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Frank Pardue

Elements Found in M ovements

January 7, 2010

Ten Universal Elements Found in

Church Planting Movements
These 10 elements were found in all the Church Planting Movements studied around the
world. While it may be possible to have a Church Planting Movement (or Discipleship
Movements) without them, we have yet to see this occur. Note the evaluation questions. Are
these elements present in your work?


Prayer is the first pillar in the evangelism, church-planting strategy and a vital part of the
leaders personal life. The person who brings the gospel to others is a person of prayer.
Skills come later. Prayer is modeled by the leader for new believers so that they will also
become people of prayer.
How much time are you spending in prayer personally?


How many people are praying regularly for your people group?

Abundant Gospel ____________

Sharing links leaders to the __________. Just as a tree drops hundreds of seeds to plant
one seedling, so broad gospel sowing is needed. If one sows sparingly, he/she reaps
sparingly. Spreading of the message often relies heavily upon mass media evangelism,
but always includes personal evangelism.
It is also important that the message is ______________________ to its hearers.
Bold witnessing may lead to _________________; but in CPM movements, leaders are
unintimidated by government or societal forces.
How many people are hearing the Gospel each month in your target people group
or city?


_______________ Church Planting(or starting discipleship groups)

Evangelism and follow-up is not the end goal. Ones strategy must involve deliberate
church planting/cells/ discipleship groups.

Explain how you have started a deliberate or intentional strategy to plant churches
that plant churches?


Scriptural ____________
What keeps groups from splintering into hundreds of groups? The key is leading
disciples to find the answer in scripture themselves. It must be clear that their actions and
plans must come from the authority of the Bible and the lordship of Christ, not the leader.
The Bible should be in heart language of people - either orally (for non-literates) or in
written form. If the Bible is the clear authority for the believers doctrine, church, and
_______, it allows disciples to grow at their own pace.
Many of the unreached are _____________ and are taught through memorization, Bible
storying, audio-visual methods (like Jesus film), songs, etc.

Rate the authority of Scripture among your people group in the chart below:

Important but not emphasized




Are lay people doing the church planting or are only the pastors and a few deacons
doing the church planting?

________ Leadership
Lay (or bi-vocational) leaders are encouraged because they are like the people in
education/outlook, etc. A group cannot multiply rapidly when dependent on
________________________ leaders.


_________ leadership
Disciplers mentor church planters/group leaders rather than doing the job themselves
through participative Bible studies especially with non-Christian seekers. Foreigners also
make it a point to stay out of the spotlight and do not lead the church/group. They model
the motto: Never do anything yourself modeled after 2 Tim. 2:2.
Turning leadership over to Biblically qualified leaders (see Acts 14:23) avoids setting
standards that are unattainable and emphasizes that all are capable of being used by God.


Unquestioned Authority

Are lay people leading every aspect of the new house churches or does a pastor need
to come to make them truly a church?

___________ or ___________ Churches/Groups

House churches or groups of ____________ members are emphasized, or cell churches:
Larger churches composed of many small cells. These groups provide better
accountability and can be more effective in evangelism. Leadership is also more
manageable. Meeting in homes help allow the group to be closer to the lost and may help
avoid persecution

Frank Pardue


What have you done (or what are you planning to do) to train the new churches/
groups to plant and train another church/group? Do the new churches/groups know
how to train other churches to plant churches? (Is the training of the new churches to
plant more churches dependent on you being the one to train them?)

Rapid _________________
Leaders recognize a sense of ___________ and importance of coming to faith in Christ.
Churches expect to reproduce rapidly. The goal is not to grow large.


Do you know how to train people to lead house churches? Describe how you teach a
new believer how to lead a house church.

Churches Planting Churches

Believers taught that church planting is normal for all churches/believers and possible
without external aids. This is the real fruit of their effort: The group is able to reproduce
itself. Leaders __________, ___________, and __________ young leaders before
_____________ (MAWL). The leader moves to work with a less reached sector and
begins the process all over again.


Elements Found in M ovements

January 7, 2010

Would the churches/groups you started be considered Rabbit churches (0-6 months
before another church planted), Horse church (6 months 15 months) Elephant
churches (15 months 3 years), or Mule church (no new churches planted)?

Healthy Churches:
Five core functions are in evidence, but may look different than traditional churches
a. Worship Celebrating Gods presence
b. Ministry Demonstrating Gods love.
c. Evangelism Communicating Gods message
d. Fellowship Incorporating into Gods family
e. Discipleship Educating Gods family

What are the weakest areas in the new churches?

Overall, how well are you doing at these 10 Universal elements and what is one thing you
need to go back and change immediately? (Example begin to train lay church planters
once a week)

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