FunctionsOfParliamentInAction Worksheet

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The Functions of the Parliament in Action - work sheet

Using a straight line, match each of the Functions of the
Queensland Parliament to one of the examples of those functions.

On Tuesday, the Member

for Bunton will speak in
Parliament about
vandalism in schools.
Five other Members will
also speak about this

All students
must attend
school until
the age of 15


I am the Member for

Primrose. I am here
to represent all the
people in my electorate.


1. To represent the
citizens of Queensland
2. To provide the
Government of the day
3. To make laws

In Question Time, the

Member for Littleton
asked the Government
why licences for duck
farming had risen so
dramatically. The
people wanted to know!

The 2004 election results

show that the Busy-Bee
party won 52 of the 89
seats in the Queensland

The Queensland
Government will be
spending $2.3
million on a new
hospital in Sunnyville.

4. To grant money to the

Government to govern
5. To question the Government
about its policies and actions
6. To discuss and debate
important matters concerning
the people of Queensland

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