Artifact Reflection 2

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Artifact Reflection - Senior Capstone Project

Name:Jos Garcia



Name of Journey: My Belief

Race should not be the determining factor in how we are treated.

Explain your artifact final product and ALL the steps you took to create it.
My final product was a lay out of a face filled in with different flags to represent different races. I printed out
the layout of a face because after many failed attempts I could not draw one nice enough. I then colored in
seven different country flags. The flags consisted of China, Israel, Mexico, Canada, USA, Jamaica, and Japan.

What is the most important thing you learned during this process?
The most important thing that I learned was that there is more than just one race out there that gets
discriminated because of where they come from. Every race gets treated differently in other countries that they
go to. There are a lot of people that suffer from the disadvantages of the discrimination of their race.

Explain the significance of your artifact and how it connects to the narrative.

What do you wish you had spent more time on or done dierently?
I wish that I had spent more time figuring out exactly what I was going to say. When I presented, I had an idea
of what I wanted to say, but I had not yet clearly developed the words for those ideas. I just wish I was better
prepared for when it was my turn to present.

What did you find most challenging during this task?

The thing that I found most challenging was trying to find an artifact to represent my belief. Since race is an
overall general topic, I had to be careful in what I said and how I said it. It took me a long time to finally come
up with an idea to represent my belief. Another difficult challenge was thinking of what I was going to say when
it was my turn to present.

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