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Language Acquisition Reflection Week 6

What I learnt was that Piaget’s stages of learning. Sensory; motor

stage, intuitive or pre-operational stage, concrete operational stage and
formal operational stage. He saw cognitive development as a process
of maturation. On the other hand, Bruner supports the process of
education is at least as important as a key to transferring what was
learnt from one situation to another. And Bruner added three different
modes thinking enactive, iconic and symbolic to Piaget’s theory.

I suppose I need to revise my knowledge as I have difficulty in

remembering. I think, I should spare much more time for it.

I believe I may use in these information my teaching because

without taking students biological stages into consideration, I cannot
teach them anything. If I know their stages, I’ll teach according to
them so they’ll learn easily.

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