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| Meeting called by Kelly Shields

Attending Board Members: Kelly Shields, President | Krislyn Holaday-Wondrachek, Vice-President | Kimberly
Sherwood, Treasurer | Sarah Nygard, Secretary
Number of attended people: 8 people


Welcome and Introductions



Old Business


A. Past Events/On-going
1. Staff Appreciation-PFC event, the event went great. Soup and salad
was provided to the staff.
2. Panera-PFC made $87.33 for our event on November 12th
3. Cookies for teachers: we provided cookies to the teachers, however
we were low on donations and needed to purchase additional items.
We did a survey that was pretty 50/50 on if teachers and staff wanted
to participate in this for next year.
B. Journey Into the Arts-Jodi has emailed them to inquire available dates for
next year..

New Business
A. SIT Topic Review-Board met last week to get some different ideas for
upcoming SIT topics. Amy Fare discussed that she did reach out to
district to inquire Common Core topic. She mentioned that this is
political issue and preferred that we do an open forum on How to
support our child at home type topics.
February- Open Forum for PFC possibly What is Lock In?, What are the
responsibilities of volunteering for positions like: President, Vice
March- Love and Logic w/David Funk (Director of Student Services)
April-Race to Nowhere
B. Volunteer positions
1. Review positions Kim Shingledecker is volunteering for Lock In and
Dawn Fink for HID
2. Pickle Pond- this is still open
3. Vice President and President ( the Vice President positions stands now:
Krislyn is on the ballot for school board and is she does get elected she
will need to step down off the PFC Board. Kelly Shields would like to
vacate her position as President for next year as well.
Side note that was discussed was How do we get more people to attend
the PFC meetings and get more people involved. Should we develop a
survey on how can we get more parents to attend the PFC
Could we do a skype or live conference for parents in the future? We will


be looking into this for future use and Amy Fare will follow up with the
communications department.
C. Upcoming Events
1. Box Tops 1/4 -2/12
2. Scrip- January 22nd
3. Movie Night- January 22nd
4. School Board Meeting- January 25th 7:00
5. Friendship Party- February 12th


Treasurers Report



Principals Report: OL has hired a new Special Ed teacher who starts officially

Amy Fare

This coming Monday.

Last Fridays school assembly was geared to foster school communities and look
at area where we need to talk about. The students also had done some
community building games. The next assembly will be in February where the
teachers have mentioned to do an ALL school 100 day celebration for the
Our district was proposed new opportunity partnering with the New Berlin
Junior Womens Club. They will be visiting New York, NY to develop an adaptive
playground at Malone Park. They would like New Berlin Public schools to be
involved in the plans. A few of our teachers will be meeting with them to be our
Orchard Lane representative. They will work with the teachers on lessons to teach
the students. They will also be working with an architect on these playgrounds
plans. When she gets more information on this she will update us.

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Open Forum-Next Fundraising Restaurant night is at Applebees- Feb 15th. This is Kelly
the Applebees by Marcus Ridge Cinema.
Update on Makers Cart Amy Fare visited some other schools to evaluate what
other schools are doing for our Star time the teachers wanted to have that
earmark time in a different space. Possibly building different kits where they
would be checked out at the Library. Mrs. Fare mentioned that we are aiming to
start this off in Fall time for next year. Question was asked if we have a Gifted
and Talented programs. Amy Fare said Yes, and gave an update on that program
TAG program.
Odyssey of the Mind would like to do a school assembly, Kelly Shields will follow
up with Mrs. Fare on that.
Kelly Shields brought up an opportunity on February 6th in Pewaukee, WI an
upcoming event called 2016 Cool Stuff for kids Fair for ages 4-18.


Adjournment at 7:33 PM


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