Ltd 5 years as a Working Partner with Omni Consultants International. Over 19 years of academic experience. Areas of interest ~ International Marketing & Strategy Prof. Murti V. K. PGDMS, PGDMM, B.Com. 24 years experience in setting up Marketing and Sales Distribution networks for medium and small companies inthe business to business domain. Is an investor in and advisor to start ups. Is also @ board member and consultant to several family managed companies. Has been associated with SPJIMR since 1994. Hos extensive experience of teaching in exect education programmes and in-company programmes ‘across industries. Areas of interest ~ Sales & Distribution, Negotiation, Entrepreneurship Prof. Mukhopadhyay Jiban MA. (Eco), B.A. (Hons) 30 years of industry expe! Chief Econo experience, Areas of interest - Applied Economics, Corporate & Strategic Planning, International Business, Corporate Governance, Ethies & Business nce including being the ot Tata Group. 10 years of academic Prof. Nair Latha Grad. CWA, MMS, B.Com. 10 years of industry experience encompassing Costing cond MIS, Budgeting & Budgetary Control, SAP Implementation, ISO Que ouditor. Over 16 years of academic experience Areas of interest = Cost Management & Strategy ty Systems Trainer & Internal Prof. Parameswaran K. Master of Foreign Trade, CAIIB, B.Sc. 40 years of banking experience in branch operations nd international business. Has worked as Corporate Trainer and Adviser for International Trade and Finance. 18 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - International Finance, Foreign Trade Prof. Vatea FCA, B.Com. 30 years as a Principal Partner in a Chartered Accountant firm. Indepenclent Director and Chairman of Audit Committee of SBI Global Factors Lid, since last 8 years. 28 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - Tax, Finance, Audit hargava K. 28 Dr. Yadav Hanstaj Doctorate in Sacred Philosophy (USA), Sahitya Vachaspati, CTYED (The Yoga Institute, Santacruz) Hos been associated with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan since 1958 and with SPJIMR since 2006. Also Director = Bhavan's Yoga Bharati accredited to CYAI ~ USA. Was also ossociated with Income Tax Department, SBI, IDBI, Air India and various colleges from 1958-2005. Was visting faculty at various universities in USA, UK, Hongkong, Japan ete. Was honoured as Yogacharya by Hindy Mahasabha at Allchabad Kumbh Mela in 1959. Is an author of several books. Areas of interest - Yoga Therapy, Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Courses, Self Management Training & Spiritual Development VISITING FACULTY Mr. Damle D.M. FCA, CS, LLM, B.Com, (Hons) 35 years of experience as a practicing Chartered ‘Accountant and in teaching across menagement Institutes and at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Areas of inte st - Accounts, Law, Tax. Mr. Hariharan M. FCA, CWA, B.Com, (Over 23 years of consulting experience and a founder director of « management consultancy firm. Has conducted more than 600 training programs and trained a number of managers on the concept of Lean, Constraints Management and Cost Management. Is a visting faculty at SPJIMR and Great Lakes Institute of ‘Management, Areas of interest - Strategic Cost Management, Constraints Management, Finance, General ‘Management Mr. Joshi Sumit MBA (XLRI), BE. (IT Roorkee) 17 years of experience in Learning & Organisation Development, driving organizational change across multiple industries ete. Positions held inclucled GM — Learning & Development with RPG Group and Assessor for Tata Business Excellence Model. 2 years of academic experi Areas of interest - Organization Behavior, Motivation & Engagement, Leadership, Performance Management Mr. Khullar Prashant EMBA (SPJIMR), B.A. (Hons.) Hospitality Management 16 years of experience in the hospitality industry Is ‘currently Director - Human Resources at Indian Hotels Co. Limited (Tal Hotels Resorts & Palaces) Areas of interest - Human Resources & Strategy Dr. Madhok Satvinder DMS, MS. 18 years of IT Industry experience having worked in United States and India. Currently working as an Executive Director Asiapac Technology in JP Morgan Chase. In addition, he has more than 10 years of Post Graduate Management and Engineering teaching experience while continuing corporate career. Areas Of Interest- Business Communication, IT Governance and Risk, International Business Mr. Manvi Vinod MMS, BE. (Industrial Engg.) Is Vice President Operations and the Principal Consultant for Strategic Initiatives with @ management ‘consultancy firm. He has alzo headed corporate strategy and marketing for one of the fastest growing SME's in Ini Areas of interest - Operations Mr. Moradian Boman MMS (Operations), BE. (Mech), 39 years of industry experience including 26 years of consultancy in productivity improvements, especially turnaround of sick companies. Independent Director on Board of Directors of Garware Polyester Lid. and Essel Propack Ltd. Conducted over 200 training programmes on Productivity Improvement for corporates. 37 years of academic experience. ‘Areas of interest ~ Operations Mr. Mukadam, BAA. (Eco.), Diploma in Advertising 35 years of industry experience encompassing contultancy, mentor to start-up ventures, digital evangelist, marketing research and advertising. 30 years of academic experience. Areas of interest - Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship Dr. Rane Suhas Ph.D., MFM, BE, 28 years of industry experience in various companies including Pidilite Industries, Tata Motors, Mahindra: & Mahindra Lid. 14 years of academic experience in various B- Schools in India and abroad. Areas of interest - Operations & Supply Chain ‘Management FACULTY ASSOCIATES Ms. Chawla Karishma FCA, B.Com. 6 years industry experience in corporate financial ‘accounting and audit. 9 years of academic experience In research and teaching, ‘Areas of interest - Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance Ms. Gore Ratike, PGDM (SPJIMR), B.Sc. (Hons.), Diploma in Teaching (Cambridge University), Certificate in Training (Singapore Training Board) 16 years of diverse global experience as « lecturer, certified trainer, consultant and business owner including in USA, Singapore, Europe and Philippines. ‘Areas of interest - Business Communication, Entrepreneursi BIIARATIVA VIDYA BHIAVAN'S S.P, Jain Institute of Management & Research Par Ss LAMBA, SeaiM Bhover’s Campus, Munshi Nogr, Doda! Rood, Ander), Mum! 400058, Indo Tals 491-22 2629 0396/ 240%/ 1454 Fs +91 22-2623 7042 Webste: wong

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