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Patient Relations

January 8, 2016

2401 South 31st Street
Temple, TX 76508

Mr. Brent McCain

1137 Trails End Road
Bruceville, TX 76630

Sent via :.:egistered and regular mail:

7015 1520 0003 5153 6231

Dear Mr. McCain,

It has been brought to the attention of this office that you continue to visit the property of Baylor Scott &
White Health (BSW). You have been witnessed videotaping BSW staff members without their knowledge or
permission. You are not allowed to video tape anyone without their written consent to do so. Furthermore it
was discovered that you are posting these individuals on the Internet with defamatory comments such as
"Scott & White - Evil Empire ... " Your vendetta with Baylor Scott & White Health will no longer be

In a letter dated May 22, 2014, Baylor Scott & White Health sent a clear message that your actions constitute
harassment in violation of Texas Penal Code 42.07. You were specifically instructed to immediately cease:
1) Contacting Baylor Scott & White Health regarding billing practices; 2) Issuing or causing to be issued
harassing, abusive, defamatory, slanderous or libelous communications to third parties regarding our billing
practice, to include any type of social media. We informed you that if you failed to immediately comply w-ith
this request and continued with your conduct, we would pursue all legal remedies available, including filing a
criminal complaint against you for harassment and/ or termination of your patient status at Baylor Scott &
White H ealth. Your actions over the past few weeks have proven that you have not taken our instructions

Eff~btiv'e'immediately,'"vou are bahned from any Baylor Scot~ & White l iealth facility. If you are

~tlt~-~s~d ~n this. prop~rty or any BSW property, we will noti~v law erifotcC'ni'e nt and bring criminal
trespass charges against you. Y mi will cease and desist producing and p osting any type of Social
Media campai~ involving video of BSW staff members unless you can p roduce a signed consent
forffi: from the BSW staff members you :hav~ recorded. You will remove any and all videos of BSW
staff inembers _that have already been posted to the Internet. You have until January 18, 2016 to
d~~p.n;>tra!,~ . -~~!npli~nc.e 'jn order to avoid BSW contacting local autho rities to file a criminal
c0-mpl3fnt agairist you for harassment.
:.~- '

Tl:1a~k' you for your cooperation.






Bill Selby
Manage, D epartrrient of Patient Relations

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