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Us Conductors

NGO Research Assignment

World Organization Against Torture.

They tortured us with blunt instruments: hunger, exhaustion, despair.
Twice a day we were led down the corridor to a small yard. For twenty
minutes we sat on the gravel with a morsel of dry fish and a square of
brown bread.(Michaels 242)
World Organization Against Torture (WOAT) fights against torture,
summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment. When Lev was getting interrogated,
the polices behaviour violated a number of human rights such as article
5 and article 9. WOAT could protect Lev by providing personalised
medical, legal and/or social assistance.

Canadian Human Rights International

There was neither a bed nor bench and all the walls were strafed with
rows of iron nails, pointed outward. The nails were to prevent a prisoner
from leaning against anything. (239)
Canadian Human Rights International Organization (CHRIO) monitors
human rights abuses and also protects victims of human rights
violations. Levs right to a standard of living was seriously violated
during his time in interrogation which can turn into a problem if he got
injured while being innocent.

Amnesty International Canada

Finally, i stopped. i swallowed and shook my head and as if waking
from a dream, i said: I was a foreign agent. (244)
This quote portrays how cruelly Lev was treated in the prison. They
tortured him so much that they broke his will to tell the truth. He lies
just so they would stop torturing him. Amnesty International Canada
visits prisoners to ensure that the conditions in the prison are well and
reports back to the government officials. Considering what Lev was
going through, they would potentially take immediate action so help

Works Cited
About OMCT." / OMCT. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
"What We Do." What We Do. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.
"Who We Are." Canadian Human Rights International Organization. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.
Michaels, Sean. Us Conductors: In Which I Seek the Heart of Clara Rockmore, My One True
Love, Finest Theremin Player the World Will Ever Know. Print.
"Refworld | Universal Declaration of Human Rights." Refworld. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

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