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Janne Mntykoski

Advanved programming

Class room exercise 1: answers

1. a) What is the difference between class and object?

A: Class is the type of the object. Object is the actual realization
of the class (variable_type variable_name).
b) When and for what is class constructor used?
A: Its called when object is created. You can initialize class
c) When and for what is class destructor used?
A: Its called when class is destroyed. You can free dynamically
reserved memory.
d) What means public in class declaration?
A: They are visible and accessible from the outside of the
e) What means private in class declaration?
A: They are not visible or accessible from the outside of the
f) What means protected in class declaration?
A: The same as private except they can be inherited

2. a) For what is library iostream needed?

A: Functions cin and cout are in it
b) Why is needed line
using namespace std;
A: To call cout without std::cout. The same for cin
c) What is the name of the class?
class hehe { };
A: hehe
d) What is m?
cout << obj.m;
A: It is a variable of the object obj
e) Is this function declaration or definition?
Variable() { variable_v = 0;};
A: Definition
f) Is this the default constructor?
Variable(int default_value);
A: No. It has a parameter.
g) What is this?
~Variable() {};
A: Class destructor of class variable
h) Is this function declaration or definition?
bool setVariable(int new_value);
A: Declaration

Janne Mntykoski

Advanved programming

i) What is the type of function return value and parameter?

bool setVariable(int new_value);
A: Return value is boolean (false, true). Parameter is new_value
with type int
j) What is the class name? Function name?
bool Hehe::setVariable(int new_value) { }
A: Class name is Hehe and function name is setVariable
k) What is the name of the class? Name of the object?
Variable obj1(250);
A: Class name is Variable and object name is obj1
l) Is default or parameterized constructor used?
Variable obj1(250);
A: Parameterized constructor
m) Is default or parameterized constructor used?
Variable obj2;
A: Default constructor
n) What does this do?
cout << "The initial value of obj1 is " << obj1.getValue() << endl;
A: It calls the getValue function of object obj1 and prints it
return value
o) What does this do?
A: Will wait for ENTER

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