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Jawaban UH 3 Bahasa Inggris

Firyal Salsabila Hajidah

1. Danar s hobby is playing games .
Andi : Look , The boy over there . Is he Daniar ?
Dani : Yeah I see him . He is playing a game.
Andi : His Hobby is playing game.
Dani : Yes You are right , When I saw him at mall yesterday , He was playing
a game.
Andi : I am sure when you meet him next time , he will be playing a game
because he always use his free time to play a game.
Present simple
: He is playing a game.
Past simple
: He was playing a game.
Future simple
: He will be playing a game
2. A) Now he is studying for the final exam.
B) When his mother asked him to accompany her to the shop, he said Im
sorry mom I have to study, so I cant accompany you to the shop..
C) Maybe he will be stay at home and study.
3. We usually have heavy rain on November February in Surabaya , but now
the sun is shining brightly, yesterday was very hot day that I ever felt , the sun
shone at whole day . There is no cloud until now maybe tomorrow the sun will
be shining brightly like this time.
4. A. Dont call me at 8 oclock. I will be watching Deal or No Deal at TV
B. I ran so fast that my heart beats really hard.
C. Andi

: Whats wrong? You look worried.

: Im just seeking for my cat, I havent seen it all day.

D. Lastri

: What are you doing tomorrow at that time of the day?


: Well I dont know, perhaps I will be in my bedroom.

E. Dad never lets us play in the street when its dark

5. Sekar usually go to course every Wednesday. But last week she didnt go to
course because she went to Bandung. Maybe tomorrow she will go to course.

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