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Cruz, Kimberly

Period 6 Economics
Current Event Obama in Oregon: Strong feelings about preventing next shooting
So, It was a week after a gunman killed nine people and including himself at Umpqua
Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, and president Barack Obama met with survivors and
with grieving families behind closed doors on Friday. Obama said on his speech that there are
gonna be moments as we go forward where we are going to have to come together and figure out
how do we stop things like this from happening, Sometimes when you just think about it, it can
be your child or someone elses child that is going through this incident.

Even before the President set foot in Oregon on Friday, the news broke of two other campus
shootings leaving one dead and three wounded at Northern Arizona University, as well as one
dead in an apartment complex near Texas Southern University.

Obama said that he has been clear where he stands on gun control. Following last weeks tragedy,
he gave his 15th response to a mass shooting since taking office, blasting congress for its
unwillingness to act on gun control and saying gun violence is something that should be
politicized. These lasts remarks advocating to stricter gun control laws are causing problems for
many in the small conservative two of Roseburg, who disagree with the President on gun control
and dont want him to visit.


First, I believe that guns are not weapons, they are tools. How they are used is up to the person
holding it. Guns themselves cant do anything it is the person with the gun that decides where the
bullet goes. Gun control will not stop violence because that person doesnt need a gun to be
violent. Taking guns away from violent people will not make them less violent. It might make
them more violent. Violent people is no more than just taking one out of a thousand more ways
to hurt, rob, or kill you. Guns do not kill people.

People kill people! the gun is merely a tool to accomplish this end just as an ax, a hammer, a
knife, baseball bat or whatever else is in handy to the person who wants to kill. The media is
permeated with violence. People watch television; especially young people. Eliminating guns
will not eliminate killing. Changing the mind set will, however.

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