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Barrie and Graham 1

Salmata Barrie and Sara Graham
Bethany Smith
Honors English II
1 December 2015
The Microscopic Assassin
Deep in the depths of the forest a danger to humanity is festering once again to wreak
havoc on mankind. This worldwide antagonist is known to man as Ebola. Ebola is an infectious
and lethal disease. The recent outbreak of Ebola has caused unspeakable harm, afflicting not only
Africa but the whole world, and requires a global effort to minimize its aftermath.
The most deadly killers cant always be seen with the naked eye. Ebola is one of these
predators. This severe disease causes a viral hemorrhagic fever (Willett 4). The most recent
outbreak started in Sierra Leone in March of 2014, with an average fatality rate of thirty-nine
percent, which spread to Liberia and Guinea (Cook). Although this is the largest outbreak of
Ebola ever recorded, past occurrences have reached fatality rates of ninety percent. Reportedly
thirty thousand men and women of all ages were infected by the recent outbreak (Davieson 17).
However, it does not stop at human beings. Ebola also infects nonhuman primates such as
monkeys & chimpanzees (Willett 4). Ebola is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids.
Early symptoms include sweating and headaches, with muscle and body pain that can lead to
vomiting, fatigue, and dehydration. Many victims near death become helpless and begin shaking
with external bleeding usually coming from the mouth (This Ebola). The virus has heavily
impacted the West African region and caused devastating aftermath.

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When someone becomes severely ill, they are likely taken to a hospital. However, little
do people know that bringing an Ebola patient to a hospital could actually cause more harm than
good. The poor social and economic conditions in the African countries where it [Ebola] occurs
mean the hospitals and other health-care facilities actually help spread the disease (Willett 5).
Many health care workers die during Ebola outbreaks, which causes a domino effect as the loss
of workers leads to even more civil unrest (Willett 58). This also may cause distrust between
doctors and patients especially when patients acquire the virus at a hospital. Thus, less people to
go to the hospital in the future for treatment (Willett 57). However, Ebola victims who dont seek
professional help could infect their whole family in one day (Davieson 5). This can occur when a
family prepares a diseased body for burial because the virus still lingers in the body fluids of the
victim (The Politics). People who become aware that their deceased family member was
afflicted with Ebola stop taking part in traditional, ritualistic washing of the dead for fear of
catching the deadly virus (Willett 59). Ebola survivors are often shunned and many family
members wont go near them. (Willett 61). The virus itself is not completely isolated within
culturally guided West Africa. Ebola has touched the Democratic republic of the Congo, Gabon,
Sudan, the Ivory Coast, Uganda, even England, and the United States (Willet 4). Therefore, mass
global efforts to minimize the disease have taken place accordingly.
The fear and anxiety of Ebola continues to motivate people in Africa and around the
globe to find a solution. EBOVAC-Salone has initiated Phase I and Phase II studies that are
being conducted across the United States, Europe, and Africa to accelerate the development of a
vaccine regimen (Johnson). Janssens Ebola prime-boost vaccine regimen is also under way.
Volunteers in the study will first be given the AdVac dose to prime their immune system, and

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then the MVA-BN dose two months later to boost their immune response (Johnson).
Janssens procedure is aiming to strengthen and optimize the duration of immunity. All of these
attempts have provided a significant step towards figuring out how to stop all viruses from
replicating (Ghayourmanesh). Prevention measures are being carried out in West Africa to keep
another outbreak, or virus from taking over the undeveloped region.
To minimize the effects of future outbreaks, prevention measures must be take place as
soon as first cases appear. Significant investment has been made to establish the first emergency
room at the Kambia District Hospital, build a new vaccine storage facility on site, and employ
and train first responders (Johnson). On November 7th 2015, Sierra Leone was declared free of
Ebola. Sierra Leone had gone forty two days without any new case of Ebola - the benchmark set
by the world health body before an affected country could be declared free of the virus (This
Ebola). Keeping in mind that the incubation period for Ebola is twenty-one days, it is essential
that people stay cautious. Doctors can prevent potential spreading by wearing protective
clothing, using sterilized equipment, and isolating infected patients. Doctors can treat symptoms
by balancing patients fluid and electrolytes, making sure that they are getting enough oxygen,
keeping up their blood pressure, & treating any secondary infections (Willett 5). Despite all of
the funding being put towards research and prevention, there is still no licensed vaccine,
treatment, or cure for Ebola.
Over the past century, the earth has come to know a microscopic assassin by the name of
Ebola. This imperceptible virus has manifested itself to reach many parts of the globe altering
not only the exterior but also the fragile interior. Due to its frequency, people have begun to

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acknowledge the virus and propose ways to prevent its spread. In spite of hardworking efforts,
Ebola still lingers, demolishing everything in its path.

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Works Cited
Cook, Nicolas, and Tiaji Salaam-Blyther. "Ebola: 2014 Outbreak in West Africa."
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs. Washington, DC:
Congressional Research Service, 2014. Student Edition. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.
Davieson, Adrian. Ebola. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. Print
Ghayourmanesh, Soraya, PhD, and H. Bradford, MD Hawley. "Ebola Virus." MagillS
Medical Guide (Online Edition) (2015): Topic Overviews 6-12. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.
"Johnson & Johnson Announces Start of Clinical Trial of Ebola Vaccine Regimen in Sierra
Leone." PR Newswire 9 Oct. 2015. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.
"The Politics Behind the Ebola Crisis [document]." Africa News Service 28 Oct. 2015.
Student Edition. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.
"This Ebola Outbreak is Over but Not Quite - The Time is Now to Assist Sierra Leone's
Recovery Programme [opinion]." Africa News Service 11 Nov. 2015. Student Edition.
Web. 13 Nov. 2015.
Willett, Edward. Ebola Virus. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2003. Print.

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I. Introduction
A. Definition/Explanation
B. Statistics
II. Harmful Effects
A. Effects On Africa
B. Global Impact
III. Solutions
A. Clinical Trials
B. How to Minimize the Problem
IV. Conclusion

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